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The Central Texas endemic freshwater mussel, Quadrula mitchelli (Simpson in Dall, 1896), had been presumed extinct until relict populations were recently rediscovered. To help guide ongoing and future conservation efforts focused on Q. mitchelli we set out to resolve several uncertainties regarding its evolutionary history, specifically its unknown generic position and untested species boundaries. We designed a molecular matrix consisting of two loci (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and internal transcribed spacer I) and 57 terminal taxa to test the generic position of Q. mitchelli using Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood phylogenetic reconstruction. We also employed two Bayesian species validation methods to test five a priori species models (i.e. hypotheses of species delimitation). Our study is the first to test the generic position of Q. mitchelli and we found robust support for its inclusion in the genus Fusconaia. Accordingly, we introduce the binomial, Fusconaia mitchelli comb. nov., to accurately represent the systematic position of the species. We resolved F. mitchelli individuals in two well supported and divergent clades that were generally distinguished as distinct species using Bayesian species validation methods, although alternative hypotheses of species delineation were also supported. Despite strong evidence of genetic isolation within F. mitchelli, we do not advocate for species-level status of the two clades as they are allopatrically distributed and no morphological, behavioral, or ecological characters are known to distinguish them. These results are discussed in the context of the systematics, distribution, and conservation of F. mitchelli.  相似文献   
In‐depth proteome analysis of the haloarchaeal model organism Haloferax volcanii has been performed under standard, low/high salt, and low/high temperature conditions using label‐free mass spectrometry. Qualitative analysis of protein identification data from high‐pH/reversed‐phase fractionated samples indicates 61.1% proteome coverage (2509 proteins), which is close to the maximum recorded values in archaea. Identified proteins match to the predicted proteome in their physicochemical properties, with only a small bias against low‐molecular‐weight and membrane‐associated proteins. Cells grown under low and high salt stress as well as low and high temperature stress are quantitatively compared to standard cultures by sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra (SWATH‐MS). A total of 2244 proteins, or 54.7% of the predicted proteome, are quantified across all conditions at high reproducibility, which allowed for global analysis of protein expression changes under these stresses. Of these, 2034 are significantly regulated under at least one stress condition. KEGG pathway enrichment analysis shows that several major cellular pathways are part of H. volcanii’s universal stress response. In addition, specific pathways (purine, cobalamin, and tryptophan) are affected by temperature stress. The most strongly downregulated proteins under all stress conditions, zinc finger protein HVO_2753 and ribosomal protein S14, are found oppositely regulated to their immediate genetic neighbors from the same operon.  相似文献   
We propose a model for high dimensional mediation analysis that includes latent variables. We describe our model in the context of an epidemiologic study for incident breast cancer with one exposure and a large number of biomarkers (i.e., potential mediators). We assume that the exposure directly influences a group of latent, or unmeasured, factors which are associated with both the outcome and a subset of the biomarkers. The biomarkers associated with the latent factors linking the exposure to the outcome are considered “mediators.” We derive the likelihood for this model and develop an expectation‐maximization algorithm to maximize an L1‐penalized version of this likelihood to limit the number of factors and associated biomarkers. We show that the resulting estimates are consistent and that the estimates of the nonzero parameters have an asymptotically normal distribution. In simulations, procedures based on this new model can have significantly higher power for detecting the mediating biomarkers compared with the simpler approaches. We apply our method to a study that evaluates the relationship between body mass index, 481 metabolic measurements, and estrogen‐receptor positive breast cancer.  相似文献   
Current treatments for meibomian gland dysfunction have several limitations, creating a necessity for other advanced treatment options. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of focused ultrasound stimulation for the treatment of dry eye disease caused by meibomian gland dysfunction. An in vivo study of nine Dutch Belted rabbits was conducted with focused ultrasound stimulation of the meibomian glands. A customized line-focused ultrasonic transducer was designed for treatment. Fluorescein imaging, Schirmer’s test, and Lipiview II ocular interferometer were used to quantify outcomes from three aspects: safety, tear production, and lipid layer thickness. Both tear secretion and lipid layer thickness improved following ultrasound treatment. Five to 10 min after the ultrasound treatment, the mean values of lipid layer thickness increased from 55.33 ± 11.15 nm to 95.67 ± 22.77 nm (p < 0.05), while the mean values measured with the Schirmer’s test increased from 2.0 ± 2.3 to 7.2 ± 4.3 (p < 0.05). Positive effects lasted more than three weeks. Adverse events such as redness, swelling, and mild burn, occurred in two rabbits in preliminary experiments when the eyelids sustained a temperature higher than 42°C. No serious adverse events were found. The results suggest that ultrasound stimulation of meibomian glands can improve both tear production and lipid secretion. Ultimately, ultrasound stimulation has the potential to be an option for the treatment of evaporative dry eye disease caused by meibomian gland dysfunction.  相似文献   
New Glycoprotein-Associated Amino Acid Transporters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The L-type amino acid transporter LAT1 has recently been identified as being a disulfide-linked ``light chain' of the ubiquitously expressed glycoprotein 4F2hc/CD98. Several LAT1-related transporters have been identified, which share the same putative 12-transmembrane segment topology and also associate with the single transmembrane domain 4F2hc protein. They display differing amino acid substrate specificities, transport kinetics and localizations such as, for instance, y+LAT1 which is localized at the basolateral membrane of transporting epithelia, and the defect of which causes lysinuric protein intolerance. The b0,+AT transporter which associates with the 4F2hc-related rBAT protein to form the luminal high-affinity diamino acid transporter defective in cystinuria, belongs to the same family of glycoprotein-associated amino acid transporters (gpaATs). These glycoprotein-associated transporters function as amino acid exchangers. They extend the specificity range of vectorial amino acid transport when located in the same membrane as carriers that unidirectionally transport one of the exchanged substrates. gpaATs belong to a phylogenetic cluster within the amino acid/polyamine/choline (APC) superfamily of transporters. This cluster, which we designate the LAT family (named after its first vertebrate member), includes some members from nematodes, yeast and bacteria. The latter of these proteins presumably lack association with a second subunit. In this review, we focus on the animal members of the LAT cluster that form, together with some of the nematode members, the family of glycoprotein-associated amino acid transporters (gpaAT family). Received: 20 July 1999/Revised: 7 September 1999  相似文献   
Aim Small mammals were live‐trapped in a primary rain forest to evaluate the relative distribution of species to each other and to microhabitat properties on the ground and in the canopy. Location Kinabalu National Park in Borneo, Sabah, Malaysia. Methods Seven trapping sessions were conducted along two grids with 31 trap points at distances of 20 m on the ground and in the lower canopy at an average height of 13.5 m. Results Species diversity and abundance of small mammals proved to be high: 20 species of the families Muridae, Sciuridae, Tupaiidae, Hystricidae, Viverridae and Lorisidae were trapped, with murids being dominant in both habitat layers. The terrestrial community was significantly more diverse with 16 captured species (Shannon–Wiener's diversity index = 2.47), while 11 species were trapped in the canopy ( = 1.59). The Whitehead's rat, Maxomys whiteheadi, and the red spiny rat, Maxomys surifer, dominated the terrestrial community whereas the large pencil‐tailed tree mouse, Chiropodomys major, was by far the most abundant species in the canopy. Other abundant species of the canopy community, the dark‐tailed tree rat, Niviventer cremoriventer, and the lesser treeshrew, Tupaia minor, were also abundant on the ground, and there was no clear boundary between arboreal and terrestrial species occurrences. Main conclusions As most species were not confined to specific microhabitats or habitat layers, species seemed to rely on resources not necessarily restricted to certain microhabitats or habitat layers, and separation of species probably resulted mainly from a species’ concentrated activity in a preferred microhabitat rather than from principal adaptations to certain habitats. Ecological segregation was stronger in the more diverse terrestrial community, though microhabitat selection was generally not sufficient to explain the co‐occurrences of species and the variability between local species assemblages. Constraints on small mammal foraging efficiency in the three‐dimensional more complex canopy may be responsible for the similarity of microhabitat use of all common arboreal species. Community composition was characterized by mobile species with low persistence rates, resulting in a high degree of variability in local species assemblages with similar turnover rates in both habitats.  相似文献   
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