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Physico-chemical characterization of the sex steroid-binding protein, SBP, of rabbit plasma reveals that it is a dimer of mol. wt 85,800 composed of similar subunits of mol. wt 43,000. These data confirm our original proposal for a dimeric structure. The protein contains 9% carbohydrate, comprised of mannose, galactose, N-acetylglucosamine and sialic acid. It is devoid of N-acetylgalactosamine and fucose. The protein binds one molecule of 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone per dimer with a Kd of 0.89 nM (12 degrees C). Comparison with the human, monkey and baboon SBPs indicates that all these proteins have the same dimeric molecular organization and exhibit microheterogeneity in SDS-PAGE and isoelectricfocusing. Rabbit SBP, however, contains less carbohydrate and has a higher polypeptide molecular weight than all the other SBPs. Spectrophotometric data also indicate that some tryptophan residues are in a different chemical environment than those in other SBPs. The observed microheterogeneity in all four SBP species is due for the most part to variable glycosylation of the subunit and variability at the amino-terminal region of the subunit. Combination of these and other phenomena will generate a significant number of isomeric forms of the SBP subunit which will then interact stoichiometrically to yield active dimeric SBP molecules. These differ slightly from each other depending upon the charge and size of the subunit comprising the dimeric structure, and will result in the observed microheterogeneity of pure SBP preparations. Based on these results along with more recent amino acid sequence data, we conclude that all four SBPs are dimers composed of identical polypeptide chains.  相似文献   
A virus inhibiting protein (VI) was isolated from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). The VI inhibited infections of test plants with plus- and minus-strand RNA viruses. Inoculation of both local lesion and systemic hosts with TMV in the presence of varying amounts of the VI resulted in typical dose response curves for the number of local lesions or the amount of virus respectively. The lowest concentration of VI leading to a significant reduction in the number of local lesions was 0.06 μg/ml. The VI was found to inhibit local lesion formation only when applied within 2–3 h p.i. but still reduced the number of local lesions when applied up to 9 h prior to virus inoculation. The antiviral activity could be attributed to a protein of molecular weight 29,000 dalton with an isoelectric point of 10.3. Its activity was destroyed by heating for 30 min to 70°C. These characteristics resemble those of other virus inhibiting proteins described for members of the order Caryophyllales such as the Phytolacca inhibitor against which a serological relationship was obtained.  相似文献   
In rye leaves ( Secale cereale L. cv. Petkus "Kustro") bleached in the presence of the chlorosis-inducing herbicides aminotriazole, haloxidine, San 6706 or difunone in white light of 54.2 W m-2 (5000 lx), catalase activity was very low. In addition, the activities of glycolate oxidase and hydroxypyruvate reductase were strongly diminished in treatments with San 6706 and difunone. The lowering of the peroxisomal enzyme activities was observed in red, but not in blue light and did not occur after treatment with the non-bleaching pyridazinone derivative San 9785. The deficiencies of the peroxisomal enzymes did not appear to be involved in the initiation of the chlorosis. Instead they are probably produced as secondary consequences of the bleaching. Low peroxisomal enzyme activities were also obtained without herbicide treatment by growing the leaves in an atmosphere of 2% O2 and 3% CO2, but in this case were not accompanied by an increased sensitivity of the Chl to photooxidative bleaching. The peroxisomal enzymes reached as high activities as in untreated controls when the herbicide-treated leaves were grown at a low light intensity of 0.106 W m-2 (10 lx). After transfer of herbicide-treated leaves grown under 0.106 W m-2 to 306 W m-2 (30 000 lx), catalase was strongly inactivated, even at 0°C. In treatments with San 6706 and difunone the increase of the activities of glycolate oxidase and hydroxypyruvate reductase was either stopped, remaining unchanged, or the enzymes were slightly inactivated after exposure to 306 W m-2 (30 000 lx). The observations suggest that the inactivation of peroxisomal enzymes results from photooxidative events in the chloroplasts.  相似文献   
Electric field-induced charge recombination in Photosystem II (PS II) was studied in osmotically swollen spinach chloroplasts (blebs) by measurement of the concomitant chlorophyll luminescence emission (electroluminescence). A pronounced dependence on the redox state of the two-electron gate QB was observed and the earlier failure to detect it is explained. The influence of the QB/QB oscillation on electroluminescence was dependent on the redox state of the oxygen evolving complex; at times around one millisecond after flash illumination a large effect was observed in the states S2 and S3, but not in the state S4 (actually Z+S3). The presence of the oxidized secondary electron donor, tyrosine Z+, appeared to prevent expression of the QB/QB effect on electroluminescence, possibly because this effect is primarily due to a shift of the redox equilibrium between Z/Z+ and the oxygen evolving complex.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - EDTA ethylene-diaminetetraacetic acid - EL electroluminescence - FCCP carbonylcyanide p-trifluoromethyloxyphenyl-hydrazone - HEPESI 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid - I primary electron acceptor - MOPS 3-(N-morpholino) propane sulfonic acid - P680 primary electron donor of Photosystem II - P700 primary electron donor of Photosystem I - QA and QB secondary and tertiary electron acceptors of Photosystem II - Z secondary electron donor (D1 Tyr 161)  相似文献   
Population genetic theory suggests that mating designs employing one or more generations of sib-crossing or selfing prior to backcrossing are more effective than backcrossing alone for moving alleles across linkage groups where effective recombination rates are low (e.g., chromosomally divergent linkages). To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the effects of chromosomal structural differences and mating designs on the frequency and genomic distribution of introgressed markers using the domesticated sunflower, Helianthus annuus, and one of its wild relatives, H. petiolaris, as the experimental system. We surveyed 170 progeny, representing the end products of three different mating designs (design I, P-F1-BC1-BC2-F2-F3; design II, P-F1-F2-BC1-BC2-F3; and design III, P-F1-F2-F3-BC1-BC2), for 197 parental RAPD markers of known genomic location. Comparison of observed patterns of introgression with expectations based on simulations of unrestricted introgression revealed that much of the genome was protected from introgression regardless of mating design or chromosomal structural differences. Although the simulations indicated that all markers should introgress into multiple individuals in each of the three mating designs, 20 of 58 (34%) markers from collinear linkage groups, and 112 of 139 (81%) markers from rearranged linkage groups did not introgress. In addition, the average size of introgressed fragments (12.2 cM) was less than half that predicted by theoretical models (26–33 cM). Both of these observations are consistent with strong selection against introgressed linkage blocks, particularly in chromosomally divergent linkages. Nonetheless, mating designs II and III, which employed one and two generations of sib-mating, respectively, prior to backcrossing, were significantly more effective at moving alleles across both collinear and rearranged linkages than mating design I, in which the backcross generations preceded sib-mating. Thus, breeding strategies that include sib-crossing, in combination with backcrossing, should significantly increase the effectiveness of gene transfer across complex genic or chromosomal sterility barriers.  相似文献   
In the European coastal dunes, marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) is planted in order to control sand erosion. In the years 1986 to 1991, workers on the Wadden islands in the Netherlands planting marram grass showed lesions of skin and mucous membranes, suggesting a toxic reaction. Fusarium culmorum dominated the mycoflora of those marram grass culms that were used for planting. This plant material had been cut and stored for more than one week in the open. The Fusarium toxin deoxynivalenol (DON) was detected in the suspect marram grass culms. Isolated F. culmorum strains were able to produce DON in vitro in liquid culture as well as in experimentally inoculated wheat heads. Pathogenicity tests, toxin test as well as RAPD analysis showed that the F. culmorum strains were not specialized for marram grass but may form part of the West-European F. culmorum population infecting cereals and grasses. Storage on old sand-dunes with plant debris may have led to the high occurrence of F. culmorum and contamination with DON. Marram grass culms should be obtained from young plantings on dunes on the seaward slopes and cut culms should not be stored.  相似文献   
Human follicular fluid (hFF), which has been treated with either unspecific proteases or dextran-coated charcoal (DCC) to remove proteins and/or steroids, cannot successfully induce the acrosome reaction (AR). After the removal of steroids, AR-inducing activity can be restored to hFF by supplementation with exogenous progesterone, but only in the presence of intact protein. Gel filtration experiments with 3H-progesterone-labelled hFF showed elution of the radioactive signal in the high molecular weight range, corresponding to bound progesterone. AR-inducing activity was seen in exactly the same fraction. Based on these results, the acrosome reaction-inducing substance (ARIS) appears to be a complex of progesterone and a progesterone-binding protein, which was shown to be identical with the plasma protein corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) by immunological techniques. AR induction was only observed in the presence of both CBG and progesterone, suggesting a combined effect of the two components. © 1995 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Wounding of plants by insects is often mimicked in the laboratory by mechanical means such as cutting or crushing, and has not been compared directly with other forms of biotic stress such as virus infection. To compare the response of plants to these types of biotic and abiotic stress, trypsin inhibitor (TI) activity induced locally and systemically in mature tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) plants was followed for 12 days. In tobacco, cutting, crushing and insect feeding all induced comparable levels of TI activity of approx. 5 nmol·(mg leaf protein)?1 in wounded leaves, while tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infection of tobacco induced 10-fold lower amounts in the infected leaves. In tomato, feeding by insects also led to the induction of a level of TI activity of 5 nmol·(mg leaf protein)?1. In contrast, both cutting and crushing of tomato leaves induced 10-fold higher amounts. These data show that biotic stress, in the form of insect feeding and TMV infection, and abiotic stress, in the form of wounding, have different effects on local levels of induced TI activity in mature tobacco and tomato plants. Irrespective of the type of wounding, in neither tobacco nor tomato could systemic induction of TI activity be observed in nearby unwounded leaves, which suggests that systemic induction of TI activity in mature tobacco and tomato plants is different from systemic TI induction in seedlings. Wounding of tobacco leaves, however, did increase the responsiveness to wounding elsewhere in the plant, as measured by an increased induction of TI activity.  相似文献   
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