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The vacuolar membrane, the tonoplast, is a proteinrich membranehitherto only few proteins in it have been identified. As anapproach for the identification of tonoplast proteins by monoclonalantibodies (MABs), purified tonoplast from cress roots (Lepidiumsativum L.) were used for immunization and plasma membranesas a control membrane to test the absence of antigen. The MABTOP 35 identified a glycoprotein of about 35 kDa in purifiedtonoplast of cress roots. Triton X-114 phase separation showedthat it was a hydrophobic integral membrane protein. In immunocytochemistrythe MAB TOP 35 strongly labelled the vacuolar membrane. Theabsence of cell wall or plasma membrane labelling by TOP 35indicates a distinct biosynthetic pathway of this protein tothe vacuolar membrane in plants. Key words: Immnocytochemistry, Lepidium sativum, monoclonal antibody, secretion, vacuole  相似文献   
Three endocyclic sulfoximides of the 1-aryl- and 1-alkyl-3-oxo-benzo[d]-isothia (IV)-azole 1-oxide type (1-substituent = 2′-carboxyphenyl, 2′-carbethoxyphenyl, and octyl, respectively) were found to be well resolved on a chiral phase derived from bovine serum albumin (BSA). Selectivities (α) of 1.74, 1.12, and 1.44, respectively, were obtained. The retention behaviour of 1-octyl-3-oxo-benzo[d]isothia(IV)-azole 1-oxide was further investigated in some detail as a function of the mobile phase composition and the elution order was established from optically active material obtained from the enantiopure sulfoxide precursor. An enantiomeric excess of 85.4% was obtained in the cyclocondensation reaction of the octyl-substituted sulfoxide precursor with hydrazoic acid to the corresponding endocyclic sulfoximide. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The mechanism of 3-O-methyl-d-glucose transport through the plasmalemma has been investigated in protoplasts isolated from the mesophyll of Pisum sativum L. var. Dan.Analysis of the fluxes after 50 minutes of uptake showed that the gradual decrease in slope of the net uptake curve with time was not due to any decline in uptake capacity; it represented the approach to flux equilibrium of a small compartment of the protoplast, probably the cytoplasm.The energy of activation for initial flux into this compartment was 20 kilocalories per mole between 17 and 27 C. Very high discrimination was shown with regard to sugar isomers. Light strongly promoted flux (by a factor of 2.5 in the case of methyl glucose). Initial flux showed sharply contrasting inhibitor sensitivity in the light and the dark. Light uptake was sensitive to the proton conductor carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), but stable for at least the first 10 minutes to the ATPase inhibitors quercetin, rutin, and diethylstilbestrol, as well as to arsenate. Dark uptake, on the other hand, was stable to CCCP but was immediately depressed by quercetin, rutin, diethylstilbestrol, and arsenate.Protoplasts which received a light pretreatment before incubation in the dark took up methyl glucose at the accelerated light rate for the first 7 minutes. Moreover, the light pretreatment sensitized subsequent initial dark uptake to CCCP, and conferred on it the stability to ATPase inhibitors and arsenate characteristic of light uptake. After about 7 minutes the characteristic inhibitor responses of dark uptake were resumed.It is proposed that more than one mode of energy-coupling for sugar transport may operate in these protoplasts.  相似文献   
Measurements of electrical potential, membrane resistance, and elongation rate have been carried out on the developing pollen tube of Oenothera drummondii.  相似文献   
Summary Fibroblasts of a patient with Bloom syndrome (GM-1492) were cultured in the presence of either mitomycin C, ethylmethanesulfonate, or 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide, (4-NQ1-O) and sister chromatid exchange was determined. The mutagens enhanced the sister chromatid exchange rate to different degrees, 4-NQ1-O being the most potent substance. Bloom corrective factor, which is present in normal cell-conditioned culture medium, reduced the spontaneously increased SCE in Bloom syndrome cells by about 20 SCE per metaphase but failed to reduce the additional mutagen-induced SCE increase. These findings indicate that only spontaneously, but not mutagen-indeuced, SCE in Bloom syndrome fibroblasts can be decreased by the Bloom corrective factor.  相似文献   
The T-lymphocyte glycoprotein receptor, CD2, mediates cell-cell adhesion by binding to the surface molecule CD58 (LFA-3) on many cell types including antigen presenting cells. Two domains comprise the CD2 extracellular segment, with all adhesion functions localized to the amino-terminal domain that contains a single N-glycosylation site at Asn65. We have defined an important role for the N-linked glycans attached to Asn65 of this domain in mediating CD2-CD58 interactions and also characterize its N-glycotype structure. Analysis of deglycosylated soluble recombinant CD2 as well as a mutant transmembrane CD2 molecule containing a single Asn65-Gln65 substitution demonstrates that neither deglycosylated CD2 nor the mutant CD2 transmembrane receptor binds CD58 or monoclonal antibodies directed at native CD2 adhesion domain epitopes. Electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry demonstrates that high mannose oligosaccharides ((Man)nGlcNAc2, n = 5-9) are the only N-glycotypes occupying Asn65 when soluble CD2 is expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Based on a model of human CD2 secondary structure, we propose that N-glycosylation is required for stabilizing domain 1 in the human receptor. Thus, N-glycosylation is essential for human CD2 adhesion functions.  相似文献   
Gangliosides have been characterized by supercritical fluid chromatography-chemical ionization mass spectrometry (SFC-CIMS) as permethyl and pertrimethylsilyl derivatives, using carbon dioxide as the SFC mobile phase and CI reagent gas. Ganglioside classes and ceramide heterogeneity within each class are well resolved by SFC. Direct SFC-interfacing allows the analytical manipulations of single-ion monitoring, total-ion plots, background subtraction, library searches, and spectral reconstruction algorithms. Addition of ammonia to the CI ion chamber (NH3 as a CI reagent gas) yields abundant molecular-weight-related ions, (MH)+ and (MNH4)+ from analyte derivatives. Substitution of methanol for ammonia yields considerable parent-ion fragmentation, providing structural information on carbohydrate sequence, fatty acid, and sphingoid components. Under these latter conditions a unique alpha-cleavage fragment is observed which differentiates fatty acid from sphingosine heterogeneity. For ganglioside samples, the carboxyl group of neuraminyl residue(s) have been esterified with pentafluorobenzyl bromide and the products analyzed by negative ion chemical ionization MS. This modification improves chemical selectivity and greatly enhances detecting sensitivity. These "soft" ionization conditions provide abundant molecular-weight-related anions for collision-induced dissociation and subpicogram detection.  相似文献   
Cell-associated oligosaccharides of Bradyrhizobium spp.   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
We report the initial characterization of the cell-associated oligosaccharides produced by four Bradyrhizobium strains: Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110, USDA 94, and ATCC 10324 and Bradyrhizobium sp. strain 32H1. The cell-associated oligosaccharides of these strains were found to be composed solely of glucose and were predominantly smaller than the cyclic beta-1,2-glucans produced by Agrobacterium and Rhizobium species. Linkage studies and nuclear magnetic resonance analyses demonstrated that the bradyrhizobial glucans are linked primarily by beta-1,6 and beta-1,3 glycosidic bonds. Thus, the bradyrhizobia appear to synthesize cell-associated oligosaccharides of structural character substantially different from that of the cyclic beta-1,2-glucans produced by Agrobacterium and Rhizobium species.  相似文献   
We previously reported that human blood platelets are directly stimulated by endotoxic Lipid A via the protein kinase C pathway (Grabarek, J., Timmons, S., and Hawiger, J. (1988) J. Clin. Invest. 82, 964-971). To study the relationship between the molecular structure of Lipid A and its ability to activate human platelets, we used Lipid A homologs derived from Salmonella minnesota Re595 lipopolysaccharide. Preparations of Lipid A are heterogeneous in regard to the degree of substitution of fatty acids which result in multiple homologs. These were separated by thin-layer chromatography and characterized by fast atom bombardment spectroscopy and related techniques (Johnson R. S., Her, G.-R., Grabarek, J., Hawiger, J., and Reinhold, V. N. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 8108-8116). The homologs of monophosphoryl Lipid A (MLA) present in fractions TLC-8 (heptaacyl MLA ion, m/z 1953), TLC-7 (three hexaacyl species with predominant MLA ion m/z 1715), and TLC-6 (four pentaacyl homologs with predominant MLA ion, m/z 1505) induced secretion of [14C]serotonin and aggregation of platelets. Lipid A homologs in fractions TLC-5 (three tetraacyl MLA ions, m/z 1323, 1307, and 1279), TLC-4 (one major triacyl MLA ion, m/z 1097), TLC-3 (tetraacyl MLA ion, m/z 1278), TLC-2 (a diphosphoryl hexaacyl Lipid A ion, m/z 1795, and several ions of low abundance), and TLC-1 (two ions, m/z 1097 and 666) were not active in regard to human platelet aggregation and [14C]serotonin secretion. The most active homolog was heptaacyl MLA ion, m/z 1953, present in TLC-8, while homologs present in TLC-7 and TLC-6 were 5 and 10 times less active, respectively. Rapid phosphorylation of a human platelet protein of Mr 40,000-47,000 (P47), a substrate for protein kinase C activation, preceded secretion of serotonin when platelets were triggered by the most active heptaacyl MLA ion, m/z 1953. These events were time-dependent, with half-maximal response of phosphorylation of P47 at 30 s and [14C]serotonin secretion at 45 s. A marked difference in the degree of phosphorylation of P47 was observed with heptaacyl MLA homolog present in TLC-8 inducing complete phosphorylation (97%), whereas less acylated Lipid A homologs present in TLC-1 caused marginal phosphorylation (20%). These results indicate that the degree of acylation of monophosphoryl Lipid A determines its functional properties toward human platelets in regard to secretion of [14C]serotonin, aggregation, and activation of protein kinase C.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
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