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Several studies into the mechanisms involved in control of osteoblast-specific gene expression have identified Runx2 and ERalpha (estrogen receptor alpha) as essential regulators of osteoblast differentiation. Recently, interactions between Runx2 and ERalpha have been described. Here, we investigate the role of Runx2 on the regulation of ERalpha expression by determining its interaction with the F promoter, one of the multiple promoters of the human ERalpha gene and the only one active in bone. We found that, in this promoter, three Runx2-like sites are present. By electrophoretic mobility shift assay in combination with supershift and ChIP experiments, we demonstrated that Runx2 preferentially binds one of the Runx2 motifs of the F promoter. To understand whether or not they are involved in influencing F promoter activity, different promoter-reporter deletion and mutation constructs were transiently transfected into human osteoblastic cells. Comparison of luciferase activities allowed the identification of a prevalent negative role of a sequence context, within the -117,877/-117,426 region, which may be under the control of Runx2 (a) site. Finally, silencing and overexpression of endogenous Runx2 provided evidence that Runx2 has a more complex role than initially expected. In fact, Runx2 (a) and Runx2 (b) sites carried out opposite roles which are conditioned by Runx2 levels in bone cells. Therefore, the resulting F promoter activity may be tightly regulated by a dynamic interplay between these two Runx2 sites, with a predominance of negative effect of the Runx2 (a) site.  相似文献   
The involvement and the role of nitric oxide (NO) as a signaling molecule in the course of neuronal apoptosis, whether unique or modulated during the progression of the apoptotic program, has been investigated in a cellular system consisting of cerebellar granule cells (CGCs) where apoptosis can be induced by lowering extracellular potassium. Several parameters involved in NO signaling pathway, such as NO production, neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) expression, and cyclic GMP (cGMP) production were examined in the presence or absence of different inhibitors. We provide evidence that nitric oxide has dual and opposite effects depending on time after induction of apoptosis. In an early phase, up to 3 h of apoptosis, nitric oxide supports survival of CGCs through a cGMP-dependent mechanism. After 3 h, nNOS expression and activity decreased resulting in shut down of NO and cGMP production. Residual NO then contributes to the apoptotic process by reacting with rising superoxide anions leading to peroxynitrite production and protein inactivation. We conclude that whilst NO over-production protects neurons from death in the early phase of neuronal damage, its subsequent reduction may contribute to neuronal degeneration and ultimate cell death.  相似文献   
Summary Syntheses are described of new endomorphin 1 and 2 peptoid–peptide hybrids in which Tyr1 and either one or both Phe3 and Phe4 have been replaced by N-substituted-glycine. The preparation is also described of two glycosylated Hyp2-endomorphin 2 analogues in which either 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl glucose or glucose are β-O-glycosidically linked to the hydroxyproline residue. The Hyp2-endomorphin sequences have also been elongate by adding a C-terminal β-alanine residue and several linear dimers have been prepared by coupling either the native peptides or the modified analogues. The cyclo endomorphin 2 has also been synthesized. Preliminary pharmacological experiments on isolated organ preparations showed that the agonist activities of both endomorphin 1 and 2 are not significantly affected by the Pro/Hyp substitution. Phe4/Nphe substitution in the endomorphin 1 reduced the potency on guinea pig ileum (GPI) by about 100 times and abolished the agonist activity on mouse vas deferens (MVD) preparation. The decrease of the agonist activity induced by modification of one phenylalanine residue only, either Phe3 or Phe4, is lower on endomorphin 2. Either modification of both Phe3 and Phe4 or glycosylation of the Hyp2-endomorphin 2 cancelled any agonist activity on both preparations. The linear peptide dimers [endomorphin 1]2, [endomorphin 2]2, [Hyp2-endomorphin 1]2, [Hyp2-endomorphin 2]2, [Hyp2-endomorphin 1-Hyp2-endomorphin 2]2 or [Hyp2-endomorphin 2-Hyp2-endomorphin 1]2, are 7–19 times less potent than endomorphin 1 on GPI and significantly less active than endomorphins 1 and 2 on MVD. The other afforded modifications significantly affected or abolished the agonist activity of the resulting endomorphin analogues on both GPI and MVD preparations.The α-amino acid residues are of the L-configuration. Standard abbreviations for amino acid derivatives and peptides are according to the suggestions of the IUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (1984) Eur. J. Biochem., 138, 9–37. Abbreviations listed in the guide published in (2003) J. Peptide Sci., 9, 1–8 are used without explanation.  相似文献   
A small library of cyclic RGD pentapeptide mimics incorporating stereoisomeric 5,6- and 5,7-fused bicyclic lactams was synthesized. This library was found to contain high-affinity ligands for the alpha(v)beta3 integrin. The aim of this study was to investigate activity, selectivity, and structure of these ligands in order to identify new specific alpha(v)-integrin antagonists that could be evaluated as tumor angiogenesis inhibitors. In vitro screening, including receptor-binding assays to purified alpha(v)beta3, alpha(v)beta5, and alpha5beta1 integrins, and platelet aggregation assay, revealed ST1646 as a potent, highly selective alpha(v)beta3/alpha(v)beta5 integrin antagonist. Structure determination of the cyclic RGD pentapeptide mimics performed by a combination of NMR spectroscopy, and molecular mechanics and dynamics calculations showed a strong dependence of the RGD cyclopeptide conformation on lactam ring size and stereochemistry. ST1646 revealed the highest ability within the library to adopt the proper RGD orientation required for binding to the alpha(v)beta3 integrin, as deduced from the recently solved crystal structure of the extracellular segment of integrin alpha(v)beta3 in complex with a cyclic pentapeptide ligand.  相似文献   
In previous works we demonstrated that 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (menadione) causes a marked increase in the force of contraction of guinea pig and rat isolated atria. This inotropic effect was significantly higher in the guinea pig than in the rat and was strictly related to the amount of superoxide anion (O(2)(*-)), generated as a consequence of cardiac menadione metabolism through mitochondrial NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase. The present study was designed to further elucidate the basis of these quantitatively different positive inotropic responses. To this purpose, we measured O(2)(*-) and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) produced by mitochondria isolated from guinea pig and rat hearts in the presence of 20 microM menadione. Moreover, we evaluated the menadione detoxification activity (DT-diaphorase) and the antioxidant defences of guinea pig and rat hearts, namely their GSH/GSSG content, Cu/Zn- and Mn-dependent superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (Gpx) activities. Our results indicate that DT-diaphorase activity and glutathione levels were similar in both animal species. By contrast, guinea pig mitochondria produced greater amounts of O(2)(*-) and H(2)O(2) than those of rat heart. This is probably due to both the higher Mn-SOD activity (2.93 +/- 0.02 vs. 1.95 +/- 0.06 units/mg protein; P < 0.05) and to the lower Gpx activity (10.09 +/- 0.30 vs. 32.67 +/- 1.02 units/mg protein; P < 0.001) of guinea pig mitochondria. A lower CAT activity was also observed in guinea pig mitochondria (2.40 +/- 0.80 vs. 6.13 +/- 0.20 units/mg protein; P < 0.01). Taken together, these data provide a rational explanation for the greater susceptibility of guinea pig heart to the toxic effect of menadione: because of the greater amount of O(2)(*-) generated by the quinone and the higher mitochondrial Mn-SOD activity, guinea pig heart is exposed to more elevated concentrations of H(2)O(2) that is less efficiently detoxified, because of lower Gpx and CAT levels of mitochondria.  相似文献   
Two paralogous groups of fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) have been described in vertebrate liver: liver FABP (L-FABP) type, extensively characterized in mammals, and liver basic FABP (Lb-FABP) found in fish, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. We describe here the toad Lb-FABP complete amino acid sequence, its X-ray structure to 2.5 A resolution, ligand-binding properties, and mechanism of fatty acid transfer to phospholipid membranes. Alignment of the amino acid sequence of toad Lb-FABP with known L-FABPs and Lb-FABPs shows that it is more closely related to the other Lb-FABPs. Toad Lb-FABP conserves the 12 characteristic residues present in all Lb-FABPs and absent in L-FABPs and presents the canonical fold characteristic of all the members of this protein family. Eight out of the 12 conserved residues point to the lipid-binding cavity of the molecule. In contrast, most of the 25 L-FABP conserved residues are in clusters on the surface of the molecule. The helix-turn-helix motif shows both a negative and positive electrostatic potential surface as in rat L-FABP, and in contrast with the other FABP types. The mechanism of anthroyloxy-labeled fatty acids transfer from Lb-FABP to phospholipid membranes occurs by a diffusion-mediated process, as previously shown for L-FABP, but the rate of transfer is 1 order of magnitude faster. Toad Lb-FABP can bind two cis-parinaric acid molecules but only one trans-parinaric acid molecule while L-FABP binds two molecules of both parinaric acid isomers. Although toad Lb-FABP shares with L-FABP a broad ligand-binding specificity, the relative affinity is different.  相似文献   
Following an European Space Agency announcement of opportunity in 1996 for ”Externally mounted payloads for 1st utilization phase” on the International Space Station (ISS), scientists working in the fields of astrobiology proposed experiments aiming at long-term exposure of a variety of chemical compounds and extremely resistant microorganisms to the hostile space environment. The ESA exposure facility EXPOSE was built and an operations´ concept was prepared. The EXPOSE experiments were developed through an intensive pre-flight experiment verification test program. 12 years later, two sets of astrobiological experiments in two EXPOSE facilities have been successfully launched to the ISS for external exposure for up to 1.5 years. EXPOSE-E, now installed at the balcony of the European Columbus module, was launched in February 2008, while EXPOSE-R took off to the ISS in November 2008 and was installed on the external URM-D platform of the Russian Zvezda module in March 2009.  相似文献   
We followed-up for mortality and cancer incidence 1088 healthy non-smokers from a population-based study, who were characterized for 22 variants in 16 genes involved in DNA repair pathways. Follow-up was 100% complete. The association between polymorphism and mortality or cancer incidence was analyzed using Cox Proportional Hazard regression models. Ninety-five subjects had died in a median follow-up time of 78 months (inter-quartile range 59-93 months). None of the genotypes was clearly associated with total mortality, except variants for two Double-Strand Break DNA repair genes, XRCC3 18067 C>T (rs#861539) and XRCC2 31479 G>A (rs#3218536). Adjusted hazard ratios were 2.25 (1.32-3.83) for the XRCC3 C/T genotype and 2.04 (1.00-4.13) for the T/T genotype (reference C/C), and 2.12 (1.14-3.97) for the XRCC2 G/A genotype (reference G/G). For total cancer mortality, the adjusted hazard ratios were 3.29 (1.23-7.82) for XRCC3 C/T, 2.84 (0.81-9.90) for XRCC3 T/T and 3.17 (1.21-8.30) for XRCC2 G/A. With combinations of three or more adverse alleles, the adjusted hazard ratio for all cause mortality was 17.29 (95% C.I. 8.13-36.74), and for all incident cancers the HR was 5.28 (95% C.I. 2.17-12.85). Observations from this prospective study suggest that polymorphisms of genes involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks significantly influence the risk of cancer and non-cancer disease, and can influence mortality.  相似文献   
Osmiophilic bodies are membrane-bound vesicles, found predominantly in Plasmodium female gametocytes, that become progressively more abundant as the gametocyte reaches full maturity. These vesicles lie beneath the subpellicular membrane of the gametocyte, and the release of their contents into the parasitophorous vacuole has been postulated to aid in the escape of gametocytes from the erythrocyte after ingestion by the mosquito. Currently, the only protein known to be associated with osmiophilic bodies in Plasmodium falciparum is Pfg377, a gametocyte-specific protein expressed at the onset of osmiophilic body development. Here we show by targeted gene disruption that Pfg377 plays a fundamental role in the formation of these organelles, and that female gametocytes lacking the full complement of osmiophilic bodies are significantly less efficient both in vitro and in vivo in their emergence from the erythrocytes upon induction of gametogenesis, a process whose timing is critical for fertilization with the short-lived male gamete. This reduced efficiency of emergence explains the significant defect in oocyst formation in mosquitoes fed blood meals containing Pfg377-negative gametocytes, resulting in an almost complete blockade of infection.  相似文献   
Abstract: Using an immunocytochemical assay to monitor synaptic vesicle exocytosis/endocytosis independently of neurotransmitter release, we have investigated some aspects of vesicle recycling in hippocampal neurons at different developmental stages. A calcium- and depolarization-dependent exocytotic/endocytotic recycling of synaptic vesicles was found to take place in neurons already before the formation of synaptic contacts. The analysis of synaptic vesicle recycling at different calcium concentrations revealed the presence of two release components: the first one activated by low calcium concentrations and sustaining vesicle recycling before synaptogenesis, and a second one activated by high calcium concentrations, which is specifically turned on after the establishment of synaptic contacts. These data suggest that formation of synapses correlates with the activation of a putative low-affinity calcium sensor, which allows synaptic vesicle exocytosis to be triggered and turned off over extremely short time scales, in response to large increases in the level of intracellular calcium.  相似文献   
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