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Mutations in either TSC1 or TSC2 cause tuberous sclerosis complex, an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by seizures, mental retardation, and benign tumors of the skin, brain, heart, and kidneys. Homologs for the TSC1 and TSC2 genes have been identified in mouse, rat, Fugu, Drosophila, and in the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Here we show that S. pombe lacking tsc1+ or tsc2+ have similar phenotypes including decreased arginine uptake, decreased expression of three amino acid permeases, and low intracellular levels of four members of the arginine biosynthesis pathway. Recently, the small GTPase Rheb was identified as a target of the GTPase-activating domain of tuberin in mammalian cells and in Drosophila. We show that the defect in arginine uptake in cells lacking tsc2+ is rescued by the expression of a dominant negative form of rhb1+, the Rheb homolog in S. pombe, but not by expressing wild-type rhb1+. Expression of the tsc2+ gene with a patient-derived mutation within the GAP domain did not rescue the arginine uptake defect in tsc2+ mutant yeast. Taken together, these findings support a model in which arginine uptake is regulated through tsc1+, tsc2+, and rhb1+ in S. pombe and also suggest a role for the Tsc1 and Tsc2 proteins in amino acid biosynthesis and sensing.  相似文献   
The Golgi complex is in the crossroad of the endocytic and secretory pathways. Its function is to post-translationally modify and sort proteins and lipids, and regulate the membrane balance in the cell. To understand the structure-function relationship of the Golgi complex the Golgi proteome has to be identified first. We have used a direct organelle proteomic analysis to identify new Golgi complex proteins. Enriched stacked Golgi membrane fractions from rat livers were isolated, and the proteins from these membranes were subsequently digested into peptides. The peptides were fractionated by cation-exchange chromatography followed by protein identification by automated capillary-LC/ESI-MS/MS analysis and database searches. Two different search programs, ProID and MASCOT were used. This resulted in a total of 1125 protein identifications in two experiments. In addition to the known Golgi resident proteins, a significant number of unknown proteins were identified. Some of these were further characterized in silico using different programs to provide insight into their structure, intracellular localization and biological functions. The Golgi localization of two of these newly identified proteins was also confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence.  相似文献   
LDL particles that enter the arterial intima become exposed to proteolytic and lipolytic modifications. The extracellular hydrolases potentially involved in LDL modification include proteolytic enzymes, such as chymase, cathepsin S, and plasmin, and phospholipolytic enzymes, such as secretory phospholipases A2 (sPLA2-IIa and sPLA2-V) and secretory acid sphingomyelinase (sSMase). Here, LDL was first proteolyzed and then subjected to lipolysis, after which the effects of combined proteolysis and lipolysis on LDL fusion and on binding to human aortic proteoglycans (PG) were studied. Chymase and cathepsin S led to more extensive proteolysis and release of peptide fragments from LDL than did plasmin. sPLA2-IIa was not able to hydrolyze unmodified LDL, and even preproteolysis of LDL particles failed to enhance lipolysis by this enzyme. However, preproteolysis with chymase and cathepsin S accelerated lipolysis by sPLA2-V and sSMase, which resulted in enhanced fusion and proteoglycan binding of the preproteolyzed LDL particles. Taken together, the results revealed that proteolysis sensitizes the LDL particles to hydrolysis by sPLA2-V and sSMase. By promoting fusion and binding of LDL to human aortic proteoglycans, the combination of proteolysis and phospholipolysis of LDL particles potentially enhances extracellular accumulation of LDL-derived lipids during atherogenesis.  相似文献   
Lactobacillus crispatus is a common member of the beneficial microbiota present in the vertebrate gastrointestinal and human genitourinary tracts. Here, we report the genome sequence of L. crispatus ST1, a chicken isolate displaying strong adherence to vaginal epithelial cells.Lactobacillus crispatus can persist in the vertebrate gastrointestinal tract and is among the most prevalent species of the Lactobacillus-dominated human vaginal microbiota (2, 9, 13, 14). It belongs to the so-called acidophilus group (3), which has attracted interest because some of its species are important factors in the production of fermented foods (12) and some can, at least transiently, colonize the human host (2, 9, 13, 14). Moreover, some specific strains, mainly L. acidophilus NCFM and L. johnsonii NCC 533, have received prominence as intestinal-health-promoting microbes (4). Although the genomes of seven members of the acidophilus complex have been sequenced to date (12), the genome sequences of L. crispatus and other predominant lactobacillar species in the urogenital flora have mostly remained obscure. Vaginal lactobacilli can have an important role in controlling the health of the host (2, 14). They can, for example, positively influence and stabilize the host''s vaginal microbiota via the production of compounds that are acidic or exert a direct inhibiting action toward pathogenic bacteria (2, 14). In addition to the antimicrobial compounds, the competitive exclusion of pathogens is another mechanism by which the host''s microbiota can be balanced (2). L. crispatus ST1 was originally isolated from the crop of a chicken, and PCR profiling of L. crispatus isolates has verified it to be an abundant colonizer of the chicken crop (6, 8). It also displays a strong protein-dependent adhesion to the epithelial cells of the human vagina and has been shown to inhibit the adhesion of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (6, 7).The genome was sequenced (18× coverage) using a 454 pyrosequencer with GS FLX chemistry (Roche). The contig order was confirmed and gaps were filled by sequencing PCR fragments from the genomic DNA template using ABI 3730 and Big Dye chemistry (Applied Biosystems). Genomic data were processed using the Staden Package (11) and gsAssembler (Roche). Coding sequences (CDSs) were predicted using Glimmer3 (5) followed by manual curation of the start sites. The remaining intergenic regions were reanalyzed for missed CDSs by using BlastX (1). Annotation transfer was performed based on a BlastP search, followed by Blannotator analysis using default settings (http://ekhidna.biocenter.helsinki.fi/poxo/blannotator) and manual verification. Orthologous groups between the different lactobacillar proteomes were identified using OrthoMCL (10).The genome of L. crispatus ST1 consists of a single circular chromosome 2.04 Mbp in size, with an overall G+C content of 37%, without any plasmids. There are 64 tRNA genes, 4 rRNA operons, and 2 CRISPR loci. Out of the 2,024 predicted CDSs, a putative function was assigned to 77%, whereas 10% of the CDSs were annotated as conserved and 13% as novel. Based on the orthologous grouping, 302 (15%) of the CDSs encoded by ST1 have no detectable homologs in any of the Lactobacillus proteomes published to date.  相似文献   
The Ras-Raf-MEK signaling cascade is critical for normal development and is activated in many forms of cancer. We have recently shown that B-Raf kinase interacts with and is inhibited by Rheb, the target of the GTPase-activating domain of the tuberous sclerosis complex 2 gene product tuberin. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that activation of Rheb is associated with decreased B-Raf and C-Raf phosphorylation at residues Ser-446 and Ser-338, respectively, concomitant with a decrease in the activities of both kinases and decreased heterodimerization of B-Raf and C-Raf. Importantly, the impact of Rheb on B-Raf/C-Raf heterodimerization and kinase activity are rapamycin-insensitive, indicating that they are independent of Rheb activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin-Raptor complex. In addition, we found that Rheb inhibits the association of B-Raf with H-Ras. Taken together, these results support a central role of Rheb in the regulation of the Ras/B-Raf/C-Raf/MEK signaling network.  相似文献   
In vitro experiments have demonstrated that exogenous phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP), i.e. purified PLTP added to macrophage cultures, influences ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux from macrophages to HDL. To investigate whether PLTP produced by the macrophages (i.e., endogenous PLTP) is also part of this process, we used peritoneal macrophages derived from PLTP-knockout (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice. The macrophages were transformed to foam cells by cholesterol loading, and this resulted in the upregulation of ABCA1. Such macrophage foam cells from PLTP-KO mice released less cholesterol to lipid-free apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) and to HDL than did the corresponding WT foam cells. Also, when plasma from either WT or PLTP-KO mice was used as an acceptor, cholesterol efflux from PLTP-KO foam cells was less efficient than that from WT foam cells. After cAMP treatment, which upregulated the expression of ABCA1, cholesterol efflux from PLTP-KO foam cells to apoA-I increased markedly and reached a level similar to that observed in cAMP-treated WT foam cells, restoring the decreased cholesterol efflux associated with PLTP deficiency. These results indicate that endogenous PLTP produced by macrophages contributes to the optimal function of the ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux-promoting machinery in these cells. Whether macrophage PLTP acts at the plasma membrane or intracellularly or shuttles between these compartments needs further study.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: The rapid increase in the amount of protein sequence data has created a need for an automated identification of evolutionarily related subgroups from large datasets. The existing methods typically require a priori specification of the number of putative groups, which defines the resolution of the classification solution. RESULTS: We introduce a Bayesian model-based approach to simultaneous identification of evolutionary groups and conserved parts of the protein sequences. The model-based approach provides an intuitive and efficient way of determining the number of groups from the sequence data, in contrast to the ad hoc methods often exploited for similar purposes. Our model recognizes the areas in the sequences that are relevant for the clustering and regards other areas as noise. We have implemented the method using a fast stochastic optimization algorithm which yields a clustering associated with the estimated maximum posterior probability. The method has been shown to have high specificity and sensitivity in simulated and real clustering tasks. With real datasets the method also highlights the residues close to the active site. AVAILABILITY: Software 'kPax' is available at http://www.rni.helsinki.fi/jic/softa.html  相似文献   
It is unresolved to what extent waterfowl populations are regulated by density-dependent processes. By doing a 2-year crossover perturbation experiment on ten oligotrophic boreal lakes we addressed the hypothesis that breeding output is density dependent. Wing-clipped mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) hens were introduced with their own brood and then monitored for 24 days. Predicted responses were that per capita duckling and hen survival would be lower in high-density than in low-density treatments. Survival was evaluated by model fitting in program MARK. Density, year, and lake were used as main effects, while day after introduction, a weather harshness index, and presence of hens were covariates. Daily survival in ducklings was lower in the high-density treatment, but this effect was year dependent. The highest-ranking model for duckling survival also included a positive effect of duckling age and presence of hens, and a negative effect of harsh weather. Density did not affect female survival although there was a prominent year effect. The highest-ranking model for female survival also included negative effects of day after introduction and harsh weather. This is the first study to report density-dependent survival in experimentally introduced ducklings in a natural setting. Implications for population dynamics and management of harvested populations are far-reaching if such regulation occurs in some years, but not in others.  相似文献   
Synovial fibroblast is the key cell type in the growth of the pathological synovial tissue in arthritis. Here, we show that platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is a potent mitogen for synovial fibroblasts isolated from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Inhibition of PDGF-receptor signalling by imatinib mesylate (1muM) completely abrogated the PDGF-stimulated proliferation and inhibited approximately 70% of serum-stimulated proliferation of synovial fibroblasts. Similar extent of inhibition was observed when PDGF was neutralized with anti-PDGF antibodies, suggesting that imatinib mesylate does not inhibit pathways other than those mediated by PDGF-receptors. No signs of apoptosis were detected in synovial fibroblasts cultured in the presence of imatinib. These results suggest that imatinib mesylate specifically inhibits PDGF-stimulated proliferation of synovial fibroblasts, and that inhibition of PDGF-receptors could represent a feasible target for novel antirheumatic therapies.  相似文献   
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