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Jacobs PP  Sackstein R 《FEBS letters》2011,585(20):3148-3158
Despite great strides in our knowledge of the genetic and epigenetic changes underlying malignancy, we have limited information on the molecular basis of metastasis. Over 90% of cancer deaths are caused by spread of tumor cells from a primary site to distant organs and tissues, highlighting the pressing need to define the molecular effectors of cancer metastasis. Mounting evidence suggests that circulating tumor cells (CTCs) home to specific tissues by hijacking the normal leukocyte trafficking mechanisms. Cancer cells characteristically express CD44, and there is increasing evidence that hematopoietic cell E-/L-selectin ligand (HCELL), a sialofucosylated glycoform of CD44, serves as the major selectin ligand on cancer cells, allowing interaction of tumor cells with endothelium, leukocytes, and platelets. Here, we review the structural biology of CD44 and of HCELL, and present current data on the function of these molecules in mediating organ-specific homing/metastasis of CTCs.  相似文献   
The macroinvertebrate community of the harbour of Ghent was studied by analysing 135 samples taken at different sampling locations from 1990 until 2008. The results showed that the current Crustacea and Mollusca communities are mainly represented, in terms of abundances, by alien species. In total, seven alien and four indigenous crustacean species were found. Mollusc diversity was higher, with a total of 14 species, four of which were alien. Macroinvertebrate diversity was very low at the beginning of the 1990s, but increased due to the improvement of the chemical water quality achieved by sanitation and stricter environmental laws. This is reflected by the dissolved oxygen concentration, which increased from an average of 2 mg/l to an average of 9 mg/l, allowing more sensitive species to establish. Since 1993, the number of alien taxa has augmented, whereas the number of native taxa has remained stable. The improvement of the chemical water quality and the simultaneous increase in total number of species were also reflected in an increase of the Multimetric Macroinvertebrate Index Flanders, which is used to assess the ecological water quality in Flanders. Due to intensive international boat traffic and the low species diversity, the harbour of Ghent is highly vulnerable for invasions. Stronger regulations and a better understanding about the contribution of shipping, shortcuts via artificial water ways, habitat degradation and environmental pollution are required to reduce the further spread of alien species.  相似文献   
Respiration of bulky plant organs such as roots, tubers, stems, seeds, and fruit depends very much on oxygen (O2) availability and often follows a Michaelis-Menten-like response. A multiscale model is presented to calculate gas exchange in plants using the microscale geometry of the tissue, or vice versa, local concentrations in the cells from macroscopic gas concentration profiles. This approach provides a computationally feasible and accurate analysis of cell metabolism in any plant organ during hypoxia and anoxia. The predicted O2 and carbon dioxide (CO2) partial pressure profiles compared very well with experimental data, thereby validating the multiscale model. The important microscale geometrical features are the shape, size, and three-dimensional connectivity of cells and air spaces. It was demonstrated that the gas-exchange properties of the cell wall and cell membrane have little effect on the cellular gas exchange of apple (Malus×domestica) parenchyma tissue. The analysis clearly confirmed that cells are an additional route for CO2 transport, while for O2 the intercellular spaces are the main diffusion route. The simulation results also showed that the local gas concentration gradients were steeper in the cells than in the surrounding air spaces. Therefore, to analyze the cellular metabolism under hypoxic and anoxic conditions, the microscale model is required to calculate the correct intracellular concentrations. Understanding the O2 response of plants and plant organs thus not only requires knowledge of external conditions, dimensions, gas-exchange properties of the tissues, and cellular respiration kinetics but also of microstructure.  相似文献   
Traditionally, crop production in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) depends primarily on mining soil nutrients. Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) is an approach for intensifying agriculture in SSA that aims at maximizing the agronomic efficiency (AE) of applied nutrient inputs. ISFM contains the following essential components: proper fertilizer management, use of improved varieties, the combined application of organic inputs and fertilizer, and adaptation of input application rates to within-farm soil fertility gradients where these are important. This paper evaluates, through meta-analysis, the impact of these components on the AE of fertilizer N (N-AE), defined as extra grain yield per kg fertilizer N applied, in maize-based systems in SSA. Since N-AE is low for excessive fertilizer N application rates or when fertilizer is applied on fertile, unresponsive soil, as was confirmed by scatter plots against control yields and fertilizer N application rates, such values were removed from the database in order to focus on and elucidate the more variable and complex responses under less than ideal conditions typical for SSA. Compared with local varieties, the use of hybrid maize varieties significantly increased N-AE values (17 and 26 kg (kg N)?1, respectively) with no differences observed between local and improved, open-pollinated varieties. Mixing fertilizer with manure or compost resulted in the highest N-AE values [36 kg (kg N)?1] while organic inputs of medium quality also showed significantly higher N-AE values compared with the sole fertilizer treatment but only at low organic input application rates (40 and 23 kg (kg N)?1, respectively). High quality organic inputs (Class I) and those with a high C-to-N ratio (Class III) or high lignin content (Class IV) did not affect N-AE values in comparison with the sole fertilizer treatment. Application of N fertilizer on infields resulted in significantly higher N-AE values [31 kg (kg N)?1] compared with the outfields [17 kg (kg N)?1]. The obtained information indicates that N-AE is amenable to improved management practices and that the various components embedded in the ISFM definition result in improvements in N-AE.  相似文献   
A predictive technique in the management of patients with cancer could improve the therapeutic index by allowing better individualization of treatment. Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) is a noninvasive technique that can provide anatomical and physiological information on the tumor and its microenvironment. We studied the effect of chemotherapy (gemcitabine), anti-angiogenesis therapy (sunitinib) and radiotherapy on the kinetics of DCE-MRI parameters in a preclinical model of pancreatic cancer using P846, a new low-diffusible contrast agent. Mice underwent DCE-MRI before treatment (MRI1), after 1 week of treatment (MRI2), and after 1 additional week (MRI3). Combined treatment with radiotherapy and sunitinib had a synergistic effect on tumor growth. In radiotherapy/sunitinib-treated mice, a decrease in K(trans) at MRI2 predicted its superior antivascular and antitumor effect at an early time. An increased K(trans) at MRI2, as seen in gemcitabine- and gemcitabine/sunitinib-treated mice, reflects increased permeability for P846 and might predict a smaller therapeutic effect at this early time. This study shows that the kinetics of DCE-MRI parameters depends on the contrast agent used. P846 appears to be a promising low-diffusible agent to monitor therapeutic effects in this preclinical cancer model, but further studies are needed to compare its behavior with Gd-DTPA and macromolecular-weight contrast agents. Sunitinib as a radiosensitizer is promising for future clinical trials in human pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   
Because the taxonomy of trematodes is based on adults, the larval stages of most digeneans cannot be identified to species based on morphology alone. Molecular data provide a means of linking larval stages to known adults. We obtained sequences from the barcode region of cytochrome oxidase I (CO1) from adult and larval parasites of fish, frogs, birds, and mammals across North America. Sequences from adult Apharyngostrigea cornu, Hysteromorpha triloba, and Alaria mustelae (Diplostomoidea: Digenea) from definitive hosts matched those of meta- and mesocercariae from fish and frogs. These data provided new information on the distributions of all 3 parasite species. Metacercariae of A. cornu, which have not been previously reported in North American hosts, were found in Notemigonus crysoleucas, Pimephales notatus, and Catostomus commersonii in the St. Lawrence River. Metacercariae of H. triloba are reported in Canadian waters and in N. hudsonius for the first time. Alaria mustelae is reported for the first time in frogs from Quebec, Canada, and an additional species of Alaria was detected in California. Sequences of internal transcribed spacer rDNA from a subset of specimens support the same species boundaries indicated by CO1 divergence. There was little divergence in CO1 sequences from an unidentified diplostomid species sampled at a large spatial scale.  相似文献   
Chloropropham-degrading cultures were obtained from sludge and soil samples by using two different enrichment techniques: (i) planktonic enrichments in shaken liquid medium and (ii) biofilm enrichments on two types of solid matrixes (plastic chips and gravel). Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis fingerprinting showed that planktonic and biofilm cultures had a different community composition depending on the presence and type of added solid matrix during enrichment. This was reflected in the unique chloropropham-degrading species that could be isolated from the different cultures. Planktonic and biofilm cultures also differed in chloropropham-degrading activity. With biofilm cultures, slower chloropropham removal was observed, but with less build-up of the toxic intermediate 3-chloroaniline. Disruption of the biofilm architecture resulted in degradation characteristics shifting toward those of the free suspensions, indicating the importance of a well-established biofilm structure for good performance. These results show that biofilm-mediated enrichment techniques can be used to select for pollutant-degrading microorganisms that like to proliferate in a biofilm and that cannot be isolated using conventional shaken-liquid procedures. Furthermore, the influence of the biofilm architecture on the pesticide degradation characteristics suggests that for bioaugmentation the use of biofilm catabolic communities might be a proficient alternative to using planktonic freely suspended cultures.  相似文献   
This study aimed to develop, compare and validate two versions of a video analysis method for assessment of low back moments during occupational lifting tasks since for epidemiological studies and ergonomic practice relatively cheap and easily applicable methods to assess low back loads are needed. Ten healthy subjects participated in a protocol comprising 12 lifting conditions. Low back moments were assessed using two variants of a video analysis method and a lab-based reference method. Repeated measures ANOVAs showed no overall differences in peak moments between the two versions of the video analysis method and the reference method. However, two conditions showed a minor overestimation of one of the video analysis method moments. Standard deviations were considerable suggesting that errors in the video analysis were random. Furthermore, there was a small underestimation of dynamic components and overestimation of the static components of the moments. Intraclass correlations coefficients for peak moments showed high correspondence (>0.85) of the video analyses with the reference method. It is concluded that, when a sufficient number of measurements can be taken, the video analysis method for assessment of low back loads during lifting tasks provides valid estimates of low back moments in ergonomic practice and epidemiological studies for lifts up to a moderate level of asymmetry.  相似文献   
Recent advances mean that arrays of nearly uniform cylindrical, conical and pyramidal shaped pores can be produced in several types of substrates. Surface modification of nanopore surfaces can give unique mass transport characteristics that have recently been explored for biomolecule separation, detection and purification. Recent interest has focused on the use of nanoporous membranes for mass transfer diodes that act analogous to solid-state devices based on electron conduction. Asymmetric pores such as conical pores can show superior performance characteristics compared to traditional cylindrical pores in ion rectification. However, many phenomena for membranes with asymmetric pores still remain to be exploited in biomolecular separation, biosensing, microfluidics, logic gates, and energy harvesting and storage.  相似文献   
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