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Many rivers and wetlands in south-western Australia are threatened by salinisation due to rising saline watertables, which have resulted from land clearing and the replacement of deep-rooted perennial species with shallow-rooted annual species. A four to six weekly sampling program of water quality, submerged macrophytes and macroinvertebrates was undertaken at six wetlands, from September 2002 to February 2004, to investigate seasonal variation in a range of primary and secondary saline systems. The wetlands dried and filled at different times in response to local rainfall patterns, and salinities varied accordingly with evapoconcentration and dilution. Two types of clear-water wetlands were recognised; those dominated by submerged aquatic macrophytes (Ruppia, Lepilaena and Lamprothamnium) and those dominated by benthic microbial communities. Two types of turbid wetlands were also recognised; those with high concentrations of phytoplankton and those with high concentrations of suspended sediments. A primary saline lake and two lakes that have only recently been affected by secondary salinisation persisted in a clear, macrophyte-dominated regime throughout most of the study period, except during drying and filling. Two lakes with a long history of secondary salinisation (70 years) moved between regimes over the study period. A clear, benthic microbial community – dominated regime only persisted at the wetland which contained permanent water throughout the study period. The turbid regimes were only present during drying and refilling phases. A richer and more abundant macroinvertebrate fauna was associated with the clear, macrophyte- dominated wetlands. Our results suggest that the development of management guidelines that recognise the presence of different ecological regimes and that consider the interactions between water regime, salinity, and primary and secondary production will be more useful in protecting biodiversity and ecological function in these systems than managing salinity as a single factor.  相似文献   
Extensification modify the C and N cycles in grassland ecosystems, but it is not clear whether reduced exploitation increases or decreases soil nitrogen availability, and whether these changes result from a direct effect of the treatment or from an indirect treatment effect through a change in plant species composition. A formerly intensively exploited grassland was submitted to the following treatments: (i) control with one mowing and four grazing periods per year (4G+M), (ii) cessation of mowing (4G), (iii) cessation of mowing and suppression of three grazing periods (1G). During the 13th year of the experiment, the species composition and key indicators of the C and N cycles were measured, using 20 samples per treatment. Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens disappeared in favor of tall caespitose grasses in 4G, and of rhizomatous species in 1G. The species composition and the nitrate concentration of the soil solution suggested an increase in nutrient availability under reduced exploitation, whereas the nitrification and denitrification potentials decreased. More particulate organic matter accumulated in proportion to the below-ground phytomass, whereas the C:N ratio remained constant. Testing treatment effect at similar species composition and plant community effect within the same treatment showed that: (1) the increase in POM residence time was mainly due to the changes in species composition, (2) the decrease in nitrification activity resulted mainly from a direct effect of the treatment, and (3) a compensation between a direct positive and an indirect negative effect of the treatment resulted in no change in extractable N. All results suggested that soil N availability was not decreased, although litter degradability decreased.


Ein Unterlassen der Heuernte und eine Reduktion der Beweidungsintensität ändern die C- und N-Kreisläufe in Grünland-Ökosystemen. Bislang ist unklar, ob eine extensive Nutzung die Nährstoffverfügbarkeit erhöht oder senkt, und ob diese Änderung der Nährstoffverfügbarkeit in direkter Verbindung mit der verringerten Nutzung steht, oder indirekt ein Resultat der sich ändernden botanischen Zusammensetzung ist. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurden die botanische Zusammensetzung sowie die C- und N-Kreisläufe im Boden eines naturnahen, ehemals intensiv beweideten Grünlands nach 12 Jahren unterschiedlicher Nutzungsintensitäten – eine Heuernte und vier Beweidungen jährlich (4G+M), viermalige (4G) und einmalige (1G) jährliche Beweidung – verglichen. Pro Weide wurden je 20 Punkte beprobt. Bei verringerter Nutzung waren die Nitrifikation/Denitrifikation geringer als bei intensiver Nutzung. Die botanische Zusammensetzung sowie die Nitrat-Konzentration im Bodenwasser wurden mehr eutroph. So wurden Lolium perenne und Trifolium repens durch horstbildende Grässer (4G) bzw. rhizombildende Arten (1G) abgelöst. Bei extensiver Nutzung war das Verhältnis von organischer Bodenmasse (particle organic matter, POM) zu unterirdischen pflanzlicher Biomasse höher, hatte jedoch keinen Einfluss auf das C/N-Verhältnis. Ein Vergleich von Weiden gleicher botanischer Zusammensetzung (Nutzungs-Effekt) und von Weiden gleicher Nutzung aber unterschiedlicher botanischer Zusetzung (plant-community-Effekt) zeigte: (i) eine Zunahme der POM-Verweildauer in Folge einer veränderten botanischen Zusammensetzung, (ii) eine Abnahme der Nitrifikation in Folge der verringerten Nutzung und (iii) Kompensation der verringerten Nutzung durch eine Änderung der botanischen Zusammensetzung, womit der leicht verfügbare N unverändert blieb. Eine abnehmende Streu-Qualität scheint keinen Einfluss auf das N-Nachlieferungsvermögen zu haben. Eine hohe N-Verfügbarkeit in Verbindung mit geringer Streu Zersetzung scheinen verantwortlich für eine funktionelle Änderung des Ökosystems und seiner Biodiversität.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium ulcerans was first identified as the causative agent of Buruli ulcer; this cutaneous tissue-destructive process represents the third most important mycobacterial disease in humans after tuberculosis and leprosy. More recently other life traits were documented. M. ulcerans is mainly detected in humid tropical zones as part of a complex ecosystem comprising algae, aquatic insect predators of the genus Naucoris, and very likely their vegetarian preys. Coelomic plasmatocytes could be the first cells of Naucoris cimicoides to be involved in the infection process, acting as shuttle cells that deliver M. ulcerans to the salivary glands as suggested by both in vitro and in vivo approaches. Furthermore, a key element for the early and long-term establishment of M. ulcerans in Naucoridae is demonstrated by the fact that only mycolactone toxin-producing M. ulcerans isolates are able to invade the salivary glands, a site where they proliferate. Later, the raptorial legs of Naucoris are covered by M. ulcerans-containing material that displays features of biofilms.  相似文献   
Villin is an actin-binding protein present in intestinal and kidney brush borders. Villin has been shown to present in vitro Ca(2+)-dependent bundling and severing F-actin properties. The study of villin knock-out mice allowed us to show that while bundling of F-actin microfilaments is unaffected, this protein is important for the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton elicited by various signals during both physiological and pathological conditions. Here, we studied the role of villin during infection by Shigella flexneri, the causative agent of bacillary dysentery. This bacterium induces the reorganization of the host actin cytoskeleton to penetrate into epithelial cells and spread from cell to cell. In vivo, we show that unlike newborn vil+/+ mice, which are sensitive to Shigella invasion, resulting in a destructive inflammatory response of the intestinal mucosa following intragastric inoculation, newborn vil-/- mice appear fully resistant to infection. Using primary cultures of intestinal epithelial cells derived from vil+/+ or vil -/- mice, we demonstrate that villin plays an essential role in S. flexneri entry and cell-to-cell dissemination. Villin expression is thus critical for Shigella infection through its ability to remodel the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   


Bone marrow (BM) cells are promising tools for vascular therapies. Here, we focused on the possibility of targeting the hypoxia-induced pulmonary artery hypertension remodeling with systemic delivery of BM-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into non-irradiated rats.


Six-week-old Wistar rats were exposed to 3-week chronic hypoxia leading to pulmonary artery wall remodeling. Domiciliation of adhesive BM-derived CD45- CD73+ CD90+ MSCs was first studied after a single intravenous infusion of Indium-111-labeled MSCs followed by whole body scintigraphies and autoradiographies of different harvested organs. In a second set of experiments, enhanced-GFP labeling allowed to observe distribution at later times using sequential infusions during the 3-week hypoxia exposure.


A 30% pulmonary retention was observed by scintigraphies and no differences were observed in the global repartition between hypoxic and control groups. Intrapulmonary radioactivity repartition was homogenous in both groups, as shown by autoradiographies. BM-derived GFP-labeled MSCs were observed with a global repartition in liver, in spleen, in lung parenchyma and rarely in the adventitial layer of remodeled vessels. Furthermore this global repartition was not modified by hypoxia. Interestingly, these cells displayed in vivo bone marrow homing, proving a preservation of their viability and function. Bone marrow homing of GFP-labeled MSCs was increased in the hypoxic group.


Adhesive BM-derived CD45- CD73+ CD90+ MSCs are not integrated in the pulmonary arteries remodeled media after repeated intravenous infusions in contrast to previously described in systemic vascular remodeling or with endothelial progenitor cells infusions.  相似文献   
Genotyping errors: causes, consequences and solutions   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Although genotyping errors affect most data and can markedly influence the biological conclusions of a study, they are too often neglected. Errors have various causes, but their occurrence and effect can be limited by considering these causes in the production and analysis of the data. Procedures that have been developed for dealing with errors in linkage studies, forensic analyses and non-invasive genotyping should be applied more broadly to any genetic study. We propose a protocol for estimating error rates and recommend that these measures be systemically reported to attest the reliability of published genotyping studies.  相似文献   
Mesenchymal stem cell therapy to rebuild cartilage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Disorders affecting cartilage touch almost the whole population and are one of the leading causes of invalidity in adults. To repair cartilage, therapeutic approaches initially focused on the implantation of autologous chondrocytes, but this technique proved unsatisfactory because of the limited number of chondrocytes obtained at harvest. The discovery that several adult human tissues contain mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) capable of differentiating into chondrocytes raised the possibility of injecting MSCs to repair cartilages. The important data published recently on the factors controlling chondrocyte commitment must be thoroughly considered to make further progress towards this therapeutic approach. The potential application of MSC therapy provides new hope for the development of innovative treatments for the repair of cartilage disorders.  相似文献   
Steatosis encompasses the accumulation of droplets of fats into hepatocytes. In this work, we performed a comparative analysis of mitochondrial protein patterns found in wild-type and steatosis-affected liver using the novel technique two-dimensional differential in-gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE). A total of 56 proteins exhibiting significant difference in their abundances were unambiguously identified. Interestingly, major proteins that regulate generation and consumption of the acetyl-CoA pool were dramatically changed during steatosis. Many proteins involved in the response to oxidative stress were also affected.  相似文献   
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