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Recent experiments revealed the perfect applicability of megaplex typing by autosomal short tandem repeats (STRs) to degraded DNA. The advantages of megaplex approaches lie in reduced amounts of sample material that are necessary and in remarkable time saving. Furthermore, megaplex typing clearly recognizes possible contaminations and thus has a large potential for indicating authenticity in ancient DNA analysis. This is demonstrated by three examples in which various types of contaminations could clearly be identified as such and even traced back to their origin. This would have been impossible using control samples, due to the sporadic nature of these types of contaminations.  相似文献   
The synthesis and characterization of two beta-cyclodextrins (beta-CD) functionalized with two units of carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine) through the amino group, 6A,6C-(beta-alanyl-L-histidine)-6A,6C-dideoxy-beta-cyclodextrin (ACCDAH) and 6A,6D-(beta-alanyl-L-histidine)-6A,6D-dideoxy-beta-cyclodextrin (ADCDAH), are reported. NMR and C.D. data of the ligands indicate a different interaction of dipeptide chains with upper rim and cavity of beta-CD. Analogously, spectroscopic and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry data show different copper(II) complex species formed by the two regioisomers. The ability of carnosine-cyclodextrin derivatives to bind copper ions in a head-to-tail fashion induces the formation of oligomeric species (up to hexamers) in the case of ACCDAH, where the two carnosine moieties are adjacent, while in the ADCDAH case the mutual interaction between the peptidic chains of two ADCDAH molecules allows the almost exclusive formation of a copper-assisted self-assembled dimeric species.  相似文献   
In this preliminary study hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) is proposed as a good tool in order to detect conformational changes induced by chemical denaturants in two globular proteins, cytochrome C (Cyt C) and myoglobin (MYO). Alterations in protein structure were manifested chromatographically by reproducible changes in peak heights, retention time, and appearance of multiple peaks. The HIC behavior of the two model proteins denatured by guanidinium thyocyanate (GdmSCN) was investigated, keeping constant various concentrations of urea in the mobile phase in a TSK-Gel Phenyl-5PW column (TosoBiosep). Suitable elution conditions provide evidence of the simultaneous presence of two denatured forms in the case of MYO, and sequential different denatured states of Cyt C.  相似文献   
The Zalpha domains represent a growing subfamily of the winged helix-turn-helix (HTH) domain family whose members share a remarkable ability to bind specifically to Z-DNA and/or Z-RNA. They have been found exclusively in proteins involved in interferon response and, while their importance in determining pox viral pathogenicity has been demonstrated, their actual target and biological role remain obscure. Cellular proteins containing Zalpha domains bear a second homologous domain termed Zbeta, which appears to lack the ability to bind left-handed nucleic acids. Here, we present the crystal structure of the Zbeta domain from the human double-stranded RNA adenosine deaminase ADAR1 at 0.97 A, determined by single isomorphous replacement including anomalous scattering. Zbeta maintains a winged-HTH fold with the addition of a C-terminal helix. Mapping of the Zbeta conservation profile on the Zbeta surface reveals a new conserved surface formed partly by the terminal helix 4, involved in metal binding and dimerization and absent from Zalpha domains. Our results show how two domains similar in fold may have evolved into different functional entities even in the context of the same protein.  相似文献   
Theory suggests that density-associated processes can modulate community resilience following declines in population size. Here, we demonstrate density-associated processes in two scleractinian populations on the outer reef of Moorea, French Polynesia, that are rapidly increasing in size following the effects of two catastrophic disturbances. Between 2006 and 2010, predation by the corallivorous crown-of-thorns sea star reduced coral cover by 93 %; in 2010, the dead coral skeletons were removed by a cyclone, and in 2011 and 2012, high coral recruitment initiated population recovery. Coral recruitment was associated with coral cover, but the relationship differed between two coral genera that are almost exclusively broadcast spawners in Moorea. Acroporids recruited at low densities, and the density of recruits was positively associated with cover of Acropora, whereas pocilloporids recruited at high densities, and densities of their recruits were negatively associated with cover of Pocillopora. Together, our results suggest that associations between adult cover and density of both juveniles and recruits can mediate rapid coral community recovery after large disturbances. The difference between taxa in sign of the relationships between recruit density and coral cover indicate that they reflect contrasting mechanisms with the potential to mediate temporal shifts in taxonomic composition of coral communities.  相似文献   
The effect of infra-red laser irradiation has been experimented on various biological systems and particularly in human tissues, in vitro as well as in vivo. In order to examine the influence of laser irradiation on cells of the monocytic lineage we have irradiated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells with an infra-red laser at a wavelength of 904 nm, at 2000 Hz frequency and 15 mW for 2 min. Here, we report that laser irradiation for 2 min. at different preincubation times (T = 0 and T = 30 min) enhances LPS (10 g/ml or PHA (10 g/ml, suboptimal concentration) -stimulated monocytes by modifying cell proliferation, as judged by [3H] thymidine incorporation. IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) along with an increased release of [3H] Arachidonic acid production, is also influenced by laser irradiated monocytes when treated for 2 min after 1 h incubation. IL-1RA production increased 4-5-fold after laser irradiation, while 3H-arachidonic acid incorporated from PMA-stimulated cellsased and the effect was significant at T = 0 and T = 30 min; while at T = 1 h the effect was negligible. These results may provide new information regarding the effect of laser irradiation on the immune system.  相似文献   
NADH oxidase activity of rat liver plasma membranes was inhibited by lowconcentrations (1-100 nM) of ATP. The inhibition was amplified by additionof nanomolar concentrations (0.1-10) of cyclic AMP. The inhibition wascomplex and related to a marked increase in the Km for NADH at high NADHconcentrations together with a concomitant decrease in the Vmax. In theabsence of added or residual ATP, cyclic AMP was without effect. Theresponse of cyclic AMP + ATP was inhibited by low concentrations of theselective inhibitor of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, H-89 but not bystaurosporin. The Vmax but not the Km was modified by treating the plasmamembranes with a mild oxidizing agent, N-chlorosuccinamide, or with thereducing agent, dithiothreitol. In the presence of dithiothreitol, the Vmaxwas reduced by cyclic AMP + ATP. In contrast, in the presence ofN-chlorosuccinamide, the Vmax was increased by cyclic AMP + ATP relative tocyclic AMP + ATP alone. Thus, the effect of cyclic AMP + ATP on the Vmaxcould be either an increase or a decrease depending on whether the membraneswere oxidized or reduced. The results demonstrate regulation of NADH oxidaseactivity of rat liver plasma membranes through cyclic AMP-mediatedphosphorylation by membrane-located protein kinase activities where thefinal response is dependent on the oxidation-reduction status of the plasmamembranes.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Nachtzug der passeriformen Transsaharazieher und der Singvögel, die im Mittelmeerraum überwintern, läßt sich am Radar nicht unterscheiden. Wir bauten darum in Sanlucar de Barrameda (Provinz Cadiz) eine Fangstation auf und berechneten für den Heimzug den täglichen Prozentsatz der Transsaharazieher in Relation zu allen nächtlich ziehenden Singvögeln in 4 Jahren. Für den Beginn der Auswertung der Radarbeobachtungen wurde der 15. 4. als Stichtag festgesetzt. An diesem Tag machen die Transsaharazieher 70% des Singvogelzuges aus. Der Sektor, in dem die Fernfunde, von SW-Spanien aus gesehen, liegen, ist wesentlich kleiner als der Streuungssektor der nächtlichen Zugrichtungen. Das liegt z. T. daran, daß die Vögel nicht auf direktem Wege in ihre Zielgebiete fliegen. Der Anteil britischer Fernfunde ist sehr hoch und deutet auf populationsspezifische Zugrouten.
The passage and migration goals of transsaharan migrants in SW-Spain during spring migration.
Summary Homing passerine transsaharan migrants and short distance migrants wintering in the Mediterranean region cannot be separated by radar. Thus we set up a ringing station in Sancular de Barrameda and calculated the daily percentage of night migrating transsaharan migrants in relation to all nightly migrating songbirds. We decided to start the radar research in this region on april, 15, as at this date at least 70% of the songbirds are transsaharan migrants. Viewed from SW-Spain, the angle, within which the long distance recoveries of ringed birds were found, is very small in relation to the angle of nightly migration directions. Probably the birds do not migrate directly to their destinations. The high percentage of recoveries from the British Isles indicate population specific migration routes.
The A form RNA double helix can be transformed to a left-handed helix, called Z-RNA. Currently, little is known about the detailed structural features of Z-RNA or its involvement in cellular processes. The discovery that certain interferon-response proteins have domains that can stabilize Z-RNA as well as Z-DNA opens the way for the study of Z-RNA. Here, we present the 2.25 A crystal structure of the Zalpha domain of the RNA-editing enzyme ADAR1 (double-stranded RNA adenosine deaminase) complexed to a dUr(CG)(3) duplex RNA. The Z-RNA helix is associated with a unique solvent pattern that distinguishes it from the otherwise similar conformation of Z-DNA. Based on the structure, we propose a model suggesting how differences in solvation lead to two types of Z-RNA structures. The interaction of Zalpha with Z-RNA demonstrates how the interferon-induced isoform of ADAR1 could be targeted toward selected dsRNAs containing purine-pyrimidine repeats, possibly of viral origin.  相似文献   
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