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Readily available chemical fertilizers have resulted in a decline in the use of organic manure (e.g., green manures), a traditionally sustainable source of nutrients. Based on this, we applied urea at the rate of 270 kg ha−1 with and without green manure in order to assess nitrogen (N) productivity in a double rice cropping system in 2017. In particular, treatment combinations were as follows: winter fallow rice-rice (WF-R-R), milk vetch rice-rice (MV-R-R), oil-seed rape rice-rice (R-R-R) and potato crop rice-rice (P-R-R). Results revealed that green manure significantly (p ≤ 0.05) improved the soil chemical properties and net soil organic carbon content increased by an average 117.47%, total nitrogen (N) by 28.41%, available N by 26.64%, total phosphorus (P) by 37.77%, available P by 20.48% and available potassium (K) by 33.10% than WF-R-R, however pH was reduced by 3.30% across the seasons. Similarly, net dry matter accumulation rate enhanced in green manure applied treatments and ranked in order: P-R-R > R-R-R > MV-R-R > WF-R-R. Furthermore, the total leaf dry matter transport (t ha−1 ) for the P-R-R in both seasons was significantly higher by an average 11.2%, 7.2% and 36 % than MV-R-R, R-R-R, and WF-R-R, respectively. In addition, net total nitrogen accumulation (kg ha−1 ) was found higher in green manure applied plots compared to the control. Yield and yield attributed traits were observed maximum in green manure applied plots, with treatments ranking as follows: P-R-R > R-R-R > MV-R-R > WF-R-R. Thus, results obtained highlight ability of green manure to sustainably improve soil quality and rice yield.  相似文献   
周全  张燕均  杨平  杨奇森  吴毅 《四川动物》2012,31(2):287-289
1984年9月24日在广东连州采集到2只蝙蝠(1♀,1♂),体型大,头体长分别为92.0mm,85.0mm,前臂长73.2mm,73.0mm,颅全长24.68mm,23.97mm;尾端有少量长毛;脑颅比较狭窄。经与国内已采集的黑髯墓蝠Taphozous melanopogon标本及已报道的同类蝙蝠特征相比较,鉴定该蝙蝠标本为鞘尾蝠科的大墓蝠Taphozous theobaldi Dobson,1872,为广东省蝙蝠新纪录种。  相似文献   
翟亚男  许泉  郭亚  吴强 《遗传》2016,38(4):323-336
哺乳动物中原钙粘蛋白(Protocadherin, Pcdh)基因簇包含50多个串联排列的基因,这些基因形成3个紧密相连的基因簇(Pcdhα、Pcdhβ和Pcdhγ),所编码的原钙粘蛋白质群在神经元多样性(Neuronal diversity)和单细胞特异性(Single cell identity)以及神经突触信号转导中发挥重要作用。前期的工作已证实转录因子CTCF(CCCTC-binding factor)与CTCF结合位点(CTCF-binding site, CBS)的方向性结合能够决定增强子和启动子环化的方向以及其远距离交互作用的特异性,并进一步在Pcdh基因座(Locus)形成两个(Pcdhα和Pcdhγ)染色质拓扑结构域(CTCF/cohesin- mediated chromatin domain, CCD),而且染色质拓扑结构域对于控制基因表达调控至关重要。本文通过生物信息学方法对比人类和小鼠序列,发现Pcdhβγ染色质拓扑结构域调控区域中的DNase I超敏位点(DNase I hypersensitive sites, HSs)较为保守。染色质免疫沉淀及大规模测序实验(Chromatin immunoprecipitation and massive parallel sequencing, ChIP-Seq)揭示CBS位点在Pcdhβγ调控区域中成簇分布并且具有相同的方向。凝胶电泳迁移实验(Electrophoresis mobility shift assay, EMSA)确定Pcdhβγ调控区域内具体的42 bp CBS位点并且发现一个CTCF峰包含两个CBS位点。在全基因组范围内,运用计算生物学方法分析CTCF和增强子、启动子等调控元件的关系,发现CBS位点在调控元件附近有较多分布,推测CTCF通过介导增强子和启动子的特异性交互作用,在细胞核三维基因组内形成活性转录枢纽调控基因精准表达。  相似文献   
热激蛋白HSP70是一类细胞必需的具有ATPase活性的分子伴侣。ADP的脱离是HSP70分子伴侣体系能够完成其功能循环的限速步骤,该反应步骤由核苷酸交换因子(NEFs)加速,因此,NEFs是HSP70分子伴侣体系中的一类关键辅助因子。本文总结了有关NEFs的研究成果以及植物NEFs的最新研究进展。  相似文献   
大豆是豆类植物中最早发现存在蛋白酶抑制子的 ,由于其存在影响了豆类的利用价值 ,因此研究人员一直在寻找着解决办法。采用加热处理方法不能彻底钝化豆类蛋白的蛋白酶抑制子活性 ,且豆类蛋白的含硫氨基酸主要存在于各类蛋白酶抑制子中 ,从豆类蛋白中除去抑制子蛋白将大大降低其营养效价。本研究的目的是试图寻找一种可在常温下降解豆类胰蛋白酶抑制子的蛋白酶 ,从而钝化豆类的胰蛋白酶抑制活性。在前期工作中 ,我们发现枯草杆菌蛋白酶 (Sub tilisin)可在在常温下降解花生及大豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂[1] ,近期我们的研究表明 ,Alca…  相似文献   
CD3ε和PMA对fas基因转录调控作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了CD3ε和PMA对细胞凋亡基因fas的转录调控作用.根据已知的人fas基因5'上游序列设计引物,用PCR法从人胸腺细胞基因组DNA中扩增出fas5'上游长为446bp的启动子片段.将此片段定向克隆到以虫荧光素酶为报告基因的真核细胞表达载体pXP2中.经限制性内切酶酶切鉴定及序列测定分析表明此重组表达质粒DNA的结构和序列正确.用此质粒(pXP2-fasup)瞬时转染人JurkatT淋巴细胞,分析报告基因的表达水平.结果表明fas基因上游-506到-60的区域有弱启动子活性,约是阴性对照的1.5倍.抗CD3ε抗体和PMA处理均可增强fas启动子的活性,促进报告基因的表达,其虫荧光素酶活性分别是未经处理的pXP2-fasup转染细胞的1.7倍和3.3倍,但二者没有协同作用.PKC的抑制剂staurosporine和PTK的抑制剂herbimycinA可抑制PMA诱导的fas基因转录,使虫荧光素酶基因的表达降至未用PMA处理的水平.但PTK的另一种抑制剂genistein可与PMA发挥协同作用,上调fas基因的转录,使虫荧光素酶活性增加到5倍.这些结果为阐明CD3ε及PMA介导T淋巴细胞激活和凋亡的分子机制  相似文献   
目的探讨我国3个特有的小型猪品系,巴马小型猪,五指山小型猪,中国农大小型猪胰淀素(IAPP)基因多态性分布,为我国小型猪在2型糖尿病及代谢性疾病研究中的应用提供基础资料。方法提取3个品系小型猪血液基因组DNA,针对IAPP基因外显子3~内含子3的部分序列进行PCR扩增,产物鉴定、测序,统计分析基因多态。结果在所扩增的片段中共检测出2个SNPs位点,SNPs1:43G→A,位于外显子上,未引起的氨基酸的改变,突变发生在五指山猪(G/A杂合突变为16.7%,A纯合突变为83.3%)和中国农大猪(G/A杂合突变60%,A纯合突变为20%两个品系中。SNPs2:214C→T,位于内含子上,发生在五指山猪(T/C杂合突变为16.7%,T纯合突变为83.3%)和中国农大猪(T/C杂合突变为20%,T纯合突变为60%)两个品系中。结论在IAPP基因外显子3-内含子3的部分扩增序列中发现了2个SNPs位点,在3个品系小型猪中的分布不同。  相似文献   
通过扫描电镜和常规石蜡切片技术,观察了柏科4个属(Fokienia、Cupressus、Chamaecyparis和Juniperus)植物雌球果中胚珠的发育及苞片的结构变化。在所有研究的种类中,可育苞片腋部最先观察到的结构是一扁平的突起,并在其上分化出发育为胚珠的胚珠原基。在雌球果的发育过程中,未观察到独立的珠鳞发育。不同的种中,胚珠的数量和发育顺序有所不同,但苞片的发育是相似的。传粉前,苞片的结构与叶相似。传粉后,由于剧烈的居间生长,苞片发育为盾形,形成球形的球果。另外,在发育后期,苞片内维管系统变得复杂,并且在近轴面有反向的维管束发育。我们还对柏科植物雌球果的形态学特性及其可能的演化趋势进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Geng X  Bai Q  Zhang Y  Li X  Wu D 《Journal of biotechnology》2004,113(1-3):137-149
A new technology for renaturation with simultaneous purification of the recombinant human interferon-gamma (rhIFN-gamma) in downstream of biotechnology is presented. The strategies to develop the new technology in industry scale were suggested. Based on chemical equilibrium and molecular interactions, the principle of rhIFN-gamma refolding by HPHIC was described. The kind of stationary and mobile phases were evaluated and found the former to contribute to the rhIFN-gamma refolding more than the latter. The extract containing the rhIFN-gamma in gram scale in 7.0 mol L(-1) guanidine hydrochloride solution of 700 mL was directly pumped into a unit of simultaneous renaturation and purification of proteins (USRPP, 10 x 300 mm i.d.) packed by small particle packings of hydrophobic interaction chromatography and a satisfactory recovery of bioactivity and mass of the rhIFN-gamma was obtained. With flow rate 100 mL min(-1) and a gradient elution by only one step in 4h, the purity and specific bioactivity approach to 95% and 8.7 x 10(7) IU(-1) mg, respectively. To evaluate the goodness of the presented new technology in this study, a usual method with the renaturation by dilution method firstly and then purification with a series of LC in literature was employed to compare with each other. The obtained result in terms of purity, recoveries of mass and bioactivity, cost time as well as expenses, the former is much better than the latter. Comparing the total bioactivity of rhIFN-gamma in the extract before to that after the renaturation by the USRPP, the total bioactivity of rhIFN-gamma increased 62-fold.  相似文献   
The rapid worldwide spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) mandates the development of successful vaccination strategies. Since live attenuated HIV is not accepted as a vaccine due to safety concerns, virus-like particles (VLPs) offer an attractive safe alternative because they lack the viral genome yet they are perceived by the immune system as a virus particle. We hypothesized that adding immunostimulatory signals to VLPs would enhance their efficacy. To accomplish this we generated chimeric simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) VLPs containing either glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) or CD40 ligand (CD40L) and investigated their biological activity and ability to enhance immune responses in vivo. Immunization of mice with chimeric SIV VLPs containing GM-CSF induced SIV Env-specific antibodies as well as neutralizing activity at significantly higher levels than those induced by standard SIV VLPs, SIV VLPs containing CD40L, or standard VLPs mixed with soluble GM-CSF. In addition, mice immunized with chimeric SIV VLPs containing either GM-CSF or CD40L showed significantly increased CD4(+)- and CD8(+)-T-cell responses to SIV Env, compared to standard SIV VLPs. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the incorporation of immunostimulatory molecules enhances humoral and cellular immune responses. We propose that anchoring immunostimulatory molecules into SIV VLPs can be a promising approach to augmenting the efficacy of VLP antigens.  相似文献   
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