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The BRCA1 gene codes for a protein involved in the DNA double strand break (DDSB) repair. Alongside the dominant full-length splicing form of BRCA1, numerous endogenously expressed alternative splicing variants of unknown significance have been described in various tissues. Some of them retain the original BRCA1 reading frame but lack several critical BRCA1 structural domains, suggesting an altered function of the resulting protein in the BRCA1-regulated processes. To characterize the effect of the BRCA1Δ14-15 splicing variant (with an in-frame deletion affecting the regulatory serine-containing domain) on the DDSB repair, we constructed the MCF-7 clones stably expressing the analyzed variant with/without a shRNA-mediated downregulation of the endogenous full-length wild-type BRCA1 expression. Our results show that the expression of the BRCA1Δ14-15 variant delays the γ-radiation-induced DDSB repair, alters the kinetics of irradiation-induced foci formation/decomposition and reduces the non-homologous end-joining capacity in MCF-7 cells. Therefore, the BRCA1Δ14-15 is not able to functionally replace the full-length wt BRCA1 in the DDSB repair. Our findings indicate that the endogenously expressed BRCA1 alternative splicing variants may negatively influence genome stability and support the growing evidence of the pathological potential of the sequence variants generated by an altered or misregulated alternative splicing in the process of mammary malignant transformation.  相似文献   
More than 150 Ma, the avian lineage separated from that of other dinosaurs and later diversified into the more than 10,000 species extant today. The early neoavian bird radiations most likely occurred in the late Cretaceous (more than 65 Ma) but left behind few if any molecular signals of their archaic evolutionary past. Retroposed elements, once established in an ancestral population, are highly valuable, virtually homoplasy-free markers of species evolution; after applying stringent orthology criteria, their phylogenetically informative presence/absence patterns are free of random noise and independent of evolutionary rate or nucleotide composition effects. We screened for early neoavian orthologous retroposon insertions and identified six markers with conflicting presence/absence patterns, whereas six additional retroposons established before or after the presumed major neoavian radiation show consistent phylogenetic patterns. The exceptionally frequent conflicting retroposon presence/absence patterns of neoavian orders are strong indicators of an extensive incomplete lineage sorting era, potentially induced by an early rapid successive speciation of ancestral Neoaves.  相似文献   
The reagent 4,5-diaminofluorescein (DAF-2) is a widely utilized and sensitive fluorescent probe for real-time assessment of nitric oxide (NO) production. In this study we investigated the feasibility of using DAF-2 for detection of NO release from EA.hy 926 human endothelial cells stimulated with plant polyphenols. Flavonoids have recently gained much interest because of reported beneficial effects on vasodilatation, which have been ascribed to stimulation of endothelial NO production. DAF-2 shows moderate fluorescence, and because certain phenolic compounds quench fluorescence or fluoresce themselves, we utilized liquid chromatography to avoid interference. Our investigations with (+)-catechin and trans-resveratrol as test phenolic compounds revealed various previously undescribed principal methodologic pitfalls and limitations. Under assay conditions (+)-catechin displayed a highly significant increase in fluorescence intensity so that a control of test compound stability is advisable. Moreover, DAF-2 was subject to conversion to triazolofluorescein (DAF-2T) under certain assay and storage conditions; thus control of spontaneous reagent conversion is advisable. Finally, formation of DAF-2T was dose-dependently inhibited by polyphenols to a degree consistent with their free radical scavenging activity. The inhibition of DAF-2T generation seems to contradict previous reports on enhanced NO release from endothelial cells by (+)-catechin and resveratrol. Therefore, the planning of experiments involving NO measurement in biological systems and interpretation of results requires substantial scrutiny.  相似文献   
Here, we test the hypothesis that virulent malaria parasites are less susceptible to drug treatment than less virulent parasites. If true, drug treatment might promote the evolution of more virulent parasites (defined here as those doing more harm to hosts). Drug-resistance mechanisms that protect parasites through interactions with drug molecules at the sub-cellular level are well known. However, parasite phenotypes associated with virulence might also help parasites survive in the presence of drugs. For example, rapidly replicating parasites might be better able to recover in the host if drug treatment fails to eliminate parasites. We quantified the effects of drug treatment on the in-host survival and between-host transmission of rodent malaria (Plasmodium chabaudi) parasites which differed in virulence and had never been previously exposed to drugs. In all our treatment regimens and in single- and mixed-genotype infections, virulent parasites were less sensitive to pyrimethamine and artemisinin, the two antimalarial drugs we tested. Virulent parasites also achieved disproportionately greater transmission when exposed to pyrimethamine. Overall, our data suggest that drug treatment can select for more virulent parasites. Drugs targeting transmission stages (such as artemisinin) may minimize the evolutionary advantage of virulence in drug-treated infections.  相似文献   
This study investigated the hydrocarbonoclastic microbial community present on weathered crude oil and their ability to degrade weathered oil in seawater obtained from the Gulf St. Vincent (SA, Australia). Examination of the native seawater communities capable of utilizing hydrocarbon as the sole carbon source identified a maximum recovery of just 6.6 × 10(1) CFU/ml, with these values dramatically increased in the weathered oil, reaching 4.1 × 10(4) CFU/ml. The weathered oil (dominated by >C30 fractions; 750,000 +/- 150,000 mg/l) was subject to an 8 week laboratory-based degradation microcosm study. By day 56, the natural inoculums degraded the soluble hydrocarbons (initial concentrations 3,400 +/- 700 mg/l and 1,700 +/- 340 mg/l for the control and seawater, respectively) to below detectable levels, and biodegradation of the residual oil reached 62% (254,000 +/- 40,000 mg/l) and 66% (285,000 +/- 45,000 mg/l) in the control and seawater sources, respectively. In addition, the residual oil gas chromatogram profiles changed with the presence of short and intermediate hydrocarbon chains. 16S rDNA DGGE sequence analysis revealed species affiliated with the genera Roseobacter, Alteromonas, Yeosuana aromativorans, and Pseudomonas, renowned oil-degrading organisms previously thought to be associated with the environment where the oil contaminated rather than also being present in the contaminating oil. This study highlights the importance of microbiological techniques for isolation and characterisation, coupled with molecular techniques for identification, in understanding the role and function of native oil communities.  相似文献   
Fungal glucosylceramides play an important role in plant-pathogen interactions enabling plants to recognize the fungal attack and initiate specific defense responses. A prime structural feature distinguishing fungal glucosylceramides from those of plants and animals is a methyl group at the C9-position of the sphingoid base, the biosynthesis of which has never been investigated. Using information on the presence or absence of C9-methylated glucosylceramides in different fungal species, we developed a bioinformatics strategy to identify the gene responsible for the biosynthesis of this C9-methyl group. This phylogenetic profiling allowed the selection of a single candidate out of 24-71 methyltransferase sequences present in each of the fungal species with C9-methylated glucosylceramides. A Pichia pastoris knock-out strain lacking the candidate sphingolipid C9-methyltransferase was generated, and indeed, this strain contained only non-methylated glucosylceramides. In a complementary approach, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain was engineered to produce glucosylceramides suitable as a substrate for C9-methylation. C9-methylated sphingolipids were detected in this strain expressing the candidate from P. pastoris, demonstrating its function as a sphingolipid C9-methyltransferase. The enzyme belongs to the superfamily of S-adenosylmethionine-(SAM)-dependent methyltransferases and shows highest sequence similarity to plant and bacterial cyclopropane fatty acid synthases. An in vitro assay showed that sphingolipid C9-methylation is membrane-bound and requires SAM and Delta4,8-desaturated ceramide as substrates.  相似文献   
The NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) from Escherichia coli is composed of 13 subunits called NuoA through NuoN and contains one FMN and 9 iron-sulfur clusters as redox groups. Electron transfer from NADH to ubiquinone is coupled with the translocation of protons across the membrane by a yet unknown mechanism. Redox-induced Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy showed that the oxidation of iron-sulfur cluster N2 located on NuoB is accompanied by the protonation of acidic amino acid(s). Here, we describe the effect of mutating the conserved acidic amino acids on NuoB. The complex was assembled in all mutants but the electron transfer activity was completely abolished in the mutants E67Q, D77N, and D94N. The complex isolated from these mutants contained N2 although in diminished amounts. The protonation of acidic amino acid(s) coupled with the oxidation of N2 was not detectable in the complex from the mutant E67Q. However, the conservative mutations E67D and D77E did not disturb the enzymatic activity, and the signals because of the protonation of acidic amino acid(s) were detectable in the E67D mutant. We discuss the possible participation of Glu(67) in a proton pathway coupled with the redox reaction of N2.  相似文献   
Apoptosis and subsequent clearance of apoptotic cells are important for the prevention of diseases. Therefore, it is essential to understand the mechanisms underlying the biology of phagocytic clearance of apoptotic cells. The best characterized "eat me" signal on the surface of apoptotic cells is phosphatidylserine (PS). Recently, we demonstrated that annexin A5 mediates the internalization of PS-expressing membrane patches and down regulates surface expression of tissue factor. Here, we investigated the role of PS in the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells using annexin A5. Using a novel flow cytometric-based phagocytosis assay, we observed that engulfment was inhibited with 20% if annexin A5 was added to PS-expressing cells that had completed apoptosis. The inhibition increased to more than 50% if annexin A5 was added during the apoptotic process. This inhibition is specific for annexin A5, since the mutant M23 and annexin A1 did not further increase the inhibition of phagocytosis when added during the apoptotic process. Interestingly, cells with internalized annexin A5 still express PS at their surface. We conclude that other ligands within the PS-expressing membrane patch act together with PS as an "eat me" signal.  相似文献   
Targeted migration of muscle precursor cells to the anlagen of limb muscles is a complex process, which is only partially understood. We have used Lbx1 mutant mice, which are unable to establish correct migration paths of muscle precursor cells into the limbs to identify new genes involved in the accurate placement of myogenic cells in developing muscles. We found that mKlhdc2 (Kelch domain containing-2), a novel member of the family of Kelch domain containing proteins, is significantly downregulated in Lbx1 homozygous mutant embryos. Functional characterization of mKlhdc2 by targeted overexpression in 10T1/2 fibroblasts and C2C12 muscle cells rendered these cells unable to respond to chemoattractants such as HGF. Furthermore, C2C12 myoblasts overexpressing mKlhdc2 display altered cellular morphology and are unable to differentiate into mature myotubes. Our results suggest that a tightly controlled expression of mKlhdc2 is essential for a faithful execution of the myogenic differentiation and migration program.  相似文献   
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