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The gamma hypothesis states that there are no interactions between antimicrobial environmental factors. The time to growth of Aeromonas hydrophila challenged with pH, NaNO2, and salt combinations at 30°C was investigated. Data were examined using a model based on the gamma hypothesis (the gamma model), which takes into account variance-stabilizing transformations and which gives biologically relevant parameters. At high concentrations of NaNO2 and at pHs of >6.0, the antimicrobial action of the nitrite ion has a strong influence (MIC = 2,033 mg liter−1), whereas at pHs of <6, nitrous acid is dominant (MIC = 1.5 mg liter−1). This change is not due to a “synergy” between pH and the nitrite ion but is due to the shift in the equilibrium concentrations of nitrous acid and nitrite in solution caused by pH. In combination with salt, the parameters found for the action of Na nitrite were identical to those found when it was examined in isolation. Therefore, pH, NaNO2, and salt act independently on the growth of A. hydrophila. By expanding the gamma model with a cardinal temperature model, the results of fitting the model of Palumbo et al. (J. Food Prot. 54:429-435, 1994) to randomly produced environmental conditions could be reproduced, suggesting that temperature also has an independent effect.  相似文献   
Certain toxic elements support the metabolism of diverse prokaryotes by serving as respiratory electron acceptors for growth. Here, we demonstrate that two anaerobes previously shown to be capable of respiring oxyanions of selenium also achieve growth by reduction of either tellurate [Te(VI)] or tellurite [Te(IV)] to elemental tellurium [Te(0)]. This reduction achieves a sizeable stable-Te-isotopic fractionation (isotopic enrichment factor [] = −0.4 to −1.0 per ml per atomic mass unit) and results in the formation of unique crystalline Te(0) nanoarchitectures as end products. The Te(0) crystals occur internally within but mainly externally from the cells, and each microorganism forms a distinctly different structure. Those formed by Bacillus selenitireducens initially are nanorods (~10-nm diameter by 200-nm length), which cluster together, forming larger (~1,000-nm) rosettes composed of numerous individual shards (~100-nm width by 1,000-nm length). In contrast, Sulfurospirillum barnesii forms extremely small, irregularly shaped nanospheres (diameter < 50 nm) that coalesce into larger composite aggregates. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and selected area electron diffraction indicate that both biominerals are composed entirely of Te and are crystalline, while Raman spectroscopy confirms that they are in the elemental state. These Te biominerals have specific spectral signatures (UV-visible light, Raman) that also provide clues to their internal structures. The use of microorganisms to generate Te nanomaterials may be an alternative for bench-scale syntheses. Additionally, they may also generate products with unique properties unattainable by conventional physical/chemical methods.  相似文献   
Insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) is the major substrate of both the insulin receptor and the IGF-1 receptor. In this study, we created IRS-1 transgenic (IRS-1-Tg) mice which express human IRS-1 cDNA under control of the mouse IRS-1 gene promoter. In the IRS-1-Tg mice, IRS-1 mRNA expression was significantly increased in almost all tissues, but its protein expression was increased in very limited tissues (epididymal fat and skeletal muscle). IRS-1-Tg mice showed glucose intolerance and significantly enlarged epididymal fat mass, as well as elevated serum TNF-α concentrations. Importantly insulin signaling was significantly attenuated in the liver of IRS-1-Tg mice, which may contribute to the glucose intolerance. Our results suggest that excess IRS-1 expression may not provide a beneficial impact on glucose homeostasis in vivo.  相似文献   
Pop-up satellite archival tags were attached to six Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) off the west coast of Ireland in autumn 2003 and 2004. The satellite tags measured pressure, ambient temperature and light for the term of deployment. Radio pop-up satellite endpoint positions, light and sea surface temperature estimations of geolocation indicate that two fish tagged minutes apart off the coast of County Donegal, migrated to the eastern and western Atlantic Ocean over the following 8 months. The two fish were 5218 km apart at the termination of the experiment. After tagging in September and popping up the following March and April, one fish had traveled to the western Atlantic while the other was located in the waters off the southwest coast of Portugal. A third fish tagged off the coast of County Donegal in October 2004 moved into the Mediterranean Sea and was caught by a fishing vessel southeast of Malta on 11 June 2005. The results link bluefin tuna feeding on European foraging grounds with known eastern breeding regions and western Atlantic waters.  相似文献   
Complexes of Zn(II), Cu(II) and Co(II) with either N-(2-methylpyridyl)-3-thienyl-alkyl-carboxamide or N-(2-pyridyl)-3-thienylalkyl-carboxamide groups have been prepared and characterized. Crystal structures of ten new complexes are reported and discussed. N-(2-Methylpyridyl)-3-thienyl-alkyl-carboxamide exhibits both uni- and bidentate behavior. With all ligands, bidentate complexation is through the carbonyl oxygen and pyridine nitrogen atoms (O, N) and the amide nitrogen atom remains protonated. The electrochemical behavior and the infrared spectra of selected complexes are discussed.  相似文献   
A database was created of digitized equal area distribution maps of 3,036 phylogenetic species of Palearctic songbirds. Biogeographic patterns are reported for two data sets: (1) including all passeriform bird species reported as breeding within the boundaries of our study map, (2) passeriform species restricted in their distribution to our study region, thus excluding the partly extra-limital taxa. With respect to the data set excluding partly extra-limital taxa, the average range size is 238 grid cells (grid cell area: 4,062 km2). Analysis of the geographic distribution of species richness for the full data set showed several hotspot regions, mostly located in mountainous areas. The index of range-size rarity identified similar hotspot regions as that for species richness, albeit that the range-size rarity de-emphasized the central Siberian hotspot. Range-size rarity hotspots that are not evident on the measure of species richness concern a great number of islands. Much more prominent on the index of range-size rarity are the Atlas Mountains of northern Africa, the Jabal al Akhdar region in NE Libya, and the eastern border of the Mediterranean. Restricting the analysis of geographic variation to the 25% of the species with smallest ranges resulted in a greatly simplified pattern of hotspots. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase (PPAT) from Escherichia coli is an essential hexameric enzyme that catalyzes the penultimate step in coenzyme A (CoA) biosynthesis and is a target for antibacterial drug discovery. The enzyme utilizes Mg-ATP and phosphopantetheine (PhP) to generate dephospho-CoA (dPCoA) and pyrophosphate. When overexpressed in E. coli, PPAT copurifies with tightly bound CoA, suggesting a feedback inhibitory role for this cofactor. Using an enzyme-coupled assay for the forward-direction reaction (dPCoA-generating) and isothermal titration calorimetry, we investigated the steady-state kinetics and ligand binding properties of PPAT. All substrates and products bind the free enzyme, and product inhibition studies are consistent with a random bi-bi kinetic mechanism. CoA inhibits PPAT and is competitive with ATP, PhP, and dPCoA. Previously published structures of PPAT crystallized at pH 5.0 show half-the-sites reactivity for PhP and dPCoA and full occupancy by ATP and CoA. Ligand-binding studies at pH 8.0 show that ATP, PhP, dPCoA, and CoA occupy all six monomers of the PPAT hexamer, although CoA exhibits two thermodynamically distinct binding modes. These results suggest that the half-the-sites reactivity observed in PPAT crystal structures may be pH dependent. In light of previous studies on the regulation of CoA biosynthesis, the PPAT kinetic and ligand binding data suggest that intracellular PhP concentrations modulate the distribution of PPAT monomers between high- and low-affinity CoA binding modes. This model is consistent with PPAT serving as a “backup” regulator of pathway flux relative to pantothenate kinase.  相似文献   
The Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase (NKA) is a transmembrane protein that sets and maintains the electrochemical gradient by extruding three Na(+) in exchange for two K(+). An important physiological role proposed for vascular smooth muscle NKA is the regulation of blood pressure via modulation of vascular smooth muscle contractility (5). To investigate the relations between the level of NKA in smooth muscle and blood pressure, we developed mice carrying a transgene for either the NKA alpha(1)- or alpha(2)-isoform (alpha(1 sm+) or alpha(2 sm+) mice) driven by the smooth muscle-specific alpha-actin promoter SMP8. Interestingly, both alpha-isoforms, the one contained in the transgene and the one not contained, were increased to a similar degree at both protein and mRNA levels. The total alpha-isoform protein was increased from 1.5-fold (alpha(1 sm+) mice) to 7-fold (alpha(2 sm+) mice). The increase in total NKA alpha-isoform protein was accompanied by a 2.5-fold increase in NKA activity in alpha(2 sm+) gastric antrum. Immunocytochemistry of the alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-isoforms in alpha(2 sm+) aortic smooth muscle cells indicated that alpha-isoform distributions were similar to those shown in wild-type cells. alpha(2 sm+) Mice (high expression) were hypotensive (109.9 +/- 1.6 vs. 121.3 +/- 1.4 mmHg; n = 13 and 11, respectively), whereas alpha(1 sm+) mice (low expression) were normotensive (122.7 +/- 2.5 vs. 117.4 +/- 2.3; n = 11 or 12). alpha(2 sm+) Aorta, but not alpha(1 sm+) aorta, relaxed faster from a KCl-induced contraction than wild-type aorta. Our results show that smooth muscle displays unique coordinate expression of the alpha-isoforms. Increasing smooth muscle NKA decreases blood pressure and is dependent on the degree of increased alpha-isoform expression.  相似文献   
Previously we reported the discovery and initial optimization of a novel anthranilic acid derived class of antibacterial agents which suffered from extensive protein binding. This report describes efforts directed toward understanding the relationship of the acidity of the carboxylic acid with the extent of protein binding. The pK(a) of the acid was modified via the synthesis of a number of anthranilic acid analogs which vary the aromatic ring substituent at the 4-position. The pK(a) and HSA binding constants have been determined for each of the analogs. Our results indicate a correlation between pK(a) and HSA K(d). The physical properties and antibacterial activities will be discussed as well as how these results help address the protein binding issue with this series of compounds.  相似文献   
A series of reboxetine analogs was synthesized and evaluated for in vitro binding as racemic mixtures. The best candidate (INER) was synthesized as the optically pure (S,S) enantiomer, labeled with iodine-123 and its in vivo binding determined by SPECT imaging in baboons. The in vivo specificity, selectivity, and kinetics of [123I]INER make it a promising agent for imaging NET in vivo by noninvasive SPECT imaging.  相似文献   
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