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Many deep-water fish populations, being K-selected species, have little resilience to overexploitation and may be at serious risk of depletion as a consequence. Sea warming represents an additional threat. In this study, the condition, or health, of several populations of common ling (Molva molva), blue ling (Molva dypterygia) and Mediterranean or Spanish ling (Molva macrophthalma) inhabiting different areas in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean was evaluated, to shed light on the challenges these deep-water species are facing in the context of fishing activity and a warming climate. The data on the condition of Molva populations which are analysed here have been complemented with data on abundance and, for the southernmost species (Mediterranean ling), with two other health indicators (parasitism and hepato-somatic index). Despite some exceptions (e.g., common ling in Icelandic waters), this study shows that the condition of many populations of Molva species in the northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea has worsened, a trend which, in recent decades, has usually been found to be accompanied by a decline in their abundance. In addition, the poor health status of most populations of common ling, blue ling and Mediterranean ling considered in this analysis points to a lower sustainability of these populations in the future. Overall, the health status and abundance of Molva populations in the northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean suggest that only some populations located in the North Atlantic may be able to rebuild, whereas the populations in southern North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, which are probably most at risk from sea warming, are facing serious difficulties in doing so. In the context of fisheries and global warming, this study's results strongly indicate that management bodies need to consider the health status of many of the populations of Molva species, particularly in southern European waters, before implementing their decisions.  相似文献   
Extremophiles - With an unsupervised GC–MS metabolomics approach, polar metabolite changes of the microalgae Coccomyxa melkonianii SCCA 048 grown under standard conditions for seven weeks...  相似文献   
Extremophiles - The extremophile green alga Coccomyxa melkonianii SCCA 048 was investigated to evaluate its ability to grow in culture media with different pH. Specifically, Coccomyxa melkonianii...  相似文献   
Conifers possess chemical and anatomical defences against tree‐killing bark beetles that feed in their phloem. Resins accumulating at attack sites can delay and entomb beetles while toxins reach lethal levels. Trees with high concentrations of metabolites active against bark beetle‐microbial complexes, and more extensive resin ducts, achieve greater survival. It is unknown if and how conifers integrate chemical and anatomical components of defence or how these capabilities vary with historical exposure. We compared linkages between phloem chemistry and tree ring anatomy of two mountain pine beetle hosts. Lodgepole pine, a mid‐elevation species, has had extensive, continual contact with this herbivore, whereas high‐elevation whitebark pines have historically had intermittent exposure that is increasing with warming climate. Lodgepole pine had more and larger resin ducts. In both species, anatomical defences were positively related to tree growth and nutrients. Within‐tree constitutive and induced concentrations of compounds bioactive against bark beetles and symbionts were largely unrelated to resin duct abundance and size. Fewer anatomical defences in the semi‐naïve compared with the continually exposed host concurs with directional differences in chemical defences. Partially uncoupling chemical and morphological antiherbivore traits may enable trees to confront beetles with more diverse defence permutations that interact to resist attack.  相似文献   
The number of telomeric DNA repeats at chromosome ends is maintained around a mean value by a dynamic balance between elongation and shortening. In particular, proteins binding along the duplex part of telomeric DNA set the number of repeats by progressively limiting telomere growth. The paradigm of this counting mechanism is the Rap1 protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We demonstrate here that a Rap1-independent mechanism regulates the number of yeast telomeric repeats (TG(1-3)) and of vertebrate repeats (T(2)AG(3)) when TEL1, a yeast ortholog of the human gene encoding the ATM kinase, is inactivated. In addition, we show that a T(2)AG(3)-only telomere can be formed and maintained in humanized yeast cells carrying a template mutation of the gene encoding the telomerase RNA, which leads to the synthesis of vertebrate instead of yeast repeats. Genetic and biochemical evidences indicate that this telomere is regulated in a Rap1-independent manner, both in TEL1 and in tel1Delta humanized yeast cells. Altogether, these findings shed light on multiple repeat-counting mechanisms, which may share critical features between lower and higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   
Intermediate Filaments of Schwann Cells   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
Abstract: Intermediate filaments were prepared from distal stumps of rabbit sciatic nerve 5 weeks after nerve section, at which time Schwann cells account for 85–90% of the cell area. A polypeptide of molecular weight 58,000 was the main component of this fraction. An antiserum raised in guinea pig against this polypeptide stained all cells present in the distal stump, as well as Schwann cells and 3T3 cells in culture. The identity of the molecular weight 58,000 polypeptide obtained from distal stumps with vimentin was proved with one and two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate pol yacrylamide gel electrophoresis and with immunoautoradiography. It is concluded that the intermediate filament subunit of undifferentiated Schwann cells is vimentin. The possibility that Schwann cells in normal nerve may have another type of intermediate filament besides vimentin cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   
Everything else being equal, insect herbivores can be expected to oviposit on host plants that provide the qualitatively and quantitatively best food for larvae. However, the selection of a plant for oviposition may be influenced by such ecological factors as natural enemies, host distribution, host patch size or host patch density. We performed a field study to test whether spatial proximity between two host plant species influences the oviposition patterns and larval distribution of the alpine leaf beetle Oreina elongata. In the population studied, O. elongata oviposits and feeds on two host plants, that belong to the same family (Asteraceae): Adenostyles alliariae and Cirsiumspinosissimum. The first species contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids that are sequestered by the beetle as a chemical defence, whereas the second plant does not contain any alkaloids but has hairy and spiny leaves that might give some mechanical protection to beetle larvae.
During two consecutive summers, we quantified oviposition and larval distribution on randomly chosen C. spinosissimum that grew spatially isolated from A. alliariae, on C. spinosissimum that grew in leaf contact with A. alliariae and on A. alliariae that grew in leaf contact with C. spinosissimum (isolated A. alliariae was not considered, because it is rare in the study population). In both years, more eggs were laid on C. spinosissimum than on A. alliariae and more on those C. spinosissimum that were growing close to A. alliariae than on those growing isolated. Large numbers of larvae moved from C. spinosissimum to A. alliariae during the season. Patch size did not influence egg and larval numbers. Eggs survived better on C. spinosissimum than on A. alliariae in the field. The data suggest that C. spinosissimum may provide eggs with better protection against stormy weather. In a separate study of the same population, we found that larval performance was better on A. alliariae than on C. spinosissimum. Our present data suggest that O. elongata preferentially oviposits on plants of the species that maximizes egg survival and that grow in close proximity to plants of the species that provides better food and chemical defence.  相似文献   
Combined field surveys and laboratory studies were conducted in two Italian coastal lagoons, which differ for geomorphology, hydrodynamics and eutrophication degree (Sacca di Goro and Lesina lagoons, Adriatic Sea). Research aimed at assessing with a rapid technique the potential buffering capacity of sedimentary iron towards sulphides. In Spring and Summer 2004, the main pools of iron and sulphides were analysed in the uppermost sediment horizon (0–5 cm) at four stations in each lagoon. In parallel, experiments with laboratory incubations of sediment slurries were carried out at two sites in each lagoon in order to assess the sediment capacity of binding and retaining sulphides. Sediment slurries were kept stirred and anoxic with N2 purging. Aliquots of dissolved sulphides (DS) were then added and DS concentrations were monitored until they were undetectable. On average, the total reactive iron (RFe), extracted with 6 N HCl, ranged from 170 to 400 μmol cm−3 in the Sacca di Goro stations, and comprised between 40 and 150 μmol cm−3 in the Lesina sites. The labile iron ferric quota (LFe: extractable with 0.5 N HCl) is considered representative of the microbially reducible iron fraction and was highest in spring in Sacca di Goro (up to 20 μmol cm−3). Differences among stations evidenced by PCA analysis, can be inferred from RFe, LFe and AVS, which represent the iron buffer and its saturation status, respectively. The sedimentary DS uptake was 6 μmol cm−3 of fresh sediment in Lesina and 8–12 μmol cm−3 in Sacca di Goro, indicating a direct relationship between DS removal and iron availability. Guest editors: A. Razinkovas, Z. R. Gasiūnaitė, J. M. Zaldivar & P. Viaroli European Lagoons and their Watersheds: Function and Biodiversity  相似文献   
Common bean diversity within and between Mesoamerican and Andean gene pools was compared in 89 landraces from America and 256 landraces from Europe, to elucidate the effects of bottleneck of introduction and selection for adaptation during the expansion of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Europe. Thirteen highly polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers (nuSSRs) were used to complement chloroplast microsatellite (cpSSRs) and nuclear markers (phaseolin and Pv-shatterproof1) data from previous studies. To verify the extent of the introduction bottleneck, inter-gene pool hybrids were distinguished from “pure” accessions. Hybrids were identified on the basis of recombination of gene pool specific cpSSR, phaseolin and Pv-shatterproof1 markers with a Bayesian assignments based on nuSSRs, and with STRUCTURE admixture analysis. More hybrids were detected than previously, and their frequency was almost four times larger in Europe (40.2%) than in America (12.3%). The genetic bottleneck following the introduction into Europe was not evidenced in the analysis including all the accessions, but it was significant when estimated only with “pure” accessions, and five times larger for Mesoamerican than for Andean germplasm. The extensive inter-gene pool hybridization generated a large amount of genotypic diversity that mitigated the effects of the bottleneck that occurred when common bean was introduced in Europe. The implication for evolution and the advantages for common bean breeding are discussed.  相似文献   
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