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Signalling by cGMP-dependent protein kinase type I (cGKI) relaxes various smooth muscles modulating thereby vascular tone and gastrointestinal motility. cGKI-dependent relaxation is possibly mediated by phosphorylation of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor I (IP(3)RI)-associated protein (IRAG), which decreases hormone-induced IP(3)-dependent Ca(2+) release. We show now that the targeted deletion of exon 12 of IRAG coding for the N-terminus of the coiled-coil domain disrupted in vivo the IRAG-IP(3)RI interaction and resulted in hypomorphic IRAG(Delta12/Delta12) mice. These mice had a dilated gastrointestinal tract and a disturbed gastrointestinal motility. Carbachol- and phenylephrine-contracted smooth muscle strips from colon and aorta, respectively, of IRAG(Delta12/Delta12) mice were not relaxed by cGMP, while cAMP-mediated relaxation was unperturbed. Norepinephrine-induced increases in [Ca(2+)](i) were not decreased by cGMP in aortic smooth muscle cells from IRAG(Delta12/Delta12) mice. In contrast, cGMP-induced relaxation of potassium-induced smooth muscle contraction was not abolished in IRAG(Delta12/Delta12) mice. We conclude that cGMP-dependent relaxation of hormone receptor-triggered smooth muscle contraction essentially depends on the interaction of cGKI-IRAG with IP(3)RI.  相似文献   
Group II introns are autocatalytic RNAs which self-splice in vitro. However, in vivo additional protein factors might be involved in the splicing process. We used an affinity chromatography method called 'StreptoTag' to identify group II intron binding proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This method uses a hybrid RNA consisting of a streptomycin-binding affinity tag and the RNA of interest, which is bound to a streptomycin column and incubated with yeast protein extract. After several washing steps the bound RNPs are eluted by addition of streptomycin. The eluted RNPs are separated and the proteins identified by mass-spectrometric analysis. Using crude extract from yeast in combination with a substructure of the bl1 group II intron (domains IV-VI) we were able to identify four glycolytic enzymes; glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI), 3-phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and triosephosphate isomerase (TPI). From these proteins GAPDH increases in vitro splicing of the bl1 group II intron by up to three times. However, in vivo GAPDH is not a group II intron-splicing factor, since it is not localised in yeast mitochondria. Therefore, the observed activity reflects an unexpected property of GAPDH. Band shift experiments and UV cross linking demonstrated the interaction of GAPDH with the group II intron RNA. This novel activity expands the reaction repertoire of GAPDH to a new RNA species.  相似文献   
The expanded genetic code in combination with site-directed mutagenesis was used to probe spectroscopic and structural roles of tryptophan (Trp) residues in Aequorea victoria green fluorescent proteins (avGFPs). Nine different halogen-, chalcogen-, and methyl-containing Trp isosteric analogues and surrogates were incorporated into avGFPs containing indole moieties in, and outside of, the chromophore, by the use of the selective pressure incorporation method. Such isosteric replacements introduced minimal local geometry changes in indole moieties, often to the level of single atomic exchange ('atomic mutation') and do not affect three-dimensional structures of avGFPs but induce changes in spectral properties. Our approach offers a new platform to re-evaluate issues like resonance transfer, mechanisms of chromophore formation and maturation, as well as the importance of local geometry and weak sulphur-aromatic interactions for avGFP spectral properties and structural stability. The library of novel tailor-made avGFP mutants and variants generated in this work has demonstrated not only the potentials of the expanded genetic code to study spectroscopic functions, but also a new approach to generate tailor-made proteins with interesting and useful spectral properties.  相似文献   
Regulation of gene expression by alpha-tocopherol   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The genome of Bacillus licheniformis DSM13 consists of a single chromosome that has a size of 4,222,748 base pairs. The average G+C ratio is 46.2%. 4,286 open reading frames, 72 tRNA genes, 7 rRNA operons and 20 transposase genes were identified. The genome shows a marked co-linearity with Bacillus subtilis but contains defined inserted regions that can be identified at the sequence as well as at the functional level. B. licheniformis DSM13 has a well-conserved secretory system, no polyketide biosynthesis, but is able to form the lipopeptide lichenysin. From the further analysis of the genome sequence, we identified conserved regulatory DNA motives, the occurrence of the glyoxylate bypass and the presence of anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase explaining that B. licheniformis is able to grow on acetate and 2,3-butanediol as well as anaerobically on glucose. Many new genes of potential interest for biotechnological applications were found in B. licheniformis; candidates include proteases, pectate lyases, lipases and various polysaccharide degrading enzymes.  相似文献   
We investigated the energy source fuelling the post-feeding metabolic upregulation (specific dynamic action, SDA) in pythons (Python regius). Our goal was to distinguish between two alternatives: (i) snakes fuel SDA by metabolizing energy depots from their tissues; or (ii) snakes fuel SDA by metabolizing their prey. To characterize the postprandial response of pythons we used transcutaneous ultrasonography to measure organ-size changes and respirometry to record oxygen consumption. To discriminate unequivocally between the two hypotheses, we enriched mice (= prey) with the stable isotope of carbon (13C). For two weeks after feeding we quantified the CO2 exhaled by pythons and determined its isotopic 13C/12C signature. Ultrasonography and respirometry showed typical postprandial responses in pythons. After feeding, the isotope ratio of the exhaled breath changed rapidly to values that characterized enriched mouse tissue, followed by a very slow change towards less enriched values over a period of two weeks after feeding. We conclude that pythons metabolize their prey to fuel SDA. The slowly declining delta13C values indicate that less enriched tissues (bone, cartilage and collagen) from the mouse become available after several days of digestion.  相似文献   
Omega6- and omega3-polyunsaturated C20 fatty acids represent important components of the human diet. A more regular consumption and an accordingly sustainable source of these compounds are highly desirable. In contrast with the very high levels to which industrial fatty acids have to be enriched in plant oils for competitive use as chemical feedstocks, much lower percentages of very-long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLCPUFA) in edible plant oils would satisfy nutritional requirements. Seed-specific expression in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and linseed (Linum usitatissimum) of cDNAs encoding fatty acyl-desaturases and elongases, absent from all agronomically important plants, resulted in the very high accumulation of Delta6-desaturated C18 fatty acids and up to 5% of C20 polyunsaturated fatty acids, including arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acid. Detailed lipid analyses of developing seeds from transgenic plants were interpretated as indicating that, after desaturation on phosphatidylcholine, Delta6-desaturated products are immediately channeled to the triacylglycerols and effectively bypass the acyl-CoA pool. Thus, the lack of available Delta6-desaturated acyl-CoA substrates in the acyl-CoA pool limits the synthesis of elongated C20 fatty acids and disrupts the alternating sequence of lipid-linked desaturations and acyl-CoA dependent elongations. As well as the successful production of VLCPUFA in transgenic oilseeds and the identification of constraints on their accumulation, our results indicate alternative strategies to circumvent this bottleneck.  相似文献   
Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinasebeta (PI4Kbeta) plays an essential role in maintaining the structural integrity of the Golgi complex. In a search for PI4Kbeta-interacting proteins, we found that PI4Kbeta specifically interacts with the GTP-bound form of the small GTPase rab11. The PI4Kbeta-rab11 interaction is of functional significance because inhibition of rab11 binding to PI4Kbeta abolished the localization of rab11 to the Golgi complex and significantly inhibited transport of vesicular stomatitis virus G protein from the Golgi complex to the plasma membrane. We propose that a novel function of PI4Kbeta is to act as a docking protein for rab11 in the Golgi complex, which is important for biosynthetic membrane transport from the Golgi complex to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
Skin is the most commonly affected organ in graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). To explore the role of Langerhans cells in GVHD, the principal dendritic cells of the skin, we studied the fate of these cells in mice transplanted with allogeneic bone marrow. In contrast to other dendritic cells, host Langerhans cells were replaced by donor Langerhans cells only when donor T cells were administered along with bone marrow, and the extent of Langerhans cell chimerism correlated with the dose of donor T cells injected. Donor T cells depleted host Langerhans cells through a Fas-dependent pathway and induced the production in skin of CCL20, which was required for the recruitment of donor Langerhans cells. Administration of donor T cells to bone marrow-chimeric mice with persistent host Langerhans cells, but not to mice whose Langerhans cells had been replaced, resulted in marked skin GVHD. These findings indicate a crucial role for donor T cells in host Langerhans cell replacement, and show that host dendritic cells can persist in nonlymphoid tissue for the duration of an animal's life and can trigger GVHD despite complete blood chimerism.  相似文献   
A duplication of chromosome 15q24-q26 (DUP25) has been reported to be associated with anxiety disorders. We tested for the presence of DUP25 in a sample of 50 patients with panic disorder and 50 controls using a quantitative real-time PCR approach. Contrary to the original finding, our results were compatible with the absence of DUP25, and no significant difference could be detected between patients and controls (P=1.0). Thus, our study does not support the hypothesis of an involvement of DUP25 in panic disorder.  相似文献   
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