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Par-1 is an evolutionarily conserved protein kinase required for polarity in worms, flies, frogs, and mammals. The mammalian Par-1 family consists of four members. Knockout studies of mice implicate Par-1b/MARK2/EMK in regulating fertility, immune homeostasis, learning, and memory as well as adiposity, insulin hypersensitivity, and glucose metabolism. Here, we report phenotypes of mice null for a second family member (Par-1a/MARK3/C-TAK1) that exhibit increased energy expenditure, reduced adiposity with unaltered glucose handling, and normal insulin sensitivity. Knockout mice were protected against high-fat diet-induced obesity and displayed attenuated weight gain, complete resistance to hepatic steatosis, and improved glucose handling with decreased insulin secretion. Overnight starvation led to complete hepatic glycogen depletion, associated hypoketotic hypoglycemia, increased hepatocellular autophagy, and increased glycogen synthase levels in Par-1a−/− but not in control or Par-1b−/− mice. The intercrossing of Par-1a−/− with Par-1b−/− mice revealed that at least one of the four alleles is necessary for embryonic survival. The severity of phenotypes followed a rank order, whereby the loss of one Par-1b allele in Par-1a−/− mice conveyed milder phenotypes than the loss of one Par-1a allele in Par-1b−/− mice. Thus, although Par-1a and Par-1b can compensate for one another during embryogenesis, their individual disruption gives rise to distinct metabolic phenotypes in adult mice.Cellular polarity is a fundamental principle in biology (6, 36, 62). The prototypical protein kinase originally identified as a regulator of polarity was termed partitioning defective (Par-1) due to early embryonic defects in Caenorhabditis elegans (52). Subsequent studies revealed that Par-1 is required for cellular polarity in worms, flies, frogs, and mammals (4, 17, 58, 63, 65, 71, 89). An integral role for Par-1 kinases in multiple signaling pathways has also been established, and although not formally addressed, multifunctionality for individual Par-1 family members is implied in reviews of the list of recognized upstream regulators and downstream substrates (Table (Table1).1). Interestingly, for many Par-1 substrates the phosphorylated residues generate 14-3-3 binding sites (25, 28, 37, 50, 59, 61, 68, 69, 78, 95, 101, 103). 14-3-3 binding in turn modulates both nuclear/cytoplasmic as well as cytoplasmic/membrane shuttling of target proteins, thus allowing Par-1 activity to establish intracellular spatial organization (15, 101). The phosphorylation of Par-1 itself promotes 14-3-3 binding, thereby regulating its subcellular localization (37, 59, 101).


Multifunctionality of Par-1 polarity kinase pathwaysa
Regulator or substrateFunctionReference(s)
Regulators (upstream function)
    LKB1Wnt signaling, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, insulin signal transduction, pattern formation2, 63, 93
    TAO1MEK3/p38 stress-responsive mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway46
    MARKKNerve growth factor signaling in neurite development and differentiation98
    aPKCCa2+/DAG-independent signal transduction, cell polarity, glucose metabolism14, 37, 40, 45, 59, 75, 95
    nPKC/PKDDAG-dependent, Ca2+-independent signal transduction (GPCR)101
    PAR-3/PAR-6/aPKC(−); regulates Par-1, assembly of microtubules, axon-dendrite specification19
    GSK3β(−); tau phosphorylation, Alzheimer''s dementia, energy metabolism, body patterning54, 97
    Pim-1 oncogene(−); G2/M checkpoint, effector of cytokine signaling and Jak/STAT(3/5)5
    CaMKI(−); Ca2+-dependent signal transduction, neuronal differentiation99
Substrates (downstream function)
    Cdc25CRegulation of mitotic entry by activation of the cdc2-cyclin B complex25, 72, 78, 103
    Class II HDACControl of gene expression and master regulator of subcellular trafficking28, 50
    CRTC2/TORC2Gluconeogenesis regulator via LKB1/AMPK/TORC2 signaling, PPARγ1a coactivator49
    Dlg/PSD-95Synaptogenesis and neuromuscular junction, tumor suppressor (102)104
    DisheveledWnt signaling, translocation of Dsh from cytoplasmic vesicles to cortex73, 94
    KSR1Regulation of the Ras-MAPK pathway68, 69
    MAP2/4/TAUDynamic instability (67, 83) of microtubules, Alzheimer''s dementia (30)11, 31-33, 47, 70, 96
    Mib/NotchMind bomb (Mib degradation and repression of Notch signaling results in neurogenesis)57, 74, 81
    Par3/OSKAR/LglCytoplasmic protein segregation, cell polarity, and asymmetric cell division7, 10
    Pkp2Desmosome assembly and organization; nuclear shuttling68, 69
    PTPH1Linkage between Ser/Thr and Tyr phosphorylation-dependent signaling103
    Rab11-FIPRegulation of endocytosis (23), trafficking of E-cadherin (64)34
Open in a separate windowaLKB1 also is known as Par-4; MARKK also is known as Ste20-like; (−), inhibitory/negative regulation has been shown; GPCR, G protein-coupled receptors. MARKK is highly homologous to TAO-1 (thousand-and-one amino acid kinase) (46).The mammalian Par-1 family contains four members (Table (Table2).2). Physiological functions of the Par-1b kinase have been studied using targeted gene knockout approaches in mice (9, 44). Two independently derived mouse lines null for Par-1b have implicated this protein kinase in diverse physiological processes, including fertility (9), immune system homeostasis (44), learning and memory (86), the positioning of nuclei in pancreatic beta cells (35, 38), and growth and metabolism (43).


Terminology and localization of mammalian Par-1 family members
SynonymsaSubcellular localization
Par-1a, MARK3, C-TAK1, p78/KP78, 1600015G02Rik, A430080F22Rik, Emk2, ETK-1, KIAA4230, mKIAA1860, mKIAA4230, M80359Basolateralb/apicalc
Par-1b, EMK, MARK2, AU024026, mKIAA4207Basolateral
Par1c, MARK1Basolateral
Par1d, MARK4, MARKL1Not asymmetricd
Open in a separate windowaPar should not to be confused with protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1 [29]); C-TAK1, Cdc twenty-five C-associated kinase 1; MARK, microtubule affinity regulating kinase; MARKL, MAP/microtubule affinity-regulating kinase-like 1.bBasolateral to a lesser degree than Par-1b (37).cHuman KP78 is asymmetrically localized to the apical surface of epithelial cells (76).dVariant that does not show asymmetric localization in epithelial cells when overexpressed (95).Beyond Par-1b, most information regarding the cell biological functions of the Par-1 kinases comes from studies of Par-1a. Specifically, Par-1a has been implicated in pancreatic (76) and hepatocarcinogenesis (51), as well as colorectal tumors (77), hippocampal function (100), CagA (Helicobacter pylori)-associated epithelial cell polarity disruption (82), and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (48), although the latter association has been excluded recently (27). As a first step toward determining unique and redundant functions of Par-1 family members, mice disrupted for a second member of the family (Par-1a/MARK3/C-TAK1) were generated. We report that Par-1a−/− mice are viable and develop normally, and adult mice are hypermetabolic, have decreased white and brown adipose tissue mass, and unaltered glucose/insulin handling. However, when challenged by a high-fat diet (HFD), Par-1a−/− mice exhibit resistance to hepatic steatosis, resistance to glucose intolerance, and the delayed onset of obesity relative to that of control littermates. Strikingly, overnight starvation results in a complete depletion of glycogen and lipid stores along with an increase in autophagic vacuoles in the liver of Par-1a−/− but not Par-1b−/− mice. Correspondingly, Par-1a−/− mice develop hypoketotic hypoglycemia. These findings reveal unique metabolic functions of two Par-1 family members.  相似文献   
Glycolate oxidase (GO; (S)‐2‐hydroxyacid oxidase, EC is a flavin mononucleotide (FMN)‐dependent enzyme, which catalyzes the oxidation of 2‐hydroxy carboxylic acids to the corresponding 2‐keto acids. Catalase has been used as cocatalyst to decompose hydrogen peroxide produced in the reaction, thus limiting peroxide‐based side reactions and GO deactivation. GO from spinach and catalase T from Saccharomyces cerevisiae previously coexpressed in Pichia pastoris strain NRRL Y‐21001, was permeabilized and used for the oxidation of 3‐phenyllactic acid, 3‐indolelactic acid, 3‐chlorolactic acid, 2‐hydroxybutanoic acid, and 2‐hydroxydecanoic acid to demonstrate high degree of selectivity to the (S)‐enantiomers, leaving (R)‐isomers intact. The rates of oxidation ranged from 1.3 to 120.0%, relative to the oxidation of lactic acid to pyruvic acid. The best substrates were 3‐chlorolactic acid (110%) and 2‐hydroxybutanoic acid (120%). Oxidation was carried out with (R)‐, (S)‐, and (RS)‐3‐phenyllactic acid, (RS)‐lactic acid, and (RS)‐2‐hydroxybutanoic acid in 500 mL scale to characterize the products and stoichiometry of the reaction. All (RS)‐ and (S)‐2‐hydroxy acids produced 2‐keto acids at close to the theoretical yield in 1–9 h. (R)‐3‐Phenyllactic acid was not oxidized over a period of 9 h. Addition of exogenous FMN and catalase were not required for this oxidation using double recombinant Pichia pastoris whole cells. As GO is absolutely specific to (S)‐enantiomers, it can be used for resolution of racemic 2‐hydroxy acids to (R)‐2‐hydroxy acids as well as for production of 2‐keto acids. This is the first report on the selectivity of a broad range of 2‐hydroxy acids by GO. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   


Studies have shown that Notch is essential for the maintenance of a T cell Th2 phenotype in vivo. It has also been shown that Notch ligands have diverse functions during T cell activation. We chose to investigate the role of Notch ligands during the Th2 response.

Principal Findings

We studied the relationship of two Notch ligands, delta-like 4 and jagged-1, to T cell proliferation in C57 Bl/6 mice. Our findings indicate that jagged-1 does not affect the rate of T cell proliferation in any subset examined. However, delta-like 4 causes an increase in the expansion of Th2 memory cells and a decrease in effector cell proliferation. Our in vivo studies indicate that the Notch system is dynamically regulated, and that blocking one Notch ligand increases the effective concentration of other Notch ligands, thus altering the response. Examination of genes related to the Notch pathway revealed that the Notch receptors were increased in memory T cells. Expression of BMI1, a gene involved in T cell proliferation, was also higher in memory T cells. Further experiments demonstrated that Notch directly regulates the expression of the BMI1 gene in T cells and may govern T cell proliferation through this pathway.


From these experiments we can make several novel conclusions about the role of Notch ligands in T cell biology. The first is that delta-like 4 suppresses effector cell proliferation and enhances Th2 memory cell proliferation. The second is that blocking one Notch ligand in vivo effectively increases the concentration of other Notch ligands, which can then alter the response.  相似文献   
Systematics and Biogeography of Hard Ticks, a Total Evidence Approach   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Systematic relationships among the basal Ixodidae are examined using one morphological and three molecular data sets, 18S and 28S nuclear and 16S mitochondrial rDNA. Although different combinations of partitions are incompatible in a partition homogeneity test, combining them produces similar or better support for most major lineages through both additive and complementary effects. The different data sets are not complete for all taxa, but inclusion or exclusion of taxa with missing data for one or more data sets (8 of 29 ingroup taxa) does not influence overall tree topology and only weakly affects support levels. The only notable effect was based on gap treatment in the 28S data set. Gap treatment completely changes the arrangement and support levels for one basal node. The combined analyses show strong support for the Metastriata, a lineage including most endemic Australian Ixodes , and a lineage including the remaining Ixodes , but not for the Prostriata (= Ixodes s.l.). The distribution pattern of endemic Australian taxa (nearly all included in three exclusively Australian basal lineages) suggests that these lineages, and by extension the Ixodidae, originated after the isolation of Australia in the late Cretaceous, much more recently than previously indicated.  相似文献   
Vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to separate enzyme proteins at 73 putative loci in natural house fly populations sampled in central Iowa. Thirty-nine of the loci were polymorphic (53%). The mean effective number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 1.93 and 1.47 alleles among 68 scored loci. Observed and expected heterozygosities at 34 house fly loci were 0.1628 and 0.1834, respectively. No statistically significant differentiation was detected among nine central Iowa fly populations in 1989 or among nine Iowa and three Minnesota populations in 1990. Journal Paper No. J-14125 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames. Project No. 2949.  相似文献   
Injuring light induced structural changes in rod outer segment (ROS) membranes are studied using "ST EST spectroscopy" for spin labelled rhodopsin, ESR of lipid spin label and SDS gel-electrophoresis. Free SH-group content of rhodopsin and lipid peroxidation level were simultaneously determined as well. A decrease of rotational mobility of rhodopsin in ROS induced by prolonged illumination is shown to result from irreversible protein aggregation caused by disulfide bond formation between "hydrophobic" SH-groups of rhodopsin. Some decrease of lipid microviscosity and degree of order are found, in contrast to considerable rise in microviscosity due to Fe2+-ascorbate induced lipid peroxidation of ROS membranes. Lipid oxidation is found to accelerate protein aggregation which in its turn influences the state of lipid bilayer.  相似文献   
The protein 4.1 superfamily is comprised of a diverse group of cytoplasmic proteins, many of which have been shown to associate with the plasma membrane via binding to specific transmembrane proteins. Coracle, a Drosophila protein 4.1 homologue, is required during embryogenesis and is localized to the cytoplasmic face of the septate junction in epithelial cells. Using in vitro mutagenesis, we demonstrate that the amino-terminal 383 amino acids of Coracle define a functional domain that is both necessary and sufficient for proper septate junction localization in transgenic embryos. Genetic mutations within this domain disrupt the subcellular localization of Coracle and severely affect its genetic function, indicating that correct subcellular localization is essential for Coracle function. Furthermore, the localization of Coracle and the transmembrane protein Neurexin to the septate junction display an interdependent relationship, suggesting that Coracle and Neurexin interact with one another at the cytoplasmic face of the septate junction. Consistent with this notion, immunoprecipitation and in vitro binding studies demonstrate that the amino-terminal 383 amino acids of Coracle and cytoplasmic domain of Neurexin interact directly. Together these results indicate that Coracle provides essential membrane-organizing functions at the septate junction, and that these functions are carried out by an amino-terminal domain that is conserved in all protein 4.1 superfamily members.  相似文献   
Benzaldehyde lyase (BAL) is a thiamin diphosphate-dependent enzyme, which catalyzes the breakdown of (R)-benzoin to benzaldehyde. In essence, this is the reverse of the carboligation reaction catalyzed by benzoylformate decarboxylase (BFD). Here, we describe the first steps towards understanding the factors influencing BFD to form a CC bond under conditions wherein BAL will cleave the same bond. What are the similarities and differences between these two enzymes that result in the different catalytic activities? The X-ray structures of BFD and pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) were used as templates for modeling benzaldehyde lyase. The model shows that a glutamine residue, Gln113, replaces the active site histidines of BFD and PDC. Replacement of the Gln113 by alanine or histidine reduced the value of k(cat) for lyase activity by more than 200-fold. The residues in BFD interacting with the phenyl ring of benzoylformate have similarly positioned counterparts in BAL but Ser26, the residue known to interact with the carboxylate group of benzoylformate, has been replaced by an alanine (Ala28). The BAL A28S variant exhibited 7% of WT activity in the BAL assay but, in the most intriguing result, this variant was able to catalyze the decarboxylation of benzoylformate. Conversely, the BFD S26A variant was unable to cleave benzoin.  相似文献   
Specific interactions of human melanocortin-4 receptor (hMC4R) with its nonpeptide and peptide agonists were studied using alanine-scanning mutagenesis. The binding affinities and potencies of two synthetic, small-molecule agonists (THIQ, MB243) were strongly affected by substitutions in transmembrane alpha-helices (TM) 2, 3, 6, and 7 (residues Glu(100), Asp(122), Asp(126), Phe(261), His(264), Leu(265), and Leu(288)). In addition, a I129A mutation primarily affected the binding and potency of THIQ, while F262A, W258A, Y268A mutations impaired interactions with MB243. By contrast, binding affinity and potency of the linear peptide agonist NDP-MSH were substantially reduced only in D126A and H264A mutants. Three-dimensional models of receptor-ligand complexes with their agonists were generated by distance-geometry using the experimental, homology-based, and other structural constraints, including interhelical H-bonds and two disulfide bridges (Cys(40)-Cys(279), Cys(271)-Cys(277)) of hMC4R. In the models, all pharmacophore elements of small-molecule agonists are spatially overlapped with the corresponding key residues (His(6), d-Phe(7), Arg(8), and Trp(9)) of the linear peptide: their charged amine groups interact with acidic residues from TM2 and TM3, similar to His(6) and Arg(6) of NDP-MSH; their substituted piperidines mimic Trp(9) of the peptide and interact with TM5 and TM6, while the d-Phe aromatic rings of all three agonists contact with Leu(133), Trp(258), and Phe(261) residues.  相似文献   
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