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The selectins interact in important normal and pathological situations with certain sialylated, fucosylated glycoconjugate ligands containing sialyl Lewisx(Neu5Acalpha2-3Galbeta1-4(Fucalpha1-3)GlcN Ac). Much effort has gone into the synthesis of sialylated and sulfated Lewisxanalogs as competitive ligands for the selectins. Since the natural selectin ligands GlyCAM-1 and PSGL-1 carry sialyl Lewisxas part of a branched Core 2 O-linked structure, we recently synthesized Galbeta1-4(Fucalpha1-3)GlcNAcbeta1-6(SE-3Galbeta1++ +-3)GalNAc1alphaOMe and found it to be a moderately superior ligand for L and P-selectin (Koenig et al. , Glycobiology 7, 79-93, 1997). Other studies have shown that sulfate esters can replace sialic acid in some selectin ligands (Yeun et al. , Biochemistry, 31, 9126-9131, 1992; Imai et al. , Nature, 361, 555, 1993). Based upon these observations, we hypothesized that Neu5Acalpha2-3Galbeta1-3GalNAc might have the capability of interacting with L- and P-selectin. To examine this hypothesis, we synthesized Galbeta1-4(Fucalpha1-3)GlcNAcbeta1-6(Neu5Acalpha2++ +-3Galbeta1-3)- GalNAc alpha1-OB, which was found to be 2- to 3-fold better than sialyl Lexfor P and L selectin, respectively. We also report the synthesis of an unusual structure GalNAcbeta1-4(Fucalpha1- 3)GlcNAcbeta1-OMe (GalNAc- Lewisx-O-methyl glycoside), which also proved to be a better inhibitor of L- and P-selectin than sialyl Lewisx-OMe. Combining this with our knowledge of Core 2 branched structures, we have synthesized a molecule that is 5- to 6-fold better at inhibiting L- and P-selectin than sialyl Lewisx-OMe, By contrast to unbranched structures, substitution of a sulfate ester group for a sialic acid residue in such a molecule resulted in a considerable loss of inhibition ability. Thus, the combination of a sialic acid residue on the primary (beta1-3) arm, and a modified Lexunit on the branched (beta1-6) arm on an O-linked Core 2 structure generated a monovalent synthetic oliogosaccharide inhibitor superior to SLexfor both L- and P-selectin.   相似文献   
Angiotensin IV enhances LTP in rat dentate gyrus in vivo   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Angiotensins have been shown to play a significant role in a variety of physiological functions including learning and memory processes. Relatively recent evidence supports the increasing importance of angiotensin IV (Ang IV), in many of these functions previously associated only with Ang II, including learning and memory. An interesting hypothesis generated by these results has been that Ang II is a precursor for the production of a more active peptide fragment, Ang IV. Since Ang II impairs learning and memory, when administered directly or released into the hippocampal dentate gyrus, and inhibits long term potentiation (LTP) in medial perforant path-dentate granule cell synapses, as well; it remained to be seen what effects Ang IV had on LTP in these same synapses. Results of this study show clearly that Ang IV significantly enhances LTP, and the enhancement is both dose and time dependent. The following solutions of Ang IV were administered over a five min period, at the end of baseline and before the first tetanus was applied: 2.39, 4.78, and 9.56 nM. An inverted U-type dose related effect was observed. A complex time related effect was observed with a maximum at 5 min, a return to normal LTP at 30 min and a minimum below normal at 90 min, and a return to normal LTP at 120 min. The effects of the 4.78 nM solution were determined at the following intervals between administration and the first tetanus: 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min. The enhancement of LTP can be prevented by pretreatment with Divalinal, an Ang IV antagonist, without any effect on normal LTP. Two solutions of Divalinal were used; 5 nM and 5 microM, and the 5 microM was more effective and completely blocked the enhancement of normal LTP. Results were also obtained with 4.78 nM Nle1-Ang IV (Norleucine), an Ang IV agonist. Norleucine was less effective than Ang IV in the enhancement of normal LTP and displayed a similar time course of activity. Both Ang IV and Norleucine produced a significant suppression of normal LTP at 90 min; that remains to be explained. However, the inhibition by Ang IV was dose dependent and was blocked by Divalinal. The fact that the Ang IV enhancement of normal LTP was blocked by losartan, an Ang II AT1 receptor antagonist, is puzzling since Divalinal had no effect on the inhibition of LTP by Ang II.  相似文献   


Binding of serum components by surface M-related proteins, encoded by the emm genes, in streptococci constitutes a major virulence factor in this important group of organisms. The present study demonstrates fibrinogen binding by S. iniae, a Lancefield non-typeable pathogen causing devastating fish losses in the aquaculture industry and an opportunistic pathogen of humans, and identifies the proteins involved and their encoding genes.  相似文献   
Interspecific comparisons of microsatellite loci have repeatedly shown that the loci are longer and more variable in the species from which they are derived (the focal species) than are homologous loci in other (nonfocal) species. There is debate as to whether this is due to directional evolution or to an ascertainment bias during the cloning and locus selection processes. This study tests these hypotheses by performing a reciprocal study. Eighteen perfect dinucleotide microsatellite loci identified from a Drosophila simulans library screen and 18 previously identified in an identical Drosophila melanogaster library screen were used to survey natural populations of each species. No difference between focal and nonfocal species was observed for mean PCR fragment length. However, heterozygosity and number of alleles were significantly higher in the focal species than in the nonfocal species. The most common allele in the Zimbabwe population of both species was sequenced for 31 of the 36 loci. The length of the longest stretch of perfect repeat units is, on average, longer in the focal species than in the non-focal species. There is a positive correlation between the length of the longest stretch of perfect repeats and heterozygosity. The difference in heterozygosity can thus be explained by a reduction in the length of the longest stretch of perfect repeats in the nonfocal species. Furthermore, flanking-sequence length difference was noted between the two species at 58% of the loci sequenced. These data do not support the predictions of the directional-evolution hypothesis; however, consistent with the ascertainment bias hypothesis, the lower variability in nonfocal species is an artifact of the microsatellite cloning and isolation process. Our results also suggest that the magnitude of ascertainment bias for repeat unit length is a function of the microsatellite size distribution in the genomes of different species.   相似文献   
Summary The catecholaminergic innervation of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the rat was studred by preembedding immunocytochemical methods utilizing specific antibodies which were generated against catecholamine synthesizing enzymes. Phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT)-immunoreactive terminals contained 80–120 nm dense core granules and 30–50 nm clear synaptic vesicles. The labeled boutons terminated on cell bodies and dendrites of both parvo- and magnocellular neurons of PVN via asymmetric synapses. The parvocellular subnuclei received a more intense adrenergic innervation than did the magnocellular regions of the nucleus. Dopamine--hydroxylase (DBH)-immunopositive axons were most numerous in the periventricular zone and the medial paryocellular subnucleus of PVN. Labeled terminal boutens contained 70–100 nm dense granules and clusters of spherical, electron lucent vesicles. Dendrites, perikarya and spinous structures of paraventricular neurons were observed to be the postsynaptic targets of DBH axon terminals. These asymmetric synapses frequently exhibited subsynaptic dense bodies. Paraventricular neurons did not demonstrate either PNMT or DBH immunoreactivity. The fibers present within the nucleus which contained these enzymes are considered to represent extrinsic afferent connections to neurons of the PVN.Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunoreactivity was found both in neurons and neuronal processes within the PVN In TH-cells, the immunolabel was associated with rough endoplasmic reticulum, free ribosomes and 70–120 nm dense granules. Occasionally, nematosome-like bodies and cilia were observed in the TH-perikarya. Unlabeled axons established en passant and bouton terminaux type synapses with these TH-immunopositive cells. TH-immunoreactive axons terminated on cell bodies as well as somatic and dendritic spines of paraventricular parvocellular neurons. TH-containing axons were observed to deeply invaginate into both dendrites and perikarya of magnocellular neurons.These observations provide ultrastructural evidence for the participation of central catecholaminergic neuronal systems in the regulation of the different neuronal and neuroendocrine functions which have been related to hypothalamic paraventricular neurons.Supported by NIH Grant NS 19266 to W.K. Paull  相似文献   
Hitchhiking effects of advantageous mutations have been invoked to explain reduced polymorphism in regions of low crossing-over in Drosophila. Besides reducing DNA heterozygosity, hitchhiking effects should produce strong linkage disequilibrium and a frequency spectrum skewed toward an excess of rare polymorphisms (compared to the neutral expectation). We measured DNA polymorphism in a Zimbabwe population of D. melanogaster at three loci, yellow, achaete, and suppressor of forked, located in regions of reduced crossing-over. Similar to previously published surveys of these genomic regions in other populations, we observed low levels of nucleotide variability. However, the frequency spectrum was compatible with a neutral model, and there was abundant evidence for recombination in the history of the yellow and ac genes. Thus, some aspects of the data cannot be accounted for by a simple hitchhiking model. An alternative hypothesis, background selection, might be compatible with the observed patterns of linkage disequilibrium and the frequency spectrum. However, this model cannot account for the observed reduction in nucleotide heterozygosity. Thus, there is currently no satisfactory theoretical model for the data from the tip and base of the X chromosome in D. melanogaster.   相似文献   
Tempo and mode of concerted evolution in the L1 repeat family of mice   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A 300-bp DNA sequence has been determined for 30 (10 from each of three species of mice) random isolates of a subset of the long interspersed repeat family L1. From these data we conclude that members of the L1 family are evolving in concert at the DNA sequence level in Mus domesticus, Mus caroli, and Mus platythrix. The mechanism responsible for this phenomenon may be either duplicative transposition, gene conversion, or a combination of the two. The amount of intraspecies divergence averages 4.4%, although between species base substitutions accumulate at the rate of approximately 0.85%/Myr to a maximum divergence of 9.1% between M. platythrix and both M. domesticus and M. caroli. Parsimony analysis reveals that the M. platythrix L1 family has evolved into a distinct clade in the 10-12 Myr since M. platythrix last shared a common ancestor with M. domesticus and M. caroli. The parsimony tree also provides a means to derive the average half-life of L1 sequences in the genome. The rates of gain and loss of individual copies of L1 were estimated to be approximately equal, such that approximately one-half of them turn over every 3.3 Myr.   相似文献   


Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV), the causative agent of Rift Valley fever, is an enveloped single-stranded negative-sense RNA virus in the genus Phlebovirus, family Bunyaviridae. The virus is spread by infected mosquitoes and affects ruminants and humans, causing abortion storms in pregnant ruminants, high neonatal mortality in animals, and morbidity and occasional fatalities in humans. The disease is endemic in parts of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, but is described as emerging due to the wide range of mosquitoes that could spread the disease into non-endemic regions.There are different tests for determining whether animals are infected with or have been exposed to RVFV. The most common serological test is antibody ELISA, which detects host immunoglobulins M or G produced specifically in response to infection with RVFV. The presence of antibodies to RVFV nucleocapsid protein (N-protein) is among the best indicators of RVFV exposure in animals. This work describes an investigation of the feasibility of producing a recombinant N-protein in Nicotiana benthamiana and using it in an ELISA.


The human-codon optimised RVFV N-protein was successfully expressed in N. benthamiana via Agrobacterium-mediated infiltration of leaves. The recombinant protein was detected as monomers and dimers with maximum protein yields calculated to be 500–558?mg/kg of fresh plant leaves. The identity of the protein was confirmed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) resulting in 87.35% coverage, with 264 unique peptides. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the protein forms ring structures of ~?10?nm in diameter. Preliminary data revealed that the protein could successfully differentiate between sera of RVFV-infected sheep and from sera of those not infected with the virus.


To the best of our knowledge this is the first study demonstrating the successful production of RVFV N-protein as a diagnostic reagent by Agrobacterium-mediated transient heterologous expression in N. benthamiana. Preliminary testing of the antigen showed its ability to distinguish RVFV-positive animal sera from RVFV negative animal sera when used in an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The cost-effective, scalable and simple production method has great potential for use in developing countries where rapid diagnosis of RVFV is necessary.
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