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Late endosomes, which have the morphological characteristics of multivesicular bodies, have received relatively little attention in comparison with early endosomes and lysosomes. Recent work in mammalian and yeast cells has given insights into their structure and function, including the generation of their multivesicular morphology. Lipid partitioning to create microdomains enriched in specific lipids is observed in late endosomes, with some lumenal vesicles enriched in lysobisphosphatidic acid and others in phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate. Sorting of membrane proteins into the lumenal vesicles may occur because of the properties of their trans-membrane domains, or as a result of tagging with ubiquitin. Yeast class E Vps proteins and their mammalian orthologs are the best candidates to make up the protein machinery that controls inward budding, a process that starts in early endosomes. Late endosomes are able to undergo homotypic fusion events and also heterotypic fusion with lysosomes, a process that delivers endocytosed macromolecules for proteolytic degradation.  相似文献   
One hundred and fifty-two subjects, divided into eight groups, were exposed to a room with a low concentration of either orange or lavender and to an odorless room. In a careful double-blind procedure, neither the subjects nor the experimenters were made aware of the presence of the odors in the experimental conditions. Later they were asked to indicate how well each of 12 odor stimuli, including the experimental and control odors, befitted each of 12 visual contexts, including the exposure rooms. At the end of this session they rated the pleasantness and the familiarity of the odors, and identified them by name. Finally they were debriefed and asked specifically whether they had perceived the experimental odors anywhere in the building. The results of four subjects who answered positively to the latter question were omitted. The results confirm the earlier finding that non-identifiers implicitly link odor and exposure room, whereas identifiers do not show such a link. It is suggested that episodic information is an essential constituent of olfactory memory and that its function is comparable to that of form and structure in visual and auditory memory systems.  相似文献   
To find a protein kinase C (PKC)-independent preconditioning mechanism, hypoxic preconditioning (HP; i.e., 10-min anoxia and 10-min reoxygenation) was applied to isolated rat hearts before 60-min global ischemia. HP led to improved recovery of developed pressure and reduced end-diastolic pressure in the left ventricle during reperfusion. Protection was unaffected by the PKC inhibitor bisindolylmaleimide (BIM; 1 micromol/l). It was abolished by the inhibitor of protein phosphatases 1 and 2A cantharidin (20 or 5 micromol/l) and partially enhanced by the inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A okadaic acid (5 nmol/l). In adult rat cardiomyocytes treated with BIM and exposed to 60-min simulated ischemia (anoxia, extracellular pH 6.4), HP led to attenuation of anoxic Na(+)/Ca(2+) overload and of hypercontracture, which developed on reoxygenation. This protection was prevented by treatment with cantharidin but not with okadaic acid. In conclusion, HP exerts PKC-independent protection on ischemic-reperfused rat hearts and cardiomyocytes. Protein phosphatase 1 seems a mediator of this protective mechanism.  相似文献   
Prohibitin proteins have been implicated in cell proliferation, aging, respiratory chain assembly and the maintenance of mitochondrial integrity. The prohibitins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Phb1 and Phb2, have strong sequence similarity with their human counterparts prohibitin and BAP37, making yeast a good model organism in which to study prohibitin function. Both yeast and mammalian prohibitins form high-molecular-weight complexes (Phb1/2 or prohibitin/BAP37, respectively) in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Expression of prohibitins declines with senescence, both in mammalian fibroblasts and in yeast. With a total loss of prohibitins, the replicative (budding) life span of yeast is reduced, whilst the chronological life span (the survival of stationary cells over time) is relatively unaffected. This effect of prohibitin loss on the replicative life span is still apparent in the absence of an assembled respiratory chain. It also does not reflect the production of extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA circles (ERCs), a genetic instability thought to be a major cause of replicative senescence in yeast. Examination of cells containing a mitochondrially targeted green fluorescent protein indicates this shortened life span is a reflection of defective mitochondrial segregation from the mother to the daughter in the old mother cells of phb mutant strains. Old mother phb mutant cells display highly aberrant mitochondrial morphology and, frequently, a delayed segregation of mitochondria to the daughter. They often arrest growth with their last bud strongly attached and with the mitochondria adjacent to the septum between the mother and the daughter cell.  相似文献   
Carter NP  Fiegler H  Piper J 《Cytometry》2002,49(2):43-48
BACKGROUND: Array-comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), although providing much higher resolution compared with conventional CGH, has not yet become a widely applied method for the analysis of genomic gains and losses. METHODS: In January 2002, the Wellcome Trust sponsored a workshop where many of the laboratories developing this technology met to compare different methodologies for array-CGH. Fourteen groups participated, comprising 11 from Europe and 3 from the United States. To facilitate objective analysis, each laboratory constructed arrays using the same anonymous clones and performed a series of test hybridizations using identical genomic DNAs. RESULTS: A figure of merit (FM) was developed to summarize entire collections of data from each laboratory in a single measurement. The FMs consistently showed that a few groups produced quantitative array hybridization data of high quality, whereas a majority achieved a lower standard. CONCLUSIONS: The conclusions of the workshop were that polymerase chain reaction-based methods for the amplification of large insert clones for arraying were effective for array-CGH. It was also concluded that hybridizations performed under coverslips or in automated hybridization apparatus were less effective than hybridizations performed in simple wells with gentle rocking. A common experience by the participants was the batch-to-batch variability of commercial Cot1 preparations in their ability to suppress hybridization to repeat sequences. (Supplementary material for this article can be found in the online issue, which is available at http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0196-4763/suppmat/49_2/v49.43.html or at http://www.sanger.ac.uk/HGP/Cytogenetics/Publications/Cytometry Sept 2002/Supplemental.pdf.)  相似文献   
In an attempt to elucidate the role of Slit2 in vertebrate kidney development, the effect of adding exogenous human Slit2 protein (hSlit2) to developing murine metanephric kidney explants was examined. To confirm the activity of the recombinant Slit2 protein, neurons from 8 day old chick sympathetic nerve chain dorsal root ganglia were cultured with hSlit2 protein, which induced significant neurite branching and outgrowth. Using kidney explants as a model system, metanephric development in the presence of hSlit2 protein was examined. Addition of hSlit2 up to a final concentration of 1 microg/ml had no detectable effect on the formation of nephrons or on branching morphogenesis of the ureteric tree after 2 or 4 days in culture, as assessed via immunofluorescence for the markers WT1 and calbindin 28K respectively. Similarly, maturation of the nephrogenic mesenchyme occurred in a phenotypically normal fashion. In situ analysis of the Slit receptors, Robo1 and Robo2, the vasculogenic markers VEGFA and Flk-1, and the stromal cell marker BF2 displayed no difference in comparison to controls.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The discriminatory power and imaging efficiency of different multicolor FISH (M-FISH) analysis systems are key factors in obtaining accurate and reproducible classification results. In a recent paper, Garini et al. put forth an analytical technique to quantify the discriminatory power ("S/N ratio") and imaging efficiency ('excitation efficiency') of multicolor fluorescent karyotyping systems. METHODS: A parametric model of multicolor fluorescence microscopy, based on the Beer-Lambert law, is analyzed and reduced to a simple expression for S/N ratio. Parameters for individual system configurations are then plugged into the model for comparison purposes. RESULTS: We found that several invalid assumptions, which are used to reduce the complex mathematics of the Beer-Lambert law to a simple S/N ratio, result in some completely misleading conclusions about classification accuracy. The authors omit the most significant noise source, and consider only one highly abstract and unrepresentative situation. Unwisely chosen parameters used in the examples lead to predictions that are not consistent with actual results. CONCLUSIONS: The earlier paper presents an inaccurate view of the M-FISH situation. In this short communication, we point out several inaccurate assumptions in the mathematical development of Garini et al. and the poor choices of parameters in their examples. We show results obtained with different imaging systems that indicate that reliable and comparable results are obtained if the metaphase samples are well-hybridized. We also conclude that so-called biochemical noise, not photon noise, is the primary factor that limits pixel classification accuracy, given reasonable exposure times. Copyright Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The slit (sli) gene, encoding a secreted glycoprotein, has been demonstrated to play a vital role in axonal guidance in Drosophila melanogaster by acting as a signalling ligand for the robo receptor (Rothberg, J.M., Jacobs, J.R., Goodman, C.S., Artavanis-Tsakonas, S., 1990. slit: an extracellular protein necessary for development of midline glia and commissural axon pathways contains both EGF and LRR domains. Genes Dev. 4, 2169-2187; Kidd, T., Bland, K.S., Goodman, C. S., 1999. Slit is the midline repellent for the robo receptor in Drosophila. Cell 96, 785-794). Multiple homologs of both sli and robo have been identified in vertebrates and are thought to play similar roles to their fly counterparts in neural development (Brose, K., Bland, K.S., Wang, K.H., Arnott, D., Henzel, W., Goodman, C.S., Tessier-Lavigne, M., Kidd, T., 1999. Slit proteins bind Robo receptors and have an evolutionarily conserved role in repulsive axon guidance. Cell 96, 795-806). Slit2 has been shown to bind Robo1, mediating both neuronal and axonal guidance in the developing central nervous system (CNS), (Brose et al., 1999; Hu, H., 1999. Chemorepulsion of neuronal migration by Slit2 in the developing mammalian forebrain. Neuron 23, 703-711). Importantly, both gene families display distinct expression patterns outside the CNS (Holmes, G.P., Negus, K., Burridge, L., Raman, S., Algar, E., Yamada, T., Little, M.H., 1998. Distinct but overlapping expression patterns of two vertebrate slit homologs implies functional roles in CNS development and organogenesis. Mech. Dev. 79, 57-72; Yuan, W., Zhou, L., Chen, J.H., Wu, J.Y., Rao, Y., Ornitz, D.M., 1999. The mouse SLIT family: secreted ligands for ROBO expressed in patterns that suggest a role in morphogenesis and axon guidance. Dev. Biol. 212, 290-306). Using in situ hybridization on metanephric explant cultures and urogenital tract sections, the expression patterns of Slit1, 2, 3 and Robo1 and 2 were investigated during murine metanephric development. Slit1 was expressed in the metanephric mesenchyme (MM) surrounding the invading ureteric tree (UT). Slit2 was expressed at the tips of the UT and both Slit2 and Slit3 were expressed at the far proximal end of the comma shaped and S-shaped bodies. Expression of Robo1 was initially diffuse throughout the MM, then upregulated in the pretubular aggregates, and maintained at the distal end of the comma and S-shaped bodies. Robo2 was detected in the induced MM surrounding the arborizing UT tips and later in the proximal end of the S-shaped bodies. Coincident expression of Robo1 with Slit1 in the metanephric mesenchyme and Robo2, Slit2 and Slit3 in the far proximal end of the S-shaped bodies was observed during metanephric development.  相似文献   
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