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Abstract: Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity was measured in brains, livers, and hearts of 23–26-month-old and 3-month-old rats. A significant increase of ALDH activity was found in whole brain of old rats with both acetaldehyde (39%) and propionylaldehyde (15%) used as substrates. In different brain areas of old rats, with acetaldehyde used as substrate, a significant increase of ALDH activity was found in striatum (30–50%) and cerebral cortex (37%). However, no significant difference in ALDH activity was found in livers and hearts of young and old rats. Preliminary experiments showed a significant increase of aldehyde reductase activity (52%) with p -nitrobenzaldehyde used as substrate in whole brain of old rats compared with young rats. The present work indicates that an increase of ALDH activity in brain of old rats may be an adaptive phenomenon.  相似文献   
Philippe Matile 《Planta》1968,79(3):181-196
Summary Nine acid hydrolases are present in lysosomes which are found in the mitochondrial fraction of a cell-free extract prepared from root tips of corn seedlings.Light and heavy lysosomes can be distinguished. The latter are sedimentable in a sucrose-medium, the former only in sorbitol-medium. The fraction of heavy lysosomes is in turn composed of at least three populations of lysosomes differing in density and enzyme content.Light lysosomes are membrane-bound particles with diameters from 0.3 to 1.5 . Electron micrographs of frozen-etched tissue and isolated particles provide evidence that light lysosomes are identical with small vacuoles. This type of lysosome is characterized by presence of transaminases in addition to that of hydrolases. Heavy lysosomes are small spheres (diameters from 0.1–0.3 ) with membranes resembling those of vacuoles and of the endoplasmic reticulum. These lysosomes are characterized by high specific activities of two oxydoreductases known to occur also in the membranes of the reticulum.The different types of particles are thought to represent stages of the development of the lysosomal apparatus; according to this hypothesis the large vacuole of parenchymatous cells represents the end product of this process.  相似文献   
Summary Anacanthotermes ochraceus (Burgmeister), in the oasis of Béni-Abbès (Sahara) will establish its colonies only in the low eathern garden walls and in the clay and straw walls of the houses, where it can find both the water and the malleable clayed materials it requires.Soil analyses have given information on the physico-chemical characteristics of some of the termitaria and of the surrounding sand-hill.The organic matter in the termitarium comes both from the soil and the excrement of the termite. It is high in carbon and low in nitrogen (C/N=2,5), and its mineralization in the présense of gravitational water may result in a loss of mobilizable elements such as the bases.Both the Ph and the aeration of the termitarium favour the mineralization of nitrogenous waste material by bacterial agency.The distribution of calcium carbonate and the condition in which it occurs are more important than the total amount present on account of the part it plays in the texture and structure of the materials, of which the termitarium is composed.A statistical granulometric study of the sand fraction with the results expressed as polar coordinates enables, in comparison with those obtained by mechanical analysis, the texture of the materials colonised byAnacanthotermes ochraceus (Burgmeister) to be defined.
Zusammenfassung In der Oase Béni-Abbés (Sahara) gründen dieAnacanthotermes ochraceus (Burgmeister) ihre Kolonien nur in den Wänden der Gärten und in den Mauern der Wohnungen. Dort finden sie das nötige Wasser und die tonigen Plastikmaterialien.Die Bodenanalysen geben Auskunft über einige der characteristichen physikalischchemischen Eigenschaften der Materialien in der Termitenbauten und in dem benachbartem Erg.Das organische Material in den Termitenbauten stammt einerseits aus dem Boden und andererseits aus den Ausscheidungen der Termiten. Reich an Kohlenstoff und arm an Stickstoff (C/N=2,5) kann seine Mineralisation, in Gegenwart von gravifischem Wasser, einen Verlust von einsatzfähigen Elementen, wie den Laugen, nach sich ziehen.Die Bedingungen des Ph und der Belüftung der Termitenbauten sind günstig für eine Mineralisation der stikstoffhaltigen Abfallstoffe auf bakteriellem Wege.Die Verteilung und die Beschaffenheit des CO3Ca sind dort wichtiger als ihre Gesamtauswertung. Der Grund dafür ist die Rolle, die sie auf der Ebene der Textur und des Aufbaus der Materialen in den Termitenbauten spielen.Die Untersuchung der sandigen Bruchstücke durch die granulometrischen Statistiken in Polarkoordinaten, verglichen mit den Ergebnissen der granulometrischen Analyse, erlauben eine Erklärung der Textur der mit Beschlag belegten kolonisierten Materialen durch dieAnacanthotermes ochraceus (Burgmeister).
Combined capillary gas-liquid chromatography-electron capture negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry of pentafluorobenzyl ester-TMSi ether derivatives of bile acids and isotope dilution using deuterated internal standards are introduced as a sensitive and selective analysis technique for plasma bile acids. As a result of the high ionization efficiency of pentafluorobenzyl derivatives under electron capturing conditions and minimal fragmentation, the detection limit of this technique is low: 1 pg for each bile acid. The high sensitivity enabled the detection and quantitation of atypical bile acids in 200-microliters aliquots of plasma from fasting healthy adults as exemplified by trihydroxycoprostanic acid (0.002 +/- 0.001 mumol/l) and dihydroxycoprostanic acid (0.013 +/- 0.002 mumol/l).  相似文献   
A new strain of strictly anaerobic fungi was isolated from the rumen of sheep. This strain is characterized by a polycentric thallus, an extensive and polynuclear rhizomycelium, polyflagellated zoospores with gamma particle-like bodies. We propose to assign this strain in a new species: Neocallimastix joyonii.  相似文献   
The genes responsible for bacteriocin production and immunity in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis WM4 were localized and characterized by DNA restriction fragment deletion, subcloning, and nucleotide sequence analysis. The nucleotide sequence of a 5.6-kb AvaII restriction fragment revealed a cluster with five complete open reading frames (ORFs) in the same orientation. DNA and protein homology analyses, combined with deletion and Tn5 insertion mutagenesis, implicated four of the ORFs in the production of and immunity to lactococcin A. The last two ORFs in the cluster were the lactococcin A structural and immunity genes, lcnA and lciA. The two ORFs immediately upstream of lcnA and lciA were designated lcnC and lcnD, and the proteins that they encoded showed similarities to proteins of signal sequence-independent secretion systems. lcnC encodes a protein of 716 amino acids that could belong to the HlyB family of ATP-dependent membrane translocators. LcnC contains an ATP binding domain in a conserved C-terminal stretch of approximately 200 amino acids and three putative hydrophobic segments in the N terminus. The lcnD product, LcnD, of 474 amino acids, is essential for lactococcin A expression and shows structural similarities to HlyD and its homologs. On the basis of these results, a secretion apparatus that is essential for the full expression of active lactococcin A is postulated.  相似文献   
Effects of abscisic acid on somatic embryo maturation of hybrid larch   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Somatic embryos of hybrid larch (Larixleptoeuropaea) whichhad been matured for 4 weeks on maturation medium, developednormally on medium supplemented with 60 µM ABA, but abnormallyon medium with no ABA. A comparative structural and histochemicalinvestigation was carried out on these two types of mature embryos.At the light microscope level, differences between both treatmentswere visible only after 2–3 weeks of maturation. At aroundthis time, abnormal development becomes evident macroscopically:ABA-minus embryos remain rather stubby as opposed to the morecylindrically shaped ABA-plus embryos. Whereas somatic embryosmatured with ABA consist of densely cytoplasmic cells showinga high rate of cell division, ABA-minus embryos are largelymade up of expanded and highly vacuolate cells, indicating thatgrowth in the latter is mainly due to cell expansion and notdivision. After 4 weeks of maturation, ABA-minus embryos beginto elongate in the hypocotyl region, and precocious germinationwas observed frequently. Again, these morphogenetic events werelargely due to abnormal timing of cell expansion. Histochemically,storage proteins were found only in somatic embryos maturedfor 4 weeks with ABA. This observation is in line with resultsobtained by total protein analysis, yielding significantly lowertotal protein contents in ABA-minus embryos both on a freshweight and a per embryo basis after 4–5 weeks of maturation.Deposition of starch grains mainly in the cortex tissue of thehypocotyl region was observed within 2 weeks of maturation invarying amounts regardless of ABA supply. Polyphenols, in particularcatechins and proanthocyanidins, were present in all embryosfrom the very onset of development. They were localized preferentiallyin the proximal suspensor cells and the basal region of theembryo. However, accumulation of polyphenols was generally muchmore pronounced in embryos matured without ABA, indicating alack of biochemical regulatory competence in those embryos. Key words: Abscisic acid, embryonal development, somatic embryo, storage protein, polyphenols  相似文献   
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