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Corticotrophin (ACTH) and its analogues, particularly Semax (Met-Glu-His-Phe-Pro-Gly-Pro), demonstrate nootropic activity. Close functional and anatomical links have been established between melanocortinergic and monoaminergic brain systems. The aim of present work was to investigate the effects of Semax on neurochemical parameters of dopaminergic- and serotonergic systems in rodents. The tissue content of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in the striatum was significantly increased (+25%) 2 h after Semax administration. The extracellular striatal level of 5-HIAA gradually increased up to 180% within 1–4 h after Semax (0.15 mg/kg, ip) administration. This peptide alone failed to alter the tissue and extracellular concentrations of dopamine and its metabolites. Semax injected 20 min prior d-amphetamine dramatically enhanced the effects of the latter on the extracellular level of dopamine and on the locomotor activity of animals. Our results reveal the positive modulatory effect of Semax on the striatal serotonergic system and the ability of Semax to enhance both the striatal release of dopamine and locomotor behavior elicited by d-amphetamine. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Simo S. Oja.  相似文献   
A comprehensively validated procedure is presented for simultaneous semiquantitative/quantitative screening of 51 drugs of abuse or drugs potentially hazardous for traffic safety in serum, plasma or whole blood. Benzodiazepines (12), cannabinoids (3), opioids (8), cocaine, antidepressants (13), antipsychotics (5) and antiepileptics (2) as well as zolpidem, zaleplon, zopiclone, meprobamate, carisoprodol, tizanidine and orphenadrine and internal standard flurazepam, were isolated by high-yield liquid-liquid extraction (LLE). The dried extracts were derivatized by two-step silylation and analyzed by the combination of two different gas chromatographic (GC) separations with both electron capture detection (ECD) and mass spectrometry (MS) operating in a selected ion-monitoring (SIM) mode. Quantitative or semiquantitative results were obtained for each substance based on four-point calibration. In the validation tests, accuracy, reproducibility, linearity, limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ), selectivity, as well as extraction efficiency and stability of standard stock solutions were tested, and derivatization was optimized in detail. Intra- and inter-day precisions were within 2.5-21.8 and 6.0-22.5%, and square of correlation coefficients of linearity ranged from 0.9896 to 0.9999. The limit of quantitation (LOQ) varied from 2 to 2000 ng/ml due to a variety of the relevant concentrations of the analyzed substances in blood. The method is feasible for highly sensitive, reliable and possibly routinely performed clinical and forensic toxicological analyses.  相似文献   
A striking characteristic of endemic Antarctic brown algae is their broad vertical distribution. This feature is largely determined by the shade adaptation in order to cope with the seasonal variation in light availability. However, during spring-summer months, when light penetrates deep in the water column these organisms have to withstand high levels of solar radiation, including UV. In the present study we examine the light use characteristics in parallel to a potential for UV tolerance (measured as content of phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and maximum quantum yield of fluorescence) in conspecific populations of four Antarctic brown algae (Ascoseira mirabilis, Desmarestia menziesii, D. anceps and Himantothallus grandifolius) distributed over a depth gradient between 5 and 30 m. The main results indicated that a) photosynthetic efficiency was uniform along the depth gradient in all the studied species, and b) short-term (6 h) exposure to UV radiation revealed a high tolerance measured as chlorophyll fluorescence, phlorotannin content and antioxidant capacity. Multivariate analysis of similarity indicated that light requirements for photosynthesis, soluble phlorotannins and antioxidant capacity are the variables determining the responses along the depth gradient in all the studied species. The suite of physiological responses of algae with a shallower distribution (A. mirabilis and D. menziesii) differed from those with deeper vertical range (D. anceps and H. grandifolius). These patterns are consistent with the underwater light penetration that defines two zones: 0–15 m, with influence of UV radiation (1% of UV-B and UV-A at 9 m and 15 m respectively) and a zone below 15 m marked by PAR incidence (1% up to 30 m). These results support the prediction that algae show a UV stress tolerance capacity along a broad depth range according to their marked shade adaptation. The high contents of phlorotannins and antioxidant potential appear to be strongly responsible for the lack of clear depth patterns in light demand characteristics and UV tolerance.  相似文献   
Membrane trafficking in concert with the peripheral quality control machinery plays a critical role in preserving plasma membrane (PM) protein homeostasis. Unfortunately, the peripheral quality control may also dispose of partially or transiently unfolded polypeptides and thereby contribute to the loss-of-expression phenotype of conformational diseases. Defective functional PM expression of the human ether-a-go-go–related gene (hERG) K+ channel leads to the prolongation of the ventricular action potential that causes long QT syndrome 2 (LQT2), with increased propensity for arrhythmia and sudden cardiac arrest. LQT2 syndrome is attributed to channel biosynthetic processing defects due to mutation, drug-induced misfolding, or direct channel blockade. Here we provide evidence that a peripheral quality control mechanism can contribute to development of the LQT2 syndrome. We show that PM hERG structural and metabolic stability is compromised by the reduction of extracellular or intracellular K+ concentration. Cardiac glycoside–induced intracellular K+ depletion conformationally impairs the complex-glycosylated channel, which provokes chaperone- and C-terminal Hsp70-interacting protein–dependent polyubiquitination, accelerated internalization, and endosomal sorting complex required for transport–dependent lysosomal degradation. A similar mechanism contributes to the down-regulation of PM hERG harboring LQT2 missense mutations, with incomplete secretion defect. These results suggest that PM quality control plays a determining role in the loss-of-expression phenotype of hERG in certain hereditary and acquired LTQ2 syndromes.  相似文献   
Rapakivi granite samples were incubated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa culture solutions in order to elucidate the possible role of bacteria in rapakivi (crumbling stone) disintegration. SEM micrographs showed micromorphological alterations on the incubated rapakivi surface at 21 to 23°C for 20 days. Elevated concentrations of Na, Ca, K, Fe, and Mg were detected in the culture solutions after incubation. Elemental oxide ratios [K2O : (Na2O + CaO)] in culture solutions were similar to those in rapakivi ovoids, suggesting a proportional dissolution pattern of these elements.  相似文献   
In the last decade the inhibition of the enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 (11β-HSD1) emerged as a promising new strategy to treat diabetes and several metabolic syndrome phenotypes. Using a molecular modeling approach and classical bioisosteric studies, we discovered a new class of 11β-HSD1 inhibitors bearing an arylsulfonylpiperazine scaffold. Optimization of the initial lead resulted in compound 11 that selectively inhibits 11β-HSD1 (IC50 = 0.7 μM).  相似文献   
Many terrestrial endotherm food webs constitute three trophic level cascades. Others have two trophic level dynamics (food limited herbivores; plants adapted to tackle intense herbivory) or one trophic level dynamic (herbivorous endotherms absent, thus plants compete for the few places where they can survive and grow). According to the Exploitation Ecosystems Hypothesis (EEH), these contrasting dynamics are consequences of differences in primary productivity. The productivity thresholds for changing food web dynamics were assumed to be global constants. We challenged this assumption and found that several model parameters are sensitive to the contrast between persistently warm and seasonally cold climates. In persistently warm environments, three trophic level dynamics can be expected to prevail almost everywhere, save the most extreme deserts. We revised EEH accordingly and tested it by compiling direct evidence of three and two trophic level dynamics and by studying the global distribution of felids. In seasonally cold environments, we found evidence for three trophic level dynamics only in productive ecosystems, while evidence for two trophic level dynamics appeared in ecosystems with low primary productivity. In persistently warm environments, we found evidence for three trophic level dynamics in all types of ecosystems. The distribution of felids corroborated these results. The empirical evidence thus indicates that two trophic level dynamics, as defined by EEH, are restricted to seasonally cold biomes with low primary productivity, such as the artic–alpine tundra and the temperate steppe.  相似文献   
doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2010.00407.x
Prevalence and antifungal drug sensitivity of non‐albicans Candida in oral rinse samples of self‐caring elderly Aim: To assess the prevalence and antifungal drug sensitivity of non‐albicans Candida (NAC) species in elderly outpatients. Materials and methods: We investigated oral rinse samples of 194 self‐caring elderly population (mean age 83 years) with emphasis on background factors for harbouring NAC. Susceptibility of Candida species to antifungal drugs was determined using standard methodology. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed taking positive NAC count as the dependent variable and a number of known Candida risk factors as independent variables. Results: Prevalence of candidal carriage of the population was 78.4%, of which 0.5% of the subjects were NAC positive. Candida dubliniensis was the most prevalent NAC species, followed by Candida glabrata and Candida parapsilosis. The NAC positive elderly were more often edentulous with dental prostheses or had fewer teeth than Candida albicans‐positive or yeast‐negative subjects. Dental caries slightly increased the risk for having NAC strains (odds ratio 1.08), whilst greater age appeared to lower the risk (odds ratio 0.77). Candida species were susceptible to the commonly used antifungal agents in general, but with considerable variation among species. Occasionally, some NAC exhibited lower antifungal susceptibility. Conclusion: The possibility of oral reservoirs of NAC strains which are resistant to common antifungals should be noted in elderly outpatients.  相似文献   
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