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For all known major apple scab resistance genes except Vr, molecular markers have been published. However, the precise position of some of these genes, in the apple genome, remains to be identified. Knowledge about the relative position of apple scab resistance genes is necessary to preliminarily evaluate the probability of success of their pyramidization. Pyramidization of different resistance genes into the same genotype is a reliable way to create cultivars with durable apple scab resistance. Applying the genome scanning approach (GSA), we identified the linkage group of the scab resistance gene Vm, derived from Malus micromalus, and we found a new molecular marker tightly associated with the gene. The simple sequence repeat Hi07h02, previously mapped on linkage group 17, cosegregates with the Vm gene (no recombinants in the 95 plants tested). The already published sequence-characterized amplified region Vm marker OPB12(687) was found to be linked at about 5 cM from the resistance gene and, therefore, this marker also maps on linkage group 17 of apple. This is the first report of the discovery of a major apple scab resistance gene on linkage group 17. The advantages of using GSA for the identification of molecular markers for qualitative traits are discussed.  相似文献   
Monokaryotic mycelia of the homobasidiomycete Coprinus cinereus form asexual spores (oidia) constitutively in abundant numbers. Mycelia with mutations in both mating type loci (Amut Bmut homokaryons) also produce copious oidia but only when exposed to blue light. We used such an Amut Bmut homokaryon to define environmental and inherent factors that influence the light-induced oidiation process. We show that the Amut function causes repression of oidiation in the dark and that light overrides this effect. Similarly, compatible genes from different haplotypes of the A mating type locus repress sporulation in the dark and not in the light. Compatible products of the B mating type locus reduce the outcome of light on A-mediated repression but the mutated B function present in the Amut Bmut homokaryons is not effective. In dikaryons, the coordinated regulation of asexual sporulation by compatible A and B mating type genes results in moderate oidia production in light. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   
Fusarium roseum 'Graminearum' was isolated from overwintered oats in Alaska and was tested for its ability to cause tibial dyschondroplasia (TDP) in broiler chickens. The water-soluble fraction was tested and found to cause TDP. In addition, diacetoxyscirpenol and 7-hydroxydiacetoxyscirpenol were identified in the acetonitrile fraction of the extracts and caused mild mouth lesions in chickens. Six major water-soluble components were purified by thin-layer chromatography and tested for toxicity to chick embryos. One of the six components, called TDP-1, was found to be lethal to chick embryos. There was a 100% incidence of TDP in chickens fed a diet containing 75 ppm (wt/wt) of pure TDP-1, thus establishing the cause and effect relationship between TDP and TDP-1. Analyses by thin-layer chromatography and mass spectrometry revealed that TDP-1 is polar and ninhydrin positive, exhibits fluorescence with UV irradiation, and is a nitrogen-containing component with an empirical formula of C15H20N2O4.  相似文献   
Summary Bidirectional sodium fluxes across toad bladder were measured after eliminating active transport with ouabain. Mucosal sodium concentration,C m , was progressively reduced (from 114 to 3mm) while serosal sodium remained constant. Potential difference was maintained at zero by current passage. The ratio,Q, of the bulk permeability coefficient for sodium,P, to the tracer sodium permeability coefficientP *, was found to remain constant asC m decreased. Equations were derived on this basis for bidirectional fluxes and forP andP * as functions ofC m , which corresponded closely to the observed data. The explanation for the observed value ofQ and its constancy under these conditions is uncertain.  相似文献   
Summary A theoretical formulation was derived for the dependence of bulk solute permeability,P, defined as net flux :- concentration gradient, c, across any membrane in which solute concentration is controlling for net flux, . According to this formulation, is stimulated by increments in trans concentration,c 2, in the rangec 2/c 1=0.0–0.1. Net flux of urea across toad bladder down concentration gradients was shown to be stimulated threefold by small increments in trans urea concentration. The theory also predicts that, in the absence of concentration gradients, tracer permeability,P *, defined as tracer flux :- tracer concentration, will be independent ofc provided thatP=P *, but will diminish with increasingc ifP/P *<1.P/P * was not significantly different from unity for urea, and bothP andP * were independent ofc in the absence of concentration gradients. However,P/P * was significantly less than unity (0.90 and 0.85) for thiourea and mannitol, respectively. In conformity with theory,P * (and alsoP) of these two solutes, measured asc was increased by 3–4 orders of magnitude, diminished progressively. These effects are more consistent with this formulation than with transport via a saturable carrier.  相似文献   
Summary Bidirectional sodium fluxes were measured across toad bladder sacs after eliminating active transport with ouabain. Transepithelial potential was clamped to 100 mV or the Nernst potential, eq, at varying sodium concentrations,C m , in the mucosal medium. Serosal sodium concentration,C s , was held constant. Equations were derived for permeability, partial ionic conductance, and unidirectional fluxes as functions ofC m andC s , based in part on the assumption that the ratio,Q, of bulk sodium permeability to tracer sodium permeability is a constant, independent of concentration and potential. The results conformed closely to these equations.  相似文献   
The incidence and clinical significance of therapy-induced neutralizing interferon (IFNß) antibodies was studied in a group of 21 melanoma patients treated with natural IFNß and 7 patients treated with recombinant IFNß. They were treated subcutaneously with 3×106 IU three times per week in an adjuvant open trial for 24 weeks after surgical removal of all detectable metastases. Of the 21 patients treated with natural IFNß, 95% developed significant levels of neutralizing antibodies after 24 weeks. In comparison, 28% of the 7 patients treated with recombinant IFNß developed neutralizing IFNß antibodies. Cross-reactivity of the antibodies could be demonstrated. Persistence of antibody titers was seen in 80% of the patients 24 weeks after cessation of treatment with natural IFNß. No correlation between the maximum antibody titers and the antibody persistence after cessation of therapy could be established. We detected a clear correlation between the formation of neutralizing antibodies and the decrease in 2-microglobulin and 2,5-oligoadenylate synthease and therefore the drop in biological activity. In this adjuvant trial there was no difference in relapse rate and time until relapse between antibody-positive and antibody-negative patients. No difference in clinical outcome could be established between the patients treated with natural IFNß and recombinant IFNß.  相似文献   
Local adaptation is a key process for the maintenance of genetic diversity and population diversification. A better understanding of the mechanisms that allow (or prevent) local adaptation constitutes a key in apprehending how and at what spatial scale it occurs. The production of resting stages is found in many taxa and reflects an adaptation to outlast adverse environmental conditions. Daphnia magna (Crustacea) can alternate between asexual and sexual reproduction, the latter being linked to dormancy, as resting stages can only be produced sexually. In this species, on a continental scale, resting‐stage production is locally adapted—that is, it is induced when the photoperiod indicates the imminence of habitat deterioration. Here, we aimed to explore whether selection is strong enough to maintain local adaptation at a scale of a few kilometers. We assessed life‐history traits of 64 D. magna clones originating from 11 populations of a metapopulation with permanent and intermittent pool habitats. We found large within‐ and between‐population variation for all dormancy‐related traits, but no evidence for the hypothesized higher resting‐stage production in animals from intermittent habitats. We discuss how gene flow, founder events, or other forms of selection might interfere with the process of local adaptation.  相似文献   
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