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Using a hippocampal subcellular fraction enriched in mossy fiber synaptosomes, evidence was obtained indicating that adenosine derived from a presynaptic pool of ATP may modulate the release of prodynorphin-derived peptides. and glutamic acid from mossy fiber terminals. Synaptosomal ATP was released in a Ca2+-dependent manner by K+-induced depolarization. The rapid hydrolysis of extracellular [14C]ATP in the presence of intact mossy fiber synaptosomes resulted in the production of [14C]adenosine. Micromolar concentrations of a stable adenosine analogue, 2-chloroadenosine, inhibited the K+-stimulated release of both dynorphin B and dynorphin A(1-8). 2-Chloroadenosine failed to suppress the evoked release of glutamic acid, measured in these same superfusates, unless the mossy fiber synaptosomes were pretreated with D-aspartic acid to deplete the cytosolic, Ca2+-independent, pool of this acidic amino acid. In synaptosomes pretreated in this manner, release of the remaining Ca2+-dependent pool of glutamic acid was significantly inhibited by NiCl2, 2-chloroadenosine, 5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine, cyclohexyladenosine, and R(-)-N6(2-phenylisopropyl)adenosine, but not by ATP. 2-Chloroadenosine-induced inhibition was reversed when the external CaCl2 concentration was raised from 1.8 mM to 6 mM. 8-Phenyltheophylline, an adenosine receptor antagonist, effectively blocked the inhibitory effects of 2-chloroadenosine on mossy fiber synaptosomes and significantly enhanced the K+-evoked release of both glutamic acid and dynorphin A(1-8) when added alone to the superfusion medium. These results support the proposition that depolarized hippocampal mossy fiber synaptosomes release endogenous ATP and are capable of forming adenosine from extracellular ATP, and that endogenous adenosine may act at a presynaptic site to inhibit the further release of glutamic acid and the prodynorphin-derived peptides.  相似文献   
In 1979 the obstetric management of pregnancies in diabetic women in Cardiff was changed from elective delivery at 37-38 weeks to delivery at term. This change was facilitated by home monitoring of blood glucose concentrations and improved techniques for assessing fetal wellbeing. There were 35 pregnancies in insulin dependent diabetics in 1972-8 and 45 in 1979-82. The quality of diabetic control during pregnancy was equally good in both periods. The average gestation at final admission to hospital increased from 30 to 37 weeks. Amniocentesis to assess fetal pulmonary maturity was necessary in 26 patients (74%) in the first period of study and in only four (9%) in the second. Gestational age at delivery increased from 37.4 to 39.4 weeks after the change in policy. The proportion of mothers entering spontaneous term labour and delivering vaginally increased from 14.3% to 37.8%. The mean birth weight of live born, singleton infants increased from 3090 g to 3650 g, the feeding pattern improved, and respiratory problems were less common. Morbidity was reduced and perinatal mortality was not increased with conservative management of pregnancy in diabetic women.  相似文献   
R Peters 《The EMBO journal》1984,3(8):1831-1836
Fluorescence microphotolysis was used to measure nucleocytoplasmic flux in single rat hepatocytes for a series of dextrans ranging in molecular mass from 3 to 150 kd. The cytoplasmic translational diffusion coefficient DC and the nucleoplasmic diffusion coefficient DN of a 62-kd dextran were also determined. DC was approximately 2 X 10(-8) and DN approximately 3 X 10(-8) cm2/s, i.e., 1/20-1/15 of the value in free solution. The mobile fraction amounted to 0.7-0.8 in measurements of both intracellular diffusion and nucleo-cytoplasmic flux. The flux of dextrans from cytoplasm to nucleus depended inversely on molecular mass with an exclusion limit between 17 and 41 kd suggesting that the nuclear envelope has functions of a molecular sieve. Employing the Pappenheimer-Renkin equations, a functional pore radius of 50-56 A was derived. By comparison with recent measurements on isolated liver cell nuclei, large quantitative differences between the intracellularly located and the isolated nucleus were revealed.  相似文献   
Summary Air ventilation in most Anabantoid species is diphasic, consisting of exhalation and inhalation. Exhalation is the release of air from the accessory breathing organs (suprabranchial chambers) through the mouth either into the water near the surface (e.g.,Ctenopoma) or directly into the atmosphere (e.g.,Osphronemus goramy). Inhalation, i.e., taking in fresh air through the mouth at the surface, immediately follows exhalation. X-ray films show (Figs. 5 and 6) that evacuation of the suprabranchial chambers during exhalation is total or nearly total. This, together with the fact that these chambers can contract at most to a very small extent, led to the conclusion that gas is replaced by water entering the chambers during exhalation and that this water is replaced by fresh air during inhalation. Further analysis of films, including conventional films showing the behavior of the opercular apparatus during air ventilation (Fig. 7), leads to a theory of a double-pumping mechanism responsible for air ventilation. This mechanism consists of the buccal apparatus and the opercular apparatus. It is suggested that both of these structures are able to act as both suction and pressure pumps, and thus air ventilation may be explained as the result of alternating activity of these two pumps.In the monophasic air ventilation characteristic of (adult)Anabas testudineus, there is no exhalation phase comparable to that of other Anabantoids. Therefore, no water enters the suprabranchial chambers, which remain filled with gas during the whole ventilation process (Fig. 10). Ventilation is limited to one phase comparable to inhalation in other Anabantoids.The structure of the accessory breathing organs (Fig. 1) and its progressive complication with growth (Fig. 4) were studied inOsphronemus goramy. The arrangement of the labyrinthine plates is in accordance with the requirements of transport of water and gas through the suprabranchial chambers. One plate (the inner plate, Fig. 1) separates these chambers into atrium, ventro-caudal, and dorso-caudal compartments, each with its own opening (valve). This organization seems essential for the transport of gas and water through the suprabranchial chambers and ensures that during exhalation, water flows into the chambers from above, so that while water is filling these chambers displaced gas can be sucked through the deep-lying pharyngeal openings into the expanding buccal cavity.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   
To gain a more detailed insight into the metabolism of 2', 2'-difluoro-2'-deoxycytidine (dFdC, gemcitabine, Gemzar) and its effect on normal ribonucleotide (NTP) metabolism in relation to sensitivity, we studied the accumulation of dFdCTP and the changes in NTP pools after dFdC exposure in a panel of 21 solid tumour and leukaemia cell lines. Both sensitivity to dFdC and accumulation of dFdCTP were clearly cell line-dependent: in this panel of cell lines, the head and neck cancer (HNSCC) cell line 22B appeared to be the most sensitive, whereas the small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines were the least sensitive to dFdC. The human leukaemia cell line CCRF-CEM accumulated the highest concentration of dFdCTP, whereas the non-SCLC cell lines accumulated the least. Not only the amount of dFdCTP accumulation was clearly related to the sensitivity for dFdC (R=-0.61), but also the intrinsic CTP/UTP ratio (R=0.97). NTP pools were affected considerably by dFdC treatment: in seven cell lines dFdC resulted in a 1.7-fold depletion of CTP pools, in two cell lines CTP pools were unaffected, but in 12 cell lines CTP pools increased about 2-fold. Furthermore, a 1.6-1.9-fold rise in ATP, UTP and GTP pools was shown in 20, 19 and 20 out of 21 cell lines, respectively. Only the UTP levels after treatment with dFdC were clearly related to the amount of dFdCTP accumulating in the cell (R=0.64 (P<0.01)), but not to the sensitivity to dFdC treatment. In conclusion, we demonstrate that besides the accumulation of dFdCTP, the CTP/UTP ratio was clearly related to the sensitivity to dFdC. Furthermore, the UTP levels and the CTP/UTP ratio after treatment were related to dFdCTP accumulation. Therefore, both the CTP and UTP pools appear to play an important role in the sensitivity to dFdC.  相似文献   
Peter Marler made a number of significant contributions to the field of ethology, particularly in the area of animal communication. His research on birdsong learning gave rise to a thriving subfield. An important tenet of this growing subfield is that parallels between birdsong and human speech make songbirds valuable as models in comparative and translational research, particularly in the case of vocal learning and development. Decades ago, Marler pointed out several phenomena common to the processes of vocal development in songbirds and humans—including a dependence on early acoustic experience, sensitive periods, predispositions, auditory feedback, intrinsic reinforcement, and a progression through distinct developmental stages—and he advocated for the value of comparative study in this domain. We review Marler's original comparisons between birdsong and speech ontogeny and summarize subsequent progress in research into these and other parallels. We also revisit Marler's arguments in support of the comparative study of vocal development in the context of its widely recognized value today.  相似文献   
Sex chromosomes potentially have an important role in speciation and often have elevated differentiation between closely related species. In birds, traits associated with male plumage, female mate preference, and hybrid fitness have been linked to the Z‐chromosome (females are heterogametic, ZW). We tested for elevated Z‐differentiation between two recently diverged species of Australian ducks, the sexually monochromatic grey teal Anas gracilis and the dichromatic chestnut teal A. castanea. Despite prominent morphological differences, these two species are genetically indistinguishable at both mitochondrial DNA (mean ΦST < 0.0001) and 17 autosomal loci (mean ΦST = 0.0056). However, we detected elevated Z‐differentiation (mean ΦST = 0.281) and tentative evidence of an island of differentiation on the Z‐chromosome. This elevated differentiation was explained by a high frequency of derived alleles in chestnut teal that were absent in grey teal, which parallels independent evidence for a gain in dichromatism from a monochromatic ancestor. Coalescent estimates of demographic history and simulations indicated that the elevated Z‐differentiation was unlikely to be explained by neutral processes, but instead supported a role of divergent selection. We discuss evidence for models of speciation with gene flow versus adaptive divergence in the absence of gene flow and find that both hypotheses are plausible explanations of the data. Overall, these teal have the weakest background differentiation documented to date for a species showing a large Z‐effect, and they are an excellent model species for studying speciation genomics and the evolution of sexual dichromatism.  相似文献   
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