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The mechanical power (Wtot, W·kg–1) developed during ten revolutions of all-out periods of cycle ergometer exercise (4–9 s) was measured every 5–6 min in six subjects from rest or from a baseline of constant aerobic exercise [50%–80% of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max)] of 20–40 min duration. The oxygen uptake [VO2 (W·kg–1, 1 ml O2 = 20.9 J)] and venous blood lactate concentration ([la]b, mM) were also measured every 15 s and 2 min, respectively. During the first all-out period, Wtot decreased linearly with the intensity of the priming exercise (Wtot = 11.9–0.25·VO2). After the first all-out period (i greater than 5–6 min), and if the exercise intensity was less than 60% VO2max, Wtot, VO2 and [la]b remained constant until the end of the exercise. For exercise intensities greater than 60% VO2max, VO2 and [la]b showed continuous upward drifts and Wtot continued decreasing. Under these conditions, the rate of decrease of Wtot was linearly related to the rate of increase of V [(d Wtot/dt) (W·kg–1·s–1) = 5.0·10–5 –0.20·(d VO2/dt) (W·kg–1·s–1)] and this was linearly related to the rate of increase of [la]b [(d VO2/dt) (W·kg–1·s–1) = 2.310–4 + 5.910–5·(d [la]b/dt) (mM·s–1)]. These findings would suggest that the decrease of Wtot during the first all-out period was due to the decay of phosphocreatine concentration in the exercising muscles occurring at the onset of exercise and the slow drifts of VO2 (upwards) and of Wtot (downwards) during intense exercise at constant Wtot could be attributed to the continuous accumulation of lactate in the blood (and in the working muscles).  相似文献   
This study aimed to explore the 24-h patterns of stroke volume, cardiac output, and peripheral vascular resistance along with other correlated variables, such as left ventricular ejection time, ejection velocity index, thoracic fluid index, heart rate, and blood pressure. The study was performed on 12 clinically healthy subjects by means of a noninvasive beat-to-beat monitoring using the thoracic electric bioimpedance technique associated with the automated sphygmomano-metric recording. Time data series were analyzed by means of chronobiological procedures. The results documented the occurrence of a circadian rhythm for all the variables investigated, giving relevance to the beat-to-beat bioperiodicity of cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance. Temporal quantification of the investigated variables may be useful for a better insight of the chronophysiology of the cardiovascular apparatus.  相似文献   
The behaviour ofSitobion avenae (F.), was compared on resistant wheat lines ofTriticum monococcum (L.) and a susceptible variety ofTriticum aestivum (L.). Firstly, stylet penetration activities were monitored with the Electrical Penetration Graph (EPG) technique and subsequently analysed using flow charts combined with correspondence analysis. Plant resistance was shown to be associated with repeated penetrations without access to either the xylem or the phloem, and with numerous failures in starting a sustained sap ingestion (as represented by pattern E2). Access to sieve elements of the phloem did not seem to be much affected on resistant plants but it took the aphid three times as long to produce a sap ingestion pattern when maintained on the resistant lineT. monococcum no 44 (Tm44) as compared with aphids maintained on susceptible plants. As a result the total time spent in ingesting from sieve elements was reduced by 72% on Tm44. Secondly, direct observations of freely-moving apterous adults were performed. Aphids did not discriminate between resistant and susceptible wheat during the first 30 min of access to test leaves, but only 4 out of 25 aphids were still probing after eight hours on resistant Tm44. The relevance of these results to possible location of the resistance factor(s) are discussed. Although detection of plant resistance before sieve elements are reached can not be rigorously excluded, the factors involved inT. monococcum resistance toS. avenae undoubtedly occur within the phloem vessels.  相似文献   
S-2-(3 aminopropylamino) ethylphosphorothioic acid (WR-2721) shown to surpass radical scavenging thiols in their radioprotective efficacy in cancer-type diseases has been tested for its protective potential in the reperfused heart. We investigated the radical scavenger properties of the compound in a radical generating systemin vitro as well as in isolated rat hearts subjected to 30 min ischaemia and 30 min reperfusion with the electron-paramagnetic resonance spin trap technique. The action on high-energy phosphates is observed by means of phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy while its influence on left ventricular systolic segmental length change (SSLC) during 60 min reperfusion following 60 min regional ischaemia was assessed with a fibreoptic system in anaesthetized open-chest rats. WR-2721 (0.1 mM) reduced the vascular concentration of radical adduct in isolated hearts by up to 78% (275±84% of pre-ischaemic baseline values vs 1260±413%, p<0.05) between 5 and 12.5 min reperfusion. This was accompanied by a reduction of the left ventricular end diastolic pressure to pre-ischaemic values at 30 min of reperfusion (9±6 mmHg vs 42±8 mmHg in the absence of WR-2721, p<0.02). An accelerated recovery of creatine phosphate levels (78±5% of pre-ischaemia values vs 41±5% within 60 min reperfusion; p<0.05) was observed under similar conditions with NMR-spectroscopy, although the post-ischaemic tissue content of adenosine triphosphate was not affected. The administration of WR-2721 (0.5 mmol/kg body weight) ledin situ to an accelerated restoration of contractile activity in the post-ligated left ventricular area reflected by the post-ischaemic recovery of SSLC (64±10% of pre-ischaemic values compared with 27±6% in control animals 60 min following reperfusion; p<0.02). The present data confirm an effective reduction in the exposure of the reperfused heart to endogenously released free radicals by WR-2721, a partial preservation of high-energy phosphates and an improvement in post-ischaemic contractility and encourage further investigation of such favourable action in injured myocardium.  相似文献   
Amphiphysin (amphiphysin I), a dominant autoantigen in paraneoplastic Stiff-man syndrome, is a neuronal protein highly concentrated in nerve terminals, where it has a putative role in endocytosis. The yeast homologue of amphiphysin, Rvs167, has pleiotropic functions, including a role in endocytosis and in actin dynamics, suggesting that amphiphysin may also be implicated in the function of the presynaptic actin cytoskeleton. We report here the characterization of a second mammalian amphiphysin gene, amphiphysin II (SH3P9; BIN1), which encodes products primarily expressed in skeletal muscle and brain, as differentially spliced isoforms. In skeletal muscle, amphiphysin II is concentrated around T tubules, while in brain it is concentrated in the cytomatrix beneath the plasmamembrane of axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier. In both these locations, amphiphysin II is colocalized with splice variants of ankyrin3 (ankyrinG), a component of the actin cytomatrix. In the same regions, the presence of clathrin has been reported. These findings support the hypothesis that, even in mammalian cells, amphiphysin/Rvs family members have a role both in endocytosis and in actin function and suggest that distinct amphiphysin isoforms contribute to define distinct domains of the cortical cytoplasm. Since amphiphysin II (BIN1) was reported to interact with Myc, it may also be implicated in a signaling pathway linking the cortical cytoplasm to nuclear function.  相似文献   
Different species of the bristletail genus Lepismachilis were collected in 14 localities in Italy and Spain and an allozyme electrophoretic survey was carried out to estimate the degree of genetic variability and differentiation at intra- and interspecific levels. Four morphological species were initially identified (L osellai, L. y-signata, L. affinis, L. targionii), but the electrophoretic analysis demonstrated the presence of two additional species among the individuals of L. targionii (Lepismachilis spl and sp2). The validity of these species and their differentiation from L targionii were demonstrated by the fixation of alternative allelic patterns at several loci (7 in Lepismachilis spl and 8 in Lepismachilis sp2), coupled with fixed, previously undetected, morphological differences. In addition, Lepismachilis sp2 was sympatric with L. targionii in three collecting sites, where the fixation of alternative allelic patterns unequivocally demonstrated reproductive isolation. Genetic variability did not seem to be correlated with local ecological factors, and differences between species should rather be explained by different historical factors. Low levels of gene flow, estimated with two different indirect methods, were observed in L. targionii and L. y-signata, and were due to high levels of structuring among populations. Genetic differentiation among conspecific populations was not correlated to their geographical arrangement and the presence of loci fixed for different alleles among them suggested that stochastic factors (such as genetic drift) may have played a role in determining genetic differentiation of geographically isolated populations. Genetic divergence values indicated that the six species are well differentiated and allozyme profiles were diagnostic for all of them. On the other hand, allozyme data did not provide adequate information to resolve evolutionary relationships among the species, nor did they confirm the validity of the two subgenera (Lepismachilis and Berlesilis) in which the genus Lepismachilis is traditionally divided.  相似文献   
Summary Reactivity of sulphydryl groups of cytosolic and mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferases from ox heart has been studied. A total of 5 and 7 cysteine residues per monomer are present in cAATo and mAATo, respectively. In native conditions only a single sulphydryl group can be titrated by Nbs2 while the catalytic activity remains unchanged, however in the mitochondrial isozyme the reactivity depends on the functional state of the enzyme. Reactivity toward NEM reveals the existence of a syncatalytic sulphydryl group in the cytosolic isozyme. Titration of cAATo with pMB at pH 8 and pH 5 confirms the existence of two exposed sulphydryl groups with a different reactivity. The results compared with those reported on the corresponding isozymes from pig and chicken heart show that syncatalytic sulphydryl groups are of general occurrence in these enzymes.  相似文献   
Summary The ovarian surface and associated germ cells have been studied in human fetuses from 12 weeks of age until near term, using light, TEM and SEM techniques. The surface epithelium and related cords proliferate extensively, especially at midterm. The cords in the ovarian cortex appear to be linked with ingrowths from the surface epithelium, and both structures have a common basal lamina. Germ cells are always interspersed among the somatic cells of the surface epithelium and associated cords. These results indicate that both the proliferating cords and surface epithelium may contribute to the formation of early follicles. Furthermore, the occurrence, of elements having some of the features of primitive steroidogenic cells in the regions of cordsurface epithelium continuity, suggests that both structures (surface epithelium and cords) contribute somatic cells, which in addition to becoming granulosa cells, might also contribute to the provision of primitive interstitial cells.Gonocytes tend to migrate through the developing ovarian tissue towards the surface where they become extruded into the peritoneal cavity. This phenomenon might contribute to the reduction in the number of germ cells at birth and parallels the atretic processes within the ovary.  相似文献   
Summary The adrenal cortex of different mammals was studied by SEM in order to demonstrate its actual three-dimensional organization. In the rat, as well as in the cat and pig, the adrenal cortex appeared as a tunnelled continuum of polyhedral cells arranged in plate-like structures (laminae). This laminar arrangement was more evident in the inner fasciculate and reticular zones where the cortex revealed a striking similarity to liver tissue. The polyhedral cells of all cortical zones possessed regular facets populated by small pits, larger invaginations and numerous microvilli with the exception of very short and smooth areas probably corresponding to attachment zones and/or gap junctions. This cellular architecture produced a labyrinthic system of intercellular channels or lacunae in which the capillaries were suspended.The pericapillary areas of this labyrinth contained microvilli, amorphous material, a delicate net of fibrils and occasional cells. The intercellular compartment of this lacunar system was mainly bordered by numerous microvilli arising from endocrine cells.The luminal surface of the capillary wall showed not only irregularly protruding margins (interpretable as endothelial junctions) but also clearly overlapping and flattened endothelial extensions.In all the animals and areas of the adrenal cortex examined, the endothelial wall was provided with abundant clusters of small fenestrations (about 50 nm in diameter) generally arranged in sieve plates. Larger fenestrations were noted mainly in the fasciculate and reticular zones of the cat and pig and occasionally in the rat.A final point related to the nature and significance of sinusoidal fenestrations was the occurrence of irregularly shaped and intracapillary located cells mainly noted in the deeper zones of the fasciculate and reticular zones of the gland. These elements — possessing the surface characteristics of macrophages — were observed, with their irregular and slender evaginations, in close proximity to the large fenestrations in a manner reminiscent of Kupffer cells within the lumen of liver sinusoids.  相似文献   
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