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Human occupation for several centuries was recorded in the archaeological layers of "Place d'Armes", Namur, Belgium. Preventive archaeological excavations were carried out between 1996/1997 and seven historical strata were observed, from Gallo-Roman period up to Modern Times. Soil samples from cesspools, latrines, and structures-like were studied and revealed intestinal parasite eggs in the different archaeological contexts. Ascaris lumbricoides, A. suum, Trichuris trichiura, T. suis. Taenia sp., Fasciola hepatica, Diphyllobothrium sp., Capillaria sp. and Oxyuris equi eggs were found. Paleoparasitology confirmed the use of structures as latrines or cesspit as firstly supposed by the archaeologists. Medieval latrines were not only used for rejection of human excrements. The finding of Ascaris sp. and Trichuris sp. eggs may point to human's or wild swine's feces. Gallo-Roman people used to eat wild boar. Therefore, both A. suum and T. suis, or A. lumbricoides and T. trichuris, may be present, considering a swine carcass recovered into a cesspit. Careful sediment analysis may reveal its origin, although parasites of domestic animals can be found together with those of human's. Taenia sp. eggs identified in latrine samples indicate ingestion of uncooked beef with cysticercoid larvae. F. hepatica eggs suggest the ingestion of raw contaminated vegetables and Diphyllobothrium sp. eggs indicate contaminated fresh-water fish consumption. Ascaris sp. and Trichuris sp. eggs indicate fecal-oral infection by human and/or animal excrements.  相似文献   
Monoclonal and recombinant antibodies are ubiquitous tools in diagnostics, therapeutics, and biotechnology. However, their biochemical properties lack optimal robustness, their bacterial production is not easy, and possibilities to create multifunctional fusion proteins based on them are limited. Moreover, the binding affinities of antibodies towards their antigens are suboptimal for many applications where they are commonly used. To address these issues we have made use of the concept of creating high binding affinity based on multivalent target recognition via exploiting some of the best features of immunoglobulins (Ig) and non-Ig-derived ligand-binding domains. We have constructed a small protein, named Neffin, comprised of a 118 aa llama Ig heavy chain variable domain fragment (VHH) fused to a ligand-tailored 57 aa SH3 domain. Neffin could be readily produced in large amounts (>18 mg/L) in the cytoplasm of E. coli, and bound with a subpicomolar affinity (K(d) 0.54 pM) to its target, the HIV-1 Nef protein. When expressed in human cells Neffin could potently inhibit Nef function. Similar VHH-SH3 fusion proteins could be targeted against many other proteins of interest and could have widespread use in diverse medical and biotechnology applications where biochemical robustness and strong binding affinity are required.  相似文献   
Summary A comparison of the soluble and cell-wall-bound isoperoxidases of normal auxin-requiring and auxin-independent (habituated) tobacco callus revealed that normal tissues contained a higher level of isoperoxidases. There were also qualitative differences in these isoperoxidases. Partially purified soluble and ionically bound isoperoxidases of normal callus likewise exhibited higher auxin-oxidase activities. Normal tissues also were found to contain higher levels of auxin-oxidase inhibitors (auxin protectors). Overall, however, the data indicate that there is a higher rate of auxin destruction in normal tobacco callus than in habituated tissue. This presumably leads to insufficient endogenous auxin for growth. This study was supported in part by grants to T.G. from the Center IRSIA d'Etude de la Reproduction végétale and the FRFC Contract No. 2.9009. it Was carried out while T.A.T. was the holder of a senior Fellowship under the NATO senior Scientists Program.  相似文献   
In addition to the starchy endosperm, a specialized tissue accumulating storage material, the endosperm of wheat grain, comprises the aleurone layer and the transfer cells next to the crease. The transfer cells, located at the ventral region of the grain, are involved in nutrient transfer from the maternal tissues to the developing endosperm. Immunolabeling techniques, Raman spectroscopy, and synchrotron infrared micro-spectroscopy were used to study the chemistry of the transfer cell walls during wheat grain development. The kinetic depositions of the main cell wall polysaccharides of wheat grain endosperm, arabinoxylan, and (1–3)(1–4)-β-glucan in transfer cell walls were different from kinetics previously observed in the aleurone cell walls. While (1–3)(1–4)-β-glucan appeared first in the aleurone cell walls at 90°D, arabinoxylan predominated in the transfer cell walls from 90 to 445°D. Both aleurone and transfer cell walls were enriched in (1–3)(1–4)-β-glucan at the mature stage of wheat grain development. Arabinoxylan was more substituted in the transfer cell walls than in the aleurone walls. However, arabinoxylan was more feruloylated in the aleurone than in the transfer cell walls, whatever the stage of grain development. In the transfer cells, the ferulic acid was less abundant in the outer periclinal walls while para-coumarate was absent. Possible implications of such differences are discussed.  相似文献   
Despite its frequent inactivation in human breast cancers, the role of p21(Cip1) (p21) in morphological plasticity of normal mammary epithelial cells is still poorly understood. To address this question, we have investigated the consequences of p21 silencing in two-dimensional (2D) morphogenesis of untransformed human mammary epithelial cells. Here we show that p21 inactivation causes a reduction of 2D cell spreading and suppresses focal adhesion. In order to investigate the cytoskeletal modifications associated with this altered morphology, we have analyzed the microtubule dynamics in interphase p21-depleted cells. Our results demonstrate that interphase microtubule dynamic instability is strongly increased by p21 silencing. This alteration correlates with severe microtubule hypoacetylation. Next, we show that these microtubule defects in p21-depleted cells can be reversed by the use of the small molecule tubacin, a specific inhibitor of the α-tubulin deacetylase HDAC6. Tubacin-induced microtubule dynamics decrease also correlates with a partial recovery of cell spreading and focal adhesion in those cells. Collectively, these data indicate that p21 regulates the morphological plasticity of normal mammary epithelial cells by modulating dynamics of key cytoskeletal components.  相似文献   
Bothriocephalid (Diphyllobothrium pacificum) and Ascarid (Ascaris lumbricoides) eggs have been identified in a sample taken in the abdominal cavity of a child skeleton found in Zeto Point (ADK-011), an archaeological site on Adak Island in the Central Aleutian Islands (Alaska).  相似文献   
In addition to its positive signaling function in the antigen presentation process, CD4 acts as the primary receptor for HIV-1. Contact between CD4 and the viral envelope leads to virus entry, but can also trigger apoptosis of uninfected CD4+ T-cells through a mechanism that is poorly understood. We show that Siva-1, a death domain-containing proapoptotic protein, associates with the cytoplasmic domain of CD4. This interaction is mediated by the cysteine-rich region found in the C-terminal part of the Siva-1 protein. Expression of Siva-1 specifically increases the susceptibility of both T-cell lines and unstimulated human primary CD4+ T-lymphocytes to CD4-mediated apoptosis triggered by the HIV-1 envelope, and results in activation of a caspase-dependent mitochondrial pathway. The same susceptibility is observed in T-cells expressing a truncated form of CD4 that is able to recruit Siva-1 but fails to associate with p56Lck, indicating that Siva-1 participates in a pathway independent of the p56Lck kinase activity. Altogether, these results suggest that Siva-1 might participate in the CD4-initiated signaling apoptotic pathway induced by the HIV-1 envelope in T-lymphoid cells. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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