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Identification of fusion proteins has contributed significantly to our understanding of cancer progression, yielding important predictive markers and therapeutic targets. While fusion proteins can be potentially identified by mass spectrometry, all previously found fusion proteins were identified using genomic (rather than mass spectrometry) technologies. This lack of MS/MS applications in studies of fusion proteins is caused by the lack of computational tools that are able to interpret mass spectra from peptides covering unknown fusion breakpoints (fusion peptides). Indeed, the number of potential fusion peptides is so large that the existing MS/MS database search tools become impractical even in the case of small genomes. We explore computational approaches to identifying fusion peptides, propose an algorithm for solving the fusion peptide identification problem, and analyze the performance of this algorithm on simulated data. We further illustrate how this approach can be modified for human exons prediction.  相似文献   
Does trypsin cut before proline?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trypsin is the most commonly used enzyme in mass spectrometry for protein digestion with high substrate specificity. Many peptide identification algorithms incorporate these specificity rules as filtering criteria. A generally accepted "Keil rule" is that trypsin cleaves next to arginine or lysine, but not before proline. Since this rule was derived two decades ago based on a small number of experimentally confirmed cleavages, we decided to re-examine it using 14.5 million tandem spectra (2 orders of magnitude increase in the number of observed tryptic cleavages). Our analysis revealed a surprisingly large number of cleavages before proline. We examine several hypotheses to explain these cleavages and argue that trypsin specificity rules used in peptide identification algorithms should be modified to "legitimatize" cleavages before proline. Our approach can be applied to analyze any protease, and we further argue that specificity rules for other enzymes should also be re-evaluated based on statistical evidence derived from large MS/MS data sets.  相似文献   
Remote ischemic preconditioning of hind limbs (RIPC) is an effective method for preventing brain injury resulting from ischemia. However, in numerous studies RIPC has been used on the background of administered anesthetics, which also could exhibit neuroprotective properties. Therefore, investigation of the signaling pathways triggered by RIPC and the effect of anesthetics is important. In this study, we explored the effect of anesthetics (chloral hydrate and Zoletil) on the ability of RIPC to protect the brain from injury caused by ischemia and reperfusion. We found that RIPC without anesthesia resulted in statistically significant decrease in neurological deficit 24 h after ischemia, but did not affect the volume of brain injury. Administration of chloral hydrate or Zoletil one day prior to brain ischemia produced a preconditioning effect by their own, decreasing the degree of neurological deficit and lowering the volume of infarct with the use of Zoletil. The protective effects observed after RIPC with chloral hydrate or Zoletil were similar to those observed when only the respective anesthetic was used. RIPC was accompanied by significant increase in the level of brain proteins associated with the induction of ischemic tolerance such as pGSK-3β, BDNF, and HSP70. However, Zoletil did not affect the level of these proteins 24 h after injection, and chloral hydrate caused increase of only pGSK-3β. We conclude that RIPC, chloral hydrate, and Zoletil produce a significant neuroprotective effect, but the simultaneous use of anesthetics with RIPC does not enhance the degree of neuroprotection.  相似文献   
The African freshwater oyster Etheria elliptica, which is of great economic importance throughout the continent, is facing overharvesting in many fisheries in West Africa. Its reproductive traits (sex ratio, size at sexual maturity, oocyte diameter and fecundity) were studied at four stations located along the Pendjari River, northern Benin, in April 2013. Histological techniques were implemented to identify sex and gonad development stages. Oocyte sizes were measured based on the histological images and mean oocyte diameter was 38 µm. Fecundity, estimated by counting the developing eggs, averaged 106 724 eggs and increased significantly with shell size. The average sex ratio was approximately 1:1. Hermaphrodites were rare. Males reached sexual maturity at 57.6 mm dorsoventral height, earlier than females at 64.7 mm. The majority of the oyster specimens were in ripe-spawning stages, indicating that reproductive activities partly took place towards the end of the dry season. Both mature and immature individuals were subjected to harvesting at all the investigated fishing sites. The mean size of exploited oysters was 60.6 mm, lower than the size of females at maturity. Management strategies must enforce the minimum size of 65 mm required for harvesting, particularly in open access sites where juveniles are mostly harvested.  相似文献   
The recent revival of old theories and setting them on modern scientific rails to a large extent are also relevant to mitochondrial science. Given the widespread belief that mitochondria are symbionts of ancient bacterial origin, the processes inherent to mitochondrial physiology can be revised based on their comparative analysis with possible involvement of bacteria. Such comparison combined with discussion of the role of microbiota in pathogenesis allows discussion of the role of “mitobiota” (we introduce this term) as the combination of different phenotypic manifestations of mitochondria in the organism reflecting pathological changes in the mitochondrial genome. When putting an equal sign between mitochondria and bacteria, we find similarity between the mitochondrial and bacterial theories of cancer. The presence of the term “bacterial infection” suggests “mitochondrial infection”, and mitochondrial (oxidative) theory of aging can in some way be transformed into a “bacterial theory of aging”. The possible existence of such processes and the data confirming their presence are discussed in this review. If such a comparison has the right to exist, the homeostasis of “mitobiota” is of not lesser physiological importance than homeostasis of microbiota, which has been so intensively discussed recently.  相似文献   
Rhabdomyolysis or crush syndrome is a pathology caused by muscle injury resulting in acute renal failure. The latest data give strong evidence that this syndrome caused by accumulation of muscle breakdown products in the blood stream is associated with oxidative stress with primary role of mitochondria. In order to evaluate the significance of oxidative stress under rhabdomyolysis we explored the direct effect of myoglobin on renal tubules and isolated kidney mitochondria while measuring mitochondrial respiratory control, production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and lipid peroxidation. In parallel, we evaluated mitochondrial damage under myoglobinurea in vivo. An increase of lipid peroxidation products in kidney mitochondria and release of cytochrome c was detected on the first day of myoglobinuria. In mitochondria incubated with myoglobin we detected respiratory control drop, uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation, an increase of lipid peroxidation products and stimulated NO synthesis. Mitochondrial pore inhibitor, cyclosporine A, mitochondria-targeted antioxidant (SkQ1) and deferoxamine (Fe-chelator and ferryl-myoglobin reducer) abrogated these events. Similar effects (oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction) were revealed when myoglobin was added to isolated renal tubules. Thus, rhabdomyolysis can be considered as oxidative stress-mediated pathology with mitochondria to be the primary target and possibly the source of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. We speculate that rhabdomyolysis-induced kidney damage involves direct interaction of myoglobin with mitochondria possibly resulting in iron ions release from myoglobin's heme, which promotes the peroxidation of mitochondrial membranes. Usage of mitochondrial permeability transition blockers, Fe-chelators or mitochondria-targeted antioxidants, may bring salvage from this pathology.  相似文献   
Sweat production is crucial for thermoregulation. However, sweating can be problematic for individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI), as they display a blunting of sudomotor and vasomotor responses below the level of the injury. Sweat gland density and eccrine gland metabolism in SCI are not well understood. Consequently, this study examined sweat lactate (S-LA) (reflective of sweat gland metabolism), active sweat gland density (SGD), and sweat output per gland (S/G) in 7 SCI athletes and 8 able-bodied (AB) controls matched for arm ergometry VO2peak. A sweat collection device was positioned on the upper scapular and medial calf of each subject just prior to the beginning of the trial, with iodine sweat gland density patches positioned on the upper scapular and medial calf. Participants were tested on a ramp protocol (7 min per stage, 20 W increase per stage) in a common exercise environment (21±1°C, 45-65% relative humidity). An independent t-test revealed lower (p<0.05) SGD (upper scapular) for SCI (22.3 ±14.8 glands · cm−2) vs. AB. (41.0 ± 8.1 glands · cm−2). However, there was no significant difference for S/G between groups. S-LA was significantly greater (p<0.05) during the second exercise stage for SCI (11.5±10.9 mmol · l−1) vs. AB (26.8±11.07 mmol · l−1). These findings suggest that SCI athletes had less active sweat glands compared to the AB group, but the sweat response was similar (SLA, S/G) between AB and SCI athletes. The results suggest similar interglandular metabolic activity irrespective of overall sweat rate.  相似文献   


Pharmacological inhibition of endothelial arginase-II has been shown to improve endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) function and reduce atherogenesis in animal models. We investigated whether the endothelial arginase II is involved in inflammatory responses in endothelial cells.


Human endothelial cells were isolated from umbilical veins and stimulated with TNFα (10 ng/ml) for 4 hours. Endothelial expression of the inflammatory molecules i.e. vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), and E-selectin were assessed by immunoblotting.


The induction of the expression of endothelial VCAM-1, ICAM-1 and E-selectin by TNFα was concentration-dependently reduced by incubation of the endothelial cells with the arginase inhibitor L-norvaline. However, inhibition of arginase by another arginase inhibitor S-(2-boronoethyl)-L-cysteine (BEC) had no effects. To confirm the role of arginase-II (the prominent isoform expressed in HUVECs) in the inflammatory responses, adenoviral mediated siRNA silencing of arginase-II knocked down the arginase II protein level, but did not inhibit the up-regulation of the adhesion molecules. Moreover, the inhibitory effect of L-norvaline was not reversed by the NOS inhibitor L-NAME and L-norvaline did not interfere with TNFα-induced activation of NF-κB, JNK, p38mapk, while it inhibited p70s6k (S6K1) activity. Silencing S6K1 prevented up-regulation of E-selectin, but not that of VCAM-1 or ICAM-1 induced by TNFα.


The arginase inhibitor L-norvaline exhibits anti-inflammatory effects independently of inhibition of arginase in human endothelial cells. The anti-inflammatory properties of L-norvaline are partially attributable to its ability to inhibit S6K1.  相似文献   
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