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目的:探讨大鼠幼年期丰富环境经历对其成年后焦虑样行为和社会竞争行为的影响。方法:幼年期Wistar大鼠(生后21天)分为标准饲养组(对照组)和丰富环境刺激(EE)组。对照组为持续在标准实验室饲养条件下饲养;丰富环境组为生后21天至行为学检查时持续在丰富环境下饲养。在生后70天进行行为学检测:采用高架十字迷宫方法测试焦虑样行为;采用社会优势管道试验观察社会竞争性行为。结果:高架十字迷宫实验结果显示,与对照组相比,丰富环境组在开放臂的时间和次数显著增加;优势管道实验结果显示丰富环境刺激组大鼠的社会竞争力明显下降。结论:大鼠幼年期丰富环境刺激可改善大鼠的焦虑样情绪,但导致大鼠社会竞争力下降。  相似文献   
目的:建立高效液相系统肽图分析法,用于重组胰高血糖素样肽-1受体激动剂(rExendin-4)的质量控制。方法:应用高效液相系统摸索最佳胰蛋白酶切和色谱条件,并采用液质联用系统分析肽段的精确相对分子量和氨基酸序列。结果:根据酶切条件摸索,确定酶切条件为:rExendin-4原液与胰蛋白酶按照质量比为100:1混匀,37℃酶切4小时,根据肽段的色谱保留时间、相对分子质量及对其碰撞诱导解离质谱的解析结果,归属出肽图中各肽段所在的色谱峰,与理论值完全一致。结论:本法精确度高、重复性好、自动化程度高,能够用于rExendin-4原液肽图分析。  相似文献   
目的:对比剂肾病(CIN)是介入治疗中常见并发症之一。由于对比剂肾病发病机制复杂,其确切的机制尚不明确,有研究认为应用渗透压相似的对比剂,高粘度组对比剂引起CIN的几率明显高于低粘度组。本研究探讨接受不同粘度对比剂冠状动脉造影检查的患者术后引起肾功能损害的差异及其可能的机制。方法:80例接受冠状动脉造影检查的患者随机分为两组。分别为20℃碘海醇组、37℃碘海醇组,每组各40例。分别于冠脉造影前8h、冠脉造影后48h采集同一患者肘正中静脉血进行血清肌酐(Scr)、血清胱抑素C(CysC)检测,并对数据进行统计学分析。结果:两组患者组间比较基本资料无明显差异,两组患者术后Ser、CysC较术前均升高,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05);20℃碘海醇组术后Scr较37℃碘海醇组升高不明显,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);20℃碘海醇组术后CysC较37℃碘海醇组升高明显,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:冠脉造影检查时.对比剂对患者的肾功能有损害;选择低粘度对比剂可能减少其对冠状动脉造影患者的肾功能的不良影响;其作用机制可能与对比剂改变血液粘滞性,从而影响肾血流有关。  相似文献   
The therapeutic effect of anti-cancer monoclonal antibodies stems from their capacity to opsonize targeted cancer cells with subsequent phagocytic removal, induction of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) or induction of complement-mediated cytotoxicity (CDC). The major immune effector cells involved in these processes are natural killer (NK) cells and granulocytes. The latter and most prevalent blood cell population contributes to phagocytosis, but is not effective in inducing ADCC. Here, we report that targeted delivery of the tumoricidal protein tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) to granulocyte marker C-type lectin-like molecule-1 (CLL1), using fusion protein CLL1:TRAIL, equips granulocytes with high levels of TRAIL. Upon CLL1-selective binding of this fusion protein, granulocytes acquire additional TRAIL-mediated cytotoxic activity that, importantly, potentiates antibody-mediated cytotoxicity of clinically used therapeutic antibodies (e.g., rituximab, cetuximab). Thus, CLL1:TRAIL could be used as an adjuvant to optimize the clinical potential of anticancer antibody therapy by augmenting tumoricidal activity of granulocytes.  相似文献   


The impact of circle of Willis anatomical variation upon the presentation of stroke is probably underrecognised.  相似文献   
利用重组自交系群体对黄瓜侧枝相关性状进行QTL定位分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
侧枝与黄瓜(Cucumis sativus)产量有密切关系. 本实验利用侧枝长势较弱、萌发较早的华北类型品系S94和侧枝长势较强、萌发较晚的欧洲类型品系S06构建的224个F6:7家系进行黄瓜侧枝相关性状的研究. 利用已构建的重组自交系群体遗传图谱, 使用软件WinQTLCart 2.5进行复合区间定位. 在2006年秋和2007年春两季, 共检测到4个侧枝相关性状(侧枝均长LBAL、侧枝总长LBTL、侧枝数目LBN和第一侧枝节位FLBN)的36个QTL, 单个QTL的贡献率在3.1%(lbtl2.1, 春季)~32.3%(lbn2.3, 春季)之间. 结果显示, 4个不同性状的11个QTL (lbal1.1, lbtl1.1, lbn1.2, flbn1.2等)在两季中都聚集在第1连锁群e23m18d~ME23EM6c之间(7.4 cM), 并且在第2连锁群的S94A1~ME4SA4a之间(13.9 cM)也检测到了4个不同性状的15个QTL (lbal2.1, lbtl2.1, lbn2.1和flbn2.1等). 两季共有21个QTL贡献率超过10%, 其中lbn2.3的贡献率(春季32.3%, LOD=18.4)为最大, lbtl1.3(秋季26.2%, LOD=17.4; 春季26.9%, LOD=17.9)在两季的位置和贡献率都稳定. 这些基因座为将来进行QTL精细定位提供了参考, 同时利用其紧密连锁(<10 cM)的特异标记(CMBR40, F, CS30, S94A1, CSWTA11B)可进行黄瓜侧枝性状的分子标记辅助育种.  相似文献   
The role of sonic hedgehog (SHH) in maintaining corpora cavernosal morphology in the adult penis has been established; however, the mechanism of how SHH itself is regulated remains unclear. Since decreased SHH protein is a cause of smooth muscle apoptosis and erectile dysfunction (ED) in the penis, and SHH treatment can suppress cavernous nerve (CN) injury-induced apoptosis, the question of how SHH signaling is regulated is significant. It is likely that neural input is involved in this process since two models of neuropathy-induced ED exhibit decreased SHH protein and increased apoptosis in the penis. We propose the hypothesis that SHH abundance in the corpora cavernosa is regulated by SHH signaling in the pelvic ganglia, neural activity, or neural transport of a trophic factor from the pelvic ganglia to the corpora. We have examined each of these potential mechanisms. SHH inhibition in the penis shows a 12-fold increase in smooth muscle apoptosis. SHH inhibition in the pelvic ganglia causes significantly increased apoptosis (1.3-fold) and decreased SHH protein (1.1-fold) in the corpora cavernosa. SHH protein is not transported by the CN. Colchicine treatment of the CN resulted in significantly increased smooth muscle apoptosis (1.2-fold) and decreased SHH protein (1.3-fold) in the penis. Lidocaine treatment of the CN caused a similar increase in apoptosis (1.6-fold) and decrease in SHH protein (1.3-fold) in the penis. These results show that neural activity and a trophic factor from the pelvic ganglia/CN are necessary to regulate SHH protein and smooth muscle abundance in the penis.  相似文献   
In eukaryotes, cytosine methylation regulates diverse biological processes such as gene expression, development and maintenance of genomic integrity. However, cytosine methylation and its functions in pathogenic apicomplexan protozoans remain enigmatic. To address this, here we investigated the presence of cytosine methylation in the nucleic acids of the protozoan Plasmodium falciparum. Interestingly, P. falciparum has TRDMT1, a conserved homologue of DNA methyltransferase DNMT2. However, we found that TRDMT1 did not methylate DNA, in vitro. We demonstrate that TRDMT1 methylates cytosine in the endogenous aspartic acid tRNA of P. falciparum. Through RNA bisulfite sequencing, we mapped the position of 5-methyl cytosine in aspartic acid tRNA and found methylation only at C38 position. P. falciparum proteome has significantly higher aspartic acid content and a higher proportion of proteins with poly aspartic acid repeats than other apicomplexan pathogenic protozoans. Proteins with such repeats are functionally important, with significant roles in host-pathogen interactions. Therefore, TRDMT1 mediated C38 methylation of aspartic acid tRNA might play a critical role by translational regulation of important proteins and modulate the pathogenicity of the malarial parasite.  相似文献   
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