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Arabidopsis consensus intron sequences   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have analysed 998 Arabidopsis intron sequences in the EMBL database. All Arabidopsis introns to adhere to the :GU...AG: rule with the exception of 1% of introns with :GC at their 5 ends. Virtually all of the introns contained a putative branchpoint sequence (YUNAN) 18 to 60 nt upstream of the 3 splice site. Although a polypyrimidine tract was much less apparent than in vertebrate introns, the most common nucleotide in the region upstream of the 3 splice site was uridine. Consensus sequences for 5 and 3 splice sites and branchpoint sequences for Arabidopsis introns are presented.  相似文献   
An introduced social wasp Vespula vulgaris may compete with native birds for honeydew and invertebrates in New Zealand forests. Experimentally hidden mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) persisted longer at two sites following wasp poisoning that at two sites where wasps were not poisoned. Mealworms persisted longer in the morning than in the afternoon within all study sites. An unusually low mealworm removal rate during a morning trial before wasp poisoning heavily influences the results of this experiment but we have no ecological reason to ignore it. Wasps may therefore be having a heavy impact on invertebrate abundance on very short time scales (within a day following dawn emergence). They may also remove cached food items that would otherwise be retrieved by the South Island robin (Petroica australis australis) during cold or dark feeding conditions.  相似文献   
The normal process of dermal wound healing fails in some cases, due to fibro-proliferative disorders such as keloid and hypertrophic scars. These types of abnormal healing may be regarded as pathologically excessive responses to wounding in terms of fibroblastic cell profiles and their inflammatory growth-factor mediators. Biologically, these conditions are poorly understood and current medical treatments are thus unreliable. In this paper, the authors apply an existing deterministic mathematical model for fibroplasia and wound contraction in adult mammalian dermis (Olsenet al., J. theor. Biol. 177, 113–128, 1995) to investigate key clinical problems concerning these healing disorders. A caricature model is proposed which retains the fundamental cellular and chemical components of the full model, in order to analyse the spatiotemporal dynamics of the initiation, progression, cessation and regression of fibro-contractive diseases in relation to normal healing. This model accounts for fibroblastic cell migration, proliferation and death and growth-factor diffusion, production by cells and tissue removal/decay. Explicit results are obtained in terms of the model processes and parameters. The rate of cellular production of the chemical is shown to be critical to the development of a stable pathological state. Further, cessation and/or regression of the disease depend on appropriate spatiotemporally varying forms for this production rate, which can be understood in terms of the bistability of the normal dermal and pathological steady states—a central property of the model, which is evident from stability and bifurcation analyses. The work predicts novel, biologically realistic and testable pathogenic and control mechanisms, the understanding of which will lead toward more effective strategies for clinical therapy of fibro-proliferative disorders.  相似文献   
The PMP22/EMP/MP20 gene family includes four closely related proteins, peripheral myelin protein-22 (PMP22), epithelial membrane protein-1 (EMP-1), epithelial membrane protein-2 (EMP-2), and epithelial membrane protein-3 (EMP-3), which share amino acid identities ranging from 33 to 43%. In addition, the lens-specific membrane protein MP20 represents a more distant relative. Functionally, this family of proteins is likely to play important roles in the control of cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and cell death. In particular, mutations affecting thePMP22gene are responsible for various hereditary peripheral neuropathies in humans and mice. We report the isolation and characterization of a mouse EMP-1 cDNA and the correspondingemp-1gene. Mouse EMP-1 displays 93% amino acid identity to rat EMP-1 and 39% identity to mouse PMP22. The cDNA-predicted EMP-1 protein contains four putative membrane-associated domains and can beN-linked glycosylatedin vitro.EMP-1 is encoded by a single-copy gene with the positions of introns exactly conserved betweenemp-1andPMP22,corroborating the hypothesis that both genes belong to the same family. Computer-predicted structural domains of EMP-1 are partially mirrored by the exon/intron structure ofemp-1.Most interestingly, exon 4, which covers the potential second transmembrane domain, a small intracellular loop, and half of the third transmembrane domain, encodes the most highly conserved regions between the EMP-1 and PMP22 proteins and is also remarkably conserved in the MP20 gene, indicating some shared functional significance for this module in the PMP22/EMP/MP20 family.  相似文献   
An ecomorphological analysis of the tallgrass prairie of central North America divided representative species of the native grassland flora into eight guilds or groups of species with similar life-form, phenology, and ecology. The guilds, segregated by multivariate analysis, are: (1) warm-season graminoids with Kranz anatomy and the Hatch-Slack photosynthetic pathway (C4 grasses); (2) cool-season graminoids without Kranz anatomy, but with the common Calvin or C3 photosynthetic pathway (C3 grasses and sedges); (3) annuals and biennial forbs; (4) ephemeral spring forbs; (5) spring forbs; (6) summer/fall forbs; (7) legumes; and (8) woody shrubs. The study was based on 158 plant species indigenous to three upland prairie sites in northeastern Kansas. Each species was scored for 32 traits which fall into five broad categories: plant habit, leaf characteristics, stem structures, root structures, and reproductive traits, including phenology. A multivariate, detrended correspondence analysis sorted the 158 species into the eight principal groups or guilds. These groups were further supported by a cluster analysis and discriminant function analysis of the same data set. The discriminant function analysis determined that 94.3% of the species were correctly classified in their respective guilds, and that the guilds were statistically different. Results indicate that guild analysis offers a basis for detailed classification of grassland vegetation that is more ecologically focused than species composition, as the myriad of species (about 1,000 prairie species on the central plains of North America) vary in presence, cover, and importance with their individualistic distribution.Abbreviations C3= C3 photosynthesis - C4= C4 photosynthesis - LSD= least significant difference  相似文献   
Eicosanoids have been demonstrated to play a central role in immune regulation in mammals brought about by their direct effects on cells such as macrophages and lymphocytes or by their indirect effects via cytokines. Studies have shown that fish mononuclear phagocytes, granulocytes and thrombocytes synthesize and release both cyclooxygenase- and lipoxygenase-derived products such as prostaglandin E2, leukotriene B4 and lipoxin A4. Whether lymphocytes have the ability to generate leukotrienes and lipoxins is still unclear but they do appear to have 12-lipoxygenase activity that leads to the generation of 12-hydroxy fatty acid derivatives. As in mammals, leukotriene and lipoxin biosynthesis requires the presence of a 5-lipoxygenase activating protein-like molecule that is sensitive to the action of the specific inhibitor, MK-886. The prostaglandin-generating ability of trout macrophages can be altered by incubation with lipopolysaccharide suggesting the possible presence of an inducible cyclooxygenase activity. Prostaglandins have been found to suppress the mitogen-induced proliferation of trout leucocytes and the generation of humoral antibody and plasma cells both in vivo and in vitro. The lipoxygenase products, leukotriene B4 and lipoxin A4 have more variable effects ranging from inhibition to stimulation depending on the assay system employed. Overall, there is clear evidence that eicosanoids play a role in immune regulation in fish in a similar way to that reported in mammals.  相似文献   
A question that is central to understanding the mechanisms of aging and cellular deterioration is whether enzymes involved in recognition and metabolism of spontaneously damaged proteins are themselves damaged, either becoming substrates for their own activity; or being unable to act upon themselves, initiating cascades of cellular damage. We show here byin vitro experiments that protein (d-aspartyl/l-isoaspartyl) carboxyl methyltransferase (PCM) from bovine erythrocytes does methylate age-dependent amino acid damage in its own sequence. The subpopulation that is methylated, termed thePCM fraction, appears to be formed through age-dependent deamidation of an asparaginyl site to either anl-isoaspartyl ord-aspartyl site because (a) the stoichiometry of automethylation of purified PCM is less than 1%, a value typical of the substoichiometric methylation of many other aged protein substrates, (b)PCM is slightly more acidic than the bulk of PCM, and (c) the methyl esterified site inPCM has the characteristic base-lability of this type of methyl ester. Also, the methyl group is not incorporated into the enzyme as an active site intermediate because the incorporated methyl group is not chased onto substrate protein. The effect of enzyme dilution on the rate of the automethylation reaction is consistent with methylation occurring between protein molecules, showing that the pool of PCM is autocatalytic even though individual molecules may not be. The automethylation and possible self-repair of the PCM pool has implications for maintaining thein vivo efficiency of methylation-dependent protein repair.  相似文献   
Patients with SLE develop IgM autoantibodies to different isoforms of CD45, the major surface membrane protein tyrosine phosphatase on lymphocytes and other nucleated hemopoietic cells. Because such autoantibodies could have a potential role in the development of immune dysfunction in this disorder, we performed a series of experiments to characterize their antigenic specificity further. Blots of recombinantE. coli fusion proteins encoded by exons 3–7 of the p220 and p180 isoforms were uniformly non-reactive with SLE IgM, suggesting that anti-CD45 autoantibodies in SLE are directed against conformational and/or carbohydrate epitopes, rather than linear polypeptide epitopes. This issue was examined further using chemically and enzymatically modified CD45 purified from T cells by lectin affinity chromatography as substrates. Treatment of CD45 with 25 mM sodium-m-periodate, sufficient to abrogate binding to various lectins, abolished the reactivity with SLE anti-CD45 autoantibodies. On the other hand, digestion of CD45 with neuraminidase enhanced the binding of anti-CD45 autoantibodies from some of the SLE sera. This result probably reflects decreased steric hindrance or charge repulsion because the binding of mouse monoclonal antibodies directed against linear polypeptide epitopes of CD45 was similarly enhanced. Digestion of CD45 with N-glycosidase F had no effect on autoantibody staining. Taken together, these data suggest that IgM anti-CD45 autoantibodies in SLE recognize non-sialylated carbohydrate determinants in the highly O-glycosylated polymorphic domains of CD45.Abbreviations SLE systemic lupus erythematosus - SBA soybean agglutinin - RCAI Ricinus communis agglutinin - SNL Sambucus nigra lectin - MBP maltose binding protein - mAb monoclonal antibody - WGA wheat germ agglutinin  相似文献   
The indirect immunofluorescence technique was used to determine the distribution of peptide-containing axons in the gall bladder of the cane toad, Bufo marinus. In addition, the adrenergic innervation of the gall bladder was examined by use of immunoreactivity to the catecholamine-synthesizing enzyme, tyrosine hydroxylase, and glyoxylic acid-induced fluorescence. On the basis of peptide coexistence, two intrinsic populations of neurones and their projecting fibres could be distinguished substance P neurones and vasoactive intestine peptide neurones. Neither of these two types of neurones contained any other colocalized neuropeptides. Four populations of nerve fibres arising from cell bodies outside the gall bladder were identified: nerves containing colocalized galanin, somatostatin and vasoactive intestinal peptide; nerves containing colocalized calcitonin gene-related peptide and substance P; adrenergic nerves containing neuropeptide Y; and nerves containing only adrenaline.  相似文献   
Cell Proliferation Inhibition in Reduced Gravity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extended durations of spaceflight have been shown to be deleterious on an organismic level; however, mechanisms underlying cellular sensitivity to the gravitational environment remain to be elucidated. The majority of the gravitational studies to date indicates that cell regulatory pathways may be influenced by their gravitational environment. Still, few cell biology experiments have been performed in space flight and even fewer experiments have been repeated on subsequent flights. With flight opportunities on STS-50, 542 and 57, Sf9 cells were flown in the BioServe Fluids Processing Apparatus and cell proliferation was measured with and without exposure to a cell regulatory sialogycopeptide (CeReS) inhibitor. Results from these flights indicate that the Sf9 cells grew comparable to ground controls, that the CeReS inhibitor bound to its specific receptor, and that its signal transduction cascade was not gravity sensitive.  相似文献   
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