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Epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced c-fos and c-jun expression is strongly suppressed in microgravity. We investigate here whether this is due to inhibition of processes occurring during the initiation of EGF-induced signal transduction. For this purpose, EGF-induced receptor clustering is used as a marker. The lateral distribution of EGF receptors is directly visualized at an ultrastructural level by the label-fracture method. Quantification of the receptor distributions shows that EGF-induced receptor redistribution is similar under normal and microgravity conditions. This suggests that microgravity influences EGF-induced signal transduction downstream of EGF binding and EGF receptor redistribution, but upstream of early gene expression in human A431 cells.  相似文献   
Calcium deficiency in zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) is associated with reduced growth and a reduced ability to transport auxin (Allan and Rubery, 1991, Planta 183, 604–612). An investigation of the effects of calcium-deficiency on zucchini hypocotyl cells was made using weak-acid uptake and 31P-nuclear-magneticresonance (31P-NMR) spectroscopy in vivo and in tissue extracts. Calcium-deficient tissue had the same cytoplasmic and vacuolar pHs as normal tissue when extracellular pH was near neutral. At acidic external pH the vacuolar pH was lower in deficient tissue. Adenine nucleotides were present predominantly as ATP in both control and calcium-deficient tissues. Addition of calcium to calcium-deficient tissue, under conditions which cause recovery of auxin transport induced no changes in the 31P-NMR spectra of deficient tissue. The content of mobile, phosphorylated metabolites was reduced in calcium-deficient tissue in comparison to control tissue. However, a substantial increase in the content of phosphorylcholine occurs in calcium-deficient tissues compared with controls; this may reflect changes in lipid turnover in calcium-stressed cells. We wish to thank Drs. Terry Moore and Jamie Vandenberg for technical assistance and Professor Peter Morris for providing the gated oxygen device. A.C.A. thanks the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust for a Prince of Wales Scholarship and the O.R.S. Awards Scheme for an award.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to test a theoretical model (Stein et al. 1986) which suggested that minimizing the rate of metabolic energy consumption ( O2) is related to minimizing jerk (third derivative of position) during human movement. At a given speed of walking, O2 has been shown to increase curvilinearly as stride length (SL) is varied from freely chosen stride length (FCSL). It was hypothesized that the jerk-cost, or JC (area under squared jerk curve), would exhibit similar behavior. Subjects (n=24) walked (1.75 m ·. s–1) on a treadmill at FCSL, and at SL derivations at ± 10 and ±20% of leg length from FCSL until steady-state O2 was attained. Videotaping (60 Hz) in the sagittal plane and subsequent digitizing of relevant markers produced position coordinates which were smoothed and normalized in both distance and time before calculating the third time derivative to obtain two-dimensional JC values. The expected response of O2 to deviations in SL was found (minimum at FCSL), but JC increased with SL except at the two longest SL conditions. A weak but statistically significant negative correlation was found between O2 and JC, suggesting that smoothness and economy are not complementary performance criteria during walking.  相似文献   
Long-term atmospheric CO2 concentration records have suggested a reduction in the positive effect of warming on high-latitude carbon uptake since the 1990s. A variety of mechanisms have been proposed to explain the reduced net carbon sink of northern ecosystems with increased air temperature, including water stress on vegetation and increased respiration over recent decades. However, the lack of consistent long-term carbon flux and in situ soil moisture data has severely limited our ability to identify the mechanisms responsible for the recent reduced carbon sink strength. In this study, we used a record of nearly 100 site-years of eddy covariance data from 11 continuous permafrost tundra sites distributed across the circumpolar Arctic to test the temperature (expressed as growing degree days, GDD) responses of gross primary production (GPP), net ecosystem exchange (NEE), and ecosystem respiration (ER) at different periods of the summer (early, peak, and late summer) including dominant tundra vegetation classes (graminoids and mosses, and shrubs). We further tested GPP, NEE, and ER relationships with soil moisture and vapor pressure deficit to identify potential moisture limitations on plant productivity and net carbon exchange. Our results show a decrease in GPP with rising GDD during the peak summer (July) for both vegetation classes, and a significant relationship between the peak summer GPP and soil moisture after statistically controlling for GDD in a partial correlation analysis. These results suggest that tundra ecosystems might not benefit from increased temperature as much as suggested by several terrestrial biosphere models, if decreased soil moisture limits the peak summer plant productivity, reducing the ability of these ecosystems to sequester carbon during the summer.  相似文献   


One of the oldest and most powerful ways for ecologists to explain distinct biological communities is to invoke underlying environmental differences. But in hyper-diverse systems, which often display high species richness and low species abundance, these sorts of community comparisons are especially challenging. The classic view for Amazonian birds posits that riverine barriers and habitat specialization determine local and regional community composition. We test the tacit, complementary assumption that similar bird communities should therefore permeate uniform habitat between major rivers, regardless of distance.


Upland (terra firme) rainforests of central Amazonia.


We conducted intensive whole-community surveys of birds in three pairs of 100-ha plots, separated by 40–60 km. We then used dissimilarity indices, cluster analysis, and ordination to characterize differences among the six avian communities.


In all, we detected 244 forest-dependent birds, with an average of 190 species (78%) per plot. Species turnover was negligible, no unique indicator species were found among plot pairs, and all documented species were already known from a complete inventory at one of the three sites.

Main Conclusions

Our study corroborates the classic biogeographical pattern and suggests that turnover contributes little to regional avian diversity within upland forests. Using a grain size of 100 ha, this implies that upland birds perceive the environment as uniform, at least over distances of ~60 km. Therefore, to maximize both local species richness and population persistence, our findings support the conservation of very large tracts of upland rainforest. Our analyses also revealed that the avifauna at Reserva Ducke, encroached by urban sprawl from the city of Manaus, shows the hallmarks of a disturbed community, with fewer vulnerable insectivores. This defaunation signals that even an enormous preserve (10 × 10 km) in lowland Amazonia is not insulated from anthropogenic degradation within the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   
Now is the time to refocus efforts in urban research and design. A changing climate and extreme weather events are presenting unique challenges to urban systems around the world. These challenges illuminate the social barriers that accompany disruptive events such as resource inequities and injustices. In this perspective, we provide three research priorities for just and sustainable urban systems that help to address these matters. The three research priorities are: (1) social equity and justice, (2) circularity, and (3) digital twins. Conceptual context and future research directions are provided for each. For social equity and justice, the future directions are mandatory equity analysis and inclusionary practices, understanding and reconciling historical injustices, and intentional integration with diverse community stakeholders. For circularity applications, they are better metrics for integration, more robust evaluation frameworks, and dynamic modeling at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Future directions for digital twins include developing principles to reduce complexity, integrating model and system components, and reducing barriers to data access. These research priorities are core to meeting several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (i.e., 1—No Poverty, 8—Decent Work and Economic Growth, 10—Reduced Inequalities, and 11—Sustainable Cities and Communities). Useful social and technical matters are discussed throughout, where we highlight the importance of prioritizing localized research efforts, provide guidance for community-engaged research and co-development practices, and explain how these priorities interact to align with the evolving field of industrial ecology.  相似文献   
A technique was developed for sectioning fresh red spruce foliage (Picea rubens Sarg.) for use in fluorescence microscopy. This allowed rapid examination of mesophyll in 3-5 mm needle sections. Healthy, ozone treated and cold stressed needles were examined to assess the utility of this technique for early detection of damage. Healthy mesophyll cells fluoresced bright red, while injured cells fluoresced yellow-green in ozone treated needles, and yellow-orange in frozen needles. Shifts in fluorescence wavelengths may be useful for early detection of injury to mesophyll before it is evident by standard light or electron microscopy.  相似文献   
Tobacco plants were transformed with derivatives of a binary vector pMON505 and two kanamycin resistant lines that were nopaline positive were selected for second transformation. The plasmids used for the second transformation were derivatives of pMON850 which carries the nopaline synthase gene in addition to a gene for gentamicin resistance. Insertion of each transgene was confirmed by Southern hybridization. Surprisingly, we found that more than 50% of the doubly transformed tobacco plants were nopaline negative. Tobacco plants that were transformed only by the second vector exhibited nopaline accumulation. DNA methylation patterns at the HpaII site in the promoter region of the nopaline synthase gene did not correlate with the nopaline phenotype. In some plant lines, seedlings of the R1 generation which segregated out the second T-DNA insertion recovered the nop+ phenotype. These results indicate that nopaline accumulation was inhibited by the presence of the second T-DNA.Abbreviations T-DNA transferred DNA - NPTII neomycin phosphotransferase II - uidA -glucuronidase - Km kanamycin - Gm gentamicin - nop+ nopaline positive - nop nopaline negative - MS medium, Murashige-Skoog medium  相似文献   
The extreme longevity of turtles and tortoises can make it difficult to determine the conservation status of their populations because high annual adult survival may mask gradual attrition due to low levels of recruitment. When long-term demographic trends are unknown and available data are insufficient for population modelling, it may be assumed that a scarcity of juveniles indicates low recruitment that will result in population ageing and numerical decline. However, the reliability with which the proportion of juveniles foreshadows demographic change is uncertain. We tested the hypothesis that a low proportion of juveniles in a turtle population presages its ageing by analysing over 20 years of survey data for five discrete populations of the Australian western saw-shelled turtle (Myuchelys bellii: Chelidae), a listed threatened species. The analysis tested whether the initial proportion of juvenile turtles in each population was related to its temporal trend in average body size. The five populations had varied structure and trends, with the initial proportion of juvenile turtles ranging from 10% to 39% and average body size increasing over time in some populations and decreasing in others. Contrary to expectation, the initial proportion of juveniles was unrelated to the trend in average body size and, by inference, average age, indicating that effective trend forecasting requires more detailed demographic information than merely population structure.  相似文献   
Dietary supplementation with a fish oil concentrate (FOC) reduced the endogenous synthesis of prostacyclin (PGI2), as measured by the excretion of its major urinary catabolite, 2,3-dinor-6-oxo-PGF (PGI2-M). Thirty-four healthy men (24–57 years old) were given controlled diets and supplements that provided 40% of the energy from fat and a minimum of 22 mg/d of α-tocopherol for two consecutive experimental periods of 10 weeks each. During the experimental periods, the men received capsules containing 15 g/d of a placebo oil (PO) (period 1) or 15 g/d of the FOC (period 2). In addition to the PO or FOC, capsules contained 1 mg of α-tocopherol per g of fat as an antioxidant. The average daily excretion of PGI2-M during the last week of FOC supplementation (period 2) was 22% less (P = 0.0001) than at the end of the first period. These results are at variance with those reported in comparable human studies conducted by other investigators during the middle and late 1980s. A 20% reduction (P = 0.003) in the 11-dehydrothromboxane B2 to 2,3-dinor-6-oxo-PGF excretion ratio at the end of period 2 in this study demonstrates that a shift of the n-6 to n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio from 12.5 to 2.3 brings about a substantial modulation of the eicosanoid system.  相似文献   
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