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Natural heterologous valved conduits with a diameter greater than 22 mm that can be used for right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction in adults are not commercially available. The purpose of this study was to measure by ultrasonography the maximum diameter of the distended jugular veins of horses and cattle, respectively, to identify a population of animals that would be suitable for post-mortem collection of jugular veins at sizes greater than 22 mm.


The study population included 60 Warmblood horses, 25 Freiberger horses, 20 Brown Swiss cows, and 20 Holstein cows (including 10 Holstein and 10 Red Holstein). The maximum cross-sectional diameter of the distended jugular veins was measured at a location half-way between the mandibular angle and the thoracic inlet. The thoracic circumference (heart girth length) was used as a surrogate of body size. The jugular vein diameters of the different populations were compared by analysis of variance and the association between heart girth length and jugular vein diameter was determined in each of the four study populations by linear regression analysis.


There was considerable individual variation of jugular vein diameters within each of the four study populations. There was no statistically significant relationship between thoracic circumference and jugular vein diameter in any of the populations. The jugular vein diameters of Brown Swiss cows were significantly larger than those of any of the other populations. Warmblood horses had significantly larger jugular vein diameters compared to Freiberger horses.


The results of this study suggest that the production of bovine or equine xenografts with diameters of greater than 22 mm would be feasible. Differences between species and breeds need to be considered. However, prediction of the jugular vein diameter based on breed and heart girth length in an individual animal is inaccurate.  相似文献   
Introduction: Several studies have shown differences in survival trends between ethnic groups across adults with cancer in the UK. It is unclear whether these differences exist exclusively in the older adult population or whether they begin to emerge in children and young adults. Methods: Subjects (n = 3534) diagnosed with cancer under 30 years of age in Yorkshire between 1990 and 2005 were analysed. Differences in survival rates for diagnostic subgroups were estimated by ethnic group (south Asian or not) using Kaplan–Meier estimation and Cox regression. Results: When compared to non-south Asians (all other ethnic groups excluding south Asians) a significant increased risk of death was seen for south Asians with leukaemia (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.75; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.11–2.76) and lymphoma (HR = 2.05; 95% CI = 1.09–3.87), whereas south Asians with solid tumours other than central nervous system tumours had a significantly reduced risk of death(HR = 0.50; 95% CI = 0.28–0.89). This was independent of socioeconomic deprivation. Conclusion: We found evidence of poorer survival outcomes for south Asians compared to non-south Asian children and young adults with leukaemia and lymphoma, but better outcomes for south Asian children and young adults with other solid tumours. This needs to be explained, and carefully addressed in the on-going development of cancer services.  相似文献   
The effects of ruthenium red, lanthanum, fluorescein isothiocyanate and trifluoperazine, all antagonists of Ca2+ function in cells, have been studied in growing pollen tubes of Tradescantia virginiana. All four drugs inhibit pollen-tube growth but bring about different ultrastructural changes at the growing tips and within the cytoplasm. The results strongly support the hypothesis that Ca2+ plays a vital role in the mechanism of pollen-tube tip growth. The effect of ruthenium red provides evidence that sequestration of Ca2+ by mitochondria critically adjusts the concentration of these ions at tube tips. Fluorescein isothiocyanate appears to be a potent inhibitor of vesicle fusion at the plasma membrane, with vesicles accumulating in the tip at rates equivalent to those determined previously for their production. Both vesicle fusion and tip extension are regulated by Ca2+ but appear to be independently controlled processes.  相似文献   
We examine rate heterogeneity among evolutionary lineages of the grass family at two plasmid loci, ndhF and rbcL, and we introduce a method to determine whether patterns of rate heterogeneity are correlated between loci. We show both that rates of synonymous evolution are heterogeneous among grass lineages and that are heterogeneity is correlated between loci at synonymous sites. At nonsynonymous sites, the pattern of rate heterogeneity is not correlated between loci, primarily due to an aberrant pattern of rate heterogeneity at nonsynonymous sites of rbcL. We compare patterns of synonymous rate heterogeneity to predictors based on the generation time effect and the speciation rate hypotheses. Although there is some evidence for generation time effects, neither generation time effects nor speciation rates appear to be sufficient to explain patterns of rate heterogeneity in the grass plastid sequences.   相似文献   
Bacteria have evolved a multitude of systems to prevent invasion by bacteriophages and other mobile genetic elements. Comparative genomics suggests that genes encoding bacterial defence mechanisms are often clustered in ‘defence islands’, providing a concerted level of protection against a wider range of attackers. However, there is a comparative paucity of information on functional interplay between multiple defence systems. Here, we have functionally characterised a defence island from a multidrug resistant plasmid of the emerging pathogen Escherichia fergusonii. Using a suite of thirty environmentally-isolated coliphages, we demonstrate multi-layered and robust phage protection provided by a plasmid-encoded defence island that expresses both a type I BREX system and the novel GmrSD-family type IV DNA modification-dependent restriction enzyme, BrxU. We present the structure of BrxU to 2.12 Å, the first structure of the GmrSD family of enzymes, and show that BrxU can utilise all common nucleotides and a wide selection of metals to cleave a range of modified DNAs. Additionally, BrxU undergoes a multi-step reaction cycle instigated by an unexpected ATP-dependent shift from an intertwined dimer to monomers. This direct evidence that bacterial defence islands can mediate complementary layers of phage protection enhances our understanding of the ever-expanding nature of phage-bacterial interactions.  相似文献   
Increased repolarization heterogeneity can provide the substrate for reentrant ventricular arrhythmias in animal models of cardiomyopathy. We hypothesized that ventricular repolarization heterogeneity is also greater in patients with cardiomyopathy and ventricular arrhythmia vulnerability (inducible ventricular tachycardia or positive microvolt T wave alternans, VT/TWA) compared with a similar patient population without ventricular arrhythmia vulnerability (no VT/TWA). Endocardial and epicardial repolarization heterogeneity was measured in patients with (n = 12) and without (n = 10) VT/TWA by using transvenous 26-electrode catheters placed along the anteroseptal right ventricular endocardium and left ventricular epicardium. Local activation times (AT), activation-recovery intervals (ARI), and repolarization times (RT) were measured from unipolar electrograms. Endocardial RT dispersion along the apicobasal ventricle was greater (P < 0.005) in patients with VT/TWA than in those without VT/TWA because of greater ARI dispersion (P < 0.005). AT dispersion was similar between the two groups. Epicardial RT dispersion along the apicobasal ventricle was greater (P < 0.05) in patients with VT/TWA than in those without VT/TWA because of greater ARI dispersion (P < 0.05). AT dispersion was similar between the two groups. A plot of AT as a function of ARI revealed an inverse linear relationship for no VT/TWA such that progressively later activation was associated with progressively shorter ARI. The AT-ARI relationship was nonlinear in VT/TWA. In conclusion, patients with cardiomyopathy and VT/TWA have greater endocardial and epicardial repolarization heterogeneity than those without VT/TWA without associated conduction slowing. The steep repolarization gradients in VT/TWA may provide the substrate for functional conduction block and reentrant ventricular arrhythmias.  相似文献   
The effect of substrate, co-factor and Nitroblue Tetrazolium concentration on the production of formazan by the action of NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase was studied in the sebaceous glands of the hairless hamster. The measurement (in average optical density units per unit area) of formazan in histochemically stained skin sections was carried out by television scanning microdensitometry (Quantimet 720D). Having established optimal conditions for this enzyme, a second study was carried out to determine the effect of different power objectives and wide-band wavelength light instead of white light on the average optical density per unit area, recorded by the instrument, of the formazan produced in a defined number of sebaceous glands in a single skin section. It was found that there was no difference in the average optical density per unit area recorded by the instrument at different power objectives and a peak value of average optical density per unit area could be obtained using a K4 or a K5 Balzer filter (550-650 nm).  相似文献   
The aim was to investigate the effect of infusion of purified FSH alone on follicle development in hypogonadotrophic GnRH agonist-treated gilts. Large-White hybrid gilts (n = 12) were treated during the mid-luteal phase and again after 28 days (day 0) with a potent slow releasing GnRH agonist. On day 3, seven gilts were infused for 168 h with 1.5 S1 units oFSH h-1 (equivalent to 1.5 units of bioactivity of NIH-FSH-S1 standard) and blood samples were collected. Ovaries were then recovered and all follicles > or = 1 mm in diameter were dissected and incubated for 2 h in 1 ml Eagle's minimum essential medium. The ovaries were recovered from the remaining five GnRH agonist-treated gilts on day 10 and also from five cyclic gilts during the late follicular phase (controls). Plasma FSH concentrations in GnRH agonist-treated gilts were lower (P < 0.01) than in follicular phase controls, increased (P < 0.001) after 1 h of FSH infusion and reached a plateau similar (P > 0.1) to that of controls after 8 h. Basal LH concentrations were similar (P > 0.1) between GnRH agonist-treated and control gilts and remained unchanged (P > 0.1) throughout the infusion period. GnRH agonist treatment reduced (P < 0.01) basal oestradiol concentrations compared with control gilts. Infusion with FSH alone increased (P < 0.001) plasma oestradiol concentrations after 96 h compared with those before infusion; when the animals were killed oestradiol concentrations were higher (P < 0.01) in GnRH agonist-treated gilts infused with FSH than in controls. This was also apparent by vulval swelling and behavioural oestrus. There were more follicles > or 1 mm in diameter in the GnRH agonist-treated groups than in the controls (184, 153 and 86 per animal; P < 0.01). Infusion with FSH increased the maximum follicle diameter (GnRH agonist: < 4 mm; FSH infused: < 12 mm; controls: < 10 mm) and tended to increase (P < 0.07) the mean number of follicles > or = 6 mm diameter per animal (FSH infused: 53; controls: 21). Total oestradiol production in vitro by follicles > or = 1 mm was higher (P < 0.01) in GnRH agonist-treated gilts infused with FSH and in follicular phase controls than in animals treated with GnRH agonist alone. However, oestradiol and testosterone secretion in vitro per follicle > or = 6 mm in diameter was lower (P < 0.05) in FSH-infused animals than in controls. In summary, although infusion of FSH alone stimulated the growth of multiple follicles of preovulatory size in GnRH agonist-treated gilts, steroidogenic output by individual follicles was impaired.  相似文献   
The esterification of several monosaccharides, such as D -glucose, D -mannoheptulose and 2-deoxy-D -glucose was recently reported to increase their biological efficiency as either nutrient or antimetabolic agent. In the present study, however, the tetraacetate ester of streptozotocin was unexpectedly found to be less potent than unesterified streptozotocin in inhibiting D -glucose metabolism and insulinotropic action in isolated rat pancreatic islets. This coincided with a much lower rate for the hydrolysis of streptozotocin tetraacetate than D -glucose pentaacetate in islet homogenates. These findings document that the esterification of single sugars is not always a successful procedure to enhance their biological potency, for instance because of too low a rate for the intracellular hydrolysis of the ester. To the extent that the activity of the concerned esterase(s) may differ in distinct cell types, as suggested by a prior observation, advantage could be taken of such a situation to target selected esters towards specific, e.g. tumoural cells. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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