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The interleukine-5 (IL-5) is a hormone of the immune system that is the main regulator of eosinopoiesis, eosinophil maturation and activation, and immunoglobulin A production. Thus, IL-5 contributes in several ways to human immune defenses against various pathogens, including helminths and infectious agents of the digestive and respiratory tracts. On the other hand, the increase in eosinophil number and the activation of these cells, which both have been related to elevated IL-5 production, are the cause of severe pathological disorders, as in asthma or hypereosinophilic syndromes. Although the immunological pathways leading to IL-5 synthesis have been identified, the reasons for the large variability observed in IL-5 production among subjects exposed to comparable antigenic stimulation are unknown. To investigate the role of genetic factors in this variability, we conducted a segregation analysis in a Brazilian population infected by the helminth parasite Schistosoma mansoni. The analysis was performed on IL-5 levels produced by blood mononuclear cells of these subjects after in vitro restimulation with either parasite extracts (IL-5/schistosomula sonicates [SS] phenotype) or a T-lymphocyte mitogen (IL-5/phytohemagglutin [PHA]). The results provide clear evidence for the segregation of a codominant major gene controlling IL-5/SS and IL-5/PHA production and accounting for 70% and 73% of the phenotypic variance, respectively; the frequency of the allele predisposing to low IL-5 production was approximately .22 for both phenotypes. No significant relationship was found between these genes and the gene controlling infection intensities by S. mansoni detected in a previous study. Linkage studies are ongoing to locate those genes that would help to characterize the genetic factors involved in pathological conditions such as severe helminth infections and allergic diseases.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of PCSK9: a regulator of plasma LDL-cholesterol   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin type 9 (PCSK9) has been shown to be involved in the regulation of extracellular levels of the low-density lipoprotien receptor (LDLR). Although PCSK9 is a subtilase, it has not been shown to degrade the LDLR, and its LDLR-lowering mechanism remains uncertain. Here we report the crystal structure of human PCSK9 at 2.3 A resolution. PCSK9 has subtilisin-like pro- and catalytic domains, and the stable interaction between these domains prevents access to PCSK9's catalytic site. The C-terminal domain of PCSK9 has a novel protein fold and may mediate protein-protein interactions. The structure of PCSK9 provides insight into its biochemical characteristics and biological function.  相似文献   
Commercial bioreactors employing mammalian cell cultures to express biological or pharmaceutical products can become contaminated with adventitious viruses. The high expense of such a contamination can be reduced by passing all gases and fluids feeding the bioreactor through virus inactivation or removal steps, which act as viral barriers around the bioreactor. A novel virus barrier filter has been developed for removing viruses from serum-free cell culture media. This filter removes the 20 nm minute virus of mice by >3 log reduction value (LRV), the 28 nm bacteriophage PhiX174 by >4.5 LRV, the mycoplasma Acholeplasma laidlawii by > or =8.8 LRV, and the bacteria Brevundimonas diminuta by > or =9.2 LRV. Robust removal occurs primarily by size exclusion as demonstrated over a wide range of feedstocks and operating conditions. The filtered media are indistinguishable from unfiltered media in growth of cells to high densities, maintenance of cell viability, and productivity in expressing protein product. Insulin and transferrin show high passage through the filter. The virus barrier filter can be autoclaved. The relatively high membrane permeability enables the use of a moderate filtration area.  相似文献   
The influence of anti-immunoglobulin M (IgM) and anti-IgD on the ability of fluorescein (FL)-specific B cells to proliferate in a colony-forming assay, and of their progeny to further differentiate in response to different FL-antigens was studied. Splenic FL-specific B cells were purified on FL-gelatin plates and were then cultured in semisolid agar in the presence or absence of anti-mu, and anti-delta, or both. Experiments were performed under conditions of either sheep red blood cell (SRBC)-potentiated or SRBC + lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-potentiated colony growth. The resulting colonies were then tested in secondary filler cell-dependent microcultures for the ability to be triggered by different classes of FL-antigens to yield plaque-forming cells (PFC). Anti-delta inhibited 47% of colony growth under both agar culture conditions. Anti-mu inhibited 55% of colony growth in SRBC + LPS-potentiated agar cultures, and inhibited 72% if only SRBC was present. If anti-delta and anti-mu were added together, inhibition was nearly additive. When anti-Ig-treated colonies were tested for PFC responses against FL-polymerized flagellin (POL), both normal and anti-delta resistant colonies, grown under both agar culture conditions, responded well. Anti-mu resistant colonies were refractory to FL-POL challenge. Only normal or anti-delta resistant colonies grown in SRBC + LPS agar cultures were able to respond well to FL-Ficoll, whereas even normal SRBC-potentiated colonies responded poorly. All except SRBC-potentiated, anti-mu treated colonies were able to respond to nonspecific signals present in cultures containing FL-KLH and activated T cell help. These data suggest that addition of specific anti-Ig antibodies, and variation of agar culture conditions, can select for B cell subpopulations responsive only to certain types of antigens.  相似文献   
High titer (>10 g/L) monoclonal antibody (mAb) cell culture processes are typically achieved by maintaining high viable cell densities over longer culture durations. A corresponding increase in the solids and sub-micron cellular debris particle levels are also observed. This higher burden of solids (≥15%) and sub-micron particles typically exceeds the capabilities of a continuous centrifuge to effectively remove the solids without a substantial loss of product and/or the capacity of the harvest filtration train (depth filter followed by membrane filter) used to clarify the centrate. We discuss here the use of a novel and simple two-polymer flocculation method used to harvest mAb from high cell mass cell culture processes. The addition of the polycationic polymer, poly diallyldimethylammonium chloride (PDADMAC) to the cell culture broth flocculates negatively-charged cells and cellular debris via an ionic interaction mechanism. Incorporation of a non-ionic polymer such as polyethylene glycol (PEG) into the PDADMAC flocculation results in larger flocculated particles with faster settling rate compared to PDADMAC-only flocculation. PDADMAC also flocculates the negatively-charged sub-micron particles to produce a feed stream with a significantly higher harvest filter train throughput compared to a typical centrifuged harvest feed stream. Cell culture process variability such as lactate production, cellular debris and cellular densities were investigated to determine the effect on flocculation. Since PDADMAC is cytotoxic, purification process clearance and toxicity assessment were performed.  相似文献   
The peptide hormone ghrelin is released from a distinct group of gastrointestinal cells in response to caloric restriction, whereas its levels fall after eating. The mechanisms by which ghrelin secretion is regulated remain largely unknown. Here, we have used primary cultures of mouse gastric mucosal cells to investigate ghrelin secretion, with an emphasis on the role of glucose. Ghrelin secretion from these cells upon exposure to different d-glucose concentrations, the glucose antimetabolite 2-deoxy-d-glucose, and other potential secretagogues was assessed. The expression profile of proteins involved in glucose transport, metabolism, and utilization within highly enriched pools of mouse ghrelin cells and within cultured ghrelinoma cells was also determined. Ghrelin release negatively correlated with d-glucose concentration. Insulin blocked ghrelin release, but only in a low d-glucose environment. 2-Deoxy-d-glucose prevented the inhibitory effect of high d-glucose exposure on ghrelin release. mRNAs encoding several facilitative glucose transporters, hexokinases, the ATP-sensitive potassium channel subunit Kir6.2, and sulfonylurea type 1 receptor were expressed highly within ghrelin cells, although neither tolbutamide nor diazoxide exerted direct effects on ghrelin secretion. These findings suggest that direct exposure of ghrelin cells to low ambient d-glucose stimulates ghrelin release, whereas high d-glucose and glucose metabolism within ghrelin cells block ghrelin release. Also, low d-glucose sensitizes ghrelin cells to insulin. Various glucose transporters, channels, and enzymes that mediate glucose responsiveness in other cell types may contribute to the ghrelin cell machinery involved in regulating ghrelin secretion under these different glucose environments, although their exact roles in ghrelin release remain uncertain.  相似文献   
Phosphorylation of endothelial myosin light chains (MLC) is a key mechanism in control of endothelial contractile machinery. Extracellular ATP influences endothelial MLC phosphorylation by either activation of Ca2+-dependent MLC kinase or Ca2+-independent MLC phosphatase. Here, the role of the MEK/MAPK pathway in this signaling was investigated in porcine aortic endothelial cells. Phosphorylation of ERK2 and phosphorylation of MLC were analyzed in cultured aortic endothelial cells. ATP (10 µM) increased ERK2 phosphorylation from basal 17 ± 3 to 53 ± 4%, an effect suppressed in the presence of the MEK inhibitors PD-98059 (20 µM) or U0126 (10 µM). Phosphorylation of ERK2 was not dependent on the ATP-induced cytosolic Ca2+ rise, because it was unaltered when this was suppressed by the Ca2+ chelator BAPTA (10 µM) or xestospongin C (3 µM), an inhibitor of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+ release mechanism of the endoplasmic reticulum. Phosphorylation of ERK2 was neither induced by the adenosine analog 5'-(N-ethylcarboxamido)adenosine (1 µM) nor inhibited in the presence of the adenosine receptor antagonist 8-phenyltheophylline (10 µM). ATP increased MLC kinase activity, and this was blocked in presence of PD-98059. ATP also increased MLC phosphatase activity, which was not inhibited by PD-98059. The MEK/MAPK pathway is a Ca2+-independent part of ATP signaling toward MLC kinase but not of ATP signaling toward MLC phosphatase. mitogen-activated protein kinase; contractile machinery; myosin light chain kinase; myosin light chain phosphatase  相似文献   
Endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT-0, -I, -II, -III) execute cargo sorting and intralumenal vesicle (ILV) formation during conversion of endosomes to multivesicular bodies (MVBs). The AAA-ATPase Vps4 regulates the ESCRT-III polymer to facilitate membrane remodeling and ILV scission during MVB biogenesis. Here, we show that the conserved V domain of ESCRT-associated protein Bro1 (the yeast homologue of mammalian proteins ALIX and HD-PTP) directly stimulates Vps4. This activity is required for MVB cargo sorting. Furthermore, the Bro1 V domain alone supports Vps4/ESCRT–driven ILV formation in vivo without efficient MVB cargo sorting. These results reveal a novel activity of the V domains of Bro1 homologues in licensing ESCRT-III–dependent ILV formation and suggest a role in coordinating cargo sorting with membrane remodeling during MVB sorting. Moreover, ubiquitin binding enhances V domain stimulation of Vps4 to promote ILV formation via the Bro1–Vps4–ESCRT-III axis, uncovering a novel role for ubiquitin during MVB biogenesis in addition to facilitating cargo recognition.  相似文献   
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