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We assessed the profile and frequency of malignancy subtypes in a large single-centre UK cohort for patients with scleroderma (systemic sclerosis; SSc). We evaluated the cancer risk among SSc patients with different antibody reactivities and explored the temporal association of cancer with the duration between SSc onset and cancer diagnosis.


We conducted a retrospective study of a well-characterised cohort of SSc patients attending a large tertiary referral centre, with clinical data collected from our clinical database and by review of patient records. We evaluated development of all cancers in this cohort, and comparison was assessed with the SSc cohort without cancer. The effect of demographics and clinical details, including antibody reactivities, were explored to find associations relevant to the risk for development of cancer in SSc patients.


Among 2,177 patients with SSc, 7.1% had a history of cancer, 26% were positive for anticentromere antibodies (ACAs), 18.2% were positive for anti-Scl-70 antibodies and 26.6% were positive for anti-RNA polymerase III (anti-RNAP) antibody. The major malignancy cancer subtypes were breast (42.2%), haematological (12.3%), gastrointestinal (11.0%) and gynaecological (11.0%). The frequency of cancers among patients with RNAP (14.2%) was significantly increased compared with those with anti-Scl-70 antibodies (6.3%) and ACAs (6.8%) (P < 0.0001 and P < 0.001, respectively). Among the patients, who were diagnosed with cancer within 36 months of the clinical onset of SSc, there were more patients with RNAP (55.3%) than those with other autoantibody specificities (ACA = 23.5%, P < 0.008; and anti-Scl-70 antibodies = 13.6%, P < 0.002, respectively). Breast cancers were temporally associated with onset of SSc among patients with anti-RNAP, and SSc patients with anti-RNAP had a twofold increased hazard ratio for cancers compared to patients with ACAs (P < 0.0001).


Our study independently confirms, in what is to the best of our knowledge the largest population examined to date, that there is an association with cancer among SSc patients with anti-RNAP antibodies in close temporal relationship to onset of SSc, which supports the paraneoplastic phenomenon in this subset of SSc cases. An index of cautious suspicion should be maintained in these cases, and investigations for underlying malignancy should be considered when clinically appropriate.  相似文献   
Metabolon formation and metabolic channeling in plant secondary metabolism enable plants to effectively synthesize specific natural products and to avoid metabolic interference. Channeling can involve different cell types, take advantage of compartmentalization within the same cell or proceed directly within a metabolon. New experimental approaches document the importance of channeling in the synthesis of isoprenoids, alkaloids, phenylpropanoids, flavonoids and cyanogenic glucosides. Metabolon formation and metabolic channeling in natural-product synthesis facilitate attempts to genetically engineer new pathways into plants to improve their content of valuable natural products. They also offer the opportunity to introduce new traits by genetic engineering to produce plant cultivars that adhere to the principle of substantial equivalence.  相似文献   
Stress due to regrouping of breeding females is difficult to avoid completely in loose-housing systems. The effects of stress during the maternal recognition of pregnancy on fetal development and survival at Day 30 of pregnancy was, therefore, studied in 17 sows allocated into one control (C-) group, one group deprived of food during Days 13 and 14 (FD-), and one group (A-), which was treated with ACTH (0.01 mg/kg body weight of Synacthen Depot) every sixth hour during the same period. Total number of fetuses, fetal survival rate, volume of allantoic fluid, and the weight and length of total fetal unit, placentas, allantochorion and fetuses were determined. The concentrations of progesterone (P4), PGFM, PGF2, PGE, estrone-sulfate, and estradiol-17beta in the allantoic fluid were analyzed. No significant differences between groups were found for any parameter measured except for P4. Food deprivation increased P4 concentration in the allantoic fluid, and there was a positive correlation between the P4 concentration and the weight of the placenta. It is, therefore, suggested that P4 influences the placenta size among food-deprived sows.  相似文献   
Severe dental wear and tooth loss is often assumed to impede the processing, breakdown, and energetic conversion of food items, thereby negatively impacting individual health, reproduction, and survival. Ring‐tailed lemurs at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve demonstrate exceptionally high frequencies of severe dental wear and antemortem tooth loss, yet often survive multiple years with these impairments. To test the hypothesis that these lemurs mitigate tooth loss through behavioral adjustments, we collected 191 h of observational data from 16 focal subjects, eight without tooth loss and eight with between 3% and 44% loss. These data indicate dentally‐impaired ring‐tailed lemurs show compensatory behaviors consistent with the demands of living in a social group. During early afternoon (12:00–14:30 h) individuals with loss showed trends towards higher frequencies of foraging and grooming, while individuals without loss rested significantly more often. Individuals with >10% loss (n = 7) showed higher frequencies of feeding, foraging, and grooming, and lower frequencies of resting during this period than individuals with <10% loss (n = 9). Individuals with tooth loss maintained relatively higher levels of feeding and foraging throughout the day. These individuals licked tamarind fruit at higher frequencies, likely spending more time softening it before ingestion. These individuals did not demonstrate longer feeding bouts overall, although bouts involving tamarinds were significantly longer. Individuals with marked toothcomb wear engaged in higher rates of certain types of allogrooming, demonstrating that social behaviors are used to compensate for reduced grooming efficiency. These data have implications for interpreting behavioral responses to dental impairment in the fossil record. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis has emerged as a major health problem worldwide in the last few decades. DNA loci unique to S. Enteritidis can provide markers for detection of this pathogen and may reveal pathogenic mechanisms restricted to this serovar. An in silico comparison of 16 Salmonella genomic sequences revealed the presence of an ∼12.5-kb genomic island (GEI) specific to the sequenced S. Enteritidis strain NCTC13349. The GEI is inserted at the 5′ end of gene ydaO (SEN1377), is flanked by 308-bp imperfect direct repeats (attL and attR), and includes 21 open reading frames (SEN1378 to SEN1398), encoding primarily phage-related proteins. Accordingly, this GEI has been annotated as the defective prophage SE14 in the genome of strain NCTC13349. The genetic structure and location of φSE14 are conserved in 99 of 103 wild-type strains of S. Enteritidis studied here, including reference strains NCTC13349 and LK5. Notably, an extrachromosomal circular form of φSE14 was detected in every strain carrying this island. The presence of attP sites in the circular forms detected in NCTC13349 and LK5 was confirmed. In addition, we observed spontaneous loss of a tetRA-tagged version of φSE14, leaving an empty attB site in the genome of strain NCTC13349. Collectively, these results demonstrate that φSE14 is an unstable genetic element that undergoes spontaneous excision under standard growth conditions. An internal fragment of φSE14 designated Sdf I has been used as a serovar-specific genetic marker in PCR-based detection systems and as a tool to determine S. Enteritidis levels in experimental infections. The instability of this region may require a reassessment of its suitability for such applications.The genus Salmonella comprises a heterogeneous group of Gram-negative bacteria, differentiable by biochemical and serological properties. More than 2,500 Salmonella serovars have been identified according to the serospecificities of the somatic and flagellar antigens. Some serovars, exemplified by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis, can infect a broad range of hosts. However, a subset of serovars, such as S. Typhi, a human-specific pathogen, show a high degree of adaptation to a specific host.In the last few decades, S. Enteritidis has emerged as a major health problem worldwide (31). This pathogen colonizes the reproductive organs of infected birds without causing discernible illness and survives host defenses during the formation of the egg (25, 27). The production of a capsule-like O antigen structure by certain wild-type strains of S. Enteritidis (30, 46) has been associated with reproductive tract tropism and improved survival within eggs (26, 27, 45). Egg contamination can originate before oviposition by direct contamination of the yolk, albumen, or eggshell membranes with bacteria from the infected reproductive organs of the birds or after or during oviposition by penetration of bacteria from contaminated feces through the eggshell (8, 14, 25). Transmission of the bacterium to humans occurs mainly through the consumption of contaminated eggs or egg products (8, 14, 25). Upon infection of a human host, S. Enteritidis causes self-limiting gastroenteritis similar to that caused by other nontyphoidal Salmonella serovars.According to information gathered from 84 countries responding to a global survey conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium accounted for ∼70% of all human and nonhuman isolates of Salmonella reported worldwide between 1995 and 2008. In fact, S. Enteritidis alone accounted for 61.4% of the ∼1.5 million human isolates of Salmonella reported during this period, according to the WHO Global Foodborne Infections Network Country Databank (http://www.who.int/salmsurv). Remarkably, S. Enteritidis is the second most prevalent cause of Salmonella infection in humans, after S. Typhimurium, in the United States (10).The high global prevalence of S. Enteritidis makes the development of a rapid, sensitive, and highly specific detection system critical to collect accurate epidemiologic data. The identification of loci that serve as specific markers for DNA-based identification of this pathogen may also provide insights into pathogenic mechanisms restricted to this serovar. Genomic regions that are unique to given serovars are especially suitable for such epidemiologic detection (3). For instance, Agron and colleagues identified an S. Enteritidis-specific genomic region of ∼4,060 bp adjacent to the ydaO gene, carrying six open reading frames (ORFs) that they designated lygA to lygF (1). A PCR-based assay successfully detected the presence of an internal fragment of this serovar-specific region in most strains in a diverse collection of clinical and environmental S. Enteritidis isolates and not in 73 non-Enteritidis isolates of S. enterica representing 34 different serovars (1). Since then, this region has been widely used as an S. Enteritidis-specific molecular marker in the development of several PCR-based assays for detection and epidemiological typing of Salmonella serovars in clinical and environmental samples (2, 11, 32, 37, 44, 53). Recently, an S. Enteritidis-specific real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay based on the detection of this region was developed (15). This qPCR assay has been used in a series of studies of the distribution and replication kinetics of S. Enteritidis in experimentally infected animals (16-21).We performed a bioinformatic study to identify genomic regions specific to S. Enteritidis and found a genomic island (GEI) that includes the S. Enteritidis-specific locus lyg (1). This island has been annotated as the defective prophage SE14 in the genome of S. Enteritidis strain NCTC13349 (52). Although we demonstrate that the location in the genome and the overall genetic structure of the island are conserved in wild-type isolates of S. Enteritidis from different origins, we detected strains that do not carry the island in their genomes. Finally, we demonstrate here that the island corresponds to an unstable element that undergoes spontaneous excision from the genome of S. Enteritidis under standard growth conditions.  相似文献   
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