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This study was designed to determine the effects of red and far red irradiation on ATP metabolism in etiolated bean buds (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Red Kidney). Compared to dark controls, red irradiated buds show an initial decline in ATP content at 15 seconds following a 5-minute irradiation. ATP content then rapidly rises to a peak at 1 minute, and then slowly returns to the baseline. The 1-minute promotion of ATP content is red/far red reversible. Acetylcholine does not appear to mimic red light in this system; it causes a marked decrease in ATP content.  相似文献   
The tumor suppressor p53 regulates diverse biological processes primarily via activation of downstream target genes. Even though many p53 target genes have been described, the precise mechanisms of p53 biological actions are uncertain. In previous work we identified by microarray analysis a candidate p53 target gene, FLJ11259/DRAM. In this report we have identified three uncharacterized human proteins with sequence homology to FLJ11259, suggesting that FLJ11259 is a member of a novel family of proteins with six transmembrane domains. Several lines of investigation confirm FLJ11259 is a direct p53 target gene. p53 siRNA prevented cisplatin-mediated up-regulation of FLJ11259 in NT2/D1 cells. Likewise in HCT116 p53+/+ cells and MCF10A cells, FLJ11259 is induced by cisplatin treatment but to a much lesser extent in isogenic p53-suppressed cells. A functional p53 response element was identified 22.3 kb upstream of the first coding exon of FLJ11259 and is shown to be active in reporter assays. In addition, chromatin immunoprecipitation assays indicate that p53 binds directly to this element in vivo and that binding is enhanced following cisplatin treatment. Confocal microscopy showed that an FLJ-GFP fusion protein localizes mainly in a punctate pattern in the cytoplasm. Overexpression studies in Cos-7, Saos2, and NT2/D1 cells suggest that FLJ11259 is associated with increased clonal survival. In summary, we have identified FLJ11259/DRAM as a p53-inducible member of a novel family of transmembrane proteins. FLJ11259/DRAM may be an important modulator of p53 responses in diverse tumor types.  相似文献   
Biological anthropologists are interested in a population's early mortality rates for a variety of reasons. Early mortality (infant or juvenile) is of obvious importance to those interested in demography, but early mortality statistics are useful for life history analysis, paleodemography, and human adaptability studies, among others. In general, the form of mortality statistics is derived from demography, where chronological age is the gold standard for statistical calculation and comparison. However, there are numerous problems associated with the collection, analysis, and interpretation of early mortality statistics based on age, particularly for anthropological research, which is often conducted in small or non-calendrical-age numerate populations. The infant mortality rate (IMR), for example, is notoriously difficult to determine in populations where accurate accounting of age is not routine, and yet it is widely used in demography, public health, medicine, and social science research. Here we offer an alternative to age-based early mortality statistics that makes use of human biologists' interest in, and skill at, assessing human growth and development. Our proposal is to use developmental stages of juveniles instead of relying exclusively on age as the basis for mortality statistics. Death or survival according to a developmental stage (such as crawling or weaning) may provide more accurate data that are also more closely related to the cause of death. Developmental stages have the added advantage of putting infants and children back at the center of the discussion of early mortality by focusing on their activities in relation to their environment. A case study from the Turkana population of Kenya illustrates the use of developmental stages in describing early mortality. Am J Phys Anthropol 107:315–330, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that as many as 80% of the world's more than six billion people rely primarily on animal and plant-based medicines. The healing of human ailments by using therapeutics based on medicines obtained from animals or ultimately derived from them is known as zootherapy. The phenomenon of zootherapy is marked both by a broad geographical distribution and very deep historical origins. Despite their importance, studies on the therapeutic use of animals and animal parts have been neglected, when compared to plants. This paper discusses some related aspects of the use of animals or parts thereof as medicines, and their implications for ecology, culture (the traditional knowledge), economy, and public health.  相似文献   
Normotensive adults homozygous for glycine (Gly) of the Arg16/Gly beta2-adrenergic-receptor polymorphism have 1) greater forearm beta2-receptor mediated vasodilation and 2) a higher heart rate (HR) response to isometric handgrip than arginine (Arg) homozygotes. To test the hypothesis that the higher HR response in Gly16 subjects serves to maintain the pressor response [increased cardiac output (CO)] in the setting of augmented peripheral vasodilation to endogenous catecholamines, we measured continuous HR (ECG), arterial pressure (Finapres), and CO (transthoracic echocardiography) during isometric, 40% submaximal handgrip to fatigue in healthy subjects homozygous for Gly (n = 30; mean age +/- SE: 30 +/- 1.2, 13 women) and Arg (n = 17, age 30 +/- 1.6, 11 women). Resting data were similar between groups. Handgrip produced similar increases in arterial pressure and venous norepinephrine and epinephrine concentrations; however, HR increased more in the Gly group (60.1 +/- 4.3% increase from baseline vs. 45.5 +/- 3.9%, P = 0.03), and this caused CO to be higher (Gly: 7.6 +/- 0.3 l/m vs. Arg: 6.5 +/- 0.3 l/m, P = 0.03), whereas the decrease in systemic vascular resistance in the Gly group did not reach significance (P = 0.09). We conclude that Gly16 homozygotes generate a higher CO to maintain the pressor response to handgrip. The influence of polymorphic variants in the beta2-adrenergic receptor gene on the cardiovascular response to sympathoexcitation may have important implications in the development of hypertension and heart failure.  相似文献   
Animal social networks can be extremely complex and are characterized by highly non-random interactions between group members. However, very little is known about the underlying factors affecting interaction preferences, and hence network structure. One possibility is that behavioural differences between individuals, such as how bold or shy they are, can affect the frequency and distribution of their interactions within a network. We tested this using individually marked three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus), and found that bold individuals had fewer overall interactions than shy fish, but tended to distribute their interactions more evenly across all group members. Shy fish, on the other hand, tended to associate preferentially with a small number of other group members, leading to a highly skewed distribution of interactions. This was mediated by the reduced tendency of shy fish to move to a new location within the tank when they were interacting with another individual; bold fish showed no such tendency and were equally likely to move irrespective of whether they were interacting or not. The results show that animal social network structure can be affected by the behavioural composition of group members and have important implications for understanding the spread of information and disease in social groups.  相似文献   
The scabies mite (Sarcoptes scabiei) is a parasite responsible for major morbidity in disadvantaged communities and immuno-compromised patients worldwide. In addition to the physical discomfort caused by the disease, scabies infestations facilitate infection by Streptococcal species via skin lesions, resulting in a high prevalence of rheumatic fever/heart disease in affected communities. The scabies mite produces 33 proteins that are closely related to those in the dust mite group 3 allergen and belong to the S1-like protease family (chymotrypsin-like). However, all but one of these molecules contain mutations in the conserved active-site catalytic triad that are predicted to render them catalytically inactive. These molecules are thus termed scabies mite inactivated protease paralogues (SMIPPs). The precise function of SMIPPs is unclear; however, it has been suggested that these proteins might function by binding and protecting target substrates from cleavage by host immune proteases, thus preventing the host from mounting an effective immune challenge. In order to begin to understand the structural basis for SMIPP function, we solved the crystal structures of SMIPP-S-I1 and SMIPP-S-D1 at 1.85 Å and 2.0 Å resolution, respectively. Both structures adopt the characteristic serine protease fold, albeit with large structural variations over much of the molecule. In both structures, mutations in the catalytic triad together with occlusion of the S1 subsite by a conserved Tyr200 residue is predicted to block substrate ingress. Accordingly, we show that both proteases lack catalytic function. Attempts to restore function (via site-directed mutagenesis of catalytic residues as well as Tyr200) were unsuccessful. Taken together, these data suggest that SMIPPs have lost the ability to bind substrates in a classical “canonical” fashion, and instead have evolved alternative functions in the lifecycle of the scabies mite.  相似文献   
The genetic composition of a population reflects several aspects of the organism and its environment. The Icelandic Arctic fox population exceeds 8000 individuals and is comprised of both coastal and inland foxes. Several factors may affect within-population movement and subsequent genetic population structure. A narrow isthmus and sheep-proof fences may prevent movement between the north-western and central part and glacial rivers may reduce movement between the eastern and central part of Iceland. Moreover, population density and habitat characteristics can influence movement behaviour further. Here, we investigate the genetic structure in the Icelandic Arctic fox population ( n  = 108) using 10 microsatellite loci. Despite large glacial rivers, we found low divergence between the central and eastern part, suggesting extensive movement between these areas. However, both model- and frequency-based analyses suggest that the north-western part is genetically differentiated from the rest of Iceland (FST = 0.04, DS = 0.094), corresponding to 100–200 generations of complete isolation. This suggests that the fences cannot be the sole cause of divergence. Rather, the isthmus causes limited movement between the regions, implying that protection in the Hornstrandir Nature Reserve has a minimal impact on Arctic fox population size in the rest of Iceland.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 18–26.  相似文献   
Seed plant genera often exhibit intercontinental disjunctions where different species are found on different continents. Many morphologically circumscribed bryophyte species exhibit similar disjunctions. We used nucleotide sequences from the plastid and nuclear genomes to test hypotheses of phylogeography within representatives of the genus Metzgeria: Metzgeria furcata, Metzgeria conjugata, and Metzgeria myriopoda. The first two species have sexual and asexual populations, exhibit disjunctions between North America and Europe, and have been split into separate species, numerous subspecies or varieties. The third species occurs in eastern North America but is not reported from Europe. Phylogenetic analyses resolved three distinct lineages within the morphologically defined species, M. furcata: one in North America, and two in Europe. Similarly, three morphologically cryptic clades of M. conjugata were resolved by the molecular data: northern North America, Europe, and south‐eastern North America. For both species, molecular divergence among taxa occurred in the absence of morphological change. In the case of M. myriopoda, all plants from eastern North America were both morphologically uniform and genetically homogeneous (although not identical). The present study provides significant insight into a plant group with complex taxonomy, and indicates that these liverwort taxa with wide distributions, extreme sex ratios, and continental disjunctions harbor cryptic lineages. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 745–756.  相似文献   
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