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We report the development and optimization of reagents for in-solution, hybridization-based capture of the mouse exome. By validating this approach in a multiple inbred strains and in novel mutant strains, we show that whole exome sequencing is a robust approach for discovery of putative mutations, irrespective of strain background. We found strong candidate mutations for the majority of mutant exomes sequenced, including new models of orofacial clefting, urogenital dysmorphology, kyphosis and autoimmune hepatitis.  相似文献   
Tyrosine sulfation is a late posttranslational modification of proteins that takes place in the Golgi network. In the past few years, this process has been identified as an important modulator of protein-protein interactions. Sulfated tyrosine residues have recently been identified in the C-terminal, so-called hinge region of the ectodomain of glycoprotein hormone receptors [TSH, LH/chorionic gonadotropin (CG), and FSH receptors] and were shown to play an important role in the interaction with their natural ligands. The position of two sulfated tyrosine residues in a Y-D/E-Y motif appears perfectly conserved in the alignment of TSH and LH receptors from different species, and site-directed mutagenesis experiments demonstrated that sulfation of the first residue of this motif was responsible for the functional effect on hormone binding. In contrast, the corresponding motif is not conserved in the FSH receptor, in which the first tyrosine residue is missing: the Y-D/E-Y motif is replaced by F(333)DY(335). We extend here our previous observation that, in this case, it is sulfation of the second sole tyrosine residue in the motif that is functionally important. An LH/CG receptor harboring an F(331)DY(333) motif (i.e. displaying decreased sensitivity to human CG) was used as a backbone in which short portions of the FSH receptor were substituted. Segments from the FSH receptor capable of restoring sensitivity to human CG were identified by transfection of the chimeras in COS-7 cells. These experiments identified key amino acid residues in the hinge region of the FSH receptor associated with the functional role of the second sulfated tyrosine residue in a Y-D/E-Y motif, allowing for efficient hormone binding. The experiments represent strong evidence that structural differences in the hinge regions of FSH and LH/CG receptors play a significant role in hormone-receptor-specific recognition.  相似文献   
It has been reported that DNA methyltransferase 1-deficient (Dnmt1-/-) embryonic stem (ES) cells are hypomethylated (20% CpG methylation) and die through apoptosis when induced to differentiate. Here, we show that Dnmt[3a-/-,3b-/-] ES cells with just 0.6% of their CpG dinucleotides behave differently: the majority of cells within the culture are partially or completely blocked in their ability to initiate differentiation, remaining viable while retaining the stem cell characteristics of alkaline phosphatase and Oct4 expression. Restoration of DNA methylation levels rescues these defects. Severely hypomethylated Dnmt[3a-/-,3b-/-] ES cells have increased histone acetylation levels, and those cells that can differentiate aberrantly express extraembryonic markers of differentiation. Dnmt[3a-/-,3b-/-] ES cells with >10% CpG methylation are able to terminally differentiate, whereas Dnmt1-/- ES cells with 20% of the CpG methylated cannot differentiate. This demonstrates that successful terminal differentiation is not dependent simply on adequate methylation levels. There is an absolute requirement that the methylation be delivered by the maintenance enzyme Dnmt1.  相似文献   
Nod, a nonmotile kinesin-like protein, plays a critical role in segregating achiasmate chromosomes during female meiosis. In addition to localizing to oocyte chromosomes, we show that functional full-length Nod-GFP (Nod(FL)-GFP) localizes to the posterior pole of the oocyte at stages 9-10A, as does kinesin heavy chain (KHC), a plus end-directed motor. This posterior localization is abolished in grk mutants that no longer maintain the microtubule (MT) gradient in the oocyte. To test the hypothesis that Nod binds to the plus ends of MTs, we expressed and purified both full-length Nod (Nod(FL)) and a truncated form of Nod containing only the motor-like domain (Nod318) from Escherichia coli and assessed their interactions with MTs in vitro. Both Nod(FL) and Nod318 demonstrate preferential binding to the ends of the MTs, displaying a strong preference for binding to the plus ends. When Nod318-GFP:MT collision complexes were trapped by glutaraldehyde fixation, the preference for binding to plus ends versus minus ends was 17:1. Nod(FL) and Nod318 also promote MT polymerization in vitro in a time-dependent manner. The observation that Nod is preferentially localized to the plus ends of MTs and stimulates MT polymerization suggests a mechanism for its function.  相似文献   
Dystonia musculorum (dt) is a recessive hereditary neuropathy of the mouse. Affected animals display loss of limb coordination and twisting of the trunk. Sensory nerve fibers of these mice are severely reduced in number, and the remaining fibers present numerous axonal swellings. The gene defective in dt, dystonin (Dst), encodes a cytoskeletal linker protein that forms the bridge between F-actin and intermediate filaments. Dst is expressed during embryogenesis, whereas overt phenotype in dt mice only appears during the second week after birth. Here we show that axonal swellings are present in sensory nerve fibers of dt embryos as early as E15.5, before myelination and radial axonal growth have begun. Thus disease progression is gradual in dt mice, having begun during embryogenesis. In dt embryos, microtubule network disorganization and cytoplasmic organelle accumulation within axonal swellings were consistently observed. In addition, a few of the axonal swellings presented intermediate filament accumulation. These results demonstrate that dystonin is required for cytoskeleton organization during axonogenesis. They also suggest that axonal transport defects, through microtubule network perturbation, may be the primary mechanism of neurodegeneration in dt mice. Dev. Genet. 22:160–168, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The Abri des Pêcheurs has yielded an extraordinary sequence with Middle and Upper Palaeolithic levels. Humans came and stayed in a ditch-cave that has been filled in along time. During Middle Palaeolithic occupations, they used first quartz, and this site is the only case in this area. Assemblages show similar technological behaviour along time. Flint is few employed and arrived as flakes from different areas if we consider its geological variety. Functions of the site are not well established. The base of the sequence has yielded sediments with a mixing of ibex, carnivore bones and artefacts. The study of the lithic assemblages brings information on the processing systems used on quartz and flint during occupations which left few evidence and used local stones while flint is available not far from the site. Hypothesis on short and specialized occupations is discussed.  相似文献   
A genetically-manipulated strain of Lactobacillus plantarum and the unmodified parent strain were introduced into the rumen of sheep at an initial inoculum level of 1 times 107 cfu ml-1 of rumen fluid. There were no significant differences between the viable counts of the two inoculants throughout a 24 h sampling period. The rates of loss were 0.36 and 0.29 h-1 (proportion of colony-forming units lost, measured over the first 2 h) for the parent strain and recombinant strain respectively, and within 24 h of inoculation neither of the strains were detectable in rumen fluid. Further experiments in vitro revealed that the inoculants persisted in sterile rumen fluid with a loss rate of 0.044 and 0.057 h-1 for the parent strain and the recombinant strain respectively. Incubations with rumen fluid alone, protozoa-free rumen fluid and protozoa-enriched rumen fluid revealed that protozoal predation was the most significant factor in the loss of the introduced population. The loss rates from protozoa-free rumen fluid were not significantly different (P < 0.05) from those observed in sterile rumen fluid.  相似文献   
Increased uterine artery resistance and angiogenic imbalance characterized by increased soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) and decreased free vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are often associated with placental insufficiency and preeclampsia but not synonymous with hypertension. We hypothesized chronic reductions in utero-placental perfusion (RUPP) for 5 days (d) during either mid- (d12-d17) or late (d14-d19) gestation would have disparate effects on plasma sFlt-1 and VEGF levels and blood pressure. Five days of chronic RUPP was achieved by placement of silver clips on the abdominal aorta and ovarian arteries on either gestational d12 or d14. Arterial pressure was increased (P < 0.05) in RUPP vs. normal pregnant (NP) in both d17 (10%) and d19 (25%) groups, respectively. Circulating free VEGF was decreased (P < 0.05) and sFlt-1:VEGF ratio increased (P < 0.05) after 5 days of RUPP ending on d19 but not d17 compared with NP controls. Angiogenic imbalance, measured by an endothelial tube formation assay, was present in the d19 RUPP but not the d17 RUPP compared with age-matched NP rats. Five days of RUPP from days 14 to 19 decreased fetal and placental weights 10% (P < 0.01) compared with d19 NP controls. After 5 days of RUPP, from days 12 to 17 of pregnancy, fetal weights were 21% lighter (P < 0.01) compared with d17 NP controls, but placental weight was unchanged. These findings suggest that the timing during which placental insufficiency occurs may play an important role in determining the extent of alterations in angiogenic balance, fetal growth restriction, and the severity of placental ischemia-induced hypertension.  相似文献   
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