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The neuropeptide vasopressin and its receptor V1aR are broadly implicated in social behavior and play a central role in several key aspects of male mating tactics in voles. In the prairie vole, a microsatellite in the cis-regulatory region of the gene encoding V1aR (avpr1a) provides a potential genetic basis for individual variation in neural phenotype and behavior; recent studies found that allele length predicts V1aR expression and male social attachment in the laboratory. Here, we explore the relationship between avpr1a microsatellite length, V1aR neural phenotype, and field measures of monogamy and fitness in male prairie voles. We found significant effects of allele length on V1aR expression in structures integral to pairbond formation. These effects did not, however, translate to differences in mating tactics or reproductive success. Together, these data suggest that, while length polymorphism in the avpr1a microsatellite influences neuronal phenotype, this variation does not contribute significantly to male reproductive success and field behavior. We propose that previously reported behavioral effects may be mediated primarily by sequence variation at this locus, for which allele length is an imperfect proxy. By combining genetic, neuronal and ecological approaches, these data provide novel insights into the contribution of genotype to natural diversity in brain and behavior.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determinewhether the increase in insulin sensitivity of skeletal muscle glucosetransport induced by a single bout of exercise is mediated by enhancedtranslocation of the GLUT-4 glucose transporter to the cell surface.The rate of3-O-[3H]methyl-D-glucosetransport stimulated by a submaximally effective concentration ofinsulin (30 µU/ml) was approximately twofold greater in the musclesstudied 3.5 h after exercise than in those of the sedentary controls(0.89 ± 0.10 vs. 0.43 ± 0.05 µmol · ml1 · 10 min1; means ± SE forn = 6/group). GLUT-4 translocation wasassessed by using theATB-[2-3H]BMPAexofacial photolabeling technique. Prior exercise resulted in greatercell surface GLUT-4 labeling in response to submaximal insulintreatment (5.36 ± 0.45 dpm × 103/g in exercised vs. 3.00 ± 0.38 dpm × 103/g insedentary group; n = 10/group) thatclosely mirrored the increase in glucose transport activity. The signalgenerated by the insulin receptor, as reflected in the extent ofinsulin receptor substrate-1 tyrosine phosphorylation, was unchangedafter the exercise. We conclude that the increase in muscle insulinsensitivity of glucose transport after exercise is due to translocationof more GLUT-4 to the cell surface and that this effect is not due topotentiation of insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation.

Ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) is an inflammatory process that can be attenuated by lung protective ventilation strategies. Our objectives to further investigate the pathogenesis of ALI and VILI and the mechanism of lung protection in these syndromes were: 1) to determine if plasma measurements of soluble TNF receptor I (sTNFRI) and II (sTNFRII) would predict the development of ALI and mortality in a small single center trial; 2) to test the predictive value of these markers and of TNF-alpha in a larger, broader group of patients with ALI; 3) to test the hypothesis that low tidal volume ventilation (LTVV) would be associated with a decrease in plasma levels of TNF-alpha, sTNFRI, and sTNFRII. In the single center study, sTNFRI and II levels were higher in patients at risk for and with ALI, but they did not predict the development of the syndrome. In the multicenter trial sTNFRI and II were strongly associated with mortality (OR 5.76/1 log10 increment in receptor level; 95% CI 2.63-12.6 and OR 2.58; 95% CI 1.05-6.31, respectively) and morbidity measured as fewer nonpulmonary organ failure-free and ventilator-free days. The LTVV strategy was associated with an attenuation of plasma sTNFRI levels. In vitro, stimulated A549 cells release sTNFRI but not sTNRFII. In conclusion, plasma levels of sTNFRI and II can serve as biomarkers for morbidity and mortality in patients with ALI. Furthermore, LTVV is associated with a specific decrease in sTNFRI levels. This suggests that one beneficial effect of LTVV may be to attenuate alveolar epithelial injury.  相似文献   
Bluetongue virus (BTV), a member of the Orbivirus genus within the Reoviridae family, has a genome of 10 double-stranded RNA segments, with three distinct size classes. Although the packaging of the viral genome is evidently highly specific such that every virus particle contains a set of 10 RNA segments, the order and mechanism of packaging are not understood. In this study we have combined the use of a cell-free in vitro assembly system with a novel RNA–RNA interaction assay to investigate the mechanism of single-stranded (ss) RNAs packaging during nascent capsid assembly. Exclusion of single or multiple ssRNA segments in the packaging reaction or their addition in different order significantly altered the outcome and suggested a particular role for the smallest segment, S10. Our data suggests that genome packaging probably initiates with the smallest segment which triggers RNA–RNA interaction with other smaller segments forming a complex network. Subsequently, the medium to larger size ssRNAs are recruited until the complete genome is packaging into the capsid. The untranslated regions of the smallest RNA segment, S10, is critical for the instigation of this process. We suggest that the selective packaging observed in BTV may also apply to other members of the Reoviridae family.  相似文献   
Methylene blue (MB) has unique energy-enhancing and antioxidant properties and is FDA-approved drug to treat methemoglobinemia and cyanide poisoning. This study evaluated the efficacy of MB to treat ischemic stroke in rats using longitudinal MRI and behavioral measures. Rats were subjected to 60-minute middle-cerebral-artery occlusion. In a randomized double-blinded design, vehicle or MB was administered after reperfusion. The initial lesion volumes at 30 minutes post-ischemia were not significantly different between the two groups (P = 0.92). The final infarct volumes two days after stroke increased in the vehicle group but decreased in the MB group, yielding a 30% difference in infarct volume (P = 0.03). Tracking tissue fate on a pixel-by-pixel basis showed that MB salvaged more initial core pixels compared to controls (22±3% versus 11±3%, P = 0.03), and more mismatch pixels compared to controls (83±3% versus 61±8%, P = 0.02). This study demonstrates MB treatment minimizes ischemic brain injury and improves functional outcomes.  相似文献   
Climate variability and vulnerability to climate change: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The focus of the great majority of climate change impact studies is on changes in mean climate. In terms of climate model output, these changes are more robust than changes in climate variability. By concentrating on changes in climate means, the full impacts of climate change on biological and human systems are probably being seriously underestimated. Here, we briefly review the possible impacts of changes in climate variability and the frequency of extreme events on biological and food systems, with a focus on the developing world. We present new analysis that tentatively links increases in climate variability with increasing food insecurity in the future. We consider the ways in which people deal with climate variability and extremes and how they may adapt in the future. Key knowledge and data gaps are highlighted. These include the timing and interactions of different climatic stresses on plant growth and development, particularly at higher temperatures, and the impacts on crops, livestock and farming systems of changes in climate variability and extreme events on pest‐weed‐disease complexes. We highlight the need to reframe research questions in such a way that they can provide decision makers throughout the food system with actionable answers, and the need for investment in climate and environmental monitoring. Improved understanding of the full range of impacts of climate change on biological and food systems is a critical step in being able to address effectively the effects of climate variability and extreme events on human vulnerability and food security, particularly in agriculturally based developing countries facing the challenge of having to feed rapidly growing populations in the coming decades.  相似文献   
1 The plastic laminate flake formulation, Disparlure II, is currently the only gypsy moth mating disruption product available for aerial application. The elimination of a sticking agent from the formulation would reduce costs, simplify application, and make it possible to apply the product without specialized equipment. 2 A test was conducted in wooded plots in Virginia during 1997 and 1998 to determine whether a sticking agent is necessary. Treatment effectiveness was assessed from the rates of male moth capture in pheromone‐baited traps and mating success of both laboratory‐reared and wild females. 3 Male moth capture was reduced 75.6 and 92.9% in plots treated with flakes without and with a sticking agent, respectively. The percentage of mated females that produced egg masses with more than 5% fertile eggs was reduced by 86.3 and 99.5% in plots treated with flakes without and with a sticking agent, respectively. 4 Moth capture and mating success of laboratory‐reared females did not differ significantly between plots treated with flakes with and without a sticking agent. However, the consistently greater reduction in mating success in both years provides strong evidence that mating disruption is less effective when flakes are applied without a sticking agent. The proportion of wild egg masses collected in 1998 with more than 5% fertile eggs was significantly higher under the no‐sticking agent treatment. 5 In special situations where the use of a sticking agent may be problematic, such as in residential areas, the data indicate that a high level of mating disruption is likely to occur even without the use of a sticking agent.  相似文献   
Nakatani, Akira, Dong-Ho Han, Polly A. Hansen, Lorraine A. Nolte, Helen H. Host, Robert C. Hickner, and John O. Holloszy. Effect of endurance exercise training on muscle glycogensupercompensation in rats. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(2): 711-715, 1997.The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the rate and extent ofglycogen supercompensation in skeletal muscle are increased byendurance exercise training. Rats were trained by using a 5-wk-long swimming program in which the duration of swimming was gradually increased to 6 h/day over 3 wk and then maintained at 6 h/day for anadditional 2 wk. Glycogen repletion was measured in trained anduntrained rats after a glycogen-depleting bout of exercise. The ratswere given a rodent chow diet plus 5% sucrose in their drinking waterad libitum during the recovery period. There were remarkabledifferences in both the rates of glycogen accumulation and the glycogenconcentrations attained in the two groups. The concentration ofglycogen in epitrochlearis muscle averaged 13.1 ± 0.9 mg/g wet wtin the untrained group and 31.7 ± 2.7 mg/g in the trained group(P < 0.001) 24 h after the exercise.This difference could not be explained by a training effect on glycogensynthase. The training induced ~50% increases in muscle GLUT-4glucose transporter protein and in hexokinase activity inepitrochlearis muscles. We conclude that endurance exercise trainingresults in increases in both the rate and magnitude of muscle glycogensupercompensation in rats.

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