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The consensus sequence of the Sindbis virus AR339 isolate, the prototype alphavirus, has been deduced. THe results presented here suggest (i) that a substantial proportion of the sequence divergence evident between the consensus sequence and sequences of laboratory strains of AR339 has resulted from selection for efficient growth in cell culture, (ii) that many of these changes affect the virulence of the virus in animal models, and (iii) that such modified genetic backgrounds present in laboratory strains can exert a significant influence on genetic studies of virus pathogenesis and host range. A laboratory strain of Sindbis virus AR339 was sequenced and cloned as a cDNA (pTRSB) from which infectious virus (TRSB) could be derived. The consensus sequence was deduced from the complete sequences of pTRSB and HRsp (E. G. Strauss, C. M. Rice, and J. H. Strauss, Virology 133:92-110, 1984), from partial sequences of the glycoprotein genes of three other AR339 laboratory strains, and by comparison with the sequences of the glycoprotein genes of three other AR339 sequence. HRsp differed form the consensus sequence by eight coding changes, and TRSB differed by three coding changes. In the 5' untranslated region, HRsp differed from the consensus sequence at nucleotide (nt) 5. These differences were likely the result of cell culture passage of the original AR339 isolate. At three of the difference loci (one in TRSB and two in HRsp), selection of cell-culture-adaptive mutations was documented with Sindbis virus or other alphaviruses. Selection in cell culture often results in attenuation of virulence in animals. Considering the TRSB and HRsp sequences together, one noncoding difference from the consensus (an A-for-G substitution in the 5' untranslated region at nt 5) and six coding differences in the glycoprotein genes (at E2 amino acids 1, 3, 70, and 172 and at E1 amino acids 72 and 237) were at loci which, either individually or in combination, significantly affected alphavirus virulence in mice. Although the levels of virulence of isogenic strains containing either nt 5 A or nt 5 G did not differ significantly in neonatal mice, the presence of nt 5 A greatly enhanced the effect of a second attenuating mutation in the E2 gene. These results suggest that minimal differences in the "wild type" genetic background into which an additional mutation is introduced can have a dramatic effect on apparent virulence and pathogenesis phenotypes. A cDNA clone of the consensus AR339 sequence, a sequence devoid of occult attenuating mutations introduced by cell culture passage, will allow the molecular genetic examination of cell culture and in vivo phenotypes of a virus which may best reflect the sequence of Sindbis virus AR339 at the time of its isolation.  相似文献   
Effect of different levels of hyperoxia on breathing in healthy subjects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Becker, Heinrich F., Olli Polo, Stephen G. McNamara, MichaelBerthon-Jones, and Colin E. Sullivan. Effect of different levelsof hyperoxia on breathing in healthy subjects. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(4): 1683-1690, 1996.Wehave recently shown that breathing 50%O2 markedly stimulates ventilationin healthy subjects if end-tidal PCO2(PETCO2) ismaintained. The aim of this study was to investigate apossible dose-dependent stimulation of ventilation byO2 and to examine possiblemechanisms of hyperoxic hyperventilation. In eight normalsubjects ventilation was measured while they were breathing 30 and 75%O2 for 30 min, withPETCO2 being held constant.Acute hypercapnic ventilatory responses were also tested in thesesubjects. The 75% O2 experimentwas repeated without controllingPETCO2 in 14 subjects, andin 6 subjects arterial blood gases were taken at baseline and at theend of the hyperoxia period. Minute ventilation(I) increased by 21 and 115% with 30 and 75% isocapnic hyperoxia, respectively. The 75%O2 without any control onPETCO2 led toa 16% increase inI, butPETCO2 decreased by3.6 Torr (9%). There was a linear correlation(r = 0.83) between the hypercapnic and the hyperoxic ventilatory response. In conclusion, isocapnic hyperoxia stimulates ventilation in a dose-dependent way, withI more than doubling after 30 min of75% O2. If isocapnia is notmaintained, hyperventilation is attenuated by a decrease in arterialPCO2. There is a correlation betweenhyperoxic and hypercapnic ventilatory responses. On the basis of datafrom the literature, we concluded that the Haldane effect seems to bethe major cause of hyperventilation duringboth isocapnic and poikilocapnichyperoxia.

SA Botti  CE Felder  S Lifson  JL Sussman    I Silman  I 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(5):2430-2450
We present a model for the molecular traffic of ligands, substrates, and products through the active site of cholinesterases (ChEs). First, we describe a common treatment of the diffusion to a buried active site of cationic and neutral species. We then explain the specificity of ChEs for cationic ligands and substrates by introducing two additional components to this common treatment. The first module is a surface trap for cationic species at the entrance to the active-site gorge that operates through local, short-range electrostatic interactions and is independent of ionic strength. The second module is an ionic-strength-dependent steering mechanism generated by long-range electrostatic interactions arising from the overall distribution of charges in ChEs. Our calculations show that diffusion of charged ligands relative to neutral isosteric analogs is enhanced approximately 10-fold by the surface trap, while electrostatic steering contributes only a 1.5- to 2-fold rate enhancement at physiological salt concentration. We model clearance of cationic products from the active-site gorge as analogous to the escape of a particle from a one-dimensional well in the presence of a linear electrostatic potential. We evaluate the potential inside the gorge and provide evidence that while contributing to the steering of cationic species toward the active site, it does not appreciably retard their clearance. This optimal fine-tuning of global and local electrostatic interactions endows ChEs with maximum catalytic efficiency and specificity for a positively charged substrate, while at the same time not hindering clearance of the positively charged products.  相似文献   
To identify potential human-safe insecticides against the malaria mosquito we undertook an investigation of the structure-activity relationship of aryl methylcarbamates inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Compounds bearing a β-branched 2-alkoxy or 2-thioalkyl group were found to possess good selectivity for inhibition of Anopheles gambiae AChE over human AChE; up to 530-fold selectivity was achieved with carbamate 11d. A 3D QSAR model is presented that is reasonably consistent with log inhibition selectivity of 34 carbamates. Toxicity of these compounds to live Anopheles gambiae was demonstrated using both tarsal contact (filter paper) and topical application protocols.  相似文献   


One of the pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the deposition of the ~4 kDa amyloid β protein (Aβ) within lesions known as senile plaques. Aβ is also deposited in the walls of cerebral blood vessels in many cases of AD. A substantial proportion of the Aβ that accumulates in the AD brain is deposited as Amyloid, which is highly insoluble, proteinaceous material with a β-pleated-sheet conformation and deposited extracellularly in the form of 5-10 nm wide straight fibrils. As γ-secretase catalyzes the final cleavage that releases the Aβ42 or 40 from amyloid β -protein precursor (APP), therefore, it is a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of AD. γ-Secretase cleavage is performed by a high molecular weight protein complex containing presenilins (PSs), nicastrin, Aph-1 and Pen-2. Previous studies have demonstrated that the presenilins (PS1 and PS2) are critical components of a large enzyme complex that performs γ-secretase cleavage.  相似文献   
Infants younger than age 9 mo do not respond reliably to the live attenuated measles vaccine due the immaturity of their immune system and the presence of maternal Abs that interfere with successful immunization. We evaluated the immune responses elicited by Sindbis virus replicon-based DNA vaccines encoding measles virus (MV) hemagglutinin (H, pMSIN-H) or both hemagglutinin and fusion (F, pMSINH-FdU) glycoproteins in neonatal mice born to naive and measles-immune mothers. Despite the presence of high levels of maternal Abs, neonatal immunization with pMSIN-H induced long-lasting, high-avidity MV plaque reduction neutralization (PRN) Abs, mainly IgG2a, that also inhibited syncytium formation in CD150(+) B95-8 cells. IgG secreting plasma cells were detected in spleen and bone marrow. Newborns vaccinated with pMSINH-FdU elicited PRN titers that surpassed the protective level (200 mIU/ml) but were short-lived, had low syncytium inhibition capacity, and lacked avidity maturation. This vaccine failed to induce significant PRN titers in the presence of placentally transferred Abs. Both pMSIN-H and pMSINH-FdU elicited strong Th1 type cell-mediated immunity, measured by T cell proliferation and IFN-gamma production, that was unaffected by maternal Abs. Newborns responded to measles DNA vaccines with similar or even higher PRN titers and cell-mediated immunity than adult mice. This study is the first demonstration that a Sindbis virus-based measles DNA vaccine can elicit robust MV immunity in neonates bypassing maternal Abs. Such a vaccine could be followed by the current live attenuated MV vaccine in a heterologous prime-boost to protect against measles early in life.  相似文献   
A rosy discoloration partly masking the Luca Signorelli frescoes in St. Brizio Chapel (Orvieto Cathedral, Italy) for many years proved to be a biological alteration, so the present research focused on investigating biodeteriogens and selecting an appropriate biocide to treat them. Optical epifluorescence and electronic microscopic observations of the rosy powder revealed a prevalent autofluorescent coccoid form with a diameter bigger than 5 μm. Chlorophylls a and b were extracted, suggesting the presence of cyanobacteria, a thesis subsequently confirmed by flow cytometry. Cultural media were inoculated with the rosy powder, and microorganisms grew as a green patina in phototrophic conditions and as a rosy patina when organic compounds were added to the mineral medium. The rosy discoloration was most likely caused by the presence of phycoerythrin. The sequencing of the cyanobacteria-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–DGGE bands matched, with a similarity percentage >94, uncultured cyanobacteria, and the sequences were deposited in the GenBank under EU874241, EU874242, EU874243, EU874244, EU874245, EU874246, and EU874247. Finally, the efficiency of the two biocides Neo Desogen and Metatin 5810-101, both based on benzalkonium chloride, was evaluated using adenosine triphosphate measurements and PCR-based detection of cyanobacteria. Metatin, used in situ at 2% of the trade product, proved to be the better biocide, no cyanobacteria being detected after the Metatin treatment.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that rhesus macaques were partially protected against high-dose intravenous challenge with simian-human immunodeficiency virus SHIVSF162P4 following sequential immunization with alphavirus replicon particles (VRP) of a chimeric recombinant VEE/SIN alphavirus (derived from Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus [VEE] and the Sindbis virus [SIN]) encoding human immunodeficiency virus type 1 HIV-1SF162 gp140ΔV2 envelope (Env) and trimeric Env protein in MF59 adjuvant (R. Xu, I. K. Srivastava, C. E. Greer, I. Zarkikh, Z. Kraft, L. Kuller, J. M. Polo, S. W. Barnett, and L. Stamatatos, AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 22:1022-1030, 2006). The protection did not require T-cell immune responses directed toward simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Gag. We extend those findings here to demonstrate antibody-mediated protection against mucosal challenge in macaques using prime-boost regimens incorporating both intramuscular and mucosal routes of delivery. The macaques in the vaccination groups were primed with VRP and then boosted with Env protein in MF59 adjuvant, or they were given VRP intramuscular immunizations alone and then challenged with SHIVSF162P4 (intrarectal challenge). The results demonstrated that these vaccines were able to effectively protect the macaques to different degrees against subsequent mucosal SHIV challenge, but most noteworthy, all macaques that received the intramuscular VRP prime plus Env protein boost were completely protected. A statistically significant association was observed between the titer of virus neutralizing and binding antibodies as well as the avidity of anti-Env antibodies measured prechallenge and protection from infection. These results highlight the merit of the alphavirus replicon vector prime plus Env protein boost vaccine approach for the induction of protective antibody responses and are of particular relevance to advancing our understanding of the potential correlates of immune protection against HIV infection at a relevant mucosal portal of entry.After more than 25 years of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) research, a prophylactic vaccine able to control or prevent the worldwide spread of HIV/AIDS remains an elusive goal. Recent results in Thailand with the recombinant canary pox (ALVAC-HIV, vCP1521; Sanofi-Pasteur) prime-gp120 (AIDSVAX B/E) protein boost vaccine approach give us hope that such a vaccine is achievable (45). Nevertheless, the results from this trial as well as the disappointing outcome of the Step Study trial (7, 29, 46) vividly highlight the need to better understand the immune correlates of protection and the immune responses engendered by the diverse new vaccine technologies currently under evaluation (13, 18, 20, 49). In the case of viral vectors, this is particularly critical, as the spectrum of immune responses elicited in animal models does not necessarily predict those eventually observed in human clinical trials and will require more thorough evaluations in order to identify the most predictive models. At the moment, nonhuman primate models, such as simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) and simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) infection of macaques appear to be the most informative for guiding vaccine development (3, 24, 47, 55), and more rigorous application of these models has begun to yield new and encouraging insights into protective immunity (5, 19, 27, 56). Moreover, as most HIV transmissions occur through mucosal membranes, understanding the correlates of protection, following successful vaccinations, against mucosal challenge is of strong interest.Alphaviruses are positive-sense single-stranded 11.5-kb RNA viruses in the Togaviridae family. They are relatively simple enveloped viruses of approximately 60-nm diameter that have a cytoplasmic RNA-based life cycle and mature at the plasma membranes of infected cells. Recombinant alphavirus replicon particles used for vaccine applications are composed of a replicon vector that encodes the viral replicases (nonstructural proteins [NSPs]) and the vaccine antigen of interest and two packaging vectors that encode the major viral structural proteins (capsid and glycoproteins E1 and E2) required for particle formation. The chimeric (VEE/SIN) alphavirus vector system used in this study was derived from Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEE) and the Sindbis virus (SIN). The recombinant VEE, SIN, and Semliki viruses expressing SIV or HIV antigens as well as antigens from a diverse and growing list of pathogens have been evaluated extensively in animals by several groups (6, 15, 16, 17, 22, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 42, 44, 57, 58). The chimeric alphavirus replicon particles (VRP) used here were designed to combine the immune potency of the VEE replicon with the safety profile of the SIN structural proteins (38).In previous studies, we showed that rhesus macaques could be protected against high-dose intravenous challenges with SHIVSF162P4 following sequential immunization with chimeric recombinant VRP encoding human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) SF162 gp140ΔV2 envelope (Env) and trimeric SF162 gp140ΔV2 Env in the MF59 adjuvant (57). We also showed the Env protein delivered with potent adjuvants (the LTK63 mucosal adjuvant and the MF59 adjuvant) using intramuscular (i.m.) or combined mucosal (intranasal [i.n.]) plus i.m. vaccine regimens provided complete protection against intravaginal (IVAG) challenge with SHIVSF162P4 (2). The current work extends these studies by investigating the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of recombinant VRP delivered either mucosally, by the i.n. or intrarectal (i.r.) route, or parenterally by the i.m. route as a vector system for priming humoral immune responses prior to mucosal i.r. SHIVSF162P4 challenge in the rhesus macaque model.In these studies, the alphavirus vector priming immunizations are followed by sequential booster immunizations with a highly purified and well-characterized trimeric V2-deleted envelope glycoprotein delivered in MF59, an oil-in-water emulsion, as an adjuvant. The HIV-1 Env antigen used in both the recombinant alphavirus prime and protein boost was derived from the macrophage-tropic chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 5 (CCR5)-utilizing HIV-1SF162 strain, which closely matches the envelope of the SHIVSF162P4 used for the i.r. challenge. This vaccine challenge study design thus serves as a useful starting point to better understand the mechanisms of immune protection against a relevant challenge virus and also the route of challenge in an active immunization model. Despite accelerated efforts in our laboratory and many others to identify the next generation of Env immunogens, evaluations of the breadth of protection are reserved for ongoing and future studies.  相似文献   
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