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Neurotransmitter receptor trafficking and the regulation of synaptic strength. Traffic 2001:2(7):437–448.  相似文献   
Despite recent advances in blood safety by careful donor selection and implementation of infectious disease testing, transmission of viruses, bacteria and parasites by transfusion can still rarely occur. One approach to reduce the residual risk from currently tested pathogens and to protect against the emergence of new ones is to investigate methods for pathogen inactivation. The use of photosensitizing dyes for pathogen inactivation has been studied in both red cell and platelet blood components. Optimal properties of sensitizing dyes for use in red cell suspensions include selection of dyes that traverse cell and viral membranes, bind to nucleic acids, absorb light in the red region of the spectrum, inactivate a wide range of pathogens, produce little red cell photodamage from dye not bound to nucleic acid and do not hemolyze red cells in the dark. Early research at the American Red Cross focused on the use of a class of dyes with rigid structures, such as the phenothiazine dyes, beginning with the prototypical sensitizer methylene blue. Results revealed that methylene blue phototreatment could inactivate extracellular virus, but resulted in undesirable defects in the red cell membrane that resulted in enhanced hemolysis that became evident during extended refrigerated blood storage. In addition, methylene blue phototreatment could neither inactivate intracellular viruses nor appreciably inactivate bacteria under conditions of extracellualar viral killing. Attempts to improve intracellular viral inactivation led to the investigations of more hydrophobic phenothiazines, such as methylene violet or dimethylmethylene blue. Although these dyes could inactivate intracellular virus, problems with increased red cell membrane damage and hemolysis persisted or increased. Further studies using red cell additive storage solutions containing high levels of the impermeable ion, citrate, to protect against colloidal osmotic hemolysis as well as competitive inhibitors to limit sensitizer binding to red cell membranes revealed that photoinduced hemolysis stemmed from dye bound to the red cell membrane as well as dye free in solution. Use of red cell additive solutions to prevent colloidal-osmotic hemolysis and use of novel flexible dyes that only act as sensitizers when bound to their targets are two techniques that currently are under investigation for reducing red cell damage. Ultimately, the decision to implement a photodynamic method for pathogen reduction will be determined by weighing the risks of unintended adverse consequences of the procedure itself, such as the potential for genotoxicity and allergic reactions, against the cost and benefits of its implementation.  相似文献   
The prevalence of diarrhoea in calves was investigated in 8 dairy farms in Mozambique at 4 occasions during 2 consecutive years. A total of 1241 calves up to 6 months of age were reared in the farms, and 63 (5%) of them had signs of diarrhoea. Two farms had an overall higher prevalence (13% and 21%) of diarrhoea. Faecal samples were collected from all diarrhoeal calves (n = 63) and from 330 healthy calves and analysed for Salmonella species, Campylobacter jejuni and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). Salmonella spp. was isolated in only 2% of all calves. Campylobacter was isolated in 11% of all calves, irrespective of health condition, and was more frequent (25%) in one of the 2 diarrhoeal farms (p = 0.001). 80% of the isolates were identified as C. jejuni. No ETEC strains were detected among the 55 tested strains from diarrhoeal calves, but 22/55 (40%) strains from diarrhoeal calves and 14/88 (16%) strains from healthy calves carried the K99 adhesin (p = 0.001). 6,757 E. coli isolates were typed with a biochemical fingerprinting method (the PhenePlate?) giving the same E. coli diversity in healthy and diarrhoeal calves. Thus it was concluded: i) the overall prevalence of diarrhoea was low, but 2 farms had a higher prevalence that could be due to an outbreak situation, ii) Salmonella did not seem to be associated with diarrhoea, iii) Campylobacter jejuni was common at one of the 2 diarrhoeal farms and iv) ETEC strains were not found, but K99 antigen was more prevalent in E. coli strains from diarrhoeal calves than from healthy, as well as more prevalent in one diarrhoeal farm.  相似文献   
 Aims Desertification results in ecological and biological diminution of the earth, and can happen naturally or cause by anthropogenic activities. This process especially affects arid and semi-arid regions, such as the Isfahan region, where the spread of desertification is reaching critical proportions. The aim of this study is to use remotely sensed data to review the trend of desertification in the northern of Isfahan, Iran. Methods Multi-temporal images were employed to evaluate the trend of desertification, specifically the TM and ETM+ data of September, 1990 and September, 2001. Geometric and radiometric corrections were applied to each image prior to image processing and supervised classification, and vegetation indices were applied to produce a land use map of each image in nine classes. The land use classification s in the two map images were compared and changes between land use classes were detected over the 11 year period using a fuzzy and post-classification technique. Important findings The maps and their comparison with false color composite images showed the differences efficiently. With the fuzzy and post-classification method the land use changes were sited on the map. Fuzzy confirmed 53% changed area and 47% unchanged areas in the study region. The results verify the desertification expansion in the study areas. Because of poor land management, agricultural lands converted to desert and abandoned areas, and some marginal pasture lands had to be changed to agricultural land which are desertification spreading according to United Nations Conference on Desertification (UNCOD). Also farmland and pastures have been converted to urban and industrial areas, and the rangelands have been spoiled due to opencast mine excavations. With the mine margins eroding as well as their debris accumulating on the pasture lands, desertification has become worse. Three areas of less-elevated mountains have remained unchanged. This study confirmed that the anthropogenic activities accelerated the desertification process and severely endangered the remaining areas.  相似文献   
Bacterial infection a leading cause of death among patients with stroke, with elderly patients often presenting with more debilitating outcomes. The findings from our retrospective study, supported by previous clinical reports, showed that increasing age is an early predictor for developing fatal infectious complications after stroke. However, exactly how and why older individuals are more susceptible to infection after stroke remains unclear. Using a mouse model of transient ischaemic stroke, we demonstrate that older mice (>12 months) present with greater spontaneous bacterial lung infections compared to their younger counterparts (7–10 weeks) after stroke. Importantly, we provide evidence that older poststroke mice exhibited elevated intestinal inflammation and disruption in gut barriers critical in maintaining colonic integrity following stroke, including reduced expression of mucin and tight junction proteins. In addition, our data support the notion that the localized pro‐inflammatory microenvironment driven by increased tumour necrosis factor‐α production in the colon of older mice facilitates the translocation and dissemination of orally inoculated bacteria to the lung following stroke onset. Therefore, findings of this study demonstrate that exacerbated dysfunction of the intestinal barrier in advanced age promotes translocation of gut‐derived bacteria and contributes to the increased risk to poststroke bacterial infection.  相似文献   
There is little research investigating relationships between the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and athletic performance in female athletes. This study analyzed the relationships between FMS (deep squat; hurdle step [HS]; in-line lunge [ILL]; shoulder mobility; active straight-leg raise [ASLR]; trunk stability push-up; rotary stability) scores, and performance tests (bilateral and unilateral sit-and-reach [flexibility]; 20-m sprint [linear speed]; 505 with turns from each leg; modified T-test with movement to left and right [change-of-direction speed]; bilateral and unilateral vertical and standing broad jumps; lateral jumps [leg power]). Nine healthy female recreational team sport athletes (age = 22.67 ± 5.12 years; height = 1.66 ± 0.05 m; body mass = 64.22 ± 4.44 kilograms) were screened in the FMS and completed the afore-mentioned tests. Percentage between-leg differences in unilateral sit-and-reach, 505 turns and the jumps, and difference between the T-test conditions, were also calculated. Spearman''s correlations (p ≤ 0.05) examined relationships between the FMS and performance tests. Stepwise multiple regressions (p ≤ 0.05) were conducted for the performance tests to determine FMS predictors. Unilateral sit-and-reach positive correlated with the left-leg ASLR (r = 0.704-0.725). However, higher-scoring HS, ILL, and ASLR related to poorer 505 and T-test performance (r = 0.722-0.829). A higher-scored left-leg ASLR related to a poorer unilateral vertical and standing broad jump, which were the only significant relationships for jump performance. Predictive data tended to confirm the correlations. The results suggest limitations in using the FMS to identify movement deficiencies that could negatively impact athletic performance in female team sport athletes.  相似文献   
Changes in freezing tolerance of winter rye (Secale cerealeL. cv. Voima) were determined for leaf tissues during a 1-weekcold stress, which was performed by transferring the 7-d-oldseedlings from a greenhouse (25°C, long day) to 3°Cand short day conditions. The development of cold hardeningwas shown by using an ion leakage test and by determining theamounts of carbohydrates, soluble proteins and RNA. The firstevidence of the development of freezing resistance was foundafter 1 d at low temperature, i.e. an LT50 value increased from-5 to -7°C. Plants cold treated for 7 d reached an LT50value of -9°C. This increase in freezing tolerance was foundto be associated with the increased levels of soluble carbohydrates,total RNA and soluble proteins. These metabolic changes indicatethe association with adjustment of growth and cell metabolismto low temperatures at the beginning of cold acclimation ofwinter rye.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Secale cereale L., winter rye, cold stress, proteins, RNA, sugars  相似文献   
Summary Morphologically detectable protein (intramembrane particles) and cholesterol (filipin labelling) in the membranes of autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes were studied in mouse hepatocytes using thin-section and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Both isolated autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes, and intact tissue blocks were used due to the facts (i) that lysosomes are difficult to recognize in freeze-fracture replicas of intact hepatocytes, and (i) that filipin penetration into the tissue blocks is unsatisfactory. Intramembrane particle density was low in the membranes of early autophagic vacuoles (defined as round-shaped vacuoles in which an inner membrane parallel with the outer limiting membrane was clearly visible). The lysosomal membranes contained considerably more intramembrane particles. Particle-rich lysosomes or other vesicles were observed to fuse with the early autophagic vacuoles. The membranes of nascent autophagic vacuoles with morphologically intact contents were usually not labelled by filipin, whereas the membranes of all other autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes were heavily labelled. The increased cholesterol in the membranes of slightly older autophagic vacuoles is presumably derived from cholesterol-rich lysosomes or other vesicles fusing with the vacuoles and from the degrading organelles inside the autophagic vacuoles.  相似文献   


Legionnaires’ disease is a severe form of pneumonia caused by the environmental bacterium Legionella pneumophila. Outbreaks commonly affect people with known risk factors, but the genetic and pathogenic complexity of L. pneumophila within an outbreak is not well understood. Here, we investigate the etiology of the major Legionnaires’ disease outbreak that occurred in Edinburgh, UK, in 2012, by examining the evolutionary history, genome content, and virulence of L. pneumophila clinical isolates.


Our high resolution genomic approach reveals that the outbreak was caused by multiple genetic subtypes of L. pneumophila, the majority of which had diversified from a single progenitor through mutation, recombination, and horizontal gene transfer within an environmental reservoir prior to release. In addition, we discover that some patients were infected with multiple L. pneumophila subtypes, a finding which can affect the certainty of source attribution. Importantly, variation in the complement of type IV secretion systems encoded by different genetic subtypes correlates with virulence in a Galleria mellonella model of infection, revealing variation in pathogenic potential among the outbreak source population of L. pneumophila.


Taken together, our study indicates previously cryptic levels of pathogen heterogeneity within a Legionnaires’ disease outbreak, a discovery that impacts on source attribution for future outbreak investigations. Furthermore, our data suggest that in addition to host immune status, pathogen diversity may be an important influence on the clinical outcome of individual outbreak infections.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0504-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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