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Abstract Vibrio anguillarum and Pasteurella piscicida are Gram-negative bacteria which are pathogenic for marine fish and we report here the first successful transformation of these two bacteria by electroporation. The optimal conditions for electroporation included a field strength of 12.5 kV cmt-1 and a time constant of 5 ms using 0.2-cm cuvettes. With these parameters, three plasmids (pSU2718, pCML, pEV3) with molecular sizes of 2.6, 5 and 13.7 kb, respectively were successfully transformed into both pathogens. V. anguillarum isolates belonging to serotypes O1 and O2 were transformed with greatest efficiency, 2.5 × 103 transformants per μg DNA, being achieved in the serotype O2 strains using plasmid pCML. Strains of serotype O3 were not transformed. In the case of P. piscicida the maximum efficiency achieved was 9.8 × 102 transformants per μg pCML plasmid DNA. This optimized system will allow development of procedures for the genetic manipulation of these pathogens.  相似文献   
l-Gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase (GULO) is a key enzyme for the biosynthesis of ascorbate, which is essential for several cellular functions. In the present study, mRNA expression of GULO gene was evaluated during the early development of Persian sturgeon. First, because there are no comparative studies that have established suitable quantitative real-time PCR reference genes in sturgeons for any physiological conditions, we evaluated six candidate reference genes (ACTB, RPL13, UBQ, RPL6, GAPDH and EF1A) during the early development of Persian sturgeon. The most stable mRNA expression was obtained with RPL6 and ACTB, whereas the least stable was RPL13. After normalization using RPL6, ACTB and RPL6/ACTB combination, the mRNA expression of GULO was highest at the embryonic stage (2days before hatching; P<0.05) and started to decline from hatching of larvae to the rest of the developmental time-points. This suggests that the vitamin C requirements are highest during early life stages, and it is likely that the changes in GULO mRNA expression are associated with changes in GULO enzyme activity.  相似文献   
The proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1β) attracts leukocytes to sites of inflammation. One of the recruitment mechanisms involves the formation of extended, hyaluronan-rich pericellular coats on local fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and epithelial cells. In the present work, we studied how IL-1β turns on the monocyte adhesion of the hyaluronan coat on human keratinocytes. IL-1β did not influence hyaluronan synthesis or increase the amount of pericellular hyaluronan in these cells. Instead, we found that the increase in the hyaluronan-dependent monocyte binding was associated with the CD44 of the keratinocytes. Although IL-1β caused a small increase in the total amount of CD44, a more marked impact was the decrease of CD44 phosphorylation at serine 325. At the same time, IL-1β increased the association of CD44 with ezrin and complex formation of CD44 with itself. Treatment of keratinocyte cultures with KN93, an inhibitor of calmodulin kinase 2, known to phosphorylate Ser-325 in CD44, caused similar effects as IL-1β (i.e. homomerization of CD44 and its association with ezrin) and resulted in increased monocyte binding to keratinocytes in a hyaluronan-dependent way. Overexpression of wild type CD44 standard form, but not a corresponding CD44 mutant mimicking the Ser-325-phosphorylated form, was able to induce monocyte binding to keratinocytes. In conclusion, treatment of human keratinocytes with IL-1β changes the structure of their hyaluronan coat by influencing the amount, post-translational modification, and cytoskeletal association of CD44, thus enhancing monocyte retention on keratinocytes.  相似文献   
doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2012.00679.x Salivary flow rate and risk of malnutrition – a study among dentate, community‐dwelling older people Objective: To analyse the relation between unstimulated and stimulated salivary secretion and the risk of malnutrition among home‐dwelling elderly people. Background: Saliva has an important role in eating. Despite this, there are only a few studies on the role of salivary secretion in the development of malnutrition among elderly people. Materials and methods: The study population consisted of 157 subjects aged 75 or older. This was a part of GeMS study carried out in Kuopio, in eastern Finland. The data used in this study were collected by means of interviews and geriatric and oral clinical examinations. The risk of malnutrition was measured using the Mini Nutritional Assessment Short‐Form. Logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios (OR) and their 95% Confidence Intervals (CI). Results: Subjects with a low unstimulated salivary flow rate (<0.1 ml/min) or stimulated salivary flow rate (<1.0 ml/min) had no statistically significant increase in risk of malnutrition, OR: 1.3, CI: 0.5–3.9, OR: 1.5, CI: 0.5–4.2, respectively, when compared with those with a normal unstimulated and stimulated salivary flow rate. Conclusion: Our results do not support the concept that low salivary secretion is an important risk factor for malnutrition among community‐dwelling elders.  相似文献   
Accumulation of amyloid β (Aβ) is a major hallmark in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Bone marrow derived monocytic cells (BMM) have been shown to reduce Aβ burden in mouse models of AD, alleviating the AD pathology. BMM have been shown to be more efficient phagocytes in AD than the endogenous brain microglia. Because BMM have a natural tendency to infiltrate into the injured area, they could be regarded as optimal candidates for cell-based therapy in AD. In this study, we describe a method to obtain monocytic cells from BM-derived haematopoietic stem cells (HSC). Mouse or human HSC were isolated and differentiated in the presence of macrophage colony stimulating factor (MCSF). The cells were characterized by assessing the expression profile of monocyte markers and cytokine response to inflammatory stimulus. The phagocytic capacity was determined with Aβ uptake assay in vitro and Aβ degradation assay of natively formed Aβ deposits ex vivo and in a transgenic APdE9 mouse model of AD in vivo. HSC were lentivirally transduced with enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) to determine the effect of gene modification on the potential of HSC-derived cells for therapeutic purposes. HSC-derived monocytic cells (HSCM) displayed inflammatory responses comparable to microglia and peripheral monocytes. We also show that HSCM contributed to Aβ reduction and could be genetically modified without compromising their function. These monocytic cells could be obtained from human BM or mobilized peripheral blood HSC, indicating a potential therapeutic relevance for AD.  相似文献   
Lipase PS from Burkholderia cepacia (formerly Pseudomonas cepacia) was successfully immobilized in sol–gels under low methanol conditions using lyophilization in order to dry the gel. The enzyme was also cross-linked with glutaraldehyde to CLEAs without any additives. These immobilized enzyme preparations were employed for the highly enantioselective acylations of 1-phenylethanol (1), 1-(2-furyl)ethanol (2) and N-acylated 1-amino-2-phenylethanol (3) with vinyl acetate in organic solvents. Enzymatic hydrolysis of the obtained ester product was observed as a side reaction of the acylation of 3 in the presence of lipase PS powder. Hydrolysis was suppressed when the immobilized preparations of lipase PS were used.  相似文献   
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