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Summary In the rat, gastric histamine is stored predominantly in the enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells, which are located basally in the oxyntic mucosa. The functional significance of histamine in the ECL cells is a matter of speculation. In this study the effect of depletion of histamine on the properties and ultrastructure of the ECL cells was examined. Histamine synthesis was inhibited with -fluoromethylhistidine (3 mg·kg-1·h-1) given via osmotic minipumps over a period of 24 h. The treatment reduced the histidine decarboxylase activity (approximately 20% remaining) and histamine concentration (less than 20% remaining) in the oxyntic mucosa, as well as the intensity of histamine- and chromogranin A-immunostaining in the ECL cells, compared to control rats. The cytoplasmic (secretory) granules/vesicles were greatly reduced in number and size following -fluoromethylhistidine administration. The histamine immunostaining of the mast cells, which occurs at the mucosal surface and in the submucosa, appeared unaffected. We conclude that ECL cell histamine accounts for at least 80% of the total oxyntic mucosal histamine in the rat and that it represents a more mobile pool than mast cell histamine. The reduction in the number and size of the ECL cell granules/vesicles following histamine depletion is in accord with the idea that they represent the storage site for histamine.  相似文献   
Alterations in lipid content and composition in the N-nitrosodiethylamine-induced hepatocarcinoma were investigated. Rats were administrated with N-nitrosodiethylamine in the drinking water for 12 weeks followed by normal tap water for another 6 weeks. The cholesterol content in the liver was increased shortly after the administration of N-nitrosodiethylamine and remained elevated after the removal of the nitrosoamine from the water. The phosphatidylethanolamine level was elevated during N-nitrosodiethylamine administration with a concomitant reduction in phosphatidylcholine level. Lysophosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin levels were increased during the last four weeks of the study. The level of phosphatidylinositol was substantially reduced after eight weeks of N-nitrosodiethylamine treatment, and remained low during the post-treatment period. We postulate that changes in lysophosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin may be a compensatory mechanism for maintaining the asymmetrical distribution of choline-containing lipids in the outer leaflet of the membrane. The elevated level of cholesterol may be a useful indicator for the early detection of N-nitrosodiethylamine-induced hepatocarcinoma.  相似文献   
Experimental estimates of the premelting Adenine-Thymine base pair opening probability for some B-DNA sequences are two orders of magnitude smaller than those of other B-DNA sequences. The AT pairs in the sequence with smaller open probability seem to be those that have a well defined spine of hydration in the minor groove. We show that this spine of hydration can significantly enhance the thermal stability of the base pairs to which they are attached. The effect of this spine of hydration coupled with the possible stabilization effect contributed from neighboring GC pairs can explain the differences in the observed AT pair opening probability for different AT containing B-DNA sequences.  相似文献   
Metastatic variants of human prostatic adenocarcinoma cell lines (DU-145, LNCaP, and ND-1) were studied by using soft agar colony forming efficiency, nude mice tumorigenicity, in vitro invasion assay, and type IV collagenase assay. The DU-145 and ND-1 cell line showed higher metastatic potential than LNCaP. Lipids from DU-145, ND-1, and LNCaP cells were extracted and analyzed by thin-layer chromatography and gas-liquid chromatography. The major lipids were phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, sphingomyelin, fatty acids, and cholesterol. The sphingomyelin level was significantly higher in highly metastatic cells (DU-145 and ND-1) compared with the lower metastatic variant (LNCaP). The increase in the synthetic pathway and decrease in degradation pathway of sphingomyelin in microsomal fractions was sufficient to account for the measured increase in sphingomyelin in DU-145 cells compared with LNCaP cells. The major fatty acids of these lipids were palmitic (16:0), stearic (18:0), oelic (18:1), and arachidonic acid (20:4). The arachidonic acid level was significantly decreased in DU-145 and ND-1 compared with LNCaP cells. Electron microscopic studies showed no significant changes in the morphology of DU-145, ND-1, and LNCaP cells. The results of these investigations demonstrate for the first time that sphingomyelin and arachidonic acid contents are different in high and low metastatic variants of human prostatic adenocarcinoma cell lines.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional structure of the quinoprotein methylamine dehydrogenase from Paracoccus dentrificans (PD-MADH) has been determined at 2.8 A resolution by the molecular replacement method combined with map averaging procedures, using data collected from an area detector. The structure of methylamine dehydrogenase from Thio-bacillus versutus, which contains an "X-ray" sequence, was used as the starting search model. MADH consists of 2 heavy (H) and 2 light (L) subunits related by a molecular 2-fold axis. The H subunit is folded into seven four-stranded beta segments, forming a disk-shaped structure, arranged with pseudo-7-fold symmetry. A 31-residue elongated tail exists at the N-terminus of the H subunit in MADH from T. versutus but is partially digested in this crystal form of MADH from P. denitrificans, leaving the H subunit about 18 residues shorter. Each L subunit contains 127 residues arranged into 10 beta-strands connected by turns. The active site of the enzyme is located in the L subunit and is accessible via a hydrophobic channel between the H and L subunits. The redox cofactor of MADH, tryptophan tryptophylquinone is highly unusual. It is formed from two covalently linked tryptophan side chains at positions 57 and 107 of the L subunit, one of which contains an orthoquinone.  相似文献   
The DXS255 locus at Xp11.22 is highly polymorphic due to a 26-bp variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) motif. In previous studies, one of the MspI sites flanking the VNTR manifested a correlation between methylation and X chromosome inactivation. Here we show, by DNA sequence analysis, that this MspI site is located within the CpG island at the 5' end of a LINE-1 element, which is 2.5 kb from the VNTR. The methylation status of the CpG island was assessed in Southern blotting experiments using the methylation-sensitive enzymes HpaII, HhaI, and BssHII. All these sites were completely methylated on active X chromosomes, consistent with previously reported findings of full methylation of LINE-1 elements throughout the genome. However, on inactive X chromosomes these sites were predominantly unmethylated, although patterns were found to be heterogeneous. The results suggest that LINE-1 elements on the inactive X chromosome are not suppressed by full methylation of their CpG islands. The differential methylation of the DXS255 CpG island provides the basis for a highly informative X inactivation analysis system.  相似文献   
Synaptic connections between the sensory and motor neurons of Aplysia in culture undergo long-term facilitation in response to serotonin (5-HT) and long-term depression in response to FMRFamide. These long-term functional changes are dependent on the synthesis of macromolecules during the period in which the transmitter is applied and are accompanied by structural changes. There is an increase and a decrease, respectively, in the number of sensory neuron varicosities in response to 5-HT and FMRFamide. To determine whether macromolecular synthesis is also required for the structural changes, we examined in parallel the effects of inhibitors of protein (anisomycin) or RNA (actinomycin D) synthesis on the structural and functional changes. We have found that anisomycin and actinomycin D block both the enduring alterations in varicosity number and the long-lasting changes in synaptic potential. These results indicate that macromolecular synthesis is required for expression of the long-lasting structural changes in the sensory cells and that this synthesis is correlated with the long-term functional modulation of sensorimotor synapses.  相似文献   
Considerable clinical interest in neuropeptides and peptide hormones has stimulated recent research and development of peptide-based drugs. This process differs from most classical drug discovery procedures because peptide molecules have considerable inherent flexibility. In the present paper, to identify lowest energy and metastable conformers for drug design, and to develop protocols for such studies, conformational search algorithms, incorporating empirical energy calculations, have been applied in the analysis of the peptide oxytocin. Energy minimization in torsion angle space was carried out from a variety of starting conformations, including published structures, in all-atom mode and all with distance constraints for disulphide bond formation. The energy-minimized conformations have been further optimized by a mapping method. Complementary simulations have been performed in united-atom mode and a model representing the effects of water using dummy sites has been developed and tested for this representation. Several of the preferred conformers together with de novo conformations have been used as starting points in molecular dynamics simulations; 28 low potential energy conformations were located at a temperature of 4 K. Conformations are analysed to identify hydrogen bonds, phi-psi angle distributions and the RMS values relative to the X-ray structure of deamino-oxytocin. The modelled structure of lowest energy in the molecular mechanics calculations was also that of least RMS deviation from the crystal structure; whilst structures of lower energy but larger deviation were identified by molecular dynamics techniques. A metastable structure has been identified which satisfies existing criteria for the "active form", and this model is tested by a theoretical residue-substitution technique, to provide clues on the agonist/antagonist relationship at the atomic level.  相似文献   
Punta Toro virus (PTV), a member of the sandfly fever group of bunyaviruses, is assembled by budding at intracellular membranes of the Golgi complex. We have examined PTV glycoprotein transport, assembly, and release and the effects of brefeldin A (BFA) on these processes. Both the G1 and G2 proteins were transported out of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and retained in the Golgi complex in a stable structure, either during PTV infection or when expressed from a vaccinia virus recombinant. BFA treatment causes a rapid and dramatic change in the distribution of the G1 and G2 proteins, from a Golgi pattern to an ER pattern. The G1 and G2 proteins were found to be modified by medial but not trans Golgi network enzymes, in the presence or absence of BFA. We found that BFA blocks PTV release from cells but does not interfere with the intracellular assembly of infectious virions. Further, the BFA block of virus release is fully reversible, with high levels of virus release occurring upon removal of the inhibitor. It was also found that the release of PTV virions is polarized, occurring exclusively from the basolateral surfaces of the polarized Vero C1008 epithelial cell line.  相似文献   
Topoisomerase II activity was measured in wild-type, Chinese hamster ovary K1 cells, and in the DNA double-strand break repair deficient xrs-6 cell line. Total topoisomerase II activity in a high salt, nuclear extract was found to be the same in both cell lines, as measured by decatenation of kinetoplast DNA networks and catenation of plasmid pBR322 DNA. While at low drug concentrations m-AMSA-induced enzyme cutting of nuclear DNA was 25% less in xrs-6 cells, the frequency of DNA breaks at high concentrations of the drug, and thus the frequency of the topoisomerase II enzyme, was the same in both cell lines. Despite the presence of equivalent enzyme levels in both cell lines, the xrs-6 cell line was 3 times more sensitive to drug-induced cytotoxicity. These results may be due to the fact that, as with X-radiation-induced DNA damage, xrs-6 cells are deficient in the capacity to rejoin topoisomerase II-induced DNA double-strand breaks.  相似文献   
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