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Jiao P  Cao L  Yuan R  Wei L  Song Y  Shen D  Gong L  Luo K  Ren T  Liao M 《Journal of virology》2012,86(14):7716
An H10N8 avian influenza virus (AIV), designated A/Duck/Guangdong/E1/2012 (H10N8), was isolated from a duck in January 2012. This is first report that this subtype of AIV was isolated from a live bird market (LBM) in Guangdong Province in southern China. Furthermore, the complete genome of this strain was analyzed. The availability of genome sequences is helpful to further investigations of epidemiology and molecular characteristics of AIV in southern China.  相似文献   
热激蛋白(HSP)是一类在受到逆境刺激后大量表达的蛋白质, 能够帮助蛋白质正确折叠, 促使变性蛋白质降解, 缓解逆境胁迫对生物体的损伤。为揭示热激蛋白在耐旱的复苏植物中的保护作用, 该研究对复苏植物旋蒴苣苔(Boea hygrometrica)HSP40家族中J结构域蛋白BhDNAJC2的编码基因进行了克隆、表达与功能分析。Real-time PCR检测表明, 该基因受脱水、低温、热激等多种逆境条件和脱落酸(ABA)诱导表达。BhDNAJC2-YFP定位于细胞质、内质网和细胞核。过表达BhDNAJC2的拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)株系在干旱、热激、盐胁迫和碱胁迫下均表现出明显的抗逆性。综上所述, BhDNAJC2可能在旋蒴苣苔抗旱、耐热及耐盐碱等胁迫反应中起关键作用。  相似文献   
Two groups of tau, 3R- and 4R-tau, are generated by alternative splicing of tau exon 10. Normal adult human brain expresses equal levels of them. Disruption of the physiological balance is a common feature of several tauopathies. Very early in their life, individuals with Down syndrome (DS) develop Alzheimer-type tau pathology, the molecular basis for which is not fully understood. Here, we demonstrate that Dyrk1A, a kinase encoded by a gene in the DS critical region, phosphorylates alternative splicing factor (ASF) at Ser-227, Ser-234, and Ser-238, driving it into nuclear speckles and preventing it from facilitating tau exon 10 inclusion. The increased dosage of Dyrk1A in DS brain due to trisomy of chromosome 21 correlates to an increase in 3R-tau level, which on abnormal hyperphosphorylation and aggregation of tau results in neurofibrillary degeneration. Imbalance of 3R- and 4R-tau in DS brain by Dyrk1A-induced dysregulation of alternative splicing factor-mediated alternative splicing of tau exon 10 represents a novel mechanism of neurofibrillary degeneration and may help explain early onset tauopathy in individuals with DS.  相似文献   
Dendritic cell (DC)/tumor cell fusion cells (FCs) can induce potent CTL responses. The therapeutic efficacy of a vaccine requires the improved immunogenicity of both DCs and tumor cells. The DCs stimulated with the TLR agonist penicillin-killed Streptococcus pyogenes (OK-432; OK-DCs) showed higher expression levels of MHC class I and II, CD80, CD86, CD83, IL-12, and heat shock proteins (HSPs) than did immature DCs. Moreover, heat-treated autologous tumor cells displayed a characteristic phenotype with increased expression of HSPs, carcinoembryonic Ag (CEA), MUC1, and MHC class I (HLA-A2 and/or A24). In this study, we have created four types of FC preparation by alternating fusion cell partners: 1) immature DCs fused with unheated tumor cells; 2) immature DCs fused with heat-treated tumor cells; 3) OK-DCs fused with unheated tumor cells; and 4) OK-DCs fused with heat-treated tumor cells. Although OK-DCs fused with unheated tumor cells efficiently enhanced CTL induction, OK-DCs fused with heat-treated tumor cells were most active, as demonstrated by: 1) up-regulation of multiple HSPs, MHC class I and II, CEA, CD80, CD86, CD83, and IL-12; 2) activation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells able to produce IFN- gamma at higher levels; 3) efficient induction of CTL activity specific for CEA or MUC1 or both against autologous tumor; and 4) superior abilities to induce CD107+ IFN-gamma+ CD8+ T cells and CD154+ IFN-gamma+ CD4+ T cells. These results strongly suggest that synergism between OK-DCs and heat-treated tumor cells enhances the immunogenicity of FCs and provides a promising means of inducing therapeutic antitumor immunity.  相似文献   
松针瘿蚊是韩国林业爆发性害虫,以 3龄老熟幼虫在地表越冬。经冷休克(-10 ℃和-5 ℃)和热休克(37℃、40℃和45℃)处理的越冬幼虫与正常幼虫具有相同的过冷却点,保持在-20℃左右。温度胁迫可以提高对亚致死温度(-15℃、3 h)的耐受性。对于存活率的提高,冷休克处理比热休克处理更有效。这是冷热休克能同时提高虫体亚致死温度的耐受性的第三例报道。在冷休克(-10℃)和热休克(40℃和45℃)处理后,老熟幼虫表达一种特异的胁迫蛋白,分子量为 83 kD。本文还研究了温度胁迫对越冬老熟幼虫体内酶促与非酶促抗氧化系统的影响。温度胁迫使老熟幼虫产生氧化胁迫,而快速冷耐受(rapid coldharaening)处理,由于体内谷胱甘肽含量的提高以及谷胱甘肽还原酶活性的增高,使之不发生氧化胁迫反应。  相似文献   
采用肾乳头暴露方法活体观察Sprague-Dawley大鼠肾髓质微循环。结果发现:正常成年大鼠肾乳头可暴露1.1±0.5mm; 乳头表面直血管数29.8±6.3;升、降支比例3.4:1。升支平均直径13.68±6.13μm,降支10.8±2.57μm。肾乳头连续暴露观察10h,其微循环未发生明显病理性改变。说明这一方法可以用于肾髓质微循环活体研究。  相似文献   
H. Gong  G. Chen  F. Li  X. Wang  Y. Hu  Y. Bi 《Biologia Plantarum》2012,56(3):422-430
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) has been implicated in supplying reduced nicotine amide cofactors for biochemical reactions and in modulating the redox state of cells. In this study, the role of G6PDH in thermotolerance of the calli from Przewalskia tangutica and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) was investigated. Results showed that Przewalskia tangutica callus was more sensitive to heat stress than tobacco callus. The activity of G6PDH and antioxidant enzymes (ascorbate peroxidase, catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase) in calli from Przewalskia tangutica and tobacco increased after 40 °C treatment, although two calli exhibited a difference in the degree and timing of response to heat stress. When G6PDH was partially inhibited by glucosamine pretreatment, the antioxidant enzyme activities and thermotolerance in both calli significantly decreased. Simultaneously, the heat-induced H2O2 content and the plasma membrane NADPH oxidase activity were also reduced. Application of H2O2 increased the activity of G6PDH and antioxidant enzymes in both calli. Diphenylene iodonium, a NADPH oxidase inhibitor, counteracted heatinduced H2O2 accumulation and reduced the heat-induced activity of G6PDH and antioxidant enzymes. Moreover, exogenous H2O2 was effective in restoring the activity of G6PDH and antioxidant enzymes after glucosamine pretreatment. Western blot analysis showed that G6PDH gene expression in both calli was also stimulated by heat and H2O2, and blocked by DPI and glucosamine under heat stress. Taken together, under heat stress G6PDH promoted H2O2 accumulation via NADPH oxidase and the elevated H2O2 was involved in regulating the activity of antioxidant enzymes, which in turn facilitate to maintain the steady-state H2O2 level and protect plants from the oxidative damage.  相似文献   
Diazocyclopentadiene (DACP), an inhibitor of ethylene action, was used to investigate the role of ethylene receptor(s) in regulating ethylene biosynthesis and respiration in strawberry fruit. DACP stimulated ethylene production of fruit at all stages of maturity. This stimulation was mainly due to an increase in ACC content in the tissue without significantly changing ACC oxidase activity. DACP did not induce any change in respiration in fruit at various stages of maturity except the early green stage (green I). We also investigated the possible interaction of DACP and IAA in ethylene production. Results indicated that all treatments increased ethylene production compared to the control although the absolute ethylene production differed in the order IAA plus DACP > only DACP > only IAA > control. IAA stimulated ethylene production without change of ACC oxidase activity at 1 day after treatment in strawberry fruit at pink stage. Results suggest that ethylene biosynthesis in nonclimacteric strawberry fruit at various stages of maturity may be regulated by ethylene receptor(s) with inhibition of ethylene production. DACP may release this inhibitory effect, and resulting in increasing ethylene production. Results also indicated that respiration may not be regulated by an ethylene receptor in strawberry fruit at most stages of maturity. DACP and IAA showed interaction in regulation of ethylene production which was caused by an increase in ACC content, not ACC oxidase activity.  相似文献   
本研究工作中,建立了一个有效的甜菜坏死黄脉病毒的分离提纯程序,解决了该病毒粒体易于聚集难以提纯的问题,其操作要点是,(1)通过Sepharose 2B柱层析代替超离心,有效地除去一些小分子量核酸杂质;(2)经PEG再次沉淀浓缩后,调整pH至酸牲(pH3.0),使病毒充分悬浮以减少凝聚;(3)在病毒等电点(pH4.8~4.9)条件下,进一步沉淀以纯化病毒。根据病毒提取物的OD260/OD280比值,算出核酸含量约4.5%。核酸电泳出现4条带,分子量分别为:2.25×10~(?),1.8×10~(?),1.05×10~(?),0.75×10~(?)道尔顿。病毒提取物经超速离心出现4个界面,沉淀系数分别为,200.8S,165S,125.8S,100S。说明甜菜坏死黄脉病毒可能是4组分病毒粒体。病毒粒体含一蛋白亚基,分子量约为2.05±0.05×10~4道尔顿,由16种共199个氨基酸组成。  相似文献   
侵染新疆甜菜的两种病毒分离物的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在新疆甜菜的根部和叶片分离到两个球状病毒分离物。从病毒形态、生物学及物化性质等研究结果证明这两个分离物实是一种病毒。病毒粒体力20面体,直径约28nm,回接到甜菜上产生环斑和沿脉线纹最后形成坏死斑。此外还侵染苋色藜,昆诺阿黎,番杏,菠菜等,引起局部坏死斑。在普通烟,心叶烟,菜豆,黄瓜,蕃茄上无症状侵染,病毒致死温度为70℃,10分钟。体外存括期13天以上,冻干病叶7年后仍有侵染力。通过PEG沉淀、差速离心、琼脂糖柱层析及蔗糖梯度离心,可得到较高浓度的纯化病毒,病毒的紫外吸收最低值在245nm,最高值在260nm。经SDS-PAGE测定,病毒外壳蛋白的分子量为2.7×10 ̄4道尔顿,病毒基因组核酸为三个组份,分子量分别为3.08kb,1.28kb和0.85kb。在琼脂双扩散实验中,能与番茄黑环病毒(TBRV)抗血清产生较弱的沉淀线,与黄瓜花叶病毒(CWV)、烟草环斑病毒(TRSV)、烟草坏死病毒(TNV)、香石竹环斑病毒(CaRSV)的抗血清不发生反应。  相似文献   
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