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Five quinolone (ofloxacin, cinoxacin, enoxacin, ciprofloxacin, oxolinic acid) and one non-quinolone (coumermycin A1) inhibitors of prokaryotic DNA gyrase used in clinical practice for treatment of bacterial infections were experimentally examinated. As model organism the flagellate Euglena gracilis was used. Ultrastructural changes in chloroplasts and mitochondria caused by inhibitors were quantitavely evaluated. Simultaneously in all cases injury and hereditary loss of chloroplasts (bleaching) were observed in the cells. In some samples about 45% of cup-shaped mitochondria cumulated in the cytoplasm. In damaged mitochondria some degenerative signs were seen, but after the last subcultivation on drug-free media the number of injured mitochondria in the bleached cells yielded to the normal value.  相似文献   
Crystal-containing organelles in cells of virus infected plants lying at chloroplasts and mitochondria are identical with single membrane-bound microbodies containing crystals of catalase described in healthy plants. Massive complex inclusions caused by turnip mosaic virus very frequently contain the same microbodies with crystal inclusions; that phenomenon may be related to some pathophysiological changes of virus infected plants. Comparable proteinaceous crystals, but not lying within microbodies limited by a membrane, may also be found in cytoplasm of infected cells. These crystals are sometimes surrounded by a substance resembling the microbody matrix. Disintegrated cytoplasm of virus infected cells may also contain the same crystals lying free in “empty spaces”. Cytopathological effects responsible for this phenomenon and possible artifacts as well are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary On a soil rich in CaCO3 in a semiaride climate in Algeria a hard soil layer, impermeable for plant roots, was formed in a depth of 20–40 cm after farmyard manure application and irrigation. To find the reason soil samples of this field were taken and leaching experiments were carried out in the laboratory, with the result that much more Caions and HCO3-ions were leached out of the soils with farmyard manure application than from the soils without manure. Probably the high amount of CO2, being liberated by the organic matter, and the irrigation water dissolved the CaCO3 in the soil, and the formed Ca- and HCO3-ions followed the movement of water in the soil. Where the Ca(HCO3)2 reached soil layers with a less amount of CO2, CaCO3 precipitated and formed the hard soil layer. In order to avoid the formation of such calcareous crusts on irrigated, limy soils in a dry climate it is recommended to fertilize rather often small quantities instead of rarely big quantities of farmyard manure.  相似文献   
The ultrastructural study of membrane organization in gram-positive bacteria related to the OsO4 fixation conditions revealed that large, complex mesosomes are observed only when the bacteria are subjected to an initial fixation with 0.1% OsO4 in the culture broth, as in the prefixation step of the Ryter-Kellenberger procedure. Evidence was obtained suggesting that the large mesosomes are produced by this prefixation. The kinetic study of the membrane morphological alterations occurring during the prefixation of Bacillus cereus with 0.1% OsO4 in the culture broth showed that the amount of mesosome material increases linearly from zero to a maximum observed at 1.7 min of prefixation and that at about this time a maximum is reached for the number of mesosomes per unity of cell area and for the average individual mesosome area. The large mesosomes observed in gram-positives fixed by the complete Ryter-Kellenberger procedure would be the result of the membrane-damaging action of 0.1% OsO4. Such damaging action was deduced from the observation that 0.1% OsO4 quickly lyses protoplasts and induces a quick and extensive leakage of intracellular K+ from B. cereus and Streptococcus faeculis. In support of that interpretation is the observation that in bacteria subjected to several membrane-damaging treatments, mesosome-like structures are seen after three different fixation procedures. In bacteria initially fixed with 1% OsO4, 4% OsO4 or 2.5% glutaraldehyde, no large, complex mesosomes are observed, small and simple invaginations of the cytoplasmic membrane being present. The size of these minute mesosomes is inversely proportional that causes of fixation. Uranyl acetate was found among the studied fixatives the one to the rate the least damage to bacterial membranes. This fixative satisfactorily preserves protoplasts. In bacteria initially fixed with uranyl acetate no mesosomes were found. The results of the present work throw serious doubts on the existence of mesosomes, both large and small, as real structures of bacterial cells. It is proposed that a continuous cytoplasmic membrane without infoldings (mesosomes) would be the real pattern of membrane organization in gram-positives.  相似文献   
The occurrence of beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV) on feeding- and sugar-beet in Czechoslovakia has been proved. The virus was transmitted by aphidMyzus persicae (Sulz.) on indicator plantsSinapis alba L.,Capsella bursa-pastoris Medik, andClaytonia perfoliata Donn and from these plants back to sugar-beet cv. ‘Dobrovická A.’ A weed plantRaphanus raphanistrum L. was identified as a new natural host plant of BMYV. The virus was identified in ten of twelve biologically examined samples of beet with BMYV-like symptoms, which were collected at various places in Czechoslovakia  相似文献   
The feasibility was studied of anaerobic treatment of wastewater generated during purified terephthalic acid (PTA) production in two-stage upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor system. The artificial influent of the system contained the main organic substrates of PTA-wastewater: acetate, benzoate, and terephthalate. Three parallel operated reactors were used for the second stage, and seeded with a suspended terephthalate degrading culture, with and without additional methanogenic granular sludge (two different types). The first stage UASB-reactor was seeded with methanogenic granular sludge. Reactors were operated at 37 degrees C and pH 7. During the first 300 days of operation a clear distinction between the biomass grown in both reactor stages was obtained. In the first stage, acetate and benzoate were degraded at a volumetric loading rate of 40 g-COD/L . day at a COD-removal efficiency of 95% within the first 25 days of operation. No degradation of terephthalate was obtained in the first stage during the first 300 days of operation despite operation of the reactor at a decreased volumetric loading rate with acetate and benzoate of 9 g-COD/L . day from day 150. Batch incubation of biomass from the reactor with terephthalate showed that the lag-phase prior to terephthalate degradation remained largely unchanged, indicating that no net growth of terephthalate degrading biomass occurred in the first stage reactor. From day 300, however, terephthalate degradation was observed in the first stage, and the biomass in this reactor could successfully be enriched with terephthalate degrading biomass, resulting in terephthalate removal capacities of 15 g-COD/L . day. Even though no single reason could be identified why (suddenly) terephthalate degradation was obtained after such a long period of operation, it is suggested that the solid retention time as well the prevailing reactor concentrations acetate and benzoate may have played an important role. From day 1 of operation, terephthalate was degraded in the second stage. In presence of methanogenic granular biomass, high terephthalate removal capacities were obtained in these reactors (15 g-COD/L . day) after approximately 125 days of operation. From the results obtained it is concluded that terephthalate degradation is the bottleneck during anaerobic treatment of PTA-wastewater. Pre-removal of acetate and benzoate in staged bioreactor reduces the lag-phase prior to terephthalate degradation in latter stages, and enables high rate treatment of PTA-wastewater.  相似文献   
Lactobacillus-dominated vaginal microbiotas are associated with reproductive health and STI resistance in women, whereas altered microbiotas are associated with bacterial vaginosis (BV), STI risk and poor reproductive outcomes. Putative vaginal taxa have been observed in male first-catch urine, urethral swab and coronal sulcus (CS) specimens but the significance of these observations is unclear. We used 16 S rRNA sequencing to characterize the microbiota of the CS and urine collected from 18 adolescent men over three consecutive months. CS microbiotas of most participants were more stable than their urine microbiotas and the composition of CS microbiotas were strongly influenced by circumcision. BV-associated taxa, including Atopobium, Megasphaera, Mobiluncus, Prevotella and Gemella, were detected in CS specimens from sexually experienced and inexperienced participants. In contrast, urine primarily contained taxa that were not abundant in CS specimens. Lactobacilllus and Streptococcus were major urine taxa but their abundance was inversely correlated. In contrast, Sneathia, Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma were only found in urine from sexually active participants. Thus, the CS and urine support stable and distinct bacterial communities. Finally, our results suggest that the penis and the urethra can be colonized by a variety of BV-associated taxa and that some of these colonizations result from partnered sexual activity.  相似文献   
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