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Specialized mechanical connection between exoskeleton and underlying muscles in arthropods is a complex network of interconnected matrix constituents, junctions and associated cytoskeletal elements, which provides prominent mechanical attachment of the epidermis to the cuticle and transmits muscle tensions to the exoskeleton. This linkage involves anchoring of the complex extracellular matrix composing the cuticle to the apical membrane of tendon cells and linking of tendon cells to muscles basally. The ultrastructural arhitecture of these attachment complexes during molting is an important issue in relation to integument integrity maintenance in the course of cuticle replacement and in relation to movement ability. The aim of this work was to determine the ultrastructural organization of exoskeleton - muscles attachment complexes in the molting terrestrial isopod crustaceans, in the stage when integumental epithelium is covered by both, the newly forming cuticle and the old detached cuticle. We show that the old exoskeleton is extensively mechanically connected to the underlying epithelium in the regions of muscle attachment sites by massive arrays of fibers in adult premolt Ligia italica and in prehatching embryos and premolt marsupial mancas of Porcellio scaber. Fibers expand from the tendon cells, traverse the new cuticle and ecdysal space and protrude into the distal layers of the detached cuticle. They likely serve as final anchoring sites before exuviation and may be involved in animal movements in this stage. Tendon cells in the prehatching embryo and in marsupial mancas display a substantial apicobasally oriented transcellular arrays of microtubules, evidently engaged in myotendinous junctions and in apical anchoring of the cuticular matrix. The structural framework of musculoskeletal linkage is basically established in described intramarsupial developmental stages, suggesting its involvement in animal motility within the marsupium.  相似文献   
The cysteine carboxypeptidase cathepsin X has been recognized as an important player in degenerative processes during normal aging and in pathological conditions. In this study we identify isozymes alpha- and gamma-enolases as targets for cathepsin X. Cathepsin X sequentially cleaves C-terminal amino acids of both isozymes, abolishing their neurotrophic activity. Neuronal cell survival and neuritogenesis are, in this way, regulated, as shown on pheochromocytoma cell line PC12. Inhibition of cathepsin X activity increases generation of plasmin, essential for neuronal differentiation and changes the length distribution of neurites, especially in the early phase of neurite outgrowth. Moreover, cathepsin X inhibition increases neuronal survival and reduces serum deprivation induced apoptosis, particularly in the absence of nerve growth factor. On the other hand, the proliferation of cells is decreased, indicating induction of differentiation. Our study reveals enolase isozymes as crucial neurotrophic factors that are regulated by the proteolytic activity of cathepsin X.  相似文献   
Manipulation of hand posture, such as crossing the hands, has been frequently used to study how the body and its immediately surrounding space are represented in the brain. Abundant data show that crossed arms posture impairs remapping of tactile stimuli from somatotopic to external space reference frame and deteriorates performance on several tactile processing tasks. Here we investigated how impaired tactile remapping affects the illusory self-touch, induced by the non-visual variant of the rubber hand illusion (RHI) paradigm. In this paradigm blindfolded participants (Experiment 1) had their hands either uncrossed or crossed over the body midline. The strength of illusory self-touch was measured with questionnaire ratings and proprioceptive drift. Our results showed that, during synchronous tactile stimulation, the strength of illusory self-touch increased when hands were crossed compared to the uncrossed posture. Follow-up experiments showed that the increase in illusion strength was not related to unfamiliar hand position (Experiment 2) and that it was equally strengthened regardless of where in the peripersonal space the hands were crossed (Experiment 3). However, while the boosting effect of crossing the hands was evident from subjective ratings, the proprioceptive drift was not modulated by crossed posture. Finally, in contrast to the illusion increase in the non-visual RHI, the crossed hand postures did not alter illusory ownership or proprioceptive drift in the classical, visuo-tactile version of RHI (Experiment 4). We argue that the increase in illusory self-touch is related to misalignment of somatotopic and external reference frames and consequently inadequate tactile-proprioceptive integration, leading to re-weighting of the tactile and proprioceptive signals.The present study not only shows that illusory self-touch can be induced by crossing the hands, but importantly, that this posture is associated with a stronger illusion.  相似文献   
Potato production is one of the most important agricultural sectors, and it is challenged by various detrimental factors, including virus infections. To control losses in potato production, knowledge about the virus—plant interactions is crucial. Here, we investigated the molecular processes in potato plants as a result of Potato virus Y (PVY) infection, the most economically important potato viral pathogen. We performed an integrative study that links changes in the metabolome and gene expression in potato leaves inoculated with the mild PVYN and aggressive PVYNTN isolates, for different times through disease development. At the beginning of infection (1 day post-inoculation), virus-infected plants showed an initial decrease in the concentrations of metabolites connected to sugar and amino-acid metabolism, the TCA cycle, the GABA shunt, ROS scavangers, and phenylpropanoids, relative to the control plants. A pronounced increase in those metabolites was detected at the start of the strong viral multiplication in infected leaves. The alterations in these metabolic pathways were also seen at the gene expression level, as analysed by quantitative PCR. In addition, the systemic response in the metabolome to PVY infection was analysed. Systemic leaves showed a less-pronounced response with fewer metabolites altered, while phenylpropanoid-associated metabolites were strongly accumulated. There was a more rapid onset of accumulation of ROS scavengers in leaves inoculated with PVYN than those inoculated with PVYNTN. This appears to be related to the lower damage observed for leaves of potato infected with the milder PVYN strain, and at least partially explains the differences between the phenotypes observed.  相似文献   
A lipase-catalyzed synthesis of isoamyl acetate was studied in a continuously operated pressure-driven microreactor. The esterification of isoamyl alcohol and acetic acid occurred at the interface between n-hexane and an aqueous phase with dissolved lipase B from Candida antarctica. By adjusting flow rates of both phases, a parallel laminar flow with liquid–liquid boundary in the middle of the microchannel could be reestablished and a separation of phases was achieved at the y-shaped exit of the microreactor. Since product remained in the organic phase, this also enabled its continuous separation from the aqueous phase with the enzyme. A three-dimensional mathematical model was developed, considering the velocity profile developed for steady-state conditions between two immiscible fluids. The model contained convection, diffusion, and enzyme reaction terms, where esterification rate was described with a Ping-Pong Bi-Bi mechanism and inhibition by both substrates. Experimental data, which were in good agreement with model simulations, have demonstrated 35% conversion at residence time 36.5 s at 45 °C and at 0.5 M acetic acid and isoamyl alcohol inlet concentrations, which is much faster as in any literature reported so far. According to model simulations, obtained by non-equidistant finite differences numerical solutions of complex non-linear equations system, further microreactor design and process optimization are feasible.  相似文献   
Stress response of yeast Candida intermedia ZIM 156 exposed to chromium(VI) was investigated. Yeast cells were treated with Cr(VI) in concentrations of 50, 100, 300 and 500 microM in the mid-exponential growth phase. Monitoring of some bioprocess parameters during growth, specifically pO(2), showed that Cr(VI) addition, specifically in concentration of 100 and partially 50 micromol/L, increased metabolism intensity, which is connected to induced stress responses. Furthermore, oxidation of 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin indicated increased intracellular oxidant level, specifically at 100 microM Cr(VI) concentration. Antioxidant defense systems were further investigated. Catalase and superoxide dismutase activity was not increased in the cells exposed to the both Cr(VI) concentrations, which indicate that catalase and superoxide dismutase do not participate in cell defense systems. In contrast intracellular glutathione content in reduced form increased significantly in the cells exposed to 100 micromol Cr(VI)/L. Therefore, we demonstrated that glutathione plays an important role in the stress response of C. intermedia to Cr(VI).  相似文献   
Six different species of the known teleomorphic food-borne xerophilic genus Eurotium were repeatedly isolated in a mycodiversity study of hypersaline waters. At salinities above 17% NaCl, E. amstelodami was detected most consistently, followed by E. repens and E. herbariorum, while E. rubrum, E. chevalieri and a potentially new species, "Eurotium halotolerans", were detected only occasionally at lower salinities. The qualitative secondary metabolite profiles produced by Eurotium spp. from salterns were not different from those of Eurotium spp. from foods and other habitats. Spatiotemporal frequency of occurrence and in vitro determined adaptive ability of propagules to survive prolonged exposure to hypersaline conditions indicate that E. amstelodami, E. herbariorum, and E. repens contribute to the indigenous fungal community in hypersaline water environments, while E. rubrum, E. chevalieri and "E. halotolerans" are only temporal inhabitants of brine at lower salinities.  相似文献   
Terrestrial isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) have adapted to land life by diverse morphological, physiological and behavioral changes. Woodlice species exhibit a large variety in this respect, their preferences ranging from moist to dry habitats. These moisture preference values are related to various morphological adaptations, rendering terrestrial isopods amenable to studying morphological adaptations to terrestrial life. We performed a comparison of four Armadillidium species (Armadillidium zenckeri, Armadillidium nasatum, Armadillidium versicolor, Armadillidium vulgare), by quantifying two morphological traits: the extent of the interfacial endothelium between the respiratory space and the hemolymph within pleopodal lungs and the thickness of tergite cuticle, which are ‘key factors’ in determining protection from desiccation. These values were measured from light micrographs of cross-sectioned lungs. The cosmopolitan A. vulgare, as a habitat generalist, seems to be the most resistant against desiccation and other environmental conditions, while A. zenckeri is the most sensitive one. Light microscopic studies revealed that the four species can be ordered similarly, if we compare them by the extension of the endothelial interface and cuticle thickness, suggesting that these morphological traits are important determinants of their distribution on habitat, microhabitat scales and through the existence of suitable habitats – together with many other factors – the geographical pattern of species occurence.  相似文献   
The chemical composition as well as the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of two EtOH extracts of propolis (PEEs) from Slovenia were determined. EtOH was used as extracting solvent at 70 and 96%, providing the extracts PEE70 and PEE96, respectively. The extraction with 70% EtOH was more efficient than that with 96% EtOH, as the PEE70 was richer in total phenolic compounds than the PEE96. The Slovenian propolis was characterized by different phenolic acids and flavonoids. The PEE96 was slightly richer in three specific compounds, i.e., caffeic acid, ferulic acid, and luteolin, while all other substances detected showed higher contents in the PEE70. The PEE70 showed a stronger reducing power and ability to scavenge free radicals and metal ions than the PEE96. Both PEEs were in the main more effective against Gram-positive bacteria than against fungi and Gram-negative bacteria like Salmonella and Escherichia coli, with the exception of Campylobacter. The PEE96 decreased the intracellular oxidation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a dose-dependent manner. The antimicrobial activities and antioxidant properties were related to the total phenolic contents. The two PEEs have the potential for use as natural antimicrobial and antioxidant additives in foods.  相似文献   
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