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Broadening the genetic base of heterotic pools is a key to ensure continued genetic gains in hybrid breeding and extend hybrid cultivation to new areas. In the present study, two Central European heterotic pools (Carsten and Petkus) and five Eastern European open-pollinated varieties (OPVs, Pop-1 to Pop-5) were studied with the objectives to (1) investigate the genetic diversity in OPVs and the heterotic pools using molecular and field data, (2) evaluate the molecular diversity among OPVs, (3) examine the combining ability for grain yield of the OPVs when crossed with testers in field trials, and (4) develop a strategy for targeted introgression of OPV germplasm into the heterotic pools. In total, 610 S0 plants, 347 from OPVs and 263 from heterotic pools, were developed. Clones of the S0 plants of OPVs were crossed with two testers belonging to each heterotic pool, while clones of heterotic pools were crossed with only the opposite tester. Testcrosses were evaluated for grain yield in multi-location trials. In addition, 589 S0 plants were fingerprinted with 30 SSR markers. The data revealed that the Carsten pool has a narrow genetic base and should be the primary target for broadening the established heterotic pattern. Mean and genetic variance suggested that Pop-2 and Pop-4 are good candidates for introgression in Petkus pool and Pop-5 in Carsten pool. Nevertheless, introgression of Pop-5 in Carsten could reduce the genetic diversity between heterotic pools. Therefore, we suggest that either selected plants of Pop-5 should be introgressed or more Eastern European germplasm should be fingerprinted and field evaluated to identify promising germplasm for broadening the established heterotic pattern.  相似文献   
Heterosis describes the superior performance of heterozygous F(1)-hybrid plants compared to their homozygous parental inbred lines. In the present study, heterosis was detected for length, weight, and the time point of seminal root primordia initiation in maize (Zea mays L.) embryos of the reciprocal F(1)-hybrids UH005xUH250 and UH250xUH005. A two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) proteome survey of the most abundant proteins of the reciprocal hybrids and their parental inbred lines 25 and 35 days after pollination revealed that 141 of 597 detected proteins (24%) exhibited nonadditive accumulation in at least one hybrid. Approximately 44% of all nonadditively accumulated proteins displayed an expression pattern that was not distinguishable from the low parent value. Electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) analyses and subsequent functional classification of the 141 proteins revealed that development, protein metabolism, redox-regulation, glycolysis, and amino acid metabolism were the most prominent functional classes among nonadditively accumulated proteins. In 35-day-old embryos of the hybrid UH250xUH005, a significant up-regulation of enzymes related to glucose metabolism which often exceeded the best parent values was observed. A comparison of nonadditive protein accumulation between rice and maize embryo data sets revealed a significant overlap of nonadditively accumulated proteins suggesting conserved organ- or tissue-specific regulatory mechanisms in monocots related to heterosis.  相似文献   
Maike Piepho 《Hydrobiologia》2017,794(1):303-316
Submerged macrophytes improve water quality in shallow coastal lagoons but eutrophication often resulted in a degradation of macrophytes. Management measures that protect and restore macrophyte stands require knowledge on what limits macrophyte distribution. Information on macrophyte production and distribution in the Darss-Zingst Bodden Chain (southern Baltic Sea) is lacking since an almost complete loss of submerged vegetation in the 1980s. Nutrient input was reduced in the 1990s and macrophytes seem to recover, although turbidity is high and light conditions are still poor. However, this recovery raised hope that returning macrophytes could stabilize sediments and improve water clarity. In this study, seasonal changes in photosynthesis–irradiance curves of selected macrophyte species were used to calculate potential primary production in different depths and turbidity situations. Bathymetry of the area is then used to assess depth distribution and vegetated area. Since the so-calculated depth limits correspond well with the actual depth distribution in the field, macrophyte depth distribution is concluded to be mostly determined by light conditions. Most macrophytes grow in very shallow areas up to 50 cm depth where also 70% of potential primary production takes place. Present light conditions do not support a further expansion of macrophyte distribution in the DZBC.  相似文献   
Selection and random genetic drift are the two main forces affecting the selection response of recurrent selection (RS) programs by changes in allele frequencies. Therefore, detailed knowledge on allele frequency changes attributable to these forces is of fundamental importance for assessing RS programs. The objectives of our study were to (1) estimate the number, position, and genetic effect of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for selection index and its components in the base populations, (2) determine changes in allele frequencies of QTL regions due to the effects of random genetic drift and selection, and (3) predict allele frequency changes by using QTL results and compare these predictions with observed values. We performed QTL analyses, based on restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and simple sequence repeats (SSRs), in 274 F2:3 lines of cross KW1265 × D146 (A × B) and 133 F3:4 lines of cross D145 × KW1292 (C × D) originating from two European flint maize populations. Four (A × B) and seven (C × D) cycles of RS were analyzed with SSRs for significant allele frequency changes due to selection. Several QTL regions for selection index were detected with simple and composite interval mapping. In some of them, flanking markers showed a significant allele frequency change after the first and the final selection cycles. The correlation between observed and predicted allele frequencies was significant only in A × B. We attribute these observations mainly to (1) the high dependence of the power of QTL detection on the population size and (2) the occurrence of undetectable QTL in repulsion phase. Assessment of allele frequency changes in RS programs can be used to detect marker alleles linked to QTL regions under selection pressure. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Knowledge about the forces generating and conserving linkage disequilibrium (LD) is important for drawing conclusions about the prospects and limitations of association mapping. The objectives of our research were to examine the importance of (1) selection, (2) mutation, and (3) genetic drift for generating LD in a typical maize breeding program. We conducted computer simulations based on genotypic data of Central European maize open-pollinated varieties which have played an important role as founders of the European flint heterotic group. The breeding scheme and the dimensioning underlying our simulations reflect essentially the maize breeding program of the University of Hohenheim. Results suggested that in a plant breeding program of the examined dimension and breeding scheme, genetic drift and selection are major forces generating LD. The currently used population-based association mapping tests do not explicitly correct for LD caused by these two forces. Therefore, increased type I error rates are expected if these tests are applied to plant breeding populations. As a consequence, we recommend to use family-based association tests for association mapping approaches in plant breeding populations.  相似文献   
This paper considers inference for the break point in the segmented regression or piece‐wise regression model. Standard likelihood theory does not apply because the break point is absent under the null hypothesis. We use results by Davies for this type of non‐standard set‐up [Biometrika 64 (1977), 247–254 and 74 (1987), 33–43] to obtain a test for the null hypothesis of no break point. A confidence interval can be constructed provided replicate data are available. The methods are exemplified using two longitudinal datasets, the one from ecology, the other from pharmacology.  相似文献   
Microarrays provide a valuable tool for the quantification of gene expression. Usually, however, there is a limited number of replicates leading to unsatisfying variance estimates in a gene‐wise mixed model analysis. As thousands of genes are available, it is desirable to combine information across genes. When more than two tissue types or treatments are to be compared it might be advisable to consider the array effect as random. Then information between arrays may be recovered, which can increase accuracy in estimation. We propose a method of variance component estimation across genes for a linear mixed model with two random effects. The method may be extended to models with more than two random effects. We assume that the variance components follow a log‐normal distribution. Assuming that the sums of squares from the gene‐wise analysis, given the true variance components, follow a scaled χ2‐distribution, we adopt an empirical Bayes approach. The variance components are estimated by the expectation of their posterior distribution. The new method is evaluated in a simulation study. Differentially expressed genes are more likely to be detected by tests based on these variance estimates than by tests based on gene‐wise variance estimates. This effect is most visible in studies with small array numbers. Analyzing a real data set on maize endosperm the method is shown to work well. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
This study comprises a comprehensive gene expression analysis of the root tip specific maize gene ZmGrp3. In the first part of this paper expression of ZmGrp3 was studied in maize inbred lines. First, RNA in situ hybridization experiments confined the expression of ZmGrp3 to the columella and the epidermis of all embryonic and postembryonic root types. Second, Northern-blot analyses of the maize root initiation mutants rtcs and lrt1 revealed that the ZmGrp3 gene is not expressed prior to root initiation, thus providing a novel marker for this developmental process. Finally, a comprehensive expression profiling in 42 tissues via the Lynx MPSS system revealed almost exclusive expression of ZmGrp3 in maize roots. In the second part of this survey, ZmGrp3 expression was assayed in maize hybrids. In this context, a novel approach to quantify allele-specific contribution to gene expression in maize hybrids was developed. This assay combines RT–PCR amplification of polymorphisms between two alleles and subsequent quantification of allele-specific gene expression via a combination of didesoxyterminator assays and capillary electrophoresis. Allelic expression of the ZmGrp3 gene in six reciprocal hybrids generated from three ZmGrp3 alleles was analyzed via a new statistical mixed model approach.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   
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