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In 67 male volunteers, we examined the reduction of cardiovascular responsivity to a psychomotor challenge (videogame) achieved by use of heart rate (HR) feedback and effects of these procedures on concomitant behavioral performance. Each subject participated in a pretraining assessment of his cardiovascular responses to the videogame, a training condition, and a posttraining assessment identical to the initial evaluation. During training, subjects were assigned to one of four conditions: (a) a habituation control group receiving no instructions to alter HR (HC); (b) an instructions-only control group receiving instructions to maintain a low or unchanged HR during videogame presentations (IC); (c) a feedback group receiving instructions to reduce HR using ongoing HR feedback (FB–); or (d) a feedback group receiving instructions to lower HR and given HR feedback plus a score contingency in which total game score was jointly determined by subjects' game performance and success at HR control (FB+). Subjects receiving feedback (FB+, FB–) exhibited greater reductions in HR response to the videogame in the posttraining assessment than control (HC, IC) subjects; FB+ subjects showed greater HR reductions than subjects in any other group. FB+ and FB– subjects showed a lower SBP at posttraining relative to the two control groups, but no reduction in task-induced blood pressure reactivity. There were no group differences in videogame performance, either before or following training.The authors wish to thank Fred Claus, who served as a research assistant for this study.  相似文献   
In the present study, anti-metastatic effect of Z-100 on the spontaneous pulmonary metastases of Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL) was examined in an attempt to regulate suppressor T cells. When Z-100 (10 mg/kg) was daily injected i.p. after 3LL inoculation, survival rate of these mice was increased significantly (p<0.05). In addition, the number of pulmonary metastatic colonies of 3LL in Z-100-treated mice were significantly decreased by 38% at 21 days, as compared with that of control mice (p<0.05). Along with the decrease of pulmonary metastases, suppressor cell activity was also gradually reduced in these mice, as compared with that of control mice. When splenic suppressor cells (5×107 cells) from 3LL-bearing mice were adoptively transferred into normal mice (recipients) just before inoculation of 3LL, the development of pulmonary metastases in recipients was significantly accelerated. However, splenocytes from 3LL-bearing mice treated with Z-100 did not affect the development of pulmonary metastasis. The potential to accelerate the metastasis of splenic mononuclear cells from 3LL-bearing mice was decreased significantly by the treatment with anti-Thy 1.2 monoclonal antibody (mAb), anti-Lyt 2.2 mAb or anti-CD11b mAb followed by complement. IL-4 activity in the sera of 3LL-bearing mice was detected 15 days after tumor inoculation (13 pg/ml) and gradually increased (18 pg/ml) 20 days after tumor inoculation. However, when Z-100 (10 mg/kg) was daily injected i.p., IL-4 activity in sera was decreased significantly, and the IL-4 activity was not detected in these mice on day 20. These results suggest that Z-100 could inhibit the pulmonary metastases in 3LL-bearing mice through the inhibition of suppressor T cell activity and a possible candidate of its effector molecule, IL-4.  相似文献   
Conclusion Anthropology has always been concerned with shocking the reader and with deconstructing the reader's view of the world by confrontation with that which is seemingly most alien. Nor is the call for self-reflexive research and writing new. Stanley Diamond's work offers one of the most eloquent visions of a self-reflexive anthropology as cultural critique.26 In view of the overwhelming fascination in anthropology with post-modernism, it is useful to remind oneself that not only are the questions raised by post-modernists of long standing, but also that such questions can become an end in themselves, a way to avoid taking positions and to avoid responsibility.Fiction and ethnography should not be confused, nor should one be a substitute for the other. Ethnography has to travel on a fine line between positivist claims of representing some form of objective truth, an impressionistic pseudo-fiction or an ever more inward-turning contemplation of its own contradictions. To do ethnographic work is to accept the obligation to keep trying to elucidate while resisting the attraction of final, definitive interpretations and continually questioning the media of both research and writing that are being employed.  相似文献   
Summary Stipular bud (SB) formation occurred spontaneously on “Gorella” strawberry leaf stipules during proliferation phase on Boxus medium. These buds gave rise to normal shoots on the inner median zone between the stipule tips. Some stipular buds also have been observed on other parts of adaxial surface of the stipule. Stipular bud formation took place directly on the stipule without an intermediate callus. The first stage consisted of subspherical protrusions of small cells which progressively differentiated into shoots that were able to proliferate and to root. Scanning electron microscopy was used to examine the developmental stages of this adventitious organogenesis and to describe morphologic abnormalities, e.g., multiapex formation and fasciation. In vitro cloning of plantlets was made from axillary and SBs produced by the same tufts. The greater flowering abundance of stipular plants resulted in a drastic reduction of the commercial production and the fruit caliber when compared to axillary plants. However, the general phenotype of the mother cultivar (Gorella) was not affected in either case.  相似文献   
The susceptibilities of two isolates ofAspergillus flavus, one from a human case of recalcitrant mycotic keratitis, and an environmental isolate ofA. fumigatus, to itraconazole, clotrimazole and amphotericin B were measured. Observations of macroscopic growth and microscopic evaluations of conidia germination both indicated that the two isolates ofA. flavus were markedly more resistant to amphotericin B than to itraconazole and clotrimazole. Itraconazole was more effective than clotrimazole for all isolates. Ourin vitro susceptibility results suggest the use of itraconazole should be a primary consideration in the treatment ofAspergillus keratitis.  相似文献   
Calpain, a calcium-activated neutral proteinase, is ubiquitously present in human tissues. To determine if lymphoid cells implicated in pathogenesis of demyelination may harbor calpain in a functionally active form, we determined both Calpain and mCalpain activities in human lymphoid cell lines. DEAE-cellulose and phenylsepharose column chromatography were used to isolate the enzyme from the natural inhibitor, calpastatin. Lymphocytic lines (CCRF-CEM, MOLT-3, MOLT-4, M.R.) showed predominance of Calpain (55–80%) whereas the monocytic line (U-937) showed prodominance of mCalpain (77%). Proportion and subcellular distribution of both isoforms varied among cell lines. Calpains isolated from U-937 cells degraded myelin basic protein. These results indicate that human lymphoid cells harbor functionally active calpain that can degrade myelin components in vitro. The study suggests a degradative role for calpain in demyelinating diseases.  相似文献   
Several reports indicate that lactate can serve as an energy substrate for the brain. The rate of oxidation of this substrate by cultured rat brain astrocytes was 3-fold higher than the rate with glucose, suggesting that lactate can serve as an energy source for these cells. Since transport into the astrocytes may play an important role in regulating nutrient use by individuals types of brain cells, we investigated the uptake ofl-[U-14C]lactate by primary cultures of rat brain astrocytes. Measurement of the net uptake suggested two carrier-mediated mechanisms and an Eadie-Hofstee type plot of the data supported this conclusion revealing 2 Km values of 0.49 and 11.38 mM and Vmax values of 16.55 and 173.84 nmol/min/mg protein, respectively. The rate of uptake was temperature dependent and was 3-fold higher at pH 6.2 than at 7.4, but was 50% less at pH 8.2. Although the lactate uptake carrier systems in astrocytes appeared to be labile when incubated in phosphate buffered saline for 20 minutes, the uptake process exhibited an accelerative exchange mechanism. In addition, lactate uptake was altered by several metabolic inhibitors and effectors. Potassium cyanide and -cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate inhibited lactate uptake, but mersalyl had little or no effect. Phenylpyruvate, -ketoisocaproate, and 3-hydroxybutyrate at 5 and 10 mM greatly attenuated the rate of lactate uptake. These results suggest that the availability of lactate as an energy source is regulated in part by a biphasic transport system in primary astrocytes.This data was presented in part at the meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology in May 1989.  相似文献   
This study validates the use of ambulatory EMG monitoring as a measure of exercise compliance. The model rehabilitative exercise used was the Prone Back Extension. Thirty-two undergraduate volunteers were videorecorded as they performed the exercise alone in a closed room. The correlation between a direct observation count of the number of repetitions and an independent EMG-based count was .95. EMG amplitude was examined by repetition and gender with regression and ANOVA. There were significant gender differences in the amplitude of EMG across repetitions. There were no significant differences by gender in the declining slope of amplitude across repetitions. This slope may represent a typical fatigue curve. Thus, not only the occurrence but also the intensity of exercise can be quantified.  相似文献   
This study investigates the effects of partial exhalation to feelings of anxiety. Thirty five volunteer subjects (14 male, 21 female, mean age 40.6) were first trained in slow diaphragmatic breathing (SDB). Then subjects rated their anxiety levels on a scale from 1 (none) to 5 (extreme) in sequential conditions of SDB, 70% subjective exhalation, and SDB. During the 70% subjective exhalation phase, subjects were instructed to breathe and limit their exhalation to 70% of the inhaled volume during each consecutive breath. The 70% subjective condition significantly (P<.0005) increased=" subjects'=" anxiety=" levels=" as=" compared=" to=" the=" initial=" sdb=" baseline,=" while=" a=" return=" to=" sdb=" significantly=" reduced=" the=" anxiety=" levels.=" the=" 70%=" approach=" appears=" useful=" in=" demonstrating=" to=" the=" client=" that=" possible=" changes=" in=" breathing=" patterns=" can=" affect=">We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Richard Steiner, Ph.D. for his comments and help with the statistical analysis in this article. The preliminary findings of this article were presented at the Twenty-first Annual Meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.  相似文献   
The purpose of this article is to describe the treatment of a 45-year-old male with a hyperfunctional voice disorder by a biofeedback therapist and a speech-language pathologist. The interdisciplinary approach to the treatment of this voice disorder involved the combined use of traditional voice therapy techniques and EMG biofeedback procedures together with cognitive behavioral therapy. Voice therapy was facilitated through the use of a computer-based, speech-monitoring system. The remediation of this voice disorder was attributed to the collaborative efforts of two professionals representing diverse professional training and treatment protocols. The results showed reductions in muscle activity in the infrahyoid and laryngeal areas as well as improved use of proper breathing and voicing onset behaviors. Follow-up at 10 and 15 months posttreatment intervals indicated that the client had retained all target voice skills and the tension reduction/biofeedback skills. Results suggest that interdisciplinary, collaborative efforts using biofeedback and voice therapy can prove beneficial in the treatment of hyperfunctional voice disorders.Note: Neither author has been compensated in any way for the use of the CAFET System nor does either have any financial interest in the company.  相似文献   
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