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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by inflammation and an increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). This study investigates possible associations between CVD and the use of conventional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) in RA. Using a case control design, 613 RA patients (5,649 patient-years) were studied, 72 with CVD and 541 without CVD. Data on RA, CVD and drug treatment were evaluated from time of RA diagnosis up to the first cardiovascular event or the end of the follow-up period. The dataset was categorized according to DMARD use: sulfasalazine (SSZ), hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) or methotrexate (MTX). Odds ratios (ORs) for CVD, corrected for age, gender, smoking and RA duration, were calculated per DMARD group. Patients who never used SSZ, HCQ or MTX were used as a reference group. MTX treatment was associated with a significant CVD risk reduction, with ORs (95% CI): 'MTX only', 0.16 (0.04 to 0.66); 'MTX and SSZ ever', 0.20 (0.08 to 0.51); and 'MTX, SSZ and HCQ ever', 0.20 (0.08 to 0.54). The risk reductions remained significant after additional correction for the presence of rheumatoid factor and erosions. After correction for hypertension, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia, 'MTX or SSZ ever' and 'MTX, SSZ and HCQ ever' showed significant CVD risk reduction. Rheumatoid factor positivity and erosions both increased CVD risk, with ORs of 2.04 (1.02 to 4.07) and 2.36 (0.92 to 6.08), respectively. MTX and, to a lesser extent, SSZ were associated with significantly lower CVD risk compared to RA patients who never used SSZ, HCQ or MTX. We hypothesize that DMARD use, in particular MTX use, results in powerful suppression of inflammation, thereby reducing the development of atherosclerosis and subsequently clinically overt CVD.  相似文献   
Abstract Plant species richness influences primary productivity via mechanisms that (1) favour species with particular traits (selection effect) and (2) promote niche differentiation between species (complementarity). Influences of species evenness, plant density and other properties of plant communities on productivity are poorly defined, but may depend on whether selection or complementarity prevails in species mixtures. We predicted that selection effects are insensitive to species evenness but increase with plant density, and that the converse is true for complementarity. To test predictions, we grew three species of annuals in monocultures and in three‐species mixtures in which evenness of established plants was varied at each of three plant densities in a cultivated field in Texas, USA. Above‐ground biomass was smaller in mixtures than expected from monocultures because of negative ‘complementarity’ and a negative selection effect. Neither selection nor complementarity varied with species evenness, but selection effects increased at the greatest plant density as predicted.  相似文献   


central loop of the gastrocnemius-soleus H-reflex latency (Tc) that looks promising in the diagnosis of S1 radiculopathy; has been investigated in a few studies and only two of them have focused on the constitutional factors affecting it. Although leg length has been shown to contribute to the Tc, the role of age is controversial. More confusing, none of the previously performed studies have used strict criteria to rule out subclinical neuropathy, so the results could be misleading. This study has been performed to determine the influence of leg length and age on Tc among a carefully selected group of healthy volunteers.  相似文献   


The leading cause of mortality due to pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is failure of the cardiac right ventricle. It has long been hypothesized that during the development of chronic cardiac failure the heart becomes energy deprived, possibly due to shortage of oxygen at the level of cardiomyocyte mitochondria. However, direct evaluation of oxygen tension levels within the in vivo right ventricle during PAH is currently lacking. Here we directly evaluated this hypothesis by using a recently reported technique of oxygen-dependent quenching of delayed fluorescence of mitochondrial protoprophyrin IX, to determine the distribution of mitochondrial oxygen tension (mitoPO2) within the right ventricle (RV) subjected to progressive PAH.


PAH was induced through a single injection of monocrotaline (MCT). Control (saline-injected), compensated RV hypertrophy (30 mg/kg MCT; MCT30), and RV failure (60 mg/kg MCT; MCT60) rats were compared 4 wk after treatment. The distribution of mitoPO2 within the RV was determined in mechanically-ventilated, anaesthetized animals, applying different inspired oxygen (FiO2) levels and two increment dosages of dobutamine.


MCT60 resulted in RV failure (increased mortality, weight loss, increased lung weight), MCT30 resulted in compensated RV hypertrophy. At 30% or 40% FiO2, necessary to obtain physiological arterial PO2 in the diseased animals, RV failure rats had significantly less mitochondria (15% of total mitochondria) in the 0-20 mmHg mitoPO2 range than hypertrophied RV rats (48%) or control rats (54%). Only when oxygen supply was reduced to 21% FiO2, resulting in low arterial PO2 for the MCT60 animals, or when oxygen demand increased with high dose dobutamine, the number of failing RV mitochondria with low oxygen became similar to control RV. In addition, metabolic enzyme analysis revealed similar mitochondrial mass, increased glycolytic hexokinase activity following MCT, with increased lactate dehydrogenase activity only in compensated hypertrophied RV.


Our novel observation of increased mitochondrial oxygenation suggests down-regulation of in vivo mitochondrial oxygen consumption, in the absence of hypoxia, with transition towards right ventricular failure induced by pulmonary arterial hypertension.  相似文献   
In its role as a mobile receptor for peroxisomal matrix cargo containing a peroxisomal targeting signal called PTS1, the protein Pex5 shuttles between the cytosol and the peroxisome lumen. Pex5 binds PTS1 proteins in the cytosol via its C-terminal tetratricopeptide domains and delivers them to the peroxisome lumen, where the receptor·cargo complex dissociates. The cargo-free receptor is exported to the cytosol for another round of import. How cargo release and receptor recycling are regulated is poorly understood. We found that Pex5 functions as a dimer/oligomer and that its protein interactions with itself (homo-oligomeric) and with Pex8 (hetero-oligomeric) control the binding and release of cargo proteins. These interactions are controlled by a redox-sensitive amino acid, cysteine 10 of Pex5, which is essential for the formation of disulfide bond-linked Pex5 forms, for high affinity cargo binding, and for receptor recycling. Disulfide bond-linked Pex5 showed the highest affinity for PTS1 cargo. Upon reduction of the disulfide bond by dithiothreitol, Pex5 transitioned to a noncovalent dimer, concomitant with the partial release of PTS1 cargo. Additionally, dissipation of the redox balance between the cytosol and the peroxisome lumen caused an import defect. A hetero-oligomeric interaction between the N-terminal domain (amino acids 1–110) of Pex5 and a conserved motif at the C terminus of Pex8 further facilitates cargo release, but only under reducing conditions. This interaction is also important for the release of PTS1 proteins. We suggest a redox-regulated model for Pex5 function during the peroxisomal matrix protein import cycle.  相似文献   
Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment may increase plant growth more than the uptake of chemical elements from soil. Increased CO2 also may alter element levels in biomass from multi-species vegetation by changing plant species abundances. We measured concentrations of ten elements in aboveground tissues of three C4 grasses that had been exposed for 2–3 growing seasons to a continuous gradient in CO2 from 250 to 500 μmol mol−1. The grasses, Bouteloua curtipendula, Schizachyrium scoparium, and Sorghastrum nutans, are competitive dominants in assemblages of tallgrass prairie vegetation growing on each of three soil types along a field CO2 gradient in central Texas, USA. Our objective was to determine whether CO2 influences element concentrations in grass mixtures by changing concentrations in individual species or shifting species abundances. Increased CO2 had little effect on element concentrations in grasses compared to differences observed among grass species and soils. Increasing CO2 from the pre-Industrial to elevated levels reduced the phosphorus concentration in grasses grown on a clay and sandy loam soil. Concentrations of most other elements did not respond to CO2 treatment. Cover of the mid-grass Bouteloua declined at higher CO2 levels as cover of the taller grass Sorghastrum increased. Concentrations of several elements were lower in Bouteloua than Sorghastrum; hence, this exchange of species at higher CO2 increased element concentrations in grass assemblages. Potential consequences include an improvement in the nutritional quality of plants for herbivores. Results highlight the underappreciated impact that CO2 enrichment may have on ecosystem functioning by changing plant composition.  相似文献   
From 2011 to 2013, Texas experienced its worst drought in recorded history. This event provided a unique natural experiment to assess species‐specific responses to extreme drought and mortality of four co‐occurring woody species: Quercus fusiformis, Diospyros texana, Prosopis glandulosa, and Juniperus ashei. We examined hypothesized mechanisms that could promote these species' diverse mortality patterns using postdrought measurements on surviving trees coupled to retrospective process modelling. The species exhibited a wide range of gas exchange responses, hydraulic strategies, and mortality rates. Multiple proposed indices of mortality mechanisms were inconsistent with the observed mortality patterns across species, including measures of the degree of iso/anisohydry, photosynthesis, carbohydrate depletion, and hydraulic safety margins. Large losses of spring and summer whole‐tree conductance (driven by belowground losses of conductance) and shallower rooting depths were associated with species that exhibited greater mortality. Based on this retrospective analysis, we suggest that species more vulnerable to drought were more likely to have succumbed to hydraulic failure belowground.  相似文献   
The present study was designed for screening polymorphism of known fecundity genes in prolific Indian Bonpala sheep. Employing tetra-primer amplification refractory mutation system PCR, 11-point mutations of BMP1B, BMP15, and GDF9 genes of 97 Bonpala ewes were genotyped. The FecB locus of the BMPR1B gene and two loci (G1 and G4) of GDF9 gene were found to be polymorphic. In FecB locus, three genotypes, namely, wild type (Fec++, 0.02), heterozygous (FecB+, 0.23), and mutant (FecBB, 0.75) were detected. At G1 locus of GDF9 gene, three genotypes, namely, wild type (GG, 0.89), heterozygous (GA, 0.10), and mutant (AA, 0.01) were detected. At G4 locus of GDF9 gene, three genotypes, namely, wild type (AA, 0.01), heterozygous (AG, 0.14), and mutant (GG, 0.85) were detected. Statistically no significant correlation of polymorphism of FecB, G1, and G4 loci and litter size was found in this breed. All five loci of BMP15 and three loci of GDF 9 genes were monomorphic. This study reports Bonpala sheep as the first sheep breed where concurrent polymorphism at three important loci (FecB, G1, and G4) of two different fecundity genes (BMPR1B and GDF9) has been found.  相似文献   
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