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Understanding the maintenance of genetic variation in natural populations is a core aim of evolutionary genetics. Insight can be gained by quantifying selection at the level of the genotype, as opposed to the phenotype. Here, we show that in a natural population of Soay sheep which is polymorphic for coat pattern, recessive genetic variants at the causal gene, agouti signalling protein (ASIP) are associated with reduced lifetime fitness. This was due primarily to a reduction in juvenile survival of uniformly coloured (self-type) sheep, which are homozygous recessive, and occurs despite significantly higher reproductive success in surviving self-type adults. Consistent with their relatively low fitness, we show that the frequency of self-type individuals has declined from 1985 to 2008. Remarkably though, the frequency of the underlying self-allele has increased, because the frequency of heterozygous individuals (who harbour the majority of all self-alleles) has increased. Indeed, the ratio of observed/expected heterozygous individuals has increased during the study, such that there is now a significant excess of heterozygotyes. By employing gene-dropping simulations, we show that microevolutionary trends in the frequency and excess of ASIP heterozygotes are too pronounced to be caused by genetic drift. Studying this polymorphism at the level of phenotype rather than underlying genotype would have failed to detect cryptic fitness differences. We would also have been unable to rule out genetic drift as an evolutionary force driving genetic change. This highlights the importance of resolving the underlying genetic basis of phenotypic variation in explaining evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   
Adhesion of eight cell lines, derived from human gliomas of different histological types, to fibronectin, collagen I, vitronectin, and laminin was investigated in vitro. The glioma cell lines were found to attach to these substrates to different extents. Interestingly, all cell lines strongly attached to laminin. In addition, glioma cell adhesion was found to be dose dependent. Moreover, adhesion of three cell lines to fibronectin and collagen I was partially inhibited and to vitronectin completely prevented by GRGDTP peptide, indicating the involvement of integrin receptors in glioma cell adhesion. We have demonstrated, recently, that gangliosides play an important role in promoting glioma cell invasion of the reconstituted basement membrane, Matrigel, in vitro. In order to study the mechanism of action of gangliosides in this process, the role of six gangliosides (GM1, GM3, GD3, GD1a, GD1b, and GT1b) in cell adhesion to the four proteins was investigated in three cell lines. Although all gangliosides, with the exception of GM3, were found to enhance cell adhesion to these proteins to different extents, GD3 proved to be the most effective adhesion-promoting ganglioside in all three cell lines. GM3 was found to inhibit cell adhesion to the four proteins in one cell line but enhanced cell adhesion in two other cell lines. The three cell lines were found to express both GD3 and gangliosides recognised by the A2B5 antibody. Furthermore, adhesion of the three cell lines to fibronectin, vitronectin, laminin, and collagen I was inhibited by incubation with A2B5, demonstrating the involvement of intrinsic cell membrane gangliosides in adhesion of glioma cells to these proteins. Taken together with the observation that gangliosides modulate integrin receptor function, these data suggest that gangliosides may play a central role in the control of the adhesive and invasive properties of human glioma cells.  相似文献   
In 1996 the Minister of Public Health, Welfare and Sports in The Netherlands published a 'Planning Decree Special Interventions in the Heart'. She requested from the professional organizations guidelines for the indications for interventions in the heart. A working group was formed with representatives from the Dutch professional organizations for cardiology and thoracic surgery, to address this issue for patients with coronary artery disease. The working group confirmed the need to discuss all patients who are considered for either elective or emergency revascularization during a multidisciplinary consultation in (or with) one of the specialized Dutch hospitals. During this meeting of the 'heart team', at least one interventional cardiologist and one thoracic surgeon should be present. There are three possible outcomes of the heart team's consultations for each patient: drug therapy only ('conservative management'), coronary surgery or catheter intervention. For each case, the team should indicate the expected benefit, the risk of the intervention, the urgency and the estimated waiting time. The guidelines presented in this paper address these issues for three patient categories: stable angina pectoris, unstable angina pectoris and acute myocardial infarction.  相似文献   
A previous review of inbreeding in natural populations suggested that close inbreeding (inbreeding coefficient f = 0.25) is generally rare in wild birds and mammals. However, the review did not assess rates of moderate inbreeding (f = 0.125), which may make a rather larger contribution to overall inbreeding in a population. Furthermore, previous studies may have underestimated the prevalence of inbreeding in wild populations with incomplete pedigrees. By categorizing inbreeding events by the relationship of the parental pair, we suggest a simple method for estimating rates of close and moderate inbreeding from incomplete pedigree data. We applied this method to three wild populations of ruminants: red deer on Rum, Scotland, Soay sheep on Hirta, Scotland and reintroduced Arabian oryx on the Jiddat-al-Harasis, Oman. Although paternal half-sib pairs were the most common category of inbreeding in all three populations, there was considerable variation among populations in the frequencies of the various categories of inbreeding. This variation may be largely explained by differences in population size and dynamics, in maternal and paternal sibship size and in the overlap of reproductive lifespan of consecutive generations. Close and moderate inbreeding appear to be a routine part of breeding behaviour in these ruminant populations.  相似文献   
Parasites are thought to provide a selective force capable of promoting genetic variation in natural populations. One rarely considered pathway for this action is via parasite-mediated selection against inbreeding. If parasites impose a fitness cost on their host and the offspring of close relatives have greater susceptibility to parasites due to the increased homozygosity that results from inbreeding, then parasite-mediated mortality may select against inbred individuals. This hypothesis has not yet been tested within a natural vertebrate population. Here we show that relatively inbred Soay sheep (Ovis aries), as assessed by microsatellite heterozygosity, are more susceptible to parasitism by gastrointestinal nematodes, with interactions indicating greatest susceptibility among adult sheep at high population density. During periods of high overwinter mortality on the island of Hirta, St. Kilda, Scotland, highly parasitised individuals were less likely to survive. More inbred individuals were also less likely to survive, which is due to their increased susceptibility to parasitism, because survival was random with respect to inbreeding among sheep that were experimentally cleared of their gastrointestinal parasite burden by anthelminthic treatment. As a consequence of this selection, average microsatellite heterozygosity increases with age in St. Kildan Soay sheep. We suggest that parasite-mediated selection acts to maintain genetic variation in this small island population by removing less heterozygous individuals.  相似文献   
202 running-water sites in the catchment of the River Rede, a tributary of the River Tyne in northern England, were sampled for invertebrates in 1990. The distributions of water beetle species were investigated using logistic regression with several environmental factors. A number of site structure characteristics were assessed and the presence or absence of silt (as peat or clay) was found to be the most important single variable. Shingle, pebbles, cobbles, boulders and the amount of vegetation present were less important substrate variables. The distance from stream source reflected substrate structure and site gradient was a poor determinant of species distribution. A composite variable, termed the exposure index, was derived from all the site structure characteristics using an ordination and was found to be useful in explaining species distribution. Water pH also affected distributions considerably. Two variable analyses using the exposure index and water pH gave the best explanation of species distribution. The two variables used together were a reflection of productivity and disturbance, the two main components of habitat templates and strategy theory. The distribution of water beetle species in the Rede catchment was a product of these factors, which, in turn, were a product of the geography of the catchment.  相似文献   
The most serious adverse effect of standard intestinal bypass for obesity is the high incidence of hepatic dysfunction and death from hepatic failure. We therefore examined the long-term effects of a modified form of jejunoileal bypass (in which a greater continuous length of ileum is retained), on liver function in 120 patients. Substantial weight loss (119-0+/-SD 23-3 kg to 82-3+/-18-8 kg) occurred during the first nine months after surgery, accompanied by a significant rise in serum concentrations of bilirubin, alanine transferase, and alkaline phosphatase, and a significant reduction in albumin concentrations. Biochemical changes were unrelated to weight loss or halothane anaesthesia. After weight stabilisation liver function reverted to normal, and four years after bypass sulphobromophthalein retention and hepatic histology did not differ from those in obese controls. There were two postoperative deaths. Three other patients died during the period of rapid weight loss with severe hepatic steatosis. While transient mild impairment of liver function is common after modified jejunoileal bypass, clinically significant hepatic dysfunction is a rare and unexplained early complication.  相似文献   
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