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A new cell line has been derived from the rat gasserian ganglion neurinoma NGUK-1 induced by transplacental administration of ethylnitrosourea. It is characterized by an astrocyte-like growth pattern at the low cell density, and by an epitheliocyte-like pattern in the confluent monolayer. The cell line displays a high proliferative activity, its maximum mitotic index and proliferative pool being--2.5 and 96%, respectively. The chromosome number ranges between 20 to 100. The chromosome modal number is 39--44. The new cell line has been used for the express diagnostic of rabies, for determination of serum glial toxicity in neurologic patients, and interferon titration.  相似文献   
Cooling and ablation of the parietal associative (P) and primary visual projection (VI) areas in nembutalized cats revealed facilitating and inhibitory descending influences of the above areas on the postero-lateral nucleus (LP) of the ipsilateral thalamus where visual signals generate an early specific and a late unspecific components of heterogenous evoked responses. Unidirectional influences activating the early component and fully controlling the appearance and course of the late component are more manifest in P which is a part of the same associative brain system as LP; they are less manifest in VI which belongs to the projection system. At later cooling stages the centrifugal influences of P and VI are sometimes of opposite signs; this effect is connected with reciprocal relations between projection and association systems and processes or selfcontrol within the association system. The corticofugal effects also participate in the common activity of P and VI taking place to a certain degree at the level of the LP which activates these cortical structures.  相似文献   
Inheritance of chromosomes 3 and 11 in the families with Chuvash autosomal recessive polycythemia and in control group with no disease symptoms was examined using polymorphic dinucleotide markers D3S1597 and D3S1263, mapped to region 3p25, and D11S4111, D11S4127, and D11S1356, mapped to region 11q23. All patients were homozygous for the C598T mutation in the VHL gene (3p25). The analysis showed that in 75% of the cases, chromosome 3 carrying C598T mutation was coinherited with certain chromosome 11, which differed from 50%, expected upon independent inheritance of each chromosome. In case of chromosome 3 without C598T mutation, this pattern was observed neither in healthy sibs form the families with autosomal recessive polycythemia (44%), nor in the control group (43%). These results suggest that in case of the C598T mutation in the VHL gene, chromosomal loci 3p25 and 11q23 are inherited not independently, compared to the inheritance of these loci in the absence of the mutation in healthy sibs from the affected families (chi2 = 16.14; P < 0.001), and also in the control family sample (chi2 = 17.91; P < 0.001).  相似文献   
Variation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was examined in nine populations from three lake-river systems of Chukotka and Kamchatka. Significant differences were found between most of the sockeye salmon samples studied. The genetic differences among populations were not high and often did not correlate with the geographical distances between them. The low population divergence is explained by a short time of existence of most of them, having been formed after the recession of the upper Pleistocene glacier. When the populations were grouped according to their spawning biotopes (river or lake), they in general appeared more genetically similar than upon their grouping by geographical location (the lake-river systems). The differences between the river and lake populations in the lake--river systems increased from north to south.  相似文献   
The partition matrix is a graphical tool for comparative analysis of nucleotide sequences following alignment. It is particularly useful for investigating the divergent phylogenies of sequence regions undergoing reticulate evolution. A partition matrix is generated by determining the consistency of the parsimoniously informative sites in a set of aligned sequences with the binary partitions inferred from the sequences. Since the linear order of sites is maintained, the matrix can be used to assess whether the distribution of sites either supporting or conflicting with particular partitions changes along the length of the alignment. The usefulness of the matrix in allowing visual identification of differences in evolutionary history among regions depends on the order in which partitions are shown; several suitable ordering schemes are proposed. We demonstrate the use of the partition matrix in interpreting the evolution of the pseudoautosomal boundary region on the sex chromosome of catarrhine primates. Its routine use should help to avoid attempts to derive single phylogenies from sequences whose evolution has been reticulate and to identify the gene conversion or recombination events underlying the reticulation. The method is relatively fast. It is exploratory, and it can form the basis for more formal analysis, which we discuss.   相似文献   
The regulatory role of protons in hyphal tip growth was investigated by using membrane-permeant weak acids to acidify cytoplasm of the oomycete Saprolegnia ferax. Acetic acid decreased cytoplasmic pH from approximately pH 7.2 to 6.8, as shown by SNARF-1 measurements of cytoplasmic pH. Inhibition of growth in a dose-dependent manner by acetic, propionic, and isobutyric acid was accompanied by changes in positioning and morphology of mitochondria and nuclei, condensation of chromatin, disruptions in peripheral actin, and increases in hyphal diameter. These cellular alterations were fully reversible, and during recovery, major cytoplasmic movements and extensive apical vacuolations were observed. The results are consistent with proton regulation of the cytoskeleton, nuclear matrix, and/or chromosomes. However, a macroscopic cytoplasmic gradient of H+ in hyphae was not revealed by SNARF-1, indicating that if such a H+ gradient were required, it must occur at a finer level than we detected.  相似文献   
A comparative HRP study of formation of connections between primary sensory nerve fibers and motoneurones in brachial and lumbosacral cord segments has been made on chick embryos between the 6.5th and 10th days of incubation. HRP was applied to the cut ends of the appropriate nerves via suction pipettes on isolated superfused spinal cord preparation. The first contacts between primary sensory collaterals and motoneuronal dendrites were found to appear both in lumbosacral and branchial cord segments at the same stage, i.e. at the 7.5-8th days of development. This observation does not confirm the widely accepted belief on rostrocaudal sequence of development of the spinal cord, indicating that exceptions from this developmental gradient are quite possible.  相似文献   
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