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DNA microarrays have been used to study the expression of thousands of genes at the same time in a variety of cells and tissues. The methods most commonly used to label probes for microarray studies require a minimum of 20 microg of total RNA or 2 microg of poly(A) RNA. This has made it difficult to study small and rare tissue samples. RNA amplification techniques and improved labeling methods have recently been described. These new procedures and reagents allow the use of less input RNA, but they are relatively time-consuming and expensive. Here we introduce a technique for preparing fluorescent probes that can be used to label as little as 1 microg of total RNA. The method is based on priming cDNA synthesis with random hexamer oligonucleotides, on the 5' ends of which are bases with free amino groups. These amine-modified primers are incorporated into the cDNA along with aminoallyl nucleotides, and fluorescent dyes are then chemically added to the free amines. The method is simple to execute, and amine-reactive dyes are considerably less expensive than dye-labeled bases or dendrimers.  相似文献   
Candida albicans is the most common cause of fungal bloodstream infections. To invade the deep tissues, blood-borne organisms must cross the endothelial cell lining of the vasculature. We have found previously that C. albicans hyphae, but not blastospores, invade endothelial cells in vitro by inducing their own endocytosis. Therefore, we set out to identify the endothelial cell receptor that mediates the endocytosis of C. albicans. We determined that endocytosis of C. albicans was not mediated by bridging molecules in the serum and that it was partially dependent on the presence of extracellular calcium. Using an affinity purification procedure, we discovered that endothelial cell N-cadherin bound to C. albicans hyphae but not blastospores. N-cadherin also co-localized with C. albicans hyphae that were being endocytosed by endothelial cells. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing human N-cadherin endocytosed significantly more C. albicans hyphae than did CHO cells expressing either human VE-cadherin or no human cadherins. The expression of N-cadherin by the CHO cells resulted in enhanced endocytosis of hyphae, but not blastospores, indicating the selectivity of the N-cadherin-mediated endocytosis. Down-regulation of endothelial cell N-cadherin expression with small interfering RNA significantly inhibited the endocytosis of C. albicans hyphae. Therefore, a novel function of N-cadherin is that it serves as an endothelial cell receptor, which mediates the endocytosis of C. albicans.  相似文献   
Extracts from Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino (Cucurbitaceae), a Southeast Asian herb, has been reported to affect numerous activities resulting in antitumor, cholesterol-lowering, immunopotentiating, antioxidant, and hypoglycemic effects. We have isolated one active compound by ethanol extraction, distribution in n-butyl alcohol/water, solid phase extraction/separation, and several rounds of reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography. We have shown by NMR and mass spectrometry that this active compound is a novel saponin, a gypenoside, which we have named phanoside (21-,23-epoxy-,3beta-,20-,21-trihydroxydammar-24-ene-3-O-([alpha-d-rhamnopyranosyl(1-->2)]-[beta-d-glycopyranosyl(1-->3)]-beta-d-lyxopyranoside)), with a molecular mass of 914.5 Da. Phanoside is a dammarane-type saponin, and four stereoisomers differing in configurations at positions 21 and 23 were identified, each of which were found to stimulate insulin release from isolated rat pancreatic islets. We have also found that the stereoisomers are interconvertible. Dose-dependent insulin-releasing activities at 3.3 and 16.7 mM glucose levels were determined for the racemic mixture containing all four stereoisomers. Phanoside at 500 microM stimulates insulin release in vitro 10-fold at 3.3 mM glucose and potentiates the release almost 4-fold at 16.7 mM glucose. At these glucose levels, 2 microm glibenclamide stimulates insulin release only 2-fold. Interestingly, beta-cell sensitivity to phanoside is higher at 16.7 mM than at 3.3 mM glucose, although insulin responses were significantly increased by phanoside below 125 microM only at high glucose levels. Also when given orally to rats, phanoside (40 and 80 mg/ml) improved glucose tolerance and enhanced plasma insulin levels at hyperglycemia.  相似文献   
Sphingosine kinase is a highly conserved enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of sphingosine 1-phosphate and reduces cellular levels of sphingosine and ceramide. Although ceramide is pro-apoptotic and sphingosine is generally growth-inhibitory, sphingosine 1-phosphate signaling promotes cell proliferation, survival, and migration. Sphingosine kinase is thus in a strategic position to regulate important cell fate decisions which may contribute to normal animal development. To facilitate studies examining the potential role of sphingosine kinase and long chain base metabolism in Drosophila development, we characterized two putative Drosophila sphingosine kinase genes, Sk1 and Sk2. Both genes functionally and biochemically complement a yeast sphingosine kinase mutant, express predominantly cytosolic activities, and are capable of phosphorylating a range of endogenous and non-endogenous sphingoid base substrates. The two genes demonstrate overlapping but distinct temporal and spatial expression patterns in the Drosophila embryo, and timing of expression is consistent with observed changes in long chain base levels throughout development. A null Sk2 transposon insertion mutant demonstrated elevated long chain base levels, impaired flight performance, and diminished ovulation. This is the first reported mutation of a sphingosine kinase in an animal model; the associated phenotypes indicate that Sk1 and Sk2 are not redundant in biological function and that sphingosine kinase is essential for diverse physiological functions in this organism.  相似文献   
The majority of structural efforts addressing RNA's catalytic function have focused on natural ribozymes, which catalyze phosphodiester transfer reactions. By contrast, little is known about how RNA catalyzes other types of chemical reactions. We report here the crystal structures of a ribozyme that catalyzes enantioselective carbon-carbon bond formation by the Diels-Alder reaction in the unbound state and in complex with a reaction product. The RNA adopts a lambda-shaped nested pseudoknot architecture whose preformed hydrophobic pocket is precisely complementary in shape to the reaction product. RNA folding and product binding are dictated by extensive stacking and hydrogen bonding, whereas stereoselection is governed by the shape of the catalytic pocket. Catalysis is apparently achieved by a combination of proximity, complementarity and electronic effects. We observe structural parallels in the independently evolved catalytic pocket architectures for ribozyme- and antibody-catalyzed Diels-Alder carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions.  相似文献   
Keloids are disfiguring, proliferative scars that represent a pathological response to cutaneous injury. The overabundant extracellular matrix formation, largely from collagen deposition, is characteristic of these lesions and has led to investigations into the role of the fibroblast in its pathogenesis. Curiously, the role of the epidermis in extracellular matrix collagen deposition of normal skin has been established, but a similar hypothesis in keloids has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of keloid epithelial keratinocytes on the growth and proliferation of normal fibroblasts in an in vitro serum-free co-culture system. A permeable membrane separated two chambers; the upper chamber contained a fully differentiated stratified epithelium derived from the skin of excised earlobe keloid specimens, whereas the lower chamber contained a monolayer of normal or keloid fibroblasts. Both cell types were nourished by serum-free medium from the lower chamber.Epithelial keratinocytes from five separate earlobe keloid specimens were investigated. Four sets of quadruplicates were performed for each specimen co-cultured with normal fibroblasts or keloid-derived fibroblasts. Controls consisted of (1) normal keratinocytes co-cultured with normal fibroblasts, and (2) fibroblasts grown in serum-free media in the absence of keratinocytes in the upper chamber. Fibroblasts were indirectly quantified by 3- (4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide colorimetric assay, with results confirmed by DNA content measurement, at days 1 and 5 after the co- culture initiation.Significantly, increased proliferation was seen in fibroblasts co-cultured with keloid keratinocytes, as compared with the normal keratinocyte controls at day 5 (analysis of variance, p < 0.001). These results strongly suggest that the overlying epidermal keratinocytes of the keloid may have an important, previously unappreciated role in keloid pathogenesis using paracrine or epithelial-mesenchymal signaling.  相似文献   
In vitro assays have demonstrated the capability of poly-L-lysine to protect plasmid DNA from serum nucleases and cellular lysates. Our purpose was to evaluate the stability and potency of poly-L-lysine-DNA polyplexes after intravenous injection into mice. Polyplexes consisted of 32P-radiolabeled plasmid DNA complexed with poly-L-lysine at specified charge ratios. Variations in conjugate hydrophobicity and levels of modification with polyethylene glycol were investigated. Our results show that, in contrast to in vitro studies, the systemically administered polyplexes exhibited marked DNA degradation in the vascular compartment within 5 min. Substitution of poly-L-lysine epsilon-amino sites with polyethylene glycol or hydrocarbon chains resulted in faster degradation even when complexed at higher charge (+/-) ratios. Use of excess cationic charge in the polyplexes (+/- 2.5) diminished degradation rates only slightly. An analysis was made of the strength of the poly-L-lysine:DNA interaction by competition with poly-aspartic acid. Polyplexes with the strongest binding between conjugate and DNA in the competition assay were also the most stable in blood. However, tighter binding was not enough to fully protect the polyplex in vivo and polyplex DNA was substantially degraded within 10 min. Increased polyplex stability did not correlate with improved in vivo transfection efficiency.  相似文献   
A complete understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the formation and repair of the central nervous system myelin sheath requires an unambiguous identification and isolation of in vivo-differentiated myelin-forming cells. In order to develop a novel tool for the analysis of in vivo-differentiated oligodendrocytes, we generated transgenic mice expressing a red-shifted variant of the green fluorescent protein under the control of the proteolipid protein promoter. We demonstrate here that green fluorescent protein-derived fluorescence in the central nervous system of 9-day- to 7-week-old mice is restricted to mature oligodendrocytes, as determined by its spatiotemporal appearance and by both immunocytochemical and electrophysiological criteria. Green fluorescent protein-positive oligodendrocytes could easily be visualized in live and fixed tissue. Furthermore, we show that this convenient and reliable identification now allows detailed physiological analyses of differentiated oligodendrocytes in situ. In addition, we developed a novel tissue culture system for in vivo-differentiated oligodendrocytes. Initial data using this system indicate that, for oligodendrocytes isolated after differentiation in vivo, as yet unidentified factors secreted by astrocytes are necessary for survival and/or reappearance of a mature phenotype in culture.  相似文献   
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