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Transgenic plants were regenerated from Cichorium intybus L. hairy roots transformed with genes of tuberculosis antigenes ESAT6 and Ag85B or human interferon alpha2b. The plant regeneration was light-dependent and occurred on the media without growth regulators. The DNA PCR and RT-PCR analyses have shown the presence and expression both selective and target genes in all root lines and regenerated plants.  相似文献   
Dispermic androgenesis was used to produce, for the first time, an androgenetic progeny of the Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) and the androgenetic nuclear cytoplasmic hybrids (Siberian sturgeon, A. baerii x Russian sturgeon, A. gueldenstaedtii) using cryopreserved sperm. Microsatellite DNA analysis confirmed exclusively paternal inheritance in the androgenetic progeny of Siberian sturgeon. Heterozygotes for certain microsatellite loci were detected among the androgenetic hybrids, thereby confirming a dispermic nature of androgenesis. According to the data of comparative morphological analysis, the obtained androgenetic hybrid, by the age of 15 months old, was completely identical to the paternal species. Both a female and a male were detected in the androgenetic sturgeon progenies, which is of interest for producing bisexual progenies via androgenesis. The data of this study confirm the feasibility of dispermic androgenesis using cryopreserved sperm to preserve and recover the gene pools of endangered sturgeon species.  相似文献   
Living organisms well adapt themselves to changes in the environment and are robust to potential damage such as mutations. The epigenetic mechanism whereby the suppression of phenotypic variation is achieved has been dubbed canalization. This paper summarizes results of research that employed experimental and theoretical approaches to uncover the mechanisms of canalization of variation in expression of segmentation genes.  相似文献   
Kavaĭ-ool UN  Ezhova TA 《Ontogenez》2011,42(2):151-158
A new mutant, fimbriata petioles (fip), of Arabidopsis thaliana was obtained by chemical mutagenesis. The mutant is characterized by unusual anomalies of floral organs. Clusters of very large cells formed in the distal region of sepals and petals, which created fringed edges of these organs. An analysis of the morphology of the floral organs and leaves of the fip as 1 double mutant revealed a complementary interaction of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and FIMBRIATA PETIOLES (FIP) genes. It was assumed that the FIP gene, together with the AS1 gene, controls cell proliferation, preventing their premature entry into endocycle.  相似文献   
Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are emerging globally, indicating that environmental factors may be important in their pathogenesis. Colonic mucosal epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation, can occur in response to the environment and have been implicated in IBD pathology. However, mucosal DNA methylation has not been examined in treatment-naïve patients. We studied DNA methylation in untreated, left sided colonic biopsy specimens using the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip array. We analyzed 22 control (C) patients, 15 untreated Crohn’s disease (CD) patients, and 9 untreated ulcerative colitis (UC) patients from two cohorts. Samples obtained at the time of clinical remission from two of the treatment-naïve UC patients were also included into the analysis. UC-specific gene expression was interrogated in a subset of adjacent samples (5 C and 5 UC) using the Affymetrix GeneChip PrimeView Human Gene Expression Arrays. Only treatment-naïve UC separated from control. One-hundred-and-twenty genes with significant expression change in UC (> 2-fold, P < 0.05) were associated with differentially methylated regions (DMRs). Epigenetically associated gene expression changes (including gene expression changes in the IFITM1, ITGB2, S100A9, SLPI, SAA1, and STAT3 genes) were linked to colonic mucosal immune and defense responses. These findings underscore the relationship between epigenetic changes and inflammation in pediatric treatment-naïve UC and may have potential etiologic, diagnostic, and therapeutic relevance for IBD.  相似文献   
The ventricular myocardium is characterized by heterogeneity of activation-recovery interval durations. The transmural ARI gradients are present in the right ventricular apex (ARIs monotonically decreased as one moved from the endocardium to the epicardium), and in the left ventricular base (repolarization in the subepicardial layers was significantly shorter than that in the midmyo cardial layers whereas subendocardial ARIs did not differ from the others). The repolarization pattern of these myocardial regions is governed by the distribution of ARIs. In the apical left ventricular and basal right ventricular areas, no significant transmural differences in the repolarization durations were found. The repolarization pattern of these myocardial regions is governed by the activation sequence. In the right ventricle, ARIs were significantly longer at the base and shorter at the apex. In contrast, in the left ventricle, the apical ARIs were prolonged whereas the basal ARIs were abbreviated. The apex-to-base sequence of myocardial repolarization seems to depend on apex-to-base gradient of activation-recovery intervals durations.  相似文献   
A system of new accelerated and rapid methods for the detection of the antigens of the infective agents of plague, cholera, tularemia and brucellosis were developed on the basis of solid phase immunosuspension tests: the passive hemagglutination (PHA) test and the latex agglutination (LA) test. The immunological and physico-chemical properties of suspensions in the PHA and LA tests made it possible to use extraneous sources of energy (centrifugal acceleration and the electric field) to accelerate these tests. The results of the PHA and LA tests were registered with the use of a densitometer, model Ultrascan 2202, and a tester, model C 34014.2. To apply centrifugal acceleration and the electric field, a laboratory centrifuge and an electrophoretic microchamber were designed. Densitometry was carried out on modified plates and conductometry, with the use of modified electrodes. The time of obtaining the results of the PHA and LA tests was 15-30 minutes with the use of centrifugation and 2-5 minutes in the electric field, which made it possible to regard these tests as rapid.  相似文献   
Molecular genome analysis was for the first time carried out in the genus Stachys. RAPD analysis proved to be suitable for identifying the species-specific markers, studying the interspecific DNA polymorphism, and detecting the genetic changes that arise during in vitro culturing of Stachys sieboldii. In addition, RAPD was used for screening genetic variation in S. sieboldii regenerants obtained at various phytohormone concentrations. High cytokinin concentrations and multiple regeneration were shown to induce genetic changes detectable with RAPD patterns. High DNA polymorphism was demonstrated for two types of S. sieboldii callus cultures and for plants regenerated from a callus culture.  相似文献   
The influence of Mn on saturation curves of ESR spectra of Ph(-) and P(+)(680) at 1-200K in samples with different content of Mn has been studied. An analysis of these data and those on photoinduced changes of fluorescence yield of chlorophyll leads to the conclusion that the Mn-containing centre in Photosystem 2 is a cluster of 4 Mn atoms, two of which can be replaced by Mg(2+) or any other divalent metal. The distances between Mn Na Ph as well as between Mn and P(680) have been estimated.  相似文献   
The spectra of mutations and polymorphic loci of the gene of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) was studied in 60 cystic fibrosis (CF) families from Bashkortostan. Mutations delF508, 394delTT, CFTRdele2,3(21 kb), R334W, and S1196X (33.3, 3.3, 1.7, 0.8, and 0.8%, respectively) were identified. The frequencies of tandem tetranucleotide repeat (TTR) alleles were determined for locus IVS6a-GATT of intron 6 of the CFTR gene and two extragenic loci flanking the CFTR gene, D7S23 and MET (probes CS.7 and MetH) in mutant and normal chromosomes. Allelic and haplotypic associations of these loci with the mutations found were estimated. An absolute linkage between the 6TTR allele of locus IVS6a-GATT and the delF508 mutation was ascertained. A considerable linkage disequilibrium between the delF508 mutation and the C2 allele of locus D7S23 and between this mutation and the A1 allele of locus MET was found. Most of the other mutant chromosomes carried marker alleles 7TTR, C1, and A2. It was demonstrated that 67% of CF chromosomes carrying delF508 had haplotype 6-2-1 for loci IVS6a-GATT/D7S23/MET, respectively. The frequency distribution of haplotypes in CF chromosomes without delF508 had a high variance and did not differ significantly from the distribution in normal chromosomes (chi 2 = 9.415; p > 0.05).  相似文献   
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