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We have size-fractionated intact DNA from Trypanosoma brucei into a major large DNA fraction (greater than 350S) and minor middle-sized (60-250S) and small (less than 60S) DNA fractions. Large DNA contains the rRNA genes, the basic copy genes for several variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs), including one which lies near a telomer, and the expression-linked copies of the two VSG genes. The middle-sized DNA contains at least one VSG gene, but the hybridization of this fraction with probes for the conserved repetitive sequences that mark the edges of the transposed segments of VSG genes, suggests that it may contain many VSG genes. The 177-bp repeat satellite DNA is also exclusively found in this fraction.  相似文献   
The gene for bovine interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP) has been cloned, and its nucleotide sequence has been determined. The IRBP gene is about 11.6 kilobase pairs (kb) and contains four exons and three introns. It transcribed into a large mRNA of approximately 6.4 kb and translated into a large protein of 145,000 daltons. To prove the identity of the genomic clone, we determined the protein sequence of several tryptic and cyanogen bromide fragments of purified bovine IRBP protein and localized them in the protein predicted from its nucleotide sequence. There is a 4-fold repeat structure in the protein sequence with 30-40% sequence identity and many conservative substitutions between any two of the four protein repeats. The third and fourth repeats are the most similar pair. All three of the introns in the IRBP gene fall in the fourth protein repeat. Two of the exons, the first and the fourth, are large, 3173 and 2447 bases, respectively. The introns are each about 1.5-2.2 kb long. The human IRBP gene has a sequence that is similar to one of the introns from the bovine gene. The unexpected gene structure and protein repeat structure in the bovine gene lead us to propose a model for the evolution of the IRBP gene.  相似文献   
The interaction betweenAgaricus bisporus andScytalidium thermophilum on agar media was studied by differential interference contrast and phase contrast microscopy.A. bisporus combatively replacesS. thermophilum in culture on agar media. The antagonistic effect ofA. bisporus is transmissible through a cellophane membrane and causes irreversible disintegration ofS. thermophilum protoplasm, resulting in a total loss of viability after prolonged interaction between the two fungi. On compost extract agar, but not on other media, the growth rate ofA. bisporus increased from 2.7 to 5.3 mm·d–1 following contact withS. thermophilum mycelium.  相似文献   
Eight experimental ditch mesocosms were used to study the effect of eutrophication over four years. The experimental ditches had a sand or clay bottom. The ditches were treated with additions of phosphorus, phosphorus and nitrogen, or without additions (controls). Oligochaetes were sampled by deploying trays with substratum for colonization over twenty weeks. Both the important variables phosphorus, nitrogen and oxygen as well as the oligochaete species and numbers are presented. The effects of nutrient additions on phosphorus, nitrogen and oxygen concentrations were described together with changes in oligochaete species composition and numbers. The results were further analyzed by redundancy analysis (RDA). In the clay-lined ditches nutrient addition coincided with fluctuation in oxygen concentration. The higher the nutrient addition levels the longer the period of oxygen depletion became. During oxygen depletion the number of oligochaetes was strongly reduced or even became zero. The low nutrient status of the sandy bed in the sand-lined ditches slowed down the rate of colonization. Only a few tubificids were collected. Eutrophication effects were only observed at the highest nutrient addition level. Considerable variation is attributed to stochastic factors in the sand-lined ditches. Whether oligochaete species were present was related to the length of the colonization period. The substratum composition and food together with oxygen regime decided whether they become more or less abundant in ditches. Large-scale mesocosm experiments require time to develop. Only after the first colonization period variables of species presences and abundances can be employed to detect changes associated with eutrophication. Oligochaetes can be used to measure colonization as well as eutrophication processes.  相似文献   
A fluorescence depolarization study of the orientational distribution of crossbridges in dye-labelled muscle fibres is presented. The characterization of this distribution is important since the rotation of crossbridges is a key element in the theory of muscle contraction. In this study we exploited the advantages of angle-resolved experiments to characterize the principal features of the orientational distribution of the crossbridges in the muscle fibre. The directions of the transition dipole moments in the frame of the dye and the orientation and motion of the dye relative to the crossbridge determined previously were explicitly incorporated into the analysis of the experimental data. This afforded the unequivocal determination of all the second and fourth rank order parameters. Moreover, this additional information provided discrimination between different models for the orientational behaviour of the crossbridges. Our results indicate that no change of orientation takes place upon a transition from rigor to relaxation. The experiments, however, do no rule out a conformational change of the myosin S 1 during the transition. Correspondence to: Y. K. Levine  相似文献   
In the bloodstream of the mammalian host, Trypanosoma brucei takes up host transferrin by means of a high-affinity uptake system, presumably a transferrin receptor. Transferrin-binding activity is seen in the flagellar pocket and is absent in insect form trypanosomes. By transfection we have reconstituted a transferrin-binding complex in insect form trypanosomes. Formation of this complex requires the products of two genes that are part of a variant surface glycoprotein expression site, expression site-associated gene (ESAG) 6 (encoding a protein with GPI-anchor) and ESAG 7 (encoding a protein without any obvious membrane attachment). This complex can be precipitated by transferrin-Sepharose and by an antibody directed only against the ESAG 6 protein. Transfection of ESAG 6 or 7 alone did not result in transferrin binding. In the transfected trypanosomes, the products of ESAG 6 alone and the combination of ESAG 6 and 7 did not exclusively localize to the flagellar pocket, but were present all over the surface of the trypanosome. The reconstituted transferrin-binding complex also did not result in the uptake of transferrin. Additional proteins present in bloodstream trypanosomes, but not in sufficient amounts in insect form trypanosomes, may therefore be required for the correct routing of the transferrin-binding complex to the flagellar pocket, and for its rapid internalization after ligand binding.  相似文献   
Based on our previous work demonstrating that (SerPro)x epitopes are common to extensin-like cell wall proteins in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, we looked for similar proteins in the distantly related species C. eugametos. Using a polyclonal antiserum against a (SerPro)10 oligopeptide, we found distinct sets of stage-specific polypeptides immunoprecipitated from in vitro translations of C. eugametos RNA. Screening of a C. eugametos cDNA expression library with the antiserum led to the isolation of a cDNA (WP6) encoding a (SerPro)x-rich multidomain wall protein. Analysis of a similarly selected cDNA (VSP-3) from a C. reinhardtii cDNA expression library revealed that it also coded for a (SerPro)x-rich multidomain wall protein. The C-terminal rod domains of VSP-3 and WP6 are highly homologous, while the N-terminal domains are dissimilar; however, the N-terminal domain of VSP-3 is homologous to the globular domain of a cell wall protein from Volvox carteri. Exon shuffling might be responsible for this example of domain conservation over 350 million years of volvocalean cell wall protein evolution.  相似文献   
Habitat occupation and habitat overlap of the introduced tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus and co-occurring indigenous fish species were studied in a shallow lowland reservoir in Sri Lanka. Results were used to discuss the possible existence of empty habitats in reservoirs and the position of the introduced O. mossambicus in the fish community. Predictions were made of the effects of a subsidiary small-meshed gillnet fishery for indigenous minor cyprinids on the yield of tilapia. The zooplanktivorous halfbeak Hyporamphus gaimardi, an indigenous invader from brackish water estuaries and lagoons, has successfully colonized the pelagic habitat in this reservoir. The habitat of the introduced O. mossambicus overlapped significantly with those of the indigenous minor cyprinids. Only the smallest size classes of O. mossambicus (below 45 mm) arc spatially segregated from these cyprinids. Spatial distribution patterns are influenced by the rainy seasons which trigger an inshore movement of O. mossambicus and several other species around November and May. Barbus spp, (Cyprinidae) need riverine habitats for spawning, but for all other species the available habitats within the reservoir are suitable to complete their full life cycle. Exploitation of Barbus spp. with gillnets with a mesh size of 30-mm stretched mesh is predicted to have considerable detrimental effects on the existing fishery for O. mossambicus. However, a gillnet fishery with 15-mm stretched mesh to exploit Amblypharyngodon melettinus, Rasbora daniconius and H. gaimardi in the open water zone is expected to be successful without harming the existing fishery for O, mossambicus or the populations of Barbus spp.  相似文献   
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