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The XI International Rotifer Symposium was held during 11–18 March, 2006 at the National Autonomous University of Mexico Campus Iztacala located at the North Mexico City (Mexico). These triennial international meetings, first organized in Austria by Late Ruttner-Kolisko in September 1976, are gradually becoming the focal point of discussion and collaboration from rotifer workers across the world. The present XI symposium was attended by 125 participants from 20 nations. During this meeting, different themes of rotifer research from morphology to molecular biology were considered. In addition, there were four invited lectures and four workshops covering different themes of the symposium. During the last 30 years, rotifer research has witnessed gradual shift from the conventional morphological taxonomy to molecular and evolutionary systematics. While the basic rotifer ecological studies continue today, applied areas such as ecotoxicology and aquaculture have taken key roles in the recent meetings. The international rotifer meetings provide ample opportunities not only for exchange of ideas and recent research, but also for material and in establishing inter-personal relationships. Over the last 30 years, the number of participants attending the rotifer meetings has increased.  相似文献   
为实现田间土壤棉花黄萎病菌的早期检测,建立了土壤中棉花黄萎病菌的SYBR GreenⅠ荧光定量PCR检测方法.以含342bp PCR扩增产物的阳性质粒为参考,构建了标准曲线,并对该曲线的特异性、敏感性、可重复性进行了评价.结果表明,该方法具有快速、特异性强、敏感度高等特点.检测范围在3.8×103-3.8×108cop...  相似文献   
Visualization and analysis of molecular networks are both central to systems biology. However, there still exists a large technological gap between them, especially when assessing multiple network levels or hierarchies. Here we present RedeR, an R/Bioconductor package combined with a Java core engine for representing modular networks. The functionality of RedeR is demonstrated in two different scenarios: hierarchical and modular organization in gene co-expression networks and nested structures in time-course gene expression subnetworks. Our results demonstrate RedeR as a new framework to deal with the multiple network levels that are inherent to complex biological systems. RedeR is available from http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/RedeR.html.  相似文献   
Capturing conformational changes in proteins or protein-protein complexes is a challenge for both experimentalists and computational biologists. Solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is unique in that it permits structural studies of proteins under greatly varying conditions, and thus allows us to monitor induced structural changes. Paramagnetic effects are increasingly used to study protein structures as they give ready access to rich structural information of orientation and long-range distance restraints from the NMR signals of backbone amides, and reliable methods have become available to tag proteins with paramagnetic metal ions site-specifically and at multiple sites. In this study, we show how sparse pseudocontact shift (PCS) data can be used to computationally model conformational states in a protein system, by first identifying core structural elements that are not affected by the environmental change, and then computationally completing the remaining structure based on experimental restraints from PCS. The approach is demonstrated on a 27 kDa two-domain NS2B-NS3 protease system of the dengue virus serotype 2, for which distinct closed and open conformational states have been observed in crystal structures. By changing the input PCS data, the observed conformational states in the dengue virus protease are reproduced without modifying the computational procedure. This data driven Rosetta protocol enables identification of conformational states of a protein system, which are otherwise difficult to obtain either experimentally or computationally.  相似文献   
Animal production systems convert plant protein into animal protein. Depending on animal species, ration and management, between 5% and 45 % of the nitrogen (N) in plant protein is converted to and deposited in animal protein. The other 55%-95% is excreted via urine and feces, and can be used as nutrient source for plant (= often animal feed) production. The estimated global amount of N voided by animals ranges between 80 and 130 Tg N per year, and is as large as or larger than the global annual N fertilizer consumption. Cattle (60%), sheep (12%) and pigs (6%) have the largest share in animal manure N production. The conversion of plant N into animal N is on average more efficient in poultry and pork production than in dairy production, which is higher than in beef and sheep production. However, differences within a type of animal production system can be as large as differences between types of animal production systems, due to large effects of the genetic potential of animals, animal feed and management. The management of animals and animal feed, together with the genetic potential of the animals, are key factors to a high efficiency of conversion of plant protein into animal protein. The efficiency of the conversion of N from animal manure, following application to land, into plant protein ranges between 0 and 60%, while the estimated global mean is about 15%. The other 40%-100% is lost to the wider environment via NH3 volatilization, denitrification, leaching and run-off in pastures or during storage and/or following application of the animal manure to land. On a global scale, only 40%-50% of the amount of N voided is collected in barns, stables and paddocks, and only half of this amount is recycled to crop land. The N losses from animal manure collected in barns, stables and paddocks depend on the animal manure management system. Relative large losses occur in confined animal feeding operations, as these often lack the land base to utilize the N from animal manure effectively. Losses will be relatively low when all manure are collected rapidly in water-tight and covered basins, and when they are subsequently applied to the land in proper amounts and at the proper time, and using the proper method (low-emission techniques). There is opportunity for improving the N conversion in animal production systems by improving the genetic production potential of the herd, the composition of the animal feed, and the management of the animal manure. Coupling of crop and animal production systems, at least at a regional scale, is one way to high N use efficiency in the whole system. Clustering of confined animal production systems with other intensive agricultural production systems on the basis of concepts from industrial ecology with manure processing is another possible way to improve N use efficiency.  相似文献   
Radical prostatectomy and radiation therapy provide excellent localized prostate cancer (PC) control. Although the majority of prostate carcinoma is nowadays diagnosed at early stages with favourable risk features, in patients up to 30–40% it recurs within 10 years. Furthermore, the lack of effective therapies, once prostate carcinoma becomes refractory to androgen deprivation, mandates the development of alternative therapeutic options. There is a growing interest in harnessing the potency and specificity of anti-tumour immunity through the generation of fully competent dendritic cells and tumour reactive effector lymphocytes. Several strategies to treat or prevent the development of metastatic PC have been explored in clinical trials and are summarized in this review, considering also the feasibility and safety of these approaches. In some cases clinical responses were achieved showing that vaccine-primed T cells induced anti-tumour activity in vivo. The present findings and perspectives of the immunologic interventions in PC patients will be discussed.  相似文献   
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was adapted for genomic identification of cell cultures and evaluation of DNA stability in cells of different origin at different culture passages. DNA stability was observed in cultures after no more than 5 passages. Adipose-derived stromal cells demonstrated increased DNA instability. RAPD fragments from different cell lines after different number of passages were cloned and sequenced. The chromosomal localization of these fragments was identified and single-nucleotide variations in RAPD fragments isolated from cell lines after 8–12 passages were revealed. Some of them had permanent localization, while most variations demonstrated random distribution and can be considered as de novo mutations.  相似文献   
The present study characterizes an ion-binding site, a molecular cleft in a signalling molecule such as calmodulin or troponin C, as a damped linear isotropic oscillator potential for small displacements about the origin. Quantitative assessments of the effects of thermal noise and exogenous static magnetic fields are made through a statistical mechanical treatment of the Lorentz-Langevin equation for an ion bound in a molecular cleft. Thermal noise causes a bound ion to be ejected from the site after a bound lifetime dependent upon the thermal noise spectral density. It is shown that the Lorentz-Langevin model requires values of the viscous damping parameter many orders of magnitude below those for bulk water in order to characterize the binding site and to obtain realistic lifetimes for a bound ion. The model predicts that milliTesla-range magnetic fields are required for static field effects on dissociation kinetics. The Lorentz equation also yields a classic coherent solution describing precession of the boundion oscillator orientation at the Larmor frequency. The bound-ion dynamics described by this coherent solution are sensitive to micro Tesla-range static magnetic fields in the presence of thermal noise. Numerical integration of the contribution of thermal noise forces to these dynamics is in good agreement with the results of statistical mechanical analysis, also producing realistic bound lifetimes for only very low viscous damping values. The mechanisms by which modulation of precessional motion might enable a signalling molecule such as calmodulin to detect an exogenous magnetic field are presently unclear. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Abstact  Milk and dairy products purchased at Egyptian markets and breast milk from lactating mothers in Cairo and Giza governorates were analyzed for some mycotoxins. Three of 15 cows’ milk samples were found positive for Afl. M1 with mean value 6.3 ppb. Only one sample of dried milk was positive (5 ppb). Two of 10 hard cheese samples contained detectable levels of Afl. M1 (3and 6 ppb), whereas one sample containing Afl. B1 and G1 (10 and 4 ppb resp.). For soft cheese one sample of 10 was positive for Afl. M1 (0.5 ppb). Blue veined cheeses were free of Afl. M1 and PR-toxins. For breast milk two of 10 samples were positive for Afl. M1 (20%) with mean value 2.75 ppb, while 3 of 10 samples were positive for Ochratoxin A (30 %).  相似文献   
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