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Full-length cDNAs are essential for functional analysis of plant genes. We constructed high-content, full-length cDNA libraries from Arabidopsis thaliana plants based on chemical introduction of a biotin group into the diol residue of the CAP structure of eukaryotic mRNA, followed by RNase I treatment, to select full-length cDNA. More than 90% of the total clones obtained were of full length; recombinant clones were obtained with high efficiency (2.2 × 106/9 μg starting mRNA). Sequence analysis of 111 randomly picked clones indicated that 32 isolated cDNA groups were derived from novel genes in the A. thaliana genome.  相似文献   
Cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) are known as the primary vector and reservoir of Rickettsia felis, the causative agent of flea‐borne spotted fever; however, field surveys regularly report molecular detection of this infectious agent from other blood‐feeding arthropods. The presence of R. felis in additional arthropods may be the result of chance consumption of an infectious bloodmeal, but isolation of viable rickettsiae circulating in the blood of suspected vertebrate reservoirs has not been demonstrated. Successful transmission of pathogens between actively blood‐feeding arthropods in the absence of a disseminated vertebrate infection has been verified, referred to as cofeeding transmission. Therefore, the principal route from systemically infected vertebrates to uninfected arthropods may not be applicable to the R. felis transmission cycle. Here, we show both intra‐ and interspecific transmission of R. felis between cofeeding arthropods on a vertebrate host. Analyses revealed that infected cat fleas transmitted R. felis to naïve cat fleas and rat fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis) via fleabite on a nonrickettsemic vertebrate host. Also, cat fleas infected by cofeeding were infectious to newly emerged uninfected cat fleas in an artificial system. Furthermore, we utilized a stochastic model to demonstrate that cofeeding is sufficient to explain the enzootic spread of R. felis amongst populations of the biological vector. Our results implicate cat fleas in the spread of R. felis amongst different vectors, and the demonstration of cofeeding transmission of R. felis through a vertebrate host represents a novel transmission paradigm for insect‐borne Rickettsia and furthers our understanding of this emerging rickettsiosis.  相似文献   


Levosimendan protects rat liver against peroxidative injuries through mechanisms related to nitric oxide (NO) production and mitochondrial ATP-dependent K (mitoKATP) channels opening. However, whether levosimendan could modulate the cross-talk between apoptosis and autophagy in the liver is still a matter of debate. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine the role of levosimendan as a modulator of the apoptosis/autophagy interplay in liver cells subjected to peroxidation and the related involvement of NO and mitoKATP.

Methods and Findings

In primary rat hepatocytes that have been subjected to oxidative stress, Western blot was performed to examine endothelial and inducible NO synthase isoforms (eNOS, iNOS) activation, apoptosis/autophagy and survival signalling detection in response to levosimendan. In addition, NO release, cell viability, mitochondrial membrane potential and mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening (MPTP) were examined through specific dyes. Some of those evaluations were also performed in human hepatic stellate cells (HSC). Pre-treatment of hepatocytes with levosimendan dose-dependently counteracted the injuries caused by oxidative stress and reduced NO release by modulating eNOS/iNOS activation. In hepatocytes, while the autophagic inhibition reduced the effects of levosimendan, after the pan-caspases inhibition, cell survival and autophagy in response to levosimendan were increased. Finally, all protective effects were prevented by both mitoKATP channels inhibition and NOS blocking. In HSC, levosimendan was able to modulate the oxidative balance and inhibit autophagy without improving cell viability and apoptosis.


Levosimendan protects hepatocytes against oxidative injuries by autophagic-dependent inhibition of apoptosis and the activation of survival signalling. Such effects would involve mitoKATP channels opening and the modulation of NO release by the different NOS isoforms. In HSC, levosimendan would also play a role in cell activation and possible evolution toward fibrosis. These findings highlight the potential of levosimendan as a therapeutic agent for the treatment or prevention of liver ischemia/reperfusion injuries.  相似文献   
The serine-threonine kinases Pim-1 and Akt regulate cellular proliferation and survival. Although Akt is known to be a crucial signaling protein in the myocardium, the role of Pim-1 has been overlooked. Pim-1 expression in the myocardium of mice decreased during postnatal development, re-emerged after acute pathological injury in mice and was increased in failing hearts of both mice and humans. Cardioprotective stimuli associated with Akt activation induced Pim-1 expression, but compensatory increases in Akt abundance and phosphorylation after pathological injury by infarction or pressure overload did not protect the myocardium in Pim-1-deficient mice. Transgenic expression of Pim-1 in the myocardium protected mice from infarction injury, and Pim-1 expression inhibited cardiomyocyte apoptosis with concomitant increases in Bcl-2 and Bcl-X(L) protein levels, as well as in Bad phosphorylation levels. Relative to nontransgenic controls, calcium dynamics were significantly enhanced in Pim-1-overexpressing transgenic hearts, associated with increased expression of SERCA2a, and were depressed in Pim-1-deficient hearts. Collectively, these data suggest that Pim-1 is a crucial facet of cardioprotection downstream of Akt.  相似文献   
The gallbladder (GB) maintains tonic contraction modulated by neurohormonal inputs but generated by myogenic mechanisms. The aim of these studies was to examine the role of prostaglandins in the genesis of GB myogenic tension. Muscle strips and cells were treated with prostaglandin agonists, antagonists, cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors, and small interference RNA (siRNA). The results show that PGE2, thromboxane A2 (TxA2), and PGF(2alpha) cause a dose-dependent contraction of muscle strips and cells. However, only TxA2 and PGE2 (E prostanoid 1 receptor type) antagonists induced a dose-dependent decrease in tonic tension. A COX-1 inhibitor decreased partially the tonic contraction and TxB2 (TxA2 stable metabolite) levels; a COX-2 inhibitor lowered the tonic contraction partially and reduced PGE2 levels. Both inhibitors and the nonselective COX inhibitor indomethacin abolished the tonic contraction. Transfection of human GB muscle strips with COX-1 siRNA partially lowered the tonic contraction and reduced COX-1 protein expression and TxB2 levels; COX-2 siRNA also partially reduced the tonic contraction, the protein expression of COX-2, and PGE2. Stretching muscle strips by 1, 2, 3, and 4 g increased the active tension, TxB2, and PGE2 levels; a COX-1 inhibitor prevented the increase in tension and TxB2; and a COX-2 inhibitor inhibited the expected rise in tonic contraction and PGE2. Indomethacin blocked the rise in tension and TxB2 and PGE2 levels. We conclude that PGE2 generated by COX-2 and TxA2 generated by COX-1 contributes to the maintenance of GB tonic contraction and that variations in tonic contraction are associated with concomitant changes in PGE2 and TxA2 levels.  相似文献   
In the past decade, mass-spectrometry-based methods have emerged for the quantitative profiling of dynamic changes in protein phosphorylation, allowing the behavior of thousands of phosphorylation sites to be monitored in a single experiment. However, when one is interested in specific signaling pathways, such shotgun methodologies are not ideal because they lack selectivity and are not cost and time efficient with respect to instrument and data analysis time.Here we evaluate and explore a peptide-centric antibody generated to selectively enrich peptides containing the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) consensus motif. This targeted phosphoproteomic strategy is used to profile temporal quantitative changes of potential PKA substrates in Jurkat T lymphocytes upon prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) stimulation, which increases intracellular cAMP, activating PKA. Our method combines ultra-high-specificity motif-based immunoaffinity purification with cost-efficient stable isotope dimethyl labeling. We identified 655 phosphopeptides, of which 642 (i.e. 98%) contained the consensus motif [R/K][R/K/X]X[pS/pT]. When our data were compared with a large-scale Jurkat T-lymphocyte phosphoproteomics dataset containing more than 10,500 phosphosites, a minimal overlap of 0.2% was observed. This stresses the need for such targeted analyses when the interest is in a particular kinase.Our data provide a resource of likely substrates of PKA, and potentially some substrates of closely related kinases. Network analysis revealed that about half of the observed substrates have been implicated in cAMP-induced signaling. Still, the other half of the here-identified substrates have been less well characterized, representing a valuable resource for future research.The identification and quantification of protein phosphorylation under system perturbations is an integral part of systems biology (1, 2). The combination of phosphopeptide enrichment (36), stable isotope labeling, and high-resolution mass spectrometry (MS) methods (79) has become the method of choice for the identification of novel phosphorylation sites and for the quantitation of temporal dynamics within signaling networks (10, 11), allowing the behavior of thousands of phosphorylation sites to be studied in a single experiment (10, 12, 13). Nowadays, one of the most commonly adopted high-throughput phosphoproteomics strategies utilizes two consecutive separation steps: (i) an initial fractionation to reduce the sample complexity, and (ii) a phosphopeptide-specific affinity purification. Such techniques include strong cation exchange fractionation under acidic conditions (3), followed by a chelation-based method with the use of metal ions (i.e. immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (4), metal oxide affinity chromatography (10, 14), or Ti4+ immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (6)). Alternatives to strong cation exchange for the first sample fractionation step have also been reported, including the use of electrostatic repulsion liquid chromatography (15, 16), which is well suited for the identification of multiply phosphorylated peptides, or hydrophilic interaction chromatography (17).Although the number of detected phosphorylated peptides is nowadays impressive, these kinds of methodologies are still inclined to identify/quantify the more abundant phosphoproteins present in a sample. For example, phosphotyrosine peptides are underrepresented because of their relatively lower abundance.In order to analyze key signaling events that may occur on less abundant phosphoproteins, more targeted approaches, focused on a specific pathway or a specific post-translational modification, are thus still essential. Studies examining post-translational modifications are often based on immunoaffinity purification at the protein or peptide level using dedicated antibodies. Recent examples include the selective enrichment of acetylated lysines (18) and phosphorylated tyrosines (19, 20). More recently, the first specific methods targeting serine/threonine phosphorylation motifs using immune-affinity assays have emerged (21, 22). The advantages of targeted approaches are their potentially higher sensitivity and more specific throughput with, as a consequence, relatively faster and easier data interpretation, which make them attractive for many systems biology applications.Immunoaffinity enrichment can be applied at both the protein and the peptide level, and both have been explored to study protein tyrosine phosphorylation (23). The first one results mainly in information on total protein phosphorylation levels. The detection of the actual phosphoresidue might be hampered by the high content of unmodified peptides derived from the immune-purified phosphoprotein and its binding partners. Immunoprecipitation at the peptide level (20, 24, 25), in contrast, leads to improved phosphosite characterization, with the identification of hundreds of sites, albeit with the loss (generally) of information regarding total protein expression.To profile the dynamic regulation of phosphorylation events via mass spectrometry, stable isotope labeling is often implemented, either with the use of amino acids in cell culture (10) or via chemical peptide labeling of the proteolytic digests (26, 27). To identify low-abundant signaling events, phosphoprotein/phosphopeptide immunoprecipitation is typically performed on several milligrams of material because of the substoichiometric abundance of post-translational modifications. This may hamper the use of expensive isotope-labeling reagents such as iTRAQ or tandem mass tag reagents, given the large amount of chemicals needed. Boersema et al. (28) introduced an alternative sensitive and accurate triplex labeling approach using inexpensive reagents (i.e. formaldehyde) that is much less limited in terms of the sample type or amount. We combined this latter stable-isotope dimethyl labeling approach (2729) with highly specific antibodies raised against a set of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) phosphorylated substrates as based on the current literature (11, 3034). It is generally accepted that PKA phosphorylates sites with the reasonably stringent consensus motif [R/K][R/K/X]X[pS/pT]. It should be noted that this consensus motif resembles somewhat the motifs of other AGC kinases (e.g. Akt, PKG, PKC).The basicity of the PKA motifs may hamper their analysis via MS-based proteomics, especially when trypsin is used as a protease, as the peptides may become too small to be sequenced. The use of trypsin is also unfavorable in the approach presented here when attempting to immunoprecipitate peptides bearing the PKA motif. Therefore, we decided to use Lys-C in order to keep the (dominant (RRX[pS/pT])) phosphorylated motif intact. To enhance identification, we applied decision-tree MS/MS technology (9), which makes use of HCD and ETD for more efficient fragmentation, higher mass accuracy in tandem MS mode, and less background noise (35).We applied this method to screen the response of Jurkat T cells to prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) treatment. PGE2 is a potent inflammatory mediator that plays an important role in several immune-regulatory actions (36). It is produced by many different cell types, including tumor cells, where carcinogenesis is associated with chronic inflammatory responses (37). PGE2 signaling in T cells is initiated by its binding to the G protein–coupled receptors EP1, -2, -3, and -4. Signaling pathways that are initiated by PGE2 are for the most part under control of the second messenger cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP),1 which is generated from ATP by adenylyl cyclase when PGE2 binds to EP2 or EP4 receptors. One of the primary targets of cAMP is PKA—cAMP binding releases the catalytic subunit activating the kinase. In the current study, we efficiently enriched close to 650 phosphopeptides containing the [R/K][R/K/X]X[pS/pT] consensus motif. Almost all these sites were absent in a recently reported comprehensive phosphoproteomics dataset of Jurkat T cells (12), compiled using shotgun strong cation exchange–immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography analysis and containing ∼10,500 phosphorylation sites, illustrative of the complementarity and selectivity of our approach. The qualitative and quantitative data presented here provide a wide-ranging and credible resource of likely PKA substrates. Network analysis confirmed several established cAMP-dependent signaling nodes in our dataset, although most identified potential PKA substrates are “novel” (i.e. not previously reported and/or linked to PKA). Therefore, the dataset presented here can be considered as a comprehensive and reliable resource for future research into cAMP-related signaling.  相似文献   
CARD14/CARMA2sh (CARMA2sh) is a scaffold protein whose mutations are associated with the onset of human genetic psoriasis and other inflammatory skin disorders. Here we show that the immunomodulatory adapter protein TRAF family member-associated NF-κB activator (TANK) forms a complex with CARMA2sh and MALT1 in a human keratinocytic cell line. We also show that CARMA2 and TANK are individually required to activate the nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) response following exposure to polyinosinic-polycytidylic (poly [I:C]), an agonist of toll-like receptor 3. Finally, we present data indicating that TANK is essential for activation of the TBK1/IRF3 pathway following poly (I:C) stimulation, whereas CARMA2sh functions as a repressor of it. More important, we report that two CARMA2sh mutants associated with psoriasis bind less efficiently to TANK and are therefore less effective in suppressing the TBK1/IRF3 pathway. Overall, our data indicate that TANK and CARMA2sh regulate TLR3 signaling in human keratinocytes, which could play a role in the pathophysiology of psoriasis.  相似文献   
Ribosomal subunits of Caldariella acidophila (max.growth temp., 90°C) have been compared to subunits of Bacillus acidocaldarius (max. growth temp., 70°C) and Escherichia coli (max. growth temp., 47°C) with respect to (a) bihelical content of rRNA; (b) G·C content of bihelical domains and (c) tightness of rRNA-protein interactions. The principal results are as follows. 1. Subunits of C. acidophila ribosomes (Tm = 90–93°C) exhibit considerable thermal tolerance over their B. acidocaldarius (Tm = 77°C) and E. coli counterparts (Tm = 72°C). 2. Based on the ‘melting’ hyperchromicities of the intact ribosomal subunits a 51–55% fraction of the nucleotides appears to participate in hydrogen-bonded base pairing regardless of ribosome source, whereas a larger fraction, 67–70%, appears to be involved in hydrogen bonding in the naked rRNA species. 3. The G·C content of bihelical domains of both free and ribosome-bound rRNA increases with increasing thermophily; based on hyperchromicity dispersion spectra of intact subunits and free rRNA, the bihelical parts of C. acidophila rRNA are estimated to contain 63–64% G·C, compared to 58.5% G·C for B. acidocaldarius and 55% G·C for E. coli. 4. The increment in ribosome Tm values with increasing thermophily is greater than the increase in Tm for the free rRNA, indicating that within ribosomes bihelical domains of the thermophile rRNA species are stabilized more efficiently than their mesophile counterparts by proteins or/ and other component(s). 5. The efficiency of the rRNA-protein interactions in the mesophile and thermophile ribosomes has been probed by comparing the releases, with LiCl-urea, of the rRNA species from the corresponding ribosomal subunits stuck to a Celite column through their protein moiety; it has been established that the release of C. acidophila rRNA from the Celite-bound ribosomes occurs at salt-urea concentrations about 4-fold higher than those required to release rRNA from Celite-bound E. coli ribosomes. 6. Compared to E. coli, the C. acidophila 50 and 30 S ribosomal subunits are considerably less susceptible to treatment designed to promote ribosome unfolding through depletion of magnesium ions.  相似文献   
In the intraerythrocytic trophozoite stages of Plasmodium falciparum, the calcium-dependent cysteine protease calpain (Pf-calpain) has an important role in the parasite calcium modulation and cell development. We established specific conditions to follow by confocal microscopy and spectrofluorimetry measurements the intracellular activity of Pf-calpain in live cells. The catalytic activity was measured using the fluorogenic Z-Phe-Arg-MCA (where Z is carbobenzoxy and MCA is 4-methylcoumaryl-7-amide). The calmodulin inhibitor calmidazolium and the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin were used for modifications in the cytosolic calcium concentrations that persisted in the absence of extracellular calcium. The observed calcium-dependent peptidase activity was greatly inhibited by specific cysteine protease inhibitor E-64 and by the selective calpain inhibitor ALLN (N-acetyl-l-leucyl-l-leucyl-l-norleucinal). Taken together, we observed that intracellular Pf-calpain can be selectively detected and is the main calcium-dependent protease in the intraerythrocytic stages of the parasite. The method described here can be helpful in cell metabolism studies and antimalarial drug screening.  相似文献   
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