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采用基因工程方法制取人胸腺素α原获得成功。用20ug/ml植物血球凝集素(PHA)和500U/ml重组人白细胞介素2(IL-2)联合刺激人胎儿胸腺细胞,从中提取总RNA,经反转录PCR获得了人胸腺素α原cDNA;将之克隆入pUC19中,序列测定表明与已报道序列一致,进一步将之亚克隆入原核表达载体pBV220,转化大肠杆菌DH5a.观察到在不改变氨基酸编码的前提下,增加胸腺素a原上游引物中A、T含量,可以明显提高胸腺素α原的表达量,同时,不同培养基对它的表达也有影响。胸腺素α原在大肠杆菌中以可溶形式表达,不需复性。初步活性测定显示,它可明显刺激人外周血淋巴细胞E-玫瑰花结形成率。重组人胸腺素α原在大肠杆菌中表达,为其临床应用及基础研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Conventional methods for measuring zooplankton distributionsare too laborious and time consuming to permit sufficient temporaland spatial resolution in many instances. An ability to makemore efficient and precise measurements would be useful. Weevaluated the potential for using the video system of a commerciallyavailable remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to measure the distributionand abundance of zooplankton by calibrating ROV counts withcounts based on a conventional sampling procedure (a Schindlertrap), and by using an ROV to measure the density of zooplanktonin a small lake. As configured here, this particular ROV wassuitable for measuring the density of the cladocerans Daphniaand Holopedium. It was also suitable for assessing the distribution,but not absolute densities, of Chaoborus and Leptodora. Imagequality was inadequate for quantitative estimates of copepod(Diaptomus minutus) abundance, and prevented us from studyingbehavioral responses of copepods to the vehicle. We concludethat the ROV has at least three useful features: it can be usedto locate patches of those species that are imaged effectively;a large number of samples (videotapes) can be collected almostsynoptically with high spatial resolution; the ROV enables insitu observation of zooplankton. The ROV also has three importantlimitations: the small image volume makes it difficult to studyrare organisms; inadequate image resolution precludes studiesof relatively small organisms (e.g. the calanoid copepod D.minutus);zooplankton respond to the presence of the ROV.  相似文献   
Plantations of radiata pine (P. radiata D.Don) on soils previously under legume based pastures have a high incidence of stem deformity compared with forest soils. A comparison of soil properties and tree nutrition of 5 to 7 year-old radiata pine on former pastures in the first part of the study showed that stem deformity was strongly correlated with mineralisation of soil N and in particular with nitrification. Other soil properties that have changed as a result of pasture improvement, e.g. pH, available P and Mn, were only partially correlated with stem deformity. In the second part of the study, the role of N availability and other soil properties in the expression of deformity was further investigated in a separate field experiment on soils formerly under native eucalypt forest, tobacco cropping, and improved pasture. Young radiata pine plantings were treated with lime, phosphorus, and nitrogen applied as urea and sodium nitrate. Liming increased soil pH by around 1.5 units, raised exchangeable Ca2+ and decreased available Mn. Soil mineral N content was only marginally affected by liming. Superphosphate increased soil available P and raised levels of P in foliage. Changes in soil pH, availability of P, Mn, and B did not affect growth or stem deformity at any of the sites. In contrast, application of N fertilisers at 200 and 600 kg N ha-1 increased mineral N content and stimulated nitrification, particularly at the forest site. The high rate of N fertiliser increased basal area at the forest site by 45%, but also raised the level of stem deformity from 12% to 56%. At the tobacco and pasture sites, this treatment did not increase growth and did not significantly raise stem deformity above the already high basic level of deformity (63%). Implications of stem deformity in young plantations of radiata pine on potential utilisation later in the rotation are discussed.  相似文献   
Rhizodeposition under ambient and elevated CO2 levels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As global CO2 levels rise, can soils store more carbon and so buffer atmospheric CO2 levels? Answering this question requires a knowledge of the rates of C inputs to soil and of CO2 outputs via decomposition. Below-ground inputs from roots are a major component of the C flow into soils but are still poorly understood. In this article, new techniques for measuring rhizodeposition are reviewed and discussed and the need for cross-comparisons between methods is identified. One component of rhizodeposition, root exudation, is examined in more detail and evidence is presented which suggests that current estimates of exudate flow into soils are incorrect. A mechanistic mathematical model is used to explore how exudate flows might change under elevated CO2.  相似文献   
Plasmid-based excision assays performed in embryos of two non-drosophilid species using the mariner transposable element from Drosophila mauritiana resulted in empty excision sites identical to those observed after the excision of mariner from D. mauritiana chromosomes. In the presence of the autonomous mariner element Mos1, excision products were recovered from D. melanogaster, D. mauritiana and the blowfly Lucilia cuprina. When a hsp82 heat shock promoter-Mos1 construct was used to supply mariner transposase, excision products were also recovered from the Queensland fruitfly Bactrocera tryoni. Analysis of DNA sequences at empty excision sites led us to hypothesise that the mariner excision/repair process involves the formation of a heteroduplex at the excision breakpoint. The success of these assays suggests that they will provide a valuable tool for assessing the ability of mariner and mariner-like elements to function in non-drosophilid insects and for investigating the basic mechanisms of mariner excision and repair.  相似文献   
Klebsiella aerogenes forms electron-dense partieles on the cell surface in response to the presence of cadmium ions in the growth medium. These particles ranged from 20 to 200 nm in size, and quantitative energy dispersive X-ray analysis established that they comprise cadmium and sulfur in a 1:1 ratio. This observation leads to the conclusion that the particles are cadmium sulfide crystallites. A combination of atomic absorption spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and acid-labile sulfide analysis revealed that the total intracellular and bound extracellular cadmium:sulfur ratio is also 1:1, which suggests that the bulk of the cadmium is fixed as extracellular cadmium sulfide. The tolerance of K. acrogenes to cadmium ions and the formation of the cadmium sulfide crystallites were dependent on the buffer composition of the growth medium. The addition of cadmium ions to phosphate-buffered media resulted in cadmium phosphate precipitates that remove the potentially toxic cadmium ions from the growth medium. Electrondense particles formed on the surfaces of bacteria grown under these conditions were a combination of cadmium sulfide and cadmium phosphates. The specific bacterial growth rate in the exponential phase of batch cultures was not affected by up to 2mM cadmium in Tricine-buffered medium, but formation of cadmium sulfide crystallites was maximal during the stationary phase of batch culture. Cadmium tolerance was much lower (10 to 150 M) in growth media buffered with Tris, Bistris propane, Bes, Tes, or Hepes. These results illustrate the importance of considering medium composition when comparing levels of bacterial cadmium tolerance.Abbreviations EDXA Energy dispersive X-ray analysis - AAS Atomic absorption spectroscopy - TEM Transmission electron microscopy - SEM Scanning electron microscopy - ICP-MS Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry - ALSA Acid-labile sulfide analysis  相似文献   
Trichosporon beigelii SBUG 752 was able to transform diphenyl ether. By TLC, HPLC, GC, GC-MS, NMR- and UV-spectroscopy, several oxidation products were identified. The primary attack was initiated by a monooxygenation step, resulting in the formation of 4-hydroxydiphenyl ether, 2-hydroxydiphenyl ether and 3-hydroxydiphenyl ether (48:47:5). Further oxidation led to 3,4-dihydroxydiphenyl ether. As a characteristic product resulting from the cleavage of an aromatic ring, the lactone of 2-hydroxy-4-phenoxymuconic acid was identified. The possible mechanism of ring cleavage to yield this metabolite is discussed.  相似文献   
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